Task Force Two: Fennigan Pack's Earth Angel [The Men of Five-O #9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Task Force Two: Fennigan Pack's Earth Angel [The Men of Five-O #9] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Quinn and the others growled low. Reggie swallowed hard, raised his hands up, and stepped away from Sal. She in return placed her hands on her hips and gave the Fennigan men a dirty look.

  “Cool it,” she reprimanded.

  * * * *

  Angus tried to calm his beast. Their mate was stunning, an absolute sex symbol with a body his wolf and the man in him craved to take a taste of. But he resisted the emotions, the possessive feeling he had about her. He wanted her safe, and only his brothers, not him, could keep her safe.

  “You look beautiful,” he told her. She looked him over and nodded her head.

  “Thank you.”

  She reached for her purse, and when she bent down, he saw the way the silk, red fabric revealed her long, tan, toned thigh. His cock hardened to a point of being painful.

  “Sal, you look amazing, baby. I want you to be careful tonight. Remember what we discussed about the scent, about your appealing”—he looked her body over, his eyes roaming over her chest—“everything,” Quinn told her.

  “Listen, I’m a grown woman who knows how to handle herself.”

  Quinn leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. She stepped away, panting, looking so damn aroused even Angus felt his brother’s arousal and need. All of them did.

  “I need time to digest it all and decide what I want. Please don’t push me.” She moved around to the other side of the couch, right into Eagan.

  Eagan took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Lassie, you’re perfection. If time is what you want, then time is what we’ll give you. We’re not going anywhere.” He released her hand.

  Delaney was there to run a hand down her arm and hold her gaze. They could all smell her arousal, her attraction to them. It was making Angus crazy with need and desire. To see his brothers feeling so compelled to have her, mark her as their mate, was intense. How were they going to let her leave them even for a short period of time? They would need to position themselves accordingly in the venue. He wouldn’t let her out of his sights.

  “You are lovely, mate,” Delaney said, and then cupped her cheek, leaned forward, and kissed her softly.

  “We need to go,” she replied, sounding breathless, and Reggie opened the door, leading her out of the town house.

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe this. This is not normal or right at all. We should be in bed with our mate making love, marking her, securing the bond, and covering her with our fucking scent,” Delaney said, running his fingers through his hair. He was so fucking irate.

  “That’s why I kissed her thoroughly. My scent, Fennigan scent, should last for a sufficient enough time to let any wolf with a fucking brain know to stay clear,” Quinn said.

  Delaney looked at him and smiled. “Let’s get changed. I don’t want Sal out of our sight for too long. My wolf is antsy and I don’t like the feelings I have right now.”

  “Neither do I. Let’s go,” Quinn said, and they all exited the house to prepare to infiltrate the dedication party undetected but ready for action if necessary.

  * * * *

  Sal was feeling restless, uneasy, and guilty. It was as if she was missing something, a part of her, or there was this empty, lost feeling. Even her pussy ached as if it needed attention, but she couldn’t understand why. It was the strangest feeling. It wasn’t arousal or need for sex, it was as if something was missing nearby. She couldn’t understand it, and then she spotted Eagan.

  She swallowed hard because he was standing near a column, looking sexy and relaxed with a drink in his hand, diamond cuff links shimmering in the candlelight and a look of hunger in his sparkling blue eyes.

  He held her gaze, looking her body over from afar, and she felt it.

  Her pussy relaxed and oozed some cream, making her shift her standing position and try to regain an understanding of the conversation in front of her. The three men, two of whom couldn’t seem to focus on anything but her breasts, were talking about changes in the department and special assault teams being trained for the increase in gangs and drug-related homicides. They mentioned Task Force Eight and a team leader by the name of Lawkins. She remembered hearing about the guy Blaise Lawkins. He was a real hard-ass military type.

  “You’ve done an exceptional job in the field, Sal. Your reputation is impressive,” an assistant to Commissioner Brady, Toby Lions, stated.

  “I appreciate that, sir. It’s been a hell of a few weeks,” she replied.

