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Task Force Two: Fennigan Pack's Earth Angel [The Men of Five-O #9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Sal’s head was pounding. Talk about information overload. She felt about ready to lose it. Reggie, her dad, and Quinn explained a lot to her in a small amount of time. The things standing out in her head right now with Quinn driving his SUV and her attraction growing stronger were the facts about bonding, getting bitten, uniting with wolves, and mating for life. She was grateful that her father and Reggie hadn’t mentioned her mother, her potential magic abilities, or anything she discussed with her dad. Then these wolves would latch on and not let her go. She couldn’t even imagine getting intimately involved with such ginormous men. They weren’t even human. Plus there were six of them. What if their brothers were part of this, too, and the gods supposedly bound her to them? Then what?

  She wasn’t a virgin, so no worries there. In fact, she considered herself pretty self-sufficient and definitely not in need of a man, or anyone for that matter, to take care of her. But she also knew that men were intimidated, maybe even turned off, by a woman who was overly independent. She knew how to tone it down, just as she knew how to turn it up when the guys came sniffing for some easy lay.

  It took a lot for her to spread her legs for a man. Her sexual encounters though few, were hot and satisfying, but not even the attraction she felt to those men she had sex with affected her quite like the pull she felt around Quinn and Angus. It was hard to describe, but she was more than attracted to them. She was beginning to lust for them.

  She licked her lips and tried to ignore the burning in her core. Her pussy felt like tiny spasms of awareness stimulated it deep below her skin. She closed her eyes and instantly saw Quinn and Angus. They were so fucking huge, though. How the hell would they not hurt her when they made love to her?

  She shook her head. It wasn’t going to be love. It was like some sort of contractual agreement amongst the gods and goddesses who supposedly ran the universe. What they said, what they predicted or caused, was meant to be and there was no defying it.

  She felt a bit frustrated but then came those feelings again. She looked out the window. They would be back to her place shortly. It was late and she wondered if Reggie would stay, or would he leave her alone with Quinn? Was Angus back already, too? Would she be alone with two monstrosities of sexual eye candy?

  She released a sigh. Okay, worst scenario. I let them fuck me. I have sex with them and maybe it’s more than just satisfying. Their cocks could be as big as the rest of them. She swallowed hard, making a sound with her throat. Her face felt flush. Then what happens? They start making demands, telling me what to do, stop me from working? Shit. No fucking way.

  “I’m not going to quit my job. I love being a detective and I love law enforcement and locking up criminals. You, and no one else, five brothers or more, aren’t going to change that,” she blurted out as Quinn parked the SUV.

  Quinn glanced at her, but gave no verbal response, so Reggie spoke.

  “Well, I’m going to head home. Quinn will be staying with you, and Angus is probably upstairs already or on the way. I know this was a lot to take in, Sal, but try to stay open minded, and listen to Quinn. He can help you with any questions or concerns you might have.”

  She got out of the car, huffing and annoyed, yet nervous and a bit stimulated. She was going to be alone with Quinn and maybe even Angus. Was something going to happen tonight?

  Reggie gave her a hug and then headed toward his car. Quinn held his keys in his hand and stared at her.


  She rolled her eyes and headed inside.

  “We’ll talk about your job and the changes in all our lives once my brothers get here.”

  “Wonderful. So it will be six against one.”

  He grabbed her upper arm as they stepped by her front door. Quinn reached down and placed his hand against her cheek. She was frozen in place.

  Quinn, just like Angus, wore his sex appeal like cologne. It seemed to waft through the air and attack all her senses, turning her mind to mush. Her breasts felt full, and her pussy leaked. Hell, he was fucking hot, who was she kidding.

  “All I ask of you right now is to follow your gut. Listen to your body, and let yourself feel what’s right there.”

  She stared up at his lips, her head tilted far back, making her neck ache. He had strong, firm lips, and the sound of the last syllable of his sentence, brogue and all, tingled through her center. She needed to get a grip and maintain her control here. There was a lot to think about and digest. She didn’t need to rush into this. Her mom wasn’t a homicide detective on the city streets of New York. Sal was well trained and gung ho. She could handle most situations and she’d handle this, too.

  “I don’t know you. I don’t even know if I trust you.”

  He brushed his thumb along her lower lip. She could feel his extra large, warm hand against her hip bone, and the significant difference in size heightened her arousal.

  “You’ll learn to trust my brothers and I, lassie. You’ll see.”

  She thought he might kiss her, but then he paused and appeared as if he were thinking something right before he opened her front door without the key.

  She felt disappointed, which shocked her, and then she noticed Angus.

  Sal took a deep breath. The sight of the man, extra large in his upper body, with a hard expression and a determined look in his gray-blue eyes, made her pussy clench. Both men inhaled then growled low as Quinn closed the door.

  Suddenly embarrassed that perhaps what Reggie and her father told her was true, that wolves had impeccable senses of smell and could even distinguish wolf packs just from sniffing someone, she tried to escape being this close to them.

  “Well, I’m going to call it a night. I understand that you’ll both be sticking around, so help yourself to whatever. There are sheets and pillows in the hallway closet. That sofa turns into a pullout bed and there’s another bedroom down the hall,” she said, motioning with her arm around her small home.

