Purr-fect for Her [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Purr-fect for Her [Tigers of Twisted, Texas 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Jane Jamison

  But how had he suddenly gotten four hands? At last, the alcohol fog cleared enough for reason to dictate thought. Someone else had joined in, putting his hands on her butt cheeks. He fondled her, lifting her skirt until his fingers were close to getting a feel of her dimpled flesh. She was crazy to think so, but having four hands on her at once was exhilarating. Sexy. Dirty, but dirty in a good way.

  “Maybe we should go somewhere private.” The whisper burned against her ear.

  Hell, yeah.

  “Do you like it from the back, sugar?”

  She wasn’t sure she would. Her on-and-off boyfriend of the past six months had tried to get her to take it in the ass, but she’d always struggled with the idea. He’d grown more and more insistent on having rougher sex, even getting angry at times when she refused. Although she’d always liked the idea of a little BDSM, she’d never trusted him enough to let herself go.

  Now she had a chance to have two men at the same time. Her fantasies had played with the idea often enough, but could she really go for it?

  Her boyfriend’s face blistered into her mind. She and Frank had been having trouble for a while, even to the point of her refusing to have any sex at all. They’d been at a stalemate for far too long, and Frank had started showing signs that soon, one day, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  If he ever found out what she was doing… Or that she’d let strangers put their hands on her…

  She shivered. No matter what was going on between Frank and her, she wasn’t the cheating kind. Even if the men she’d love to cheat with had a powerful attraction drawing her to them. An attraction wrapping around her, speeding her pulse, and making her pussy throb.

  Still, one more kiss wouldn’t hurt.

  She did her best to push Frank out of her mind, but couldn’t. She was all too aware of what they were doing. Worse, of what she was thinking of doing. And in the hallway of a bar no less. What next? Fucking in the alley behind the place?

  You, girl, have had too much to drink.

  Jerking her hand away, she took a step back. She gasped as her backward progress was blocked by another huge wall of man. Slowly, she craned her head around to see the man who’d almost had his hands on her bare ass.

  The second man was as delicious as the first one. He was just as tall, an inch or two over six feet, and as solidly built. Yet, although he was tanned from hours in the sun like the first man, his hair was longer and gleamed gold. Blue eyes held a hint of laughter. Blue eyes that, for only a moment, appeared to have amber flecks in them. He, too, was dressed like a cowboy, including belt and boots. She’d never cared much for cowboys, especially after living in Texas most of her life before getting uprooted by her parents in a move to Oklahoma. Then again, she’d never seen two cowboys who looked as hot as these two.

  “I—” What the hell was she supposed to say? “I love the way you feel. Can I feel more of you? Can I put my mouth wherever you want it? Will you put your cocks wherever you want them?” She had to bite back the urge to say what she was thinking.

  “You almost landed on your face,” said Dreamy Rider. “Fortunately, I caught you.”

  “You did?” Of course he had. He had the look of a hero. Did he want a reward? Maybe a kiss? A kiss on the lips? Or better yet, lower? “Thanks.”

  The energy, the yearning, the whatever flowed back and forth between the three of them, impossibly picking up speed. She would’ve asked him if he felt it, what it was and what it meant, but she couldn’t find the right words.

  “No problem.”

  He has a wicked smile. And perfect teeth, too.

  She’d always found a great smile a turn-on. Strange, yes, but a great set of chompers could turn her on almost as easily as a great big—

  Well, hell. Do not go there.

  “I helped, if knowing it gets me any kind of a reward.”

  The voice behind her wasn’t as smooth as the first man’s, but its gravely edge was sexy as hell. She shifted her position so she could see both of them. They had to be two of the best-looking men she’d ever seen, including those in films.

  “Then thank you, too.”

  His spectacular blue gaze slid over her. “It was all my pleasure.”

  Pleasure was the right word for them. She could imagine how much pleasure they’d give between her legs.