  He placed his hand on her upper arm, giving it a squeeze. “Please call me, Toby. There’s no need for formalities, Sal.” He winked at her and Reggie chuckled.

  Sal smiled. “Of course, Toby. Thank you.”

  “I think that Lawkins’s team will be perfect for the position. They’re supposed to be here tonight,” Toby added.

  “I don’t believe I’ve ever met them,” she stated, trying to keep the conversation going, but her eyes kept darting toward Eagan.

  “If you met them you would know it. They’re pretty noticeable, to say the least.” Toby chuckled then took a sip from his drink. Reggie started talking about some case and Toby added a few comments, but his gaze kept falling on her breasts and her mouth. It was getting awkward.

  “Will you excuse me a moment?” She smirked at Reggie as she walked away from the men and toward the champagne table. As she reached for a glass, she heard a familiar yet strange voice behind her. She immediately knew it was a man, and as she turned, glass in hand, she looked up to see Jaydin Carbarone.

  The man looked absolutely gorgeous. His blond hair was slicked back. His brown eyes zeroed in on her lips, not her breasts, and she was amazed.

  “Detective Santos, so nice to see you here.” He reached close by her to take a glass of champagne.

  “Jaydin Carbarone, I’m surprised to see you here.” She stepped away from the table and closer to an area where there were various seats and couches.

  “Why is that?” he asked.

  She looked him over. The man was definitely attractive and she wondered what he wanted. “Not sure. You just don’t come across as a philanthropist.”

  “My family and I are very involved in humanitarian affairs and believe that the local law enforcement organizations need the assistance necessary for ensuring the safety of our communities.”

  She looked at him, and he held her gaze, inhaled, then seemed to scrunch his eyes together. She looked away from him a moment and saw two other men watching her, looking her body over, and it gave her the creeps.

  “That’s impressive, Mr. Carbarone, and very kind of you and your family. What type of businesses are you involved in again?” she asked. Being a detective made her a great interrogator, and right now her gut instincts were warning her to tread carefully.

  “Please call me Jaydin.” He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her toward a set of long couches that had two sides.

  His fingers felt cool and hard.

  “Shall we sit a few minutes? I’d love to get to know a little more about you, too, Miss Santos.”

  She walked with him and sat down on the long couch. “Feel free to call me Sal, since we’re not being so formal,” she replied.

  “Who started the name Sal for you?” he asked.

  “I did when I was a very little girl.” She crossed her legs and her dress parted, revealing all thigh. She probably should have sat on the right, but it was too late now. Jaydin looked her thigh over and then winked at her.

  “So you didn’t like your full name? It’s Salina, right?” he asked and took a sip of champagne.

  “Yes. I guess you could say I was pretty independent and a bit of a feminist right from the start. I liked Sal better. It’s tough, assertive.”

  “Like you?” he asked, holding her gaze. Her belly quivered just slightly. He was an attractive man and her body definitely reacted, but nothing like her body reacted to Angus, Quinn, Delaney, and Eagan.

  “I suppose. So tell me about your family’s business. What exactly do you do, Jaydin?”
She took another sip from her champagne glass.

  “Well, personally, I’m into business dealings, you know, revamping companies that are going under and investing in potential money-making ventures.”

  “So risks and high stakes is your thing?”

  He let his eyes roam over her body and he held her gaze intently. “The greater the risk, the more stimulating the anticipation.”

  Her cheeks warmed. This guy was slick. Too fucking slick for her liking. She chuckled and took a sip of champagne and looked around the room.

  “Are you laughing at me?” he asked.

  She spotted Quinn giving her the evil eye and looking about ready to explode. She turned away from him. Half of her wanted to pretend to like Jaydin and use it as an opportunity to keep the Fennigan men at bay, keep her in control of who she was intimate with or not, but she wasn’t a woman who played games or led men on. She didn’t feel comfortable with Jaydin, and for some reason she thought that pissing off the Fennigan men might be a very stupid thing to do.

