Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2)

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Twisted Hearts: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Wexley Exclusive Prep Book 2) Page 7

by Slash, Ana

  I nodded as she stared directly ahead. I wanted to ask her, do you love him, mom? or are you with him for the money?"

  But I couldn't ask that question, so I left it alone. I wondered why mom always had a smile plastered on her face when she must be aware that her husband was no good? We drove in silence, and once we got home, she said, ah yes, your tutor would be here soon.

  I wondered who it was! You can imagine the shock of my life when I met my tutor!



  "What are you doing here?" I asked, seeing Killian appear. Mom must be kidding; what she has no idea who he is? Is she serious right now? Mom stumbles as she always does over to a corner. She picks up a bottle of scotch and pours herself a glass. She raised it and made a weird toast!

  She said, "to my daughter and the fantastic tutor who took his time to come over."

  Embarrassed, I shake my head while Killian laughs. Mom then stumbles and says, "Oh my God, would you look at the time I have to go to yoga practice before heading out tonight with your father." I shook my head and said, "Mom, he's not my father." And with that, I shot Killian a dark stare. He's amused. He rubs his jaw instinctively and places his hands in his pockets. I asked, "Hmm, where are your teaching materials?"

  He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "in my pants."

  Then he added, "just kidding. Listen I'm pretty good at history." I shook my head and said, "I don't know why you're here, but I don't think it's going to work out; besides, I'm not in the mood to study. He leans in and tries to kiss my lips, and as hard as it is to resist him, I stop. I want to know why he's here, but then, he's phone buzzed his smile changed to a frown.

  His hands reached for mine, but then I turned to look away. I guess I was me trying to figure out myself. My mother turned, kissed me on the forehead, and walked out of the room. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. I said Killian, why are you here? He didn't even let me answer; instead, he slid his arm around my body and pulled me close. Then he tilted my head and whispered, "so gorgeous. And with that, he crushed his lips on mine. I got worried, what if mom walked back into the room?

  This time around, I didn't resist, I kissed him back.

  but then I pulled back moments later and asked, "I don't want a Samantha to come after me."

  He laughed and said, "she's not the one I want." I swallowed, and then I turned and said she we get started on the teaching? He laughed and said, "if that's what you want, then we will if you want something else, then maybe I can give it to you?" I raise an eyebrow he said, "I'm just kidding." And with that, we sat next to the dining table.

  He pulled out the study materials; the truth is that I didn't want to study, or instead, I couldn't concentrate.

  I mean, how could that be possible when all I could think about was staring into his gorgeous dark, glorious eyes. He smelled fantastic too, and those curls God the cascaded down his face so perfectly. Killian started talking, and that's when mom walked back into the room.

  She said, "Well, since you all are studying, I have to head out now. "

  Mom picked up her phone and made a call.

  She seemed upbeat, but it still bothered me that I hadn't told her about my stepdad's mission. But then again, who knows mom might be having an affair on our own too. So I figured maybe I shouldn't say anything right away. Perhaps I should leave it alone for now. But then just as she was about to walk out the door, she turned around and said, "what's this I hear Bella about you still not listening to your stepdad? Do you know what you need to do to keep going to that school, or we might have to change your school or something you need to get it together."

  I swallowed and watched as mom turned and walked out the door. I breathe a sigh of relief the moment she stepped away.

  "Are you okay?" Killian asked

  Yes, I am just a little worried," I said to him.

  Killian looked at me and said, "what's going on with you and your step dad? what was your mom talking about?"

  I got a little worried should I tell him or shouldn't die? I shook my head and said it's nothing can we focus on what we need to study. The truth is that I didn't want to study, and neither did he.

  He slid his hands on my thigh, and I felt magic.

  then I couldn't help it I slid my hand over his bulge too, and he groaned

  I thought oh my god no what is my stepdad was to walk And he probably is not going to walk in he's probably with Susan or something or at least that's what I thought.

  * * *

  Killian couldn't hold back he cupped my face and kiss my lips oh my God he smelled like lavender something so magical. I got drawn to him.

  He pushed my body upon him and ran my fingers through his hair, and then I slid my hands Lower to touch his rising bulge.

  He was aroused but not as turned in as Me

  Holy fuck

  What is wrong with me, how can I like all three guys this way?

  He pulled back for a moment and look into my eyes, and then he said, "Bella, you have no idea what you do to me."

  And with that, he crushed his lips back on mine. He parted my lips with his tongue, ensuring that my tongue played a sensual dance with his.

  The feeling was indescribable; he made me feel beautiful.

  He slid his lips off mine and started nuzzling my neckline, kissing me deeply, and then he wrapped his hands around me and stayed caressing my body.

  He lifted me up and placed me on the desk and then he positions his head between my legs Planting kisses on my inner thighs and then he moved further up to my pussy he flipped his tongue in circles on my throbbing clit as far as my fabric would allow and then he slid it beside the moment his lips touched my labia I screamed and passion I run my fingers through his hair and that I couldn't believe it. his ministrations felt so good, so I said to him, please don't stop oh my gosh."