  They were definitely together. Just how was the question. Fear whipped into her. Was she imagining the sensations she was feeling? Were they merely helping her? Were all the drinks making more out of their touches than what was real? But what about the kiss? Her mind whirled as the alcohol came back to blur her thinking.

  If they were a couple, then she’d give up men forever. How could she not when faced with such godlike men only to find out they’d rather go shopping with her than fuck her? And yet, if any men didn’t put off a gay vibe, it was these guys.

  Better to make sure her radar wasn’t off and find out for certain. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d fallen in lust with a man before, head-over-her-heels and ready to have his child before she’d found out he batted for the other team. Never mind that she’d been a high school junior and naïve as all get-out.

  “Are you two friends?” Please, don’t let me be so messed up that I’m coming on to the wrong kind of men.

  “We’re half brothers. Brothers from different fathers. But we don’t think about the half part.”

  Dreamy Rider had hold of her, his hand on her arm. Although he wasn’t gripping her hard or anything, she got the impression he didn’t want her to go anywhere. “And we’re friends.” He frowned as though he’d figured out the reason for her question. “Half brothers and friends, but nothing more.”

  “I don’t have any brothers or sisters.” It was the best thing she could come up with. And yet, as long as they kept talking, who cared what they talked about?

  “You didn’t think we were”—Blue Eyes waved a finger between his half brother and him—“together-together, did you?”

  “Well, you never know.” A rush of warmth slid up her cheeks.

  “We don’t put off a gay vibe, do we?” He couldn’t keep back a smile even as he shot her a horrified look. “Not there’s anything wrong with being gay, but only if you really are gay. And we’re not.”

  “You never know. I mean, after that kiss I wouldn’t think so. Still…” She shrugged, feeling stupid for thinking they could be anything but straight. She should’ve stopped right then and there, but couldn’t keep from adding, “You could go both ways.”

  “Definitely not. We’re into sharing, but our swords never touch.” Blue Eyes feigned a shiver.

  “Maybe you should change your shoes before you hurt yourself.” Dreamy Rider interjected, then dropped his attention to her heels. “I’m surprised more women don’t break their necks walking in those things. Why not use stilts instead?”

  He’d changed the subject, much to her relief. Besides, she’d had the same thought often enough about wearing heels, especially while drinking, but a girl had to be fashionable. “If the stilts were sparkly and made our legs look longer, we probably would.”

  Their chuckles were similar. So similar she couldn’t tell which one tugged at her pussy more. Or was it the feeling of both of them? Yet no matter how wet she felt between her legs, she was not going to squirm.

  “Listen, are you here with anyone?” asked Blue Eyes.

  Forgive me, Willa. Sorry, Carlie.

  She was about to say no when someone latched onto her arm and yanked her out from between the handsome cowboys.

  “There you are. We thought you got lost.”

  “Carlie, let me go.” Now she has to remember I’m here?

  Carlie’s gaze jumped to the cowboys, then back to her. “Oh, now I get why you’re talking so long.”

  Embarrassment heated her cheeks again. “I went to the restroom and these two—”

  “Never mind.” Carlie pushed her toward the club, then called to the men who’d saved her from falling. “S
he’s taken, guys, so forget about it.”

  “What? Wait a sec.” But Carlie’s drinks must’ve held more than mere alcohol. Suddenly, she had the strength of a weightlifter. She didn’t have a chance against her. “Why’d you have to tell them I’m taken?”

  Carlie had her driving through the throng of people in no time. She tried to twist around, hoping against hope that the cowboys were following her. To her delight, they were.

  “Because you’re dating Frank, right?”

  “Not anymore. Or at least, not for much longer.” Saying the words only confirmed her decision. “I’m breaking up with him as soon as I get back home. Don’t you remember me telling you? You know, before you got wasted?”

  “Uh-huh. That’s too bad. But it doesn’t matter. This is my party and I don’t want you running off with some guys you just met outside the restroom. Talk about classless.”

  Classless. Carlie’s favorite word. Which was ludicrous considering she’d been dancing with her shirt off a few minutes earlier. According to Carlie, everyone was classless except her.