  “I am laughing at you and your line. Please tell me that you haven’t actually been successful with it before?” she asked him.

  He chuckled and smiled as he leaned back and looked around the room.

  “Actually I have been very successful with that line. This is the first time I’ve crashed and burned.”

  “Well, I’m glad to be the one to burst your bubble. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to grab a bite to eat before the champagne goes to my head.” She stood up and Jaydin did, too. Just then two other men, the creepy ones, walked over.

  “Oh, Sal, before you go, I’d like you to meet my brothers. This is Jett and Jeremiah.”

  Sal felt her whole body tense up, especially as Jeremiah, the one with the ruff along his chin and an evil look in his eyes, gazed over her breasts. She shook their hands, being sure to be polite as they stepped in her space and sniffed deeply.

  Jett’s eyes grew darker, and so did Jeremiah’s.

  “It’s nice to meet you. I didn’t realize that you had brothers, Jaydin. Are you two in business as well?” she asked. She couldn’t believe it, but as she touched their hands to shake them, she felt such an overwhelming sense of evil. In her mind she saw flashes of different things. Things she couldn’t be sure were real. There were wolves, there was a lot of blood, there was a woman screaming in pain. She thought about Angus. It was so strange.

  “We sometimes work together,” Jett stated. “Jaydin does a lot of the legwork. I enjoy playing more often than not.” He licked his lower lip.

  She felt that uneasy feeling intensify and knew she needed to vacate the little circle of men.

  She chuckled and glanced at Jaydin.

  “I guess he likes to use lines, too, huh, Jaydin?” she asked, and Jaydin glared at his brother after he winked at Sal.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me. I need to mix and mingle, and go see my lieutenant. It was nice meeting the three of you. Enjoy the event.”

  She walked away and could feel their eyes upon her. She also felt this tingling sensation that made her turn to the left, and there stood Eagan. Then she got another odd sensation and looked around the room and spotted Vargon Carbarone talking with a few men. One in particular looked at her, and she felt something almost sting her skin. Her mind went blank. She didn’t know what was happening to her.

  She sought out Eagan. She wondered why. It was like she found safety or support in him.

  She swallowed hard and bypassed Eagan, knowing that she shouldn’t because she was consumed with so many emotions right now, never mind the experience she just had with Jaydin and his brothers. She wasn’t certain if they were premonitions, her gut leaning more toward believing what she saw when she shook their hands were facts. They were evil, criminal men. She wrung her hands together and headed toward the ladies’ room, not looking at anyone and just needing a moment to herself. As she rounded the corner, she bumped into a wall of steel. It was a man. He gripped her hips and she gasped, not just from the shock of bumping into him, but from the electrifying charge that went through her body and straight to her soul. He had wide shoulders, covered by a crisp white dress shirt, and he was wearing a kilt.

  Holy fuck!

  Her breasts swelled, her pussy ached, and her legs felt like they would give out momentarily.

  “This a hell of a way to run into my mate, lassie. No wonder my brothers are in a huff right now. You’re fucking gorgeous,” he said. His thick Irish brogue and use of the word “fuck” so freely aroused every inch of her flesh. Never mind how huge and warm his hands felt as they squeezed her hips. Every ounce of her was sexually charged as if his touch flicked on a light switch.

  “Who are you?” she asked, her voice quivering as the man in the Irish kilt pulled her against him and pressed her to the wall in the hallway.

  His ocean-blue eyes locked gazes with hers and her lips parted, reminding her to breathe and gain some control. This close up she could see the definition in his cheekbones and his neck. Were those tattoos climbing along his neck at the edge of the collared shirt?

  “The name’s Adrian Fennigan, love, I’m one of your mates, and I must say, the gods sure as shit have got their fucking act together this time. Damn, we’re a lucky bunch.” His hands roamed over her ass, squeezing her against his body. When he cupped her cheek with his large, thick hand, she felt so feminine and aroused. She held his gaze, unable to speak. This was the fifth brother.

