The Ta'e'sha Chronicles 2: Shards of the Mind

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The Ta'e'sha Chronicles 2: Shards of the Mind Page 15

by Theolyn Boese

  Her knees slid down, dislodging Daeshen’s finger. Kyrin quickly slapped her thigh. “Up, now.”

  She quickly slid back into position as he continued to slap and pinch her thighs. Soft moans escaped her lips. He pressed her legs apart and landed a slap on her bare, wet pussy.

  She jerked and cried out.

  Daeshen bit her again as Kyrin focused his stinging blows on the slippery mound between her legs. He smiled as she jerked and writhed after each slap. More juice oozed, wetting his hand.

  Daeshen released her and moved to kneel behind their beloved. Kyrin rubbed her, and he watched with satisfaction as his husband dipped his fingers into the slick liquid and coated his purpling shaft. It took several teasing dips before he was coated thoroughly and glistening in the dimming light of the room.

  Kyrin slipped up to Thea’s head and bunched her hair in his hand. He lifted her head and brushed his cock against her open mouth. “Suck.” He slid inside and she began to draw him in eagerly.

  Daeshen parted her ass cheeks. He squeezed a bit of the lube onto her rose and then set the tip of his cock between them. Thea tensed under them but didn’t protest, so he began to slowly penetrate her, taking his time.

  She whimpered around Kyrin’s cock, and he sent small pulses of desire and love to her until she relaxed again. Still, he removed his cock from her mouth and bent down to spread soft kisses across her lips and cheeks.

  She gasped, her mouth blindly seeking his.

  He felt her jerk and tremble and knew from that and the dark satisfaction radiating from Daeshen that he was seated firmly inside her. There was something about Thea that made them both want to beat their chests and roar.

  He lifted back onto his knees and filled her seeking mouth with his swollen member. With easy, gentle thrusts he began to fuck her mouth while Daeshen rocked against Thea’s rosy red ass.

  He blended his mind back with Daeshen’s and enjoyed the tight warmth superimposed over his cock. It was as if he fucking her in both places at the same time. He shivered as her teeth grazed his sensitive penis.

  The sweet pain rolling off Thea added another layer to their pleasure, and he shared it all with her. Her teeth bit down slightly in reaction and she jerked. After a moment she relaxed and moaned deep in her throat; he responded by pushing himself farther in and withdrawing just before she choked.

  Using his cerebcom he upped the voltage coursing through the wires and grinned when both she and Daeshen jerked and moaned.

  He admired Daeshen’s cock sliding easily in and out of the stretched opening of his wife’s body. It was delicious.

  Suddenly a dark cloud of fear and helplessness stopped all three of them. Thea thrashed under them and they quickly held her. Kyrin withdrew from her gasping mouth and he whispered softly in her ear. They had feared this.

  Daeshen stroked her hips and back, sending love and reassurances to her.

  She stilled and trembled, listening to them. “Kyrin?” she whispered in a shattered voice.

  “We’re here, love, you’re safe,” he murmured softly against her hair.

  “Okay, okay,” she panted out. Her arms slid under her and she lifted onto her elbows but didn’t pull away from Daeshen. “Can you take off the blindfold?” she asked, her voice shaking.

  Kyrin quickly tugged it free and cupped her cheeks.

  She blinked a few times before her eyes focused on his a bit desperately. He felt the panic recede.


  She nodded against his hands and relaxed again.

  He “felt” Daeshen twitch inside her and she moaned softly, her passion rising again. Her mouth opened and she licked his straining erection. He placed it against her lips again and she drew him deeply in.

  He caressed her cheeks and began to move again, thrusting gently in and out. Daeshen smiled and began to move as well. His hands curved around her ultrasensitive hips and cradled her against his pelvis.

  Reaching down, Kyrin cupped her firm breasts, held tightly in the wire suit, and rubbed his palms against her nipples. She sighed and lifted better into his hands as she jolted in time to Daeshen’s increasingly urgent thrusts.

