Tales of Anyar

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Tales of Anyar Page 8

by Olan Thorensen

  Istranik, one of Marshal Gullar’s subordinate generals, had sailed two days before from Preddi City with 8,000 men. They would first assault Salford, the port for the Keelan clan, then move to Caernford, ravaging the countryside on the way to burning the capital. That strike, plus a 3,000-man force following the coast west-northwest toward the Selfcell clan capital at Sellmor, was intended to confuse the clans about Gullar’s main intentions and hold some of the clan forces in place. Since most of Gullar’s cavalry, 8,000 men, accompanied the main force, infantry made up most of the two diversionary attacks. Gullar’s cavalry, along with 38,000 infantry and 6,000 support troops, would force the islanders to stand and fight in field engagements, or Gullar would cut the island in half and destroy major cities.

  “I know it’s awkward having two separate command structures on the island, Okan,” said Zulfa, “but I’m looking forward to Gullar finally crushing the clans so we can leave. The island may be a pleasant place to live, but it’s too remote from Narthon and whatever else is going on. And, I think we can be blunt among ourselves, the mission here hasn’t helped our prospects for advancement.”

  Akuyun didn’t disagree. Their mission had been to subdue the island’s independent clans and bring Caedellium into the empire as a staging site for future campaigns against the Landolin kingdoms and the Iraquinik Confederation. After too many years of stalemates on the empire’s western and eastern borders, the High Command planned to bypass the static situations by incorporating the Landoliners and forcing the Iraquiniks to find themselves with Narthon on two sides. Akuyun didn’t know the long-term intentions, but he could envision the Iraquiniks being forced into an accommodation with Narthon, at which time the empire would turn its full attention to Fuomon and its allies of the Harrasedic League. The Iraquiniks could then be dealt with at leisure, which would all but settle Narthon’s control of the entire planet.

  However, the initial campaign on Caedellium had failed. The High Command had judged it a reasonable risk that the island could be incorporated using minimal forces. Narthon had based this strategy on evaluations of the clans’ lack of central leadership, their inexperience with modern warfare, and the clans’ independent nature, which would hinder a coordinated defense.

  The gradual, multi-phase plan to incorporate the island had come to an abrupt halt when a 10,000-man force of Akuyun’s troops, led by Zulfa, was stalemated at the Battle of Moreland City, the first major battle with the clans. More clans had joined to confront Zulfa than expected, with greater numbers of fighters, and they had shown unexpected tactical sense. After the Eywell hetman abandoned his position screening Zulfa’s left flank, the clans had attacked the flank and threatened the entire force. Although discipline and quick thinking prevented a major disaster, after losing half his cannon and suffering 20 percent casualties, Zulfa withdrew to Preddi City.

  A final attempt to force individual coastal clans to capitulate by attacking from the sea also ended in failure after one attempt: the attacking and burning of the Swavebroke clan capital of Shullick. The clans’ two unexpected 10,000-men raids into Narthani-controlled territory forced Akuyun to abandon the original mission and report the situation to the High Command in Narthon. In response, the High Command sent Marshal Gullar with his entire 29th Corps, thereby confirming to Akuyun the importance placed on controlling Caedellium.

  Although Gullar’s arrival on Caedellium relieved worries about the clans attacking Narthani-controlled territory, it brought the complication of having two separate command structures. Akuyun and his men were ordered to maintain the security of Preddi Province and the 100,000 Narthani civilians settled on the island the last few years, while Gullar’s mission was to subjugate the island as soon as possible. If Gullar succeeded, he would reap the accomplishment, while Akuyun’s command would, at best, be seen as having failed, even though the original mission had been given no more than a fifty-fifty chance of success.

  “Well,” said Akuyun, “at least we know where we stand. If Gullar succeeds, our failure will seem less important. However, if Gullar fails, then the High Command will see us as having done amazingly well with far fewer resources.”