  “Ah, I see you found her before I could. Good job, Adrian.” She heard the other voice and turned to the left as Adrian eased his hold slightly. She locked gazes with another tall, large, sexy man in a tux. He winked at her, green eyes twinkling with pure mischief.

  “Hey, beautiful, the name’s Brady. A pleasure meeting you.” He stroked his hand down her arm, giving her instant goose bumps. She needed to calm her breathing. Brother number six was on the scene and she felt about ready to faint.

  “Are you feeling okay, lassie? Those assholes didn’t upset you, did they?” Adrian asked her, and now Brady looked concerned. She shook her head as she absorbed the sight of brother number six, Brady. His reddish-brown hair was similar to Eagan’s. But his eyes were green as emeralds and his face absolutely gorgeous.

  “Can you please release me? I’m fine,” she told Adrian, looking up toward his firm face. The man was a walking fantasy. Her pussy leaked as his strong muscular arms released her. He gave her a wink.

  “Can’t promise I won’t be grabbing a hold of you again real soon. You’re just too fucking perfect.” He was hard, and his use of the word “fuck” wasn’t vulgar but arousing and sexy. She sensed his fierce personality like that of a warrior or fighter. Same with Brady as she smoothed her dress down with her hands and took a deep breath and released it. Both men stared at her and kept real close.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, now somewhat on the defensive. Did Angus arrange this? Were all the Fennigan brothers here as spies?

  “We came to meet you. Heard you would be here tonight and we got off our jet about an hour ago. How about we grab a drink and something to eat and you can tell us all about yourself?” Brady asked.

  “No, I don’t think so. You can tell Angus and the others that I’m not interested right now. I said I needed time to process everything. Showing up here, being a bunch of paranoid bullies, is not exactly a way to win a woman’s trust. Now if you’ll excuse me.” She started to walk toward the ladies’ room, but Adrian stopped her. He pulled her into his arms and held her gaze.

  “You got spunk, Sal. I fucking love it.” He covered her mouth and kissed her.

  She couldn’t believe it. As annoyed as she was at the fact that this man, sexy as damn hell, dressed in a kilt, took what he wanted from her and spoke his mind, it completely turned her on. As his tongue explored her mouth and he turned her away from the wall, she felt the second set of hands on her hips then lips against her back and shoulders. She shivered, but Adrian continued to explore her mouth, and she
was kissing him back. The man had her weak in his arms, and these two men touching her at once set her body into instant flames. The visions hit her simultaneously as her body spasmed, releasing cream from her cunt.

  Adrian was indeed a warrior, a fighter to the end, a real badass who sought revenge on his previous mate’s murderer. He cared for the woman, although they weren’t intimate. He regretted that because he had strong, deep feelings for her. But he hid them well. He wished he had been there to help her fight against the evil ones. The man had killed many to save those in power as well as innocents. He was noble, like a soldier should be.

  Brady was wild, strong-spirited, and he didn’t take a liking to orders or rules. He was the black sheep in some aspects, or in this case, black wolf. He was naughty, wild, and he, too, sought revenge for his mate’s killers. But both of them projected emotions of protectiveness and possessiveness, and she felt the power, the strength of it. She was in awe and almost wished she would be the receiver of such depth of dedication, possessiveness, and care. But she wasn’t. She was a means for their packs to continue to dominate and rule. Spread your legs and bear our children, for numbers rule the kingdoms.

  She pulled away, causing Adrian to stop kissing her as they both caught their breath.

  “Fucking delicious.” He pulled her back against him as he caressed a hand down her ass.

  “Please stop this. You can’t just kiss me like that.”

  “Like this?” Brady asked, cupping her cheeks and kissing her next. Adrian released her but kept a hand on her waist as Brady devoured her moans. Before long she was holding on to him, and he was cupping her breast and pressing his thigh between her thighs. She realized things were moving out of control pretty damn fast and she pulled from him. He hugged her to him and squeezed her breast, letting his finger graze back and forth across her nipple.


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