  He groaned and murmured between licks and kisses, "you taste amazing, I want to drink your orgasm baby. I want you to come inside of my lips, let me drink your essence darling, and with that to slit his hands and pull my ass closer to his face.

  His tongue was magical, sliding up and down all around My throbbing center.

  There was no stop in the way I felt.

  I moaned and lowered my head over his, my body quivering in ecstasy.

  I felt so beautiful I felt like I didn't want it to end and God I didn't want to stop, and thanks to his magical tongue flicks and bolts

  I shuddered at the brink of an intense orgasm, yet I couldn't stop the need to let go.

  And honestly, I didn't want to stop. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and screamed out in passion, "my God here I come here I come."

  and with that, I let go squirting all over his face and watching as he lapped me clean

  And that's the moment pants in for my release I heard a familiar voice say, "what's going on here."

  Holy Fuck--

  It was my stepdad!

  And with that, we quickly scrambled off the table.

  My stepdad said, "what the hell is going on here Bella? What are you doing?"

  There was no way I could answer that question.

  Killian slid up; his face still covered in my essence.

  He said to my stepdad, "Sir, I can explain. "

  Stepdad didn't want to hear anything. He said to Killian, get out of my house right now."

  Killian hesitated for a moment as though say unless Bella comes with me, I'm not going anywhere.

  I pleaded with Killian to leave, and I didn't want to make it worse!

  Killian frowned, picked up his stuff, and then I watched as he walked out the door.

  I turned the moment he left to my stepdad, quivering.

  He said, "Is this what you do? it sounds like you have more fun than I expected home?" He moved closer, and I cringed God I wanted to hit him so severely. He twirled his digits into my hair.

  it was so irritating

  He said, "You know what I could do for you doing that? I could kick you out of my h

  I thought, "That'd be better than living the life that I'm living right now?

  But then he folded his hands and slid back, but then he slid his fingers into my hair.

  He said, "I would have the pleasure of watching you squirm until you agree to my request. Don't act like you can't do it."

  I slid his hands off, stepped back, and shook my head.

  Then I said, "what's wrong with you. Why are you doing this?"

  He laughed wickedly and said, "You really have no idea what you got yourself into, your mother knows all about it. don't think you can tell her stuff she doesn't know."

  I don't think she knows that you are fucking with my classmate.

  He grabbed my shoulders, I flinched but he let go and said, “you might think I am taking advantage of her, but so you know she’s a smart girl who knows what she wants!”

  I pushed him aside and hurried into my room. I let the door slam behind me. I fell on the bed and told myself, “Bella, don’t let his man break you. You are better than that! You will not let him do this to you!”

  I decided to ignore his words and focus on my studies, it’s only a few more months Bella and all will be well.

  * * *

  I arrived in school the following day. I still couldn’t understand how everyone could be so upbeat considering the circumstances.

  I turned to notice Maxim he smiled at me and reminded me about our meeting at the hotel. I nodded, and then I turned around to see the bad girls gawking my way. Samantha slid a finger across her neck as though saying she'd kill me if I had anything to do with Maxim again.

  I frowned and ignored her. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me hurt. I acted like I didn't care. I was going insane with all these things going on around me. I had to face the fact that life would never be normal for me again, even if I wanted it to be.

  "Hey, Bella. Are you going to Seth's funeral, they moved the date up to tomorrow."

  I nodded. I thought about Seth, and how crazy it was that no one at the school cared that he died.

  I doubt I would see anyone aside from Susan and my crew at the funeral. I tried my best to focus on the test, but all I could think about was the funeral. Plus, I thought about Maxim and Killian. I had no idea we would meet at the funeral the next day because I figured no one would show up. But boy was I wrong.

  I didn't believe anyone would show up at the funeral. You can imagine my surprise when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turned around to notice Killian. I gasped nada asked what are you doing here? He chuckled and said, "I know you didn't expect to see me here, but here. how are you doing?"

  I gasped in surprise to see Killian." What are you doing here?"

  I liked Seth and believe it or not; I had to honor his memory. He was a good guy.

  It was the first time anyone from the hot crew had said anything about Seth, and honestly, I appreciated it. We then focused on the funeral. Seth stood behind me in support, but then he leaned in and whispered into my ear, "you see, there is more to this story.

  Seth's death was ruled an accident, but I never actually believe that is what happened even though it seemed like everyone wanted to sweep it under the rug.

  The tears flowed. Killian wasn't the only one to show up from the rich crew. Maxim did, but he stood at a close distance, not wanting to get involved for some reason.

  His eyes caught mine, Maxim acknowledged me, but then he moved away from the scene.

  I wondered why he didn't stay.

  I doubt anyone else noticed him standing there because he hid away. I wondered why he didn't say untying. I watched as he turned and walked away from the venue.

  I sighed and stared straight ahead as the officiant said the prayers for Seth's soul. Once the funeral ended, I walked over to sit with Seth's grandmother.

  I offered her my condolences. She made a point to let me know Seth still loved me. It hurt to hear her speak about him in the present, but it made her feel better, and for that reason, I decided to comfort her.