  “Fails?” said Zulfa. “You can’t think the clans have any chance against Gullar, can you? Even though the delay gave them more time to prepare and unite, Gullar and the ships he brought with him will overpower anything the clans throw against them. It may only take one battle to start the clans capitulating.”

  “That is the logical prediction,” said Akuyun, “but I hope we’ve learned not to assume anything with these islanders. There have been too many surprises.”

  Twenty Miles North-Northwest of Burned Moreland City

  Senior Colonel Harmon Swavebroke called the gathering to order. He’d ridden a day and a half to Moreland City, accompanied by the Oroszian colonel commanding a mixed Bevans/Bultecki/Orosz regiment that followed them from Orosz City. Also present were the colonels and the majors of the Moreland regiment at Moreland City, the Stent regiment encamped near the Stent/Moreland border, and the mixed Five-Clan regiment in southern Moreland, commanded by a Gwillamer colonel.

  “All right, let’s get to it,” said Harmon, using his gloves to slap dust off his coat. “This won’t take long, and as soon as we’re through, I’ll turn around and head back to Orosz City. Colonel Orlyn will remain to wait for his regiment to get here.

  “I’m here for two reasons. One is to confirm the mission for our four regiments. Not that you haven’t already been briefed in detail, but I’m here to be sure you do, in fact, understand the importance of those orders coming directly from Yozef Kolsko and the rest of the War Council. Right now, small units are nibbling at the Narthani supply line. That will continue, with no intensification under any circumstance, until we receive other orders. Your regiments are to remain hidden from the main Narthani force coming his way. When new orders do come, we will go from avoiding all contact with the Narthani to doing everything we can to cut off their resupply.

  “When that happens, each of your regiments will operate independently along the roads and areas assigned. We will attack all convoys, no matter their size, unless the number of escorts is too great, which I interpret to mean a thousand men or more. We’ll also burn every bridge from the Eywell/Moreland border all the way to Neath. The regiments closer to Preddi will have to be warier of running into major Narthani forces but will do the best they can.

  “I’ve been explicitly told that although we may not be the center of the main fight against the Narthani, our missions are critical. Once the order is given, it is our duty to stop all supplies from reaching the Narthani army. Assuming we’re successful, the War Council believes the Narthani may try to reopen supply lines using a large force, perhaps five to ten thousand men we know are still available to them in Preddi Province. They might also intend to join the two forces for further campaigns. We absolutely cannot allow the two Narthani forces to link up. Yozef Kolsko himself said that it comes to him that any Narthani relief force must be stopped, which I interpret to mean we will fight to the last man.”

  None of the others commented, but uniformly grim and determined faces conveyed their responses.

  “You can take my riding here for such a short meeting as confirmation that it’s crucial we don’t confront the Narthani too soon. Our missions will be critical for Caedellium’s victory. Any questions?”

  The clansmen looked at one another. Swavebroke had not given any details they didn’t already know or suspect. However, all now believed, perhaps more firmly than before, in the importance of what they were being asked to do, using the least-trained of the clans’ regiments.

  Hanslow, Northern Eywell Province

  “So, Brigadier Sunjun reports the Eywellese in Hanslow present no problem?” asked Gullar.

  “No,” said Avan. “Sunjun says most of them seem scared shitless. They’re afraid of suffering reprisals because they surrendered to the clans after their hetmen and other leaders fled south to Preddi. You ca
n hardly blame the Eywellese after being abandoned by their leaders and Akuyun’s people. Sunjun pretended to be unsympathetic and left them thinking their futures depended on cooperating with the garrison we’ll leave here.”

  “I still haven’t made my decision final about where to position our major resupply point,” said Gullar. “Hanslow is a logical choice, but I’d prefer it was more centrally located, such as Moreland City. In Hanslow’s favor is the fact that we already occupy it, there are significant fortifications, and we could draw on the city’s population for support. If we leave the supplies at Moreland City, who knows what condition the city will end up in after we take it?

  “Then there are the attacks on the supply line back to Preddi. They’ve been minor annoyances thus far, but that could change. I’ll be more inclined to make Moreland City the resupply site if we can inflict at least one major defeat on the islanders. It’s only just in the last day we’re getting reports of large numbers of fighting men in the direction of our line of march.”