  Angus looked her over as she hurried toward her room. Could she chance a shower and new clothes with them here, or would they break down the door and take her then, in the shower? She tightened up and then felt the leak of moisture. Goddamn it, I’m losing my mind. I just need to go to bed. Yes, bed will help me forget about everything. I’m so damn tired.

  * * * *

  “So she seems accepting then to all the information you explained?” Angus asked as Quinn and his brother heard the shower go on in the bathroom. He couldn’t help but to think about what her body may look like. He could tell Sal had a great ass and big breasts. But she was muscular, toned, not petite or fragile, which would be a good thing considering how huge he and his brothers were. He still couldn’t believe that she was their mate. Or at least his and Quinn’s. He hoped she belonged to the others. It could bring them back together and help them reunite their brotherhood. That thought brought on a surge of inadequacy he had been fighting since Margo’s murder. He’d failed her, and he could fail Sal. Giving his brothers full possession of her seemed like the best option.

  “She seemed okay, and was thinking about things on the way back over here. She blurted out something about keeping her job and that she wouldn’t quit because we would make demands. Oh, and forget those crazy thoughts you’re trying to block me from hearing. You’re not leaving us. You’re part of this and we’ll need you.” Quinn lifted his feet up and placed them on the coffee table. He leaned back against the sofa.

  “I have not made my final decision. But whatever it may be, your job will be to ensure Sal’s safety. I give full power and leadership of that to you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You’re the Alpha. It’s your place to mate with her first, to bite her and seal the deal. Myself and the others follow. Nothing has changed the rules and the process.”

  “Margo’s death changed it,” Angus snapped at Quinn.

  “I’m not going to argue with you now. You’re being stubborn and foolish. We’ll wait for our brothers to arrive.”
br />   “She will have to quit. Her job is too dangerous. We lost Margo. We can’t lose Sal.”

  “I know. I was thinking about it, too. Told her we can talk things through and not to rush all the thinking.”

  “Good. How was her dad? What was up with him?”

  “I don’t know. I sensed something about him. I swear he has some magical powers. He took Sal into the other room and explained about her past and something with her mother. They kept the conversation quiet and then she came out with all these questions over dinner.”

  “Interesting. And you don’t know what they discussed? Why would they keep you out of it? Has her father accepted your appointment as one of her mates? What was the discussion about?”

  “Not a clue, but whatever it was it got her to ask questions and she seemed more accepting to the truth. Her father did condone the process of mating and the confirmation from the gods that it was her fate and she should accept it. I’m so tired. I could imagine that Sal is feeling pretty damn overwhelmed. She’s a sweet woman, tough and passionate about her job, helping people, and putting away bad guys. But she is also stubborn to a fault. I know she won’t accept this despite Reggie’s and her father’s time with her. We’ll have our work cut out for us. ” Quinn closed his eyes and clasped his hands over his waist.

  “I’m going to take the first shift. Eagan and Delaney should get here by morning. We’ll talk to Reggie about that conversation Sal had with her father. Maybe he knows more,” Angus stated.

  “Okay. It will be good to see them, and in regards to Reggie, I’m certain he does know more. I’m just not sure why he hasn’t let us in on everything.”

  Angus felt the tightness in his chest.

  “He’ll talk to us.” He ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath then released it.

  “It will be good to see our brothers,” Quinn said.

  “It’s been nearly a year. Far too long for us to be apart.”

  Quinn nodded his head and then closed his eyes and got comfortable on the couch. Angus walked into the other room, away from Quinn and Sal, to make a phone call.

  * * * *

  Sal was tossing and turning. As tired as she was, it seemed too difficult to sleep with all the crazy thoughts going through her head. She got like this often, especially when she worked a case and wanted to solve it. She would ponder over all the information she gathered and analyze it, come up with a profile, and then hopefully a lead. But this was different. This wasn’t a case and this wasn’t normal.

  She drew the covers back and sat up. She felt hot and thirsty, as she stood up, stretched, and pulled the tank top she wore to bed lower over her belly. She looked around for a robe. She had never really bothered with one before, but with two strange men in her home, ones who could shift to wolves and eat her, she didn’t want to feel so exposed. She glanced at the clock. It was four o’clock in the morning. They had to be passed out.

  With no luck in finding the robe, she tiptoed out of her room, down the short hallway to the kitchen in only her tank and short shorts. The cool tile felt so good against her hot feel. She wondered why she felt so overheated. It was a cool night outside, maybe opening up some windows might help. She reached for the one in the kitchen and pushed it open as she bent over the sink.

  “Not planning on escaping are you?”

  She gasped and turned, ready to fight as she made two fists and prepared to defend herself.

  Quinn’s eyes widened, but he didn’t move closer. He kept his distance. She relaxed her stance as she absorbed every glorious ounce of the man. He wore only boxers, black, and he was covered with muscles upon muscles, plus some seriously intricate tattoos.

  Her breasts tingled, and her pussy clenched. He sniffed the air, then smiled.

