Sven's Ride (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

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Sven's Ride (A Bad Boy MC Romance) Page 26

by Sara Crest

  Truth is I never really saw Chuck as a friend, but I did respect him more than any other man it this sorry excuse for an MC. I’d find a way to honor him in some way, the man deserves that much.

  I reached over and kissed Viktoria, I swear every time that girl’s lips touched mine it felt like a jolt of electricity was shooting through my body. Even with her home gone she still found a way to show strength and selflessness. Just feeling her against me was making me begin to feel a little better.

  I heard footsteps coming up behind us and I broke our kiss. Don’t know why I did, everyone already knew her and I were an item. Guess I felt like it would be insulting to them to kiss her like that so soon after one of our club brothers died.

  “Well Jack, or job is being cut short. Petrov is on his way back right now, he’ll be here in the morning” Mike said looking at the both of us. “You know, it’s strange, Axel had the call on speaker and Petrov really didn’t sound that angry about his house. He even said he’s gonna pay us all in full, guess when you have that kind of money you don’t have to worry much about shit like this.”

  “Did you… you know, tell him about-”

  “No, we didn’t. Once we get our money that’s something for you two to sort out. It’s only been a few days and Ron, Axel and I can play dumb about the whole thing. You two gotta decide how you’re gonna tackle this.”

  He looked at me directly in the eye “you could always risk telling him and see how he takes it.”

  I was about to respond but Viktoria cut me off “a man like my dad wouldn’t take it well.” She reached down and held my hand “wouldn’t take it well at all.”

  “Well you got a few hours to decide what to do while we wait for him. Just don’t drag us through the mud when you do it, I’d rather not be killed over your choices.”

  “So what do we do now?” Viktoria asked.

  “Petrov told us to wait here, we gave him the location. He said he’ll be here by mid day, sun should come up in about 4 hours anyway so it shouldn’t be too long.”

  I squeezed Viktoria’s hand as Mike walked back to the others, it was all coming down to this.

  I couldn’t just leave her to her father, if Mike was right about him being calm over his home being destroyed then my suspicions started to seem pretty warranted. Even if my suspicions about him were wrong I no longer believed that he was able to really look after Viktoria. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I turned her over to her father when the danger of rival mobs were closing in on her. I don’t think I would be able to live myself if she was hurt under her father’s eye, my feelings for her were growing with every passing moment she was by my side. I was ready to give her the emotion she was giving to me, I wanted her in every way and I could no longer deny that.

  I hated the thought of leaving the guys with an angry and vengeful Petrov, but I couldn’t let them take Vik away from me. Not after everything that’s happened. It’s a chance I had to take.

  “Do you trust me.”

  “Yes, yes Jack I trust you.”

  “I know things have changed in the past few hours, that’s why I’m giving you this offer. I’m going to ride out of here tonight, I’m tired of this club and I need to get back to when I used to have real freedom. When I used to be my own man. I don’t know if you still want to come along, but my offer is open.”

  “Jack, you know that’s all I want to do.”

  “Are you sure, we’ve known each other for only a short amount of time. I just want to make sure you’re making the right choice.”

  “Jack I’ve been drawn to you since I first met you. I don’t know where things will end up in the future but I do know is that I’d rather spend any amount of time on the back of that bike than go back to my father. I know you’re worried about what we might turn into, if we’re really truly compatible, but in the end you would have helped free me from this life and I would always be grateful to you for that, even if I did stop liking you and admiring you as much as I do in this very moment.”

  I reached down and kissed her. With her backing me like that I really did think that we could make this work, I was willing to risk it all just for a chance to be with her and a chance to break her free from this life.

  “We gotta get out of here then, now. We gotta put as much distance between us and your dad as possible.”

  I just had to make sure the guys wouldn’t come after us. I walked around to the other side of the warehouse. From the looks of it Mike and Ron and gone inside but Axel was out smoking a cigarette, they probably kept him out here to make sure Viktoria and I didn’t run off.

  “You heading to bed?” Axel asked as he took a drag of his cigarette.

  “I don’t know man, I’m still a little shaken up over all that’s happened tonight. Feels weird without Chuck you know.”

  “He was a good man. I always thought that he would get out of the game as an old man, never thought they’d take him out like that.”

  “He deserved better Axel, you’re right on that.”

  I walked over to my bike, opening my bag and taking out the 2 grand that we were given at the beginning of the assignment. I counted it discreetly, making sure it was all there. It would be tough to see it all go, and to give up that $10,000 pay day, but I knew it would help clear my conscious. Besides I had a stash near the original MC headquarters that would help Viktoria and I out for a little while.

  “You know Axel, we’ve had our differences the past few years. We’ve put each other through a lot of unnecessary bullshit, we’ve beaten the shit out of each other, probably insulted each other more times than I can count.”

  “You ain’t going soft on me now are you?” Axel said, I could have sworn I saw him crack a smile for a second there. Don’t think I’ve ever made that boy smile.

  “I just wanted to tell you, man to man, that I’m sorry for everything I’ve done” I replied.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  I walked up to him, shoving the 2 grand into his back pocket before grabbing him by the shirt. “I know it wasn’t the payday you were hoping for, but at least it’s better than nothing.”

  “What the hell are you-”

  I opened the door to the warehouse and threw him inside. I quickly wheeled over all of their bikes and leaned them against the door, trapping them inside using all 1500lbs of their own rides.

  “That’s the thing about the Iron Horses” I said to Viktoria as the guys began banging on the barricaded door “the club won’t even drop the extra money for a warehouse with a backdoor.”

  And just like that, we were on the run.

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