The Secret Life of Trees

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The Secret Life of Trees Page 51

by Colin Tudge

  symbiosis 97, 182, 189–90, 427

  see also mutualism

  Symphoricarpos 228

  systematics see taxonomy

  Syzgium 41, 209

  Tabarnaemontana 346

  Tachigalia 318

  Taiwania 105, 110

  talipot 151

  Talisia 389

  tallow wood 165

  tamarack larch 306

  tamarind 39, 187

  Tamarindus 39, 187

  tambalacoque 232, 348–9

  Tane Muhta 2, 101–2

  tangerines 220

  tannins 84, 86, 196, 353–4, 358

  tanoaks 196, 198

  taro 142

  Tasmanian myrtle 201

  taun tree 225

  taurai 38, 407–8

  tawhai 201

  Taxaceae 100, 120–21

  Taxodiaceae 100, 105, 110–12

  Taxodium 111–12

  taxonomic names 42–4

  taxonomy 42–4, 46, 54–9, 158–9, 427

  Taxus 120–21

  tea 233

  teak 39, 244–6, 352, 383, 392, 393

  teasel 228

  Tectona 244–6

  temperate forests 33–4

  temperatures 274, 374–5

  temple tree 240

  Temple, Stanley 348, 349

  tension wood 88, 89, 427–8

  Terminalia 209

  terpenes 354, 358

  tetraploidy 23, 428

  Tetrapus 332–3, 336

  thatch palms 150

  Theaceae 232–3

  Theobroma 215, 324

  Theophrastus 39

  thermophiies 65

  Thrinax 150

  Thuja 105, 108–9

  Thujopsis 109

  tides 265

  Tieghemellai 232

  Tilia 214

  Tiliaceae 213, 214

  Tillandsia 153

  timber 62, 86

  as carbon sink 90–91

  as construction material 90

  and genetic variation 87–8

  of palms 146

  trade names 41–2, 44

  tipir 134

  Tipuana 186

  tissue culture 428

  tissues 428

  toon tree 38

  Toona 222

  topiary 270

  Torreya 121

  totara 39, 119

  totipotent 428

  tourism 394

  toxic soils 265–6

  trace elements 252, 428

  tracheid 135, 428

  Trachycarpus 146

  translocation 428

  transpiration 255–7, 375–6, 381, 428

  traveller’s palm 151, 156

  tree ferns 74, 75

  tree horsetails 74–5

  tree of heaven 219

  tree of life 171


  definition of 14–16

  as food 387–90

  form of 17

  as micro-habitats 2–3, 20

  numbers of 26–30, 405–7

  Trigonobalanus 196

  triploidy 24, 155, 428

  Trochodendrales 162

  Trochodendron 162, 409

  Trochondendraceae 409

  trophic 428

  tropical forest

  age of 32–3, 288–9

  biodiversity of 279, 293–306

  and ice ages 305

  tropisms 267, 428

  true ebony 231

  Tsuga 113, 116–7

  tulip tree (Liriodendron) 40, 130–31

  tulip tree (Spathodea) 40, 243

  tulips 90

  tulipwood 40

  tummy wood 237

  tung tree 172

  tupelo 230

  turgid 428

  turgor 72, 428

  turmeric 155

  type specimens 34

  type specimens 34

  Ulmaceae 190–91

  Ulmus 190–91, 350–51, 390

  Umbelliferae 228

  umbrella tree 228

  unicellular organisms 65–8, 429

  see also bacteria

  urbanization 366–7

  Urticaceae 194, 195

  Urticales 195

  varieties 26, 429

  vascular plants 72–3, 429

  vectors 429

  vegetable ivory 150

  vegetative 429

  vegetative reproduction 26

  veins 429

  venacular names 38–42

  venation 429

  Verbena 244

  Verbenaceae 244

  vessels 429

  see also phloem; xylem

  Vinca 240

  vines 168

  Violaceae 179

  Virginia creepers 168

  Virola 132

  Visaceae 164

  Vitales 168

  Vochysiaceae 209

  Humboldt, Alexander von 28, 29

  vulcanization 173

  wadadura 237

  Wallace, Alfred Russel 28–9, 52, 295

  Wallace Line 286

  wallflowers 168

  walnuts 206–7, 388

  Wapishana people 134

  Warburgia 135

  Washingtonia 145, 146, 151


  pollination by 125, 320

  translocation 254–7

  water hyacinth 143

  waterlilies 127

  wattles 181

  wax myrtle 208

  wax palm 146

  weather 366, 371–2, 379–80

  weedkillers 271

  weeds 184–5, 429

  weeping willow 177

  Wegener, Alfred 282–3

  Welwitschia 80

  West Indian cedar 42

  West Indian satinwood 221

  western red cedar 108

  wheat 24, 387

  whistlethorn acacias 182

  white cinnamon 135

  white ebony 231

  white mangroves 264

  white oak 197, 200

  white peroba 243

  white pine 41

  white spruce 306

  white syringa 219

  whitebeam 189

  whitewood 42

  whorl 429

  Wickham, Henry 174, 174, 387

  Widdringtonia 109–110

  wild almond 114

  Williams, George 318

  willowherbs 209

  willows 24–5, 177–8, 278

  wind pollination 125, 320

  windmill palm 146

  wingnuts 208

  Winteraceae 135, 357

  winter’s bark 135

  witch-hazels 195

  witch’s brooms 164–5

  Wodyetia 151

  Wollemia 41, 103, 282

  wood sorrel 179

  wood 81–91

  as building material 6, 384–6

  as fuel 6, 177–8

  woodcuts 161–2

  Xanthoceras 225

  Xanthocyparis 107

  Xanthorrheaceae 144

  Xanthorrhoea 144

  Ximenia 165

  xylem 82–3, 84, 135, 146, 255, 429

  Xylocarpus 264

  yellow birch 199, 205

  yellow gum 211

  yellow pine 119

  yellow poplar 131

  yews 120–21

  Yucca 143–4

  yuccas 143–4

  zebrano 185

  Zelkova 190

  zinc 252

  Zingiberaceae 155–6

  Zingiberales 155–6

  Ziziphus 190

  Zygophyllaceae 170–71

  Zygophyllales 170–71

  zygote 429

  * The ideas in this chapter reflect those of Dr Aljos Farjon of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who chairs the World Conservation Union’s Conifer Specialist Group.




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