  “In that case,” said Avan, “I suggest we have all the supplies brought forward to this point to stay with the three thousand men we’re leaving here in Hanslow. We can take three sixdays’ food with us. That will give you a few more days to decide whether to bring the supplies up to Moreland City.”

  Orosz City

  “Yola, here’s the Narthani’s latest position,” said Maera, handing the middle-aged woman a small square of paper with a single coordinate written on it. Yola took the paper, read from it, and used a croupier stick to move the figurine representing the Narthani army a few inches on the large map of Caedellium. Once satisfied with the new position, Yola turned to pierce the paper on a spindle, lying atop many other pieces, so that all previous positions were in order on the metal spike.

  So many new words and names from Yozef, thought Maera. As usual, Yozef seldom explained why something needed a specific name, such as croupier and spindle .

  A teenage girl serving as a message runner interrupted Maera’s thoughts by handing her a semaphore sheet. Maera glanced at the sending station and person written on the top. The origin was Caernford, the Keelan clan capital, and Pedr Kennrick, one of her father’s main advisers, was the sender. Her eyes continued down and read the message. She blanched and put a hand to her throat. “Merciful God!”

  “We knew it was a possibility,” said Culich Keelan, hetman of the Keelan clan and member of the Caedellium War Council. “I prayed it wouldn’t happen, and if it did, God forgive me, that it would be to another clan.”

  “At least, hardly anyone still lives in Salford, Father,” said Maera. “Only a few fishermen, to fish as long as possible, and the lookouts to provide just this kind of information.”

  Puffing, Yozef hustled up to the group standing by a map of Keelan Province spread on a tabletop. He’d been at a meeting with the hot-air balloon development group when word arrived.

  “It’s true, then?” he asked. “The Narthani landed in force at Salford?”

  “Damn them, yes,” said Culich. “Thousands of them. The latest message says Salford is burning, and a force estimated at five to ten thousand Narthani is marching toward Caernford.”

  “How are they organized?” asked Yozef. “How much cavalry and what kind of cannon?”

  “Messages say almost no cavalry,” said Maera. “Maybe fifty at most, and the only cannon are their smaller ones, the type you refer to as horse artillery.”

  “Infantry and light artillery,” said Yozef, his tone implying pleasure and drawing a frown from Culich.

  “Sorry, Culich. Of course, it’s terrible news for Keelan. However, it means this is a diversionary attack and not an attempt to link up with the larger force moving into central Caedellium. I doubt they’ll move too far from the coast and away from naval support. They might not even go as far as Caernford.”

  “But if they do, they’ll find no one to stop them, and they’ll destroy the clan’s capital,” spat Culich.

  “They’d only destroy buildings, Father,” said Maera. “The few people not already gone to either the redoubt or their assigned positions will leave before the Narthani arrive. All the clan’s records and mementos are also safe in the redoubt. We can rebuild better than before.”

  Moreland City

  Three days later, Marshal Dursun Gullar, surrounded by staff, watched from a hilltop as Moreland City burned. A blanket of thick smoke billowed until it hit an air current and spread to the northeast.

  “Besides being surprised the islanders didn’t defend one of their capitals, it worries me what else they’ll do that we didn’t anticipate,” said Gullar.

  “Which is what General Akuyun mentioned numerous times,” replied Avan.

  “Kamil, subordinates who reprimand their commanders for not paying attention to warnings are not likely to rise in rank,” said Gullar, yet his smile belied his words.

  Avan looked at Gullar. “That’s part of my responsibility, Dursun, at your urging. A commander needs to know there’s at least one person who isn’t afraid to contribute uncomfortable opinions. That still leaves us with what comes next.”