  She twisted around again, her arm raised, ready to wave at them, to encourage them to keep on her trail. If they did, she might let Willa have one of them.

  Maybe. Then again, do I really want to pick between them? Could I have both?

  True, it was selfish of her, but she didn’t care. When was the last time she’d had the attention of two eager-to-please men? Hell, one eager-to-please man?

  Frank didn’t please anyone but himself.

  Yet they were no longer trailing along after her. Instead, the blond had his phone to his ear and taking hold of Dreamy Rider’s arm with his other one. His hungry gaze locked to hers for a moment, then jerked away, concern wiping his smile away.

  And then they were gone as she and Carlie were swallowed up by the undulating bodies around them.

  Shit. I was so close to my dream coming true.

  Or at least one hell of a night.

  She stopped resisting Carlie and followed her back to the table of partiers.

  * * * *

  “Damn it, Braden, hold up.”

  Fuck, no.

  Braden Asher started forward again, his attention squarely on the hot little woman he’d caught outside the ladies’ room. When he’d seen her trip, he hadn’t hesitated. He’d reached out and gathered her into his arms. His shifter instincts hadn’t hesitated, either, with his animal roaring to life.

  He’d known the instant he’d touched her.

  “Braden, it’s Davey.”


  He came to a grudging stop and watched her disappear into the swirling mass of people. If Heath hadn’t said the call was about Davey, he would’ve caught up with her and pulled her luscious body against his again. But Heath’s five-year-old son took precedence over everything else.

  One look at his half brother’s face and he knew it was bad. “What’s wrong?”

  With a finger in his ear and the phone pressed against the other, Heath led them out of the club and into the parking lot. After the raucous sounds of partiers and loud music, even the noisy blares of honking and sirens in the distance didn’t seem as loud. Heath’s forehead was knitted, his eyebrows darting toward his nose, his gaze fixed on the ground as though he could hear better if he stared at the blacktop long enough.

  “How’d it happen? Hell, she’s only twenty-five.”

  So the call wasn’t about Davey, but about his mother. Becky Williams was a pretty blonde with a smokin’ body and soft brown eyes. Heath had hooked up with her at a club in Austin years earlier for a wild one-night stand. After that, he hadn’t heard from her until she’d shown up on their doorstep with a small four-year-old boy who was the spitting image of Heath at that age.

  Heath had been struck dumb by the fact that he had a son, but overjoyed all the same. Although they’d practically begged Becky to move to the ranch or even to a nearby town so Heath could be closer to Davey, she’d refused and had returned to her home. After that, they’d started making trips to Austin at least once a month.

  “No. I can’t believe it. We just saw her this afternoon.” Heath stalked over to their Range Rover, tossing the keys to Braden as he did. “How’s Davey doing?”

  Braden stalled, unwilling to leave behind the pretty woman who’d shared their connection. He’d been so thrown by the swift onslaught of emotions and lust that he hadn’t thought to ask her name. He’d figured they’d have more time once they followed her across the room. But that was before the call had come in.

  How could he let them drive away? And yet, he couldn’t stay. But how would they find her again if they left?

  “Heath, what’s going on? Is Davey okay?”

  The color had drained from Heath’s face. “We’ll be there as fast as we can. Try to calm him down and tell him his dad’s on his way. And, Clara? Thanks for letting me know.” Heath ended the call then tossed the phone onto the dashboard.

  Braden had yet to start the engine. “Davey’s all right?”

  “Yeah.” Heath usually had a smile on his face and a laugh on his lips. Whatever had happened was bad enough to wipe away both of those. “It’s Becky.”

  “Tell me.”

  “She was in an accident an hour after we saw them at the park. Thank God Davey wasn’t with her. She’d already dropped him off at a friend’s.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  “They’re not sure why, but her car careened off an embankment and into a ditch. She wasn’t wearing her seat belt and was thrown out of the car.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “The EMTs declared her dead on the scene.”