  Then it was time to leave; other students wanted to pay their condolences too. So I walked away while Seth moved next he asked if I was okay?

  I told him yes, I am fine. Killian moved close and asked if I wanted him to escort me home?

  I declined and said, "no, it's okay." I trembled close to him. He wrapped his hands around my body. I felt safe in his arms.

  He smelled like Gardiner mixed with his masculine musk. I must admit my heart beat fast within my chest. I felt his hardness pressed up on my thighs. I might be tired, but I didn't want to show it.

  Killian pulled back and slid a loose hair away from my face. He said, "you'd be fine. Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?"

  A voice within me said, you need to go with him. Why don't you go with him? You know you want to do so, go. What do you have to lose?

  But no, my mind might say one thing, but I couldn't tell him no.

  It's fine. Besides, I want to stick around a little. I'd catch up with you later. He smiled and said, "okay. but you call later, okay."

  He placed his hand underneath my chin as though ready to kiss my lips when suddenly we got interrupted by a cough from my crew, Susan specifically.

  Killian smiled, placed his hand on my shoulders, and said hello to my team.

  Then he stepped away from our presence. He left, and Susan and the others asked if I wanted to say hello to Seth's mom too.

  I thought it would be too hard after all for some reason his mom had hoped we would get back together when that would never happen?

  I stepped up to his mom, she turned and hugged me.

  Then I told my friends I was leaving.

  Susan and the others offered to get me a shared ride.

  But I declined and told them, I needed to clear my head by taking a walk.

  That's what I needed to do.

  Before anyone could say anything, I moved past them and hurried away from the area.

  I walked away from the funeral and down the sidewalk. Saddened by everything that had occurred, I figured I needed to be alone.

  I wanted to focus on what laid ahead. But then as I walked, I felt a presence close by, almost like I was being followed or something.

  Why was that?

  I stopped and looked over my shoulder.

  I noticed a car at a close distance, I tried to ignore the vehicle, but I couldn't because it was headed directly towards me.

  I screamed!

  Then. I started running, the car increased it’s pace.

  That’s the moment I realized,

  holy hell--

  I had walked onto a lonely road with no escape in sight.

  Why was this person following me? Nerves fluttered in my belly. Oh No, what am I going to do? I screamed and started running faster, but the car picked up pace following me; I turned ready to face the flashing headlights; there was no getting away from this.

  I screamed as the car headed straight towards me when suddenly another vehicle swerved in the way forcing the car to lose control and hit a tree.

  I thought the car would come straight ahead for me, but instead, the vehicle pulled back and drove away. I stared at the car that saved me and noticed stepping out of the Porsche was none other than Killian.

  I gasped and felt a little faint. He got out the car moved quickly to me and held me in his arms. Exhausted and out of breath, I felt faint and blacked out.

  When I woke up, I was at his home with no clothes on, but a tee-shirt which I was sure wasn't mine, he walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. his cock's imprint clear to see on his luxurious white fabric wrapped around his toned waist.

  Ouch, did we?

  I groaned, he noticed. He sat on the bed next to me. I smiled, staring at his intricate double-sleeved tattoos. I gasped and asked, “Did we?"

  “Fuck?" I got flushed my pale skin got flushed. he chuckled and said, “Okay, maybe would say make love or something?" I slid my hair behind m
y ear. It wouldn't be the first time right, Bella?"

  I bit my lower lip and thanked him for saving my life last night.

  He said it was nothing; he said anyone would have done it. But he was wrong. He did it.

  I nodded and averted his gaze because, honestly, I was so turned on and I knew if my eyes focused on his perfect muscle filled body and that beautiful cock of his, I wouldn't be able to resist.

  I glanced around his white-walled Zen like room and said, “Nice place."

  "Thanks!" he said.

  I leaned up and couldn’t help it, I kissed his lips. He kissed me back and we started making out. Killian was sensitive to my needs; he slid his lips off mine and nuzzled my neck. God, I wanted him but then as we made out.

  I stopped because I had to get home. But then I reasoned we should continue. I kissed Killian some more but then he pulled back and said, “It’s okay Bella. We should stop you have been through so much. I think it's best I take you home.”

  I hesitated at first, a heat rush rose between my legs drove me insane. But then I understood. So, I said, “Okay, that's fine.”

  And with that I kissed him once more. He warped his strong arms around my body. Then he helped me up and handed my clothes to me while he got dressed. I couldn’t help but take in his double armed tattooed sleeve. It turned me on staring at his beautiful uncle filled body.

  Still, I admired him for asking that we wait and taking me home.



  Killian was gracious enough to take me home. It was Sunday, and seeing my stepdad walking around the homemade my skin crawl, but I knew he wouldn't try anything with me, especially after what occurred the other day.

  He knew better than that, plus it would not be worth his time to try anything.

  So he stared my way but did not say anything. I did notice Maxim's father stopping by, but he didn't say a word to me either.

  He acknowledged my presence, and both men walked past me like I didn't exist. I wondered what they had planned.

  I slid away from the stairs and made my way towards them.


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