  “That’s already decided,” answered Gullar. “By destroying Moreland City, we committed to continue to Orosz City. Now we’ll see if they’ll also abandon everything close to the island capital. At some point, they have to stand and fight. However, I’m confirming that the resupply point will remain at Hanslow. There haven’t been major efforts to disrupt convoys between Preddi and Hanslow, but I don’t want to stretch the line any more until we have a clearer picture of the clans’ intentions.”

  Sellmor, Selfcell Province

  Roblyn Langor clapped his hands three times to get the attention of his boyermen and militia leaders. “The semaphore message confirmed the Narthani are at Orosz City. The other clans are holding firm. Now we have to wait to see what the Narthani do next, if they decide they can’t destroy the city. Although we can’t act until we know their intentions, it’s time to muster our men. Gather all the men you’re responsible for, and we’ll meet at Blenmyr. It’s just east of our clan redoubt in the central Selfcell mountains, so we can retreat to the redoubt if the Narthani attack it. Otherwise, we’ll be in position to support the other clans, if called on by the War Council.”

  “Get this done as fast as possible,” said Harlyn Bolton, who passed for the clan’s military leader. “Our men have had too little training in maneuvering as it is, and this will be the first time we have more than a few hundred riders together at the same time. While we’re waiting for word from Orosz City, we can use those days to train, so it’s not a complete goddamn disaster when we try to maneuver two thousand men at the same time.”

  “I wish we had some artillery,” said Roblyn’s younger brother, “though I suppose without experience, using it might be more of a danger to our own men than any enemy.”

  “And let’s all pray for God’s mercy for the clanspeople at Orosz City,” said the Selfcell hetman. “Everything depends on them holding out and seeing what the Narthani do next.”

  Orosz City

  “It’s confirmed,” said Denes Vegga. “Stent sent word the Narthani are ten miles east of here and heading straight for Adris City.”

  “That’s it, then,” said Yozef, his voice decisive. “The battle for Caedellium will be here.”

  “Are my regiments released for action?” asked Harmon Swavebroke, scarcely hiding his impatience and eagerness.

  Yozef looked at the other four War Council members sitting on one side of the large table. “I’m inclined to let Harmon go. What do the rest of you think?”

  “No reason to delay,” said Stent. “By the time he gets to his men, they cut the Narthani line, and any word gets to their army, the bastards will almost be at Adris City.”

  Yozef turned to the new Swavebroke hetman. “Okay, Harmon. Off you go. We don’t want a single bridge between Moreland City and the Preddi border to remain intact. The posthole diggers and charges are to damage the main roads
. Drop hillsides, uncut narrow sections, do anything possible to impede the Narthani relief effort. Where a road cuts through forest, create an abatis, cutting down trees so they fall onto the road and form tangles of trunks wherever possible. While you’re doing that, attack every Narthani supply convoy your men haven’t already stopped.

  “Remember, there are still a lot of Narthani in Preddi. They could always send out a sizable force to reopen the supply line. Stay on this side of Hanslow and keep scouts deep into Eywell. If they do try to push you aside, we’ll send word to Roblyn Langor. The Selfcellese promised to send a couple thousand men to harass any such relief force. However, we don’t want to commit them unnecessarily, because so much of the Selfcell population is in a relatively vulnerable position.” The clan had been late in fashioning a redoubt in the central Selfcell mountains.

  “If they send a large relief force from Preddi, you’re to use all means necessary to stop them from getting to Orosz City. Withdraw in front of them from Moreland City to here and destroy the roads as you withdraw.”

  Harmon stepped away from the others. “Unless you need me here any longer, I’ve horses and men waiting for me, anticipating our release. I’m sure all of us wish we could be here with the rest of you when the Narthani return, but I guarantee we will do our best to cut the Narthani army off from Preddi City. God grant you strength, and our prayers will be with you.”

  Harmon walked swiftly to the exit. The last they saw of him was his cloak being swirled around his shoulders.

  “And the same God’s help for him and all those men,” said Denes to Yozef. “At least, we’ll be behind fortifications or city walls. The men with Harmon will face Narthani in the open.”

  “Whatever happens,” said Yozef, “we know they’ll do their best.”


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