  “Shit.” He couldn’t believe the vivacious Becky was gone. “So Davey’s with Clara now?” Clara was Becky’s babysitter. She didn’t like leaving Davey with anyone, but when she had to, Clara was that person.

  “The cops came to the home to find her next of kin. Clara did the best she could, but Davey overheard them and understood that his mom was dead.”

  “He’s a bright kid, especially for his age.” Braden ached for the boy. So far, he’d lived most of his early life not knowing who his father was, and now his mother was gone. As soon as he hit puberty, he’d find out another hard fact about his life.

  Like Heath and Braden, Davey was a tiger-shifter.

  “I’m the only family he has left.”

  “I’m sorry, man. I know you liked her. It’s going to be rough for Davey, but we’ll be there for him.”

  “We’re taking him back home with us.”

  Heath wasn’t asking. Not really. But Braden knew he still needed his acceptance. He didn’t need to ask what Heath would do if he said no. If Braden didn’t want Davey on the Twisted T Ranch, then Heath would take his son somewhere else to live. He’d give up the life they had planned, a life sharing one woman to love, and making the ranch their home for future generations.

  “Of course we are. What else would we do?”

  Heath nodded, then pointed at the ignition key. “What are we waiting for? My son needs me.”

  Braden took hold of the key, but it was fucking hard to turn it. “She’s the one. You felt it, right?”

  Heath nodded again. “Yeah.”

  “Then how can we leave her behind?”

  Blue eyes flecked with the telltale amber met his. “My son needs me. That’s more important right now than meeting our mate.”

  They’d waited all their life to meet the one woman fated for them. The connection that erupted between all shifters, signaling them to recognize their mate was legendary. Every young shifter heard about it from the earliest age and every one of them waited for the day when it would happen for them. As soon as he’d touched her, he’d felt the incredible, mind-boggling sensation whip over him, driving deep into his heart and soul.

  To leave her behind would be the most difficult thing he’d ever done. And one he didn’t want to do.

  “We don’t even know her name.” His hand left the key. “Let me run back in and get her na
me and number. Then we’ll get over to Davey.”

  “Braden, either you start the damn car right now or I’m shoving you out the door. My son needs me. Nothing else, not even finding our mate, means anything.” Heath let out a low growl, menacing in its soft power. “Damn it. He’s your nephew.”

  He didn’t have a choice. At least not much of one. As much as he understood Heath wanting to get to his son, they couldn’t leave without getting the name of their mate. He, too, wanted to help Davey, but a few minutes delay wouldn’t make much of a difference to the boy. Yet it could mean everything to their lives.

  “I love him and you know it, but he’ll have you. I’ll get there when I can.” Braden shoved his shoulder against the door, then slid out. He’d barely turned around before Heath had already scooted over behind the steering wheel. The engine roared to life.

  “Fine. Find her.” Heath shoved the vehicle into reverse and backed out. The wheels squealed, laying down black marks as he floored it into oncoming traffic.

  Braden spun around and jogged back to the door. The noise and smoke-filled air of the bar hit him, jarring his nerves, as he entered, gained his bearings, then headed in the direction their mate had gone.

  By the time he’d circled the club three times and even shifted enough to bring out his sensitive hearing and sense of smell, he finally had to admit defeat. Somehow she’d left without his seeing her. Worse, no one, not even the waitresses and bartenders, could give him any clue how to find her. The closest he’d gotten to finding any help was when a drunken guy seated at the bar had overheard him asking the bartender about her and had boasted about hitting on her. According to him, she’d been a part of a bridal bachelorette party.

  Talking to the manager to try to get information about the bride didn’t help, either. Their bill had been prepaid in cash, leaving no trail.

  He’d lost their mate. He’d had her in his arms and had let her slip away.

  Knowing it was useless, but unable to stop himself, he skirted the large room again, even getting on top of the bar to search over everyone’s heads. But even that didn’t help. Instead, it had earned him an escorted exit out to the parking lot.


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