Crossing the Mirage Passing through Youth

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Crossing the Mirage Passing through Youth Page 14

by welcome

left loose, he"s likely to spoil a woman or more on the way, wouldn"t he? That way, our

  mission serves a social purpose as well.”

  “Let"s see what"s in store,” said Chandra as he began imagining the possibilities.

  The next day Vasu at his bank received Nithya"s call.

  “Thanks for the call,” he said as his tone betrayed anxiety, “sooner than I"ve expected.”

  “Tell me, why are you after me?”

  “I"ll explain,” he said sounding confident all again, “if only you give me an


  “Tell me.”

  “Well, the telephone cables might sap at my agony?” he said assuredly. “Let"s meet and

  I"ll explain.”

  “You liar.” she said coquettishly, “why do you want to melt my heart with your


  “Glad you still feel for me,” he said seeing his chance. “Believe me, I"m dying for you.”

  “Don"t get carried away,” she said teasingly. “I"m no silly fool any longer.”

  “Give me a chance to resurrect our love,” he said enticingly.

  “Before that I want to know my position in the altered equation,” she said invitingly.

  “Well, I don"t want to be taken for a ride again,”

  “I can understand,” he said walking into her trap. “I'll pen down that for your loving


  She kept mum, though excited.

  “I"ll deliver at your home.”

  “Why risk prematurely,” she said coquettishly, “give me at the Princely Pearls.”

  “Oh, my smarty, it suits me either way,” he said heartily, “but better I give it in


  “Why is that so?” tickled by her sense of humor, she sounded amused even in her


  “What with your tears smudging the original,” he said pleased with himself, “won"t

  you need a copy to comprehend my misery?”

  “You haven"t changed,” she said smugly.

  “You give me hope.”

  “I don"t know,” being pleased, she hung up the phone.

  The next day in excitement, Nithya showed Vasu"s letter to Chandra.

  Nithya Near,

  You"ve every right to know why I crave for you more than ever before. And I owe

  you an explanation for wanting you in spite of your indifference.

  My darling, you"re the triumph as well as the tragedy of my life. You know about

  the joys you have had bestowed upon me, but you"re not aware of the

  deprivations I have brought upon myself. I never wanted to lose you, but neither

  would I blame you for having left me. It was life itself that played the spoilsport.

  How it failed us both to misread our priorities!

  I don"t know how happy you are. And I wish you are in real bliss. But know I"ve

  been living in misery ever since you walked out on me. You may think I"m

  feigning unhappiness, being in the seventh heaven with a superb wife. I don"t

  blame you if you feel so, for after all, that"s what I thought life would be for me

  with Prema. If not for that hope, I would"ve never lost you at all, my sense of

  insecurity notwithstanding.

  To be fair to her, Prema is a faithful wife. Fidelity is fine for a pativrata, but man

  needs something more substantial than that for married bliss. And who can

  appreciate that better than you, being an amorous woman yourself? As luck

  would"ve it, Prema is languid in bed, and goes through the motions as if in

  obligation. Can"t you appreciate my predicament, what with my passion nursed in

  our tempestuous union? Pinning my thoughts on your sensuous memories, I"ve

  been pining for you ever since. I"d come back immediately after my marriage to

  beg for your forgiveness and to take you with me. But then, I had to leave in

  distress having learned that you were married by then.

  Condemned by fate and burdened by life, I was just pulling on till we met so

  fortuitously all again. Now, I feel I"m better off, relatively, that is, for I"ve a goal to

  reach and hope to nourish. I know it"s unfair on my part to bother you now but

  don"t I owe something to me as well? Don"t I have a right to be happy?

  What can I do when my happiness depends entirely upon your consideration? So,

  in spite of my resolve not to disturb you, I"ve approached you but sadly, though

  rightly, you"d reproached me. You may know either I can lift my soul in your

  loving lap or let my frame slide into the embrace of distress. But I also know you

  would be averse to give yourself to me. And that"s the paradox of my life! Oh, is it

  a crime to want to live? I beg for a chance to win you back with my passion and

  devotion. If not, at least admit me into your society so that life becomes a little

  easy for me. That way our association might mitigate the bitterness of your past as

  well. Let"s be friends and leave the rest to the feelings of our hearts. I hope you

  won"t dismiss this as an absurd proposal.

  I love you with all my heart and soul, and if it makes any difference to you, I

  consider myself blessed still.

  Ever yours,

  Vasu Dear

  “It"s clear he wants to worm his way back into your bed,” said, Chandra, folding the


  “Now, we can squeeze his balls up,” said Nithya determinedly even at the expense of

  the language. “Let"s begin the game of one-upmanship right away. I was trusting then and

  so he could exploit me. But now isn't the boot on the other leg? It"s he who"s desperate, but

  thinks I"m vulnerable. He doesn"t know I"ve a supportive husband.”

  As Chandra hugged her in admiration, she sank into his embrace in gratitude later to

  withdraw herself feeling fulfilled.