  He walked closer. She held her breath as he reached over her shoulder and closed the window. His upper arm, hard as steel, grazed her breast.

  She stifled a gasp.

  “Don’t want to give anyone easy access in breaking in do we?” he asked and winked at her. She closed her eyes, suddenly overcome with desire and her senses in overdrive with the man this close to her. She felt the intensity of his personality, the strength and solidity of his muscles, and of course, his scent. He even smelled manly and desirable. It was so wild, so insane, because she had never sniffed anyone before or felt so in tune to them. She let the sensations wash over her body until she felt a large, heavy hand on her hip. Opening her eyes, she looked up, her head as far back as it could go to lock gazes with him, and he stared intently.

  “You smell so good, Sal,” he told her. She gulped and gripped the counter behind her tighter. His warm, hard fingers caressed against her skin under the tank top she wore.

  “I can’t believe you’re real. That the gods have granted us a mate.”

  She went to speak and had no voice. He stepped closer, pinning her body snuggly against the counter.

  “You’re a pleasant surprise.” He leaned forward, his lips inches from her own when she panicked. She lowered her head and moved away from him.

  He grabbed her hand, and she turned to look at him.

  “You feel it. Don’t bother to fight. It’s meant to be.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t like change, and this is something I’m definitely not comfortable with.” She walked away, her heart aching, her pussy begging her to stay and play with the sexy man behind her, but she couldn’t do it. How could she accept such a fate? She knew what she needed to do. She needed to get back to work. She didn’t care what Reggie or Benjamin said. Tomorrow, she was going to have the safety and protection of her job, and the entire shield, toughness, and attitude it allowed her to show. She needed that, and nothing anyone said would matter.

  Chapter 6

  Reggie stared at Sal as she got into the unmarked police cruiser. He glanced at Quinn and Angus, who looked downright ready to kill.

  “Sal, I thought we went over everything last night. I thought you understood the seriousness of the situation after speaking with your father.”

  “Reggie, drive the damn car and get me out of here. I belong working, not with them.”

  Reggie gave a nod to Angus as Quinn got into the SUV. Angus followed.

  He put the car in reverse and headed down the street with the SUV following.

  “You do belong with them. You feel the connection, the attraction already.”

  “I do not,” she said, but he watched her cross her legs and turn toward the window. He knew what was happening. Her body was reacting to being separated from Angus and Quinn. It was that strong of a bond.

  “The itch, the pain will only increase the further you are away from your mates.”

  She slammed her hand down on the dashboard. “Stop that. Stop calling them my mates. I’m not a wolf.”

  He took a deep breath and released it. “They won’t leave your side. You heard them. They lost one mate to murder. You seriously think that Angus and his brothers will take a chance like that again?”

  “I don’t know and I really don’t care. I need to do my job. I need to continue investigating and so do you. We have that case from two weeks ago to continue to investigate. We need to meet with the banker. Those two men were found murdered, their savings accounts drained, and no one saw shit.”

  He gripped the steering wheel tighter. “I know that, and I know who they are. It’s a Were pack situation. The two men had a mate that was taken and her body was found weeks ago. There are other detectives investigating. We don’t need to do much right now.”

  “Bullshit. It’s my case. I arrived, I’ll be the damn human who gets to solve it. This is insane. I’m living amongst all these things, these wolves, wizards, and such and didn’t even know it. Now you’re telling me these men who were found dead shared a mate who had been abducted and then was found murdered, too? What the fuck kind of laws do you things have that can allow such atrocities to take place?

  “Things? We’re not things. We have more strength, power,
and abilities than any human could ever imagine. There is a hierarchy that has recently entered into renovation. Just take my word for it.”

  “Take your word for it? How can I do that when you are pushing me toward entering a relationship with perhaps six huge-ass men who can shift into beasts, kill people, tear their hearts out from their throats and who follow leaders who allow mates to be taken from one another? Are you out of your fucking mind? I live to help people like this. I became an investigator so I could catch killers not become part of an association that condones their behavior all behind ignorant humans who live unaware. Then there are wizards. Magi, vampires, and fairies? What the hell kind of fairies? Like Tinker Bell, or annoying little minxes? What?” she asked, raising her voice.

  “Humans don’t know it, and not wizards. Wizards are rare, just as you, a Magi, are rare, Sal. It’s a serious situation and I need you to be rational.”

  “I am trying to be rational. Believe me I am, but it’s too much. I need time to process all of it. I have had these feelings inside of me for as long as I can remember. I’ve had these dreams, these situations at night that felt more like encounters, like real events. I wondered where they came from, and if I was losing my mind. I started to think the job, the murder investigations and dealing in dead bodies all the time, was getting to me. But then this happens. I shoot two men in the head and they get up and walk away at some point after the police leave. That’s another thing. How many people are secretly involved to cover this shit up? It makes me feel on edge and on the defensive. It’s a bit shocking, okay? I’m trying, Reggie, but I’m not about to let go of the control and hand it over to men who shift into wolves and want my body to breed more wolves from. Sorry, no can do. I do need a bit more coaxing than that to get me to spread my legs.” She crossed her arms and ground her teeth as she stared out the window.


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