  What with Nithya"s tentative responses, Vasu"s hopes began to soar to the skies. But, as

  all was silent on her front for a week, troubled by the deadlock, he phoned her up at her

  residence to break the ice. By then, having fine-tuned her strategy to entrap him, Nithya

  awaited his call.

  “What happened to my application!” he enquired.

  “It"s under consideration,” Nithya said coquettishly.

  “I"m dying to hear, my dear.”

  “Won"t you deserve that?” she said flirting deliberately. “After all, you"d brought it

  upon yourself. Listen, given my routine, it"s hard for me to slip out to see you and should I

  be found in your company how am I to explain our togetherness. That"s my problem.”

  “Where there"s a will there"s a way,” he said sounding happy. “Don"t you think it's

  more so with lovers?”

  “Do you think I wouldn"t have thought about it,” she said feigning concern, “and that

  too after reading your letter? The only way out I see for us is through family friendship.

  Won"t that provide us the smoke screen to carry on?”

  “It"s very clever of you,” he said elated. “Nothing but death can separate us now.”

  “I hope now at least,” she said assuming an innocent tone, “you mean what you say.”

  “Let bygones be bygones dear,” he said with a feeling of having sealed the deal, “let"s

  make a fresh beginning.”

  “To be honest with you,” she said cementing his hope, “on seeing you again, first it was

  once bitten twice shy. But then, it was no shying away from you; you've a way with me I


  “Why deny our due?,” he said having been carried away. “Don"t we have a natural

  weakness for each other?”

bsp; “How I'll know that when we make it?” she said coyly. “But for now, bring Prema

  coming Sunday for dinner; meanwhile, I"ll manage my husband.”

  “Seven is fine.”

  “Bye,” she said as she hung up.

  When Vasu broached the topic with Prema, she was skeptical about the whole affair.

  “I"m sure,” she said, looking at him suspiciously, “you would"ve forced yourself upon

  her. How do explain this turnaround after all that disinterestedness!”

  “As usual,” he laughed away her apprehension, “you read too much and suspiciously at

  that. You may know Princely Pearls is a major account and as things stand, she"s its

  princess. Which banker would let it go without a try?”

  “How is it so?”

  “Well,” he said, “it"s her in-laws" establishment.”

  “Interesting really!” she said. “So you"re back at your spying ways. Anyway, let me see

  where your new errand leads me to.”

  “Don"t scare her hubby with your cynicism,” he said in jest.

  “And thereby spoil your party with her!” she said. “That"s what you mean, don"t you?”

  “Don"t imagine things,” he said appearing casual. “He could help in my business and

  you might click with her.”

  “Wish it"s as simple as that!”

  “No more and no less,” he said showing relief, “and that"s about it all.”

  “Hope so,” she said seemingly skeptical, “even otherwise, what have I to lose?”

  “Who knows, she might become your bosom friend,” he said trying to humor her. “And

  I may be the odd man out when you"re together.”

  “Let"s see how it goes.”

  “How I wish,” he said cajolingly, “to rub some of my optimism on you.”

  That night as Vasu slept in excitement, for long Prema was awake in premonition.

  Tempting Fate

  That Sunday evening the Vasus called on the Chandras at the Honeycomb. What with

  Vasu"s presence embarrassing him, Chandra turned his attention on Prema only to be

  fascinated by her in turn. Seeing Chandra ungainly, Vasu readily turned his hopes on

  Nithya into wild daydreams. Prema, divining Vasu"s desire for Nithya from his body

  language, suspected that he was involving her only to pull the wool over Chandra"s eyes.

  And that made her turn her focus on Chandra. Hooked up as she was with her idea of

  revenge, Nithya insensibly turned her attention on Prema.

  Discerning a feeling of discontent in Prema, while Nithya felt it augured well for her

  plan, the former thought Chandra"s manner suggested that he could be a much better man

  for his looks. And calling his wife"s bidding and goaded by his own inclination, Chandra

  began befriending Prema in all earnestness. So, Vasu who thought that he still had to

  contend with Nithya"s apathy felt bold to seek her out in the kitchen.

  “It is ages since we were alone,” he said placing his hand on her shoulder. “Oh, how

  nice it feels.”

  “It"s neither the right time,” she said, moving away from him, “nor the right place.”

  “What did you do with my seed?” he said. “Did you allow it grow or not?”

  “Do you want to dine on now” she said coquettishly, “or dig into the past?”

  “I was worried to death that I might have lost you forever,” he said, and added,

  alluding to Chandra"s looks, “to some Prince Charming.”

  “It"s not that everyone takes a woman to the dreamland.”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” he said in excitement. “How sad I"ve lost my way to it.”

  “Leaving me in the lurch that is!”

  “I"m sorry really,” he said ardently. “Show me the way to redeem myself.”

  “Why, haven"t you chosen it yourself,” she said coquettishly, “through the back door.”

  “Glad the spark is intact.”

  “But I don"t dream anymore.”

  “Now we can begin all again, can"t we?”

  “I"m too bogged down by reality.”

  “I"ll give you the wings of love,” he said endearingly, “to fly with me into the orbit of


  “What if my hubby clips them,” she said seeming helpless, “and ruins it for us?”

  “Why this pessimism,” he said trying to bring her back on the track, “when we can hope

  for a high fly?”

  “Lest you should misunderstand that I gave you any hopes,” she said deviously, “know

  that I don't share your optimism.”

  “Do you really need to?” he said flamboyantly. “Didn"t I tell you we"re natural lovers

  and won"t be able to resist each other?”

  “It"s you who said that,” she said assuming a serious demeanor, “and I don"t remember

  to have subscribed to it.”

  “Oh, in your resistance,” he said in a placating tone, “your look and tone seem even

  more enchanting.”

  “Thank you,” she said flirtatiously.

  “It"s my pleasure really.”

  “Well, they could be looking for us,” she said moving away, “we better join them.”

  “Your husband seems to have lost his eyes for my wife.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Don"t you think that makes it easier for us to pull the wool over his eyes?”

  “I don"t know really,” she said feigning worry. “What if your wife comes to know?”

  “I will tell you,” he said. “The world would have one more philosopher to contend


  “Like me, you mean.”

  “Oh, don"t joke,” he said. “You"re too ardent for that.”

  “What about her?”

  “Didn"t I tell you,” he said placing his hand on her, “that she"s stoic at that?”

  “Could she have loved and lost like me?”

  “Maybe, who knows,” he said shrugging his shoulders, “but she"s a devoted spouse for

  all that.”

  “But you want me to be an unfaithful one,” she said overtly flirting. “What double


  “It"s just that our standard of love is different, that"s the difference.”

  “Why are you being a liar?” she said mockingly. “Wasn"t it substandard when you

  preferred her to me?”

  “Why rake up the past,” he said, clearly on the defensive, “when we"ve made up.”

  “What if your wife puts her foot down?”

  “Nothing matters to me now more than having you back,” he said turning hopeful.

  “Haven"t I told you, I live only in the hope of winning back your love?”

  “If hopes are dupes, fears could be liars,” she said flirtatiously. “Who was that who said

  that, Wordsworth or Longfellow?”

  “For me it"s the quote from you that matters,” he said cheerfully. “Let"s join them.”

  Shortly after they returned to the drawing room, the maid came with Vasavi. While that

  unexpected development left the Chandras nonplussed, Vasu wondered whether it could

  be his child after all. Earlier, to keep Vasavi out of the act, Nithya had packed off the kid to

  the Pearl House.

  “When she didn"t stop crying, peddamma asked me to take her home,” said the maid to

  Nithya"s questioning looks.

  “Oh, is she your daughter?” said Prema to Nithya, taking Vasavi into her lap. “She

  looks so cute, like you.”

  “Thank you,” said Nithya.

  “How old is she?” continued Prema.

  While Vasu waited for her reply in anticipation, Nithya made Vasavi seem younger by

  three months. Thereafter, they all had a heck of a time, pepped up by
Vasavi"s pranks and a

  sumptuous meal that jelled.

  When the Vasus hit the road, having invited the Chandras for a return dinner, Prema

  found Vasu was in high spirits.

  “Didn"t we have a good time?” said Vasu to Prema.

  “Well, after a long time,” she said and added thoughtfully, “really they"re fine people.”

  “Don"t you think he"s a little odd looking?”

  “Only at first sight,” she said and added appreciatively, “but you"ll begin liking him

  once you"ve interacted with him.”

  “What of Nithya?”

  “It"s the question I better asked you,” she said dryly. “Weren"t you hanging around her

  all the time?”

  “You know we knew each other before,” he said taking cover. “Don"t you think there

  would be common topics to talk about?”

  “I felt you were at courting her.”

  “It"s all in your head, that"s all,” he said and asked as though for a cue to Vasavi"s

  paternity. “How do you find the kid?”

  “Why, it's so apparent,” she said, “that she's taken after her mother,”

  “I too felt so,” he said still doubtful about its paternity.

  „It"s clear, he has designs on Nithya," Prema found herself contemplating on the way.

  „But why is she trying to appear friendly with him if not overtly flirting! Where went all

  that indifference! What has brought about this change in her? It"s apparent they were close

  before, possibly, he could"ve jilted her and married me for money, and now he seems all

  too eager to curry her favor. Is he blackmailing her by any chance? Oh, is he not capable of

  that, as he suffers from no qualms whatsoever? Won"t I know about the hole in his soul?”

  What with that thought putting her on a stream of consciousness, she began looking at

  Vasu, who was at the steering. When he looked at her, he was perturbed by her stare and

  avoided it all the way.

  „Nithya was lucky to have married Chandra," Prema thought as she turned her focus

  away from herself. „Surely, he"s a gentleman and seems broad-minded and well-bred.

  Clearly he"s knowledgeable and mature as well. What's more, he seems to be a good-

  natured man and an understanding husband. Won"t Nithya be aware of his qualities, she

  being sensible herself. Would she ever think in terms of deceiving such a man! Why, it"s

  worth watching."

  When the guests departed, the hosts exchanged notes.


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