  Kyrin shuddered when she moaned around his cock again. He felt more than saw Daeshen’s hand cup her wet mound and slip two fingers into her lonely pussy. Daeshen’s palm rubbed her clit with each quick thrust of his fingers.

  Thea made soft mewling noises around his cock as Daeshen began to slam harder against her ass. Small jolts of burning pain echoed along their link each time his pelvis slammed into her paddled cheeks.

  Suddenly both of his mates screamed and shuddered. Kyrin jerked as their orgasms rocked through him. He gritted his teeth to keep from joining them.

  Thea twisted and shook under them while Daeshen held her tightly to him, trembling ecstatically.

  They both sagged and panted, his cock slipped from her mouth. He released the pressure on the suit and watched, lazily curling his fingers around his prick and stroking it slowly.

  After a few minutes Daeshen finished coming and withdrew tiredly. He lay down on his side and smile beatifically.

  Kyrin sat back and stretched out one leg and bent the other at the knee.

  Thea stirred and lifted up. She smiled and started to slip off the bed.

  Kyrin’s hand shot out and grabbed the back of her neck, making her jump. “Where do you think you’re going?” He pulled her face back to his throbbing dick. “You’re not done yet.” He smiled with pleasure as her mouth opened submissively and she began to suck him again.

  Immediately her desire bloomed again and he enjoyed every moment of it. Leaning back, he relaxed and rubbed her scalp as she pleasured him. They wouldn’t stop until their wife was their perfect sex slave again.

  Daeshen had been right: they were going to fuck her all night. Over and over again. Until she wanted to be their slave just as much.

  * * * * *

  Aboard the Dark Queen

  Gaia shimmered into being in an empty cabin. She opened her mouth and a clear bell-like tone echoed through the air. While she waited, a soft voice floated through her head.

  “Thank you for helping My daughters, Sister. I worried your daughter would turn them from Me, but that is not her way, is it?” A breeze touched her cheek for a moment. It felt like a kiss. She smiled and sent back a pulse of affection to that nameless voice.

  For all that the Gods and Goddesses bickered and insulted each other, They were siblings and loved each other as such. Their charges rarely understood that.

  She continued to wait patiently for Her children to come to her.

  One by one they began to trickle into the room.

  When the last member of her merry band of mischief makers appeared, she sat down. They formed a semicircle around her. The cats sat back on their haunches and watched her expectantly, and the birds shook their feathers to sit on the floor near their cat companions.

  “Excellent work, My darlings. I think the Ta’e’sha would kill you if they caught you,” she said with a smirk. “You can stop now. I believe I have finally gotten the message across to them and My brothers and sisters. What would you like to do now? You may stay and take up a life with your charges or you may pass on.”

  She waited patiently as she listened to the mental conversations going on around her. It only took a few minutes for them to come to a decision.

  Condezl stood and stretched out a cat bow to Gaia. “Lady, we cats would like to stay with our ladies. We would like to show ourselves to them and be their friends.” His mouth dropped open in a feline grin. “After all, every witch needs a familiar!”

  Gaia laughed softy. “So be it.” She looked enquiringly at Myst.

  Myst stood and hopped forward to bob a bow. “My Lady, we birds would like to wait until the new Earth is terraformed. Then we would like to go to it and give our lore to the animals that will live there. Many will not know their history, and we would like to give it to them.”

  Gaia smiled happil
y. “Oh, My children, I am pleased! I shall take your requests for transplant to the Great One. My beautiful kittens, you shall stay here until your ladies return. I wish you a joyous incarnation.”

  She stood and hugged each of the cats. “Should you need Me, just call!” With that, she gathered the birds to her and they all faded slowly from view.

  Condezl looked around. “Well, let’s go check out our new digs! I am so going to ask Thea to make me a high-walled bed out of raw silk!” He purred with anticipated pleasure.

  The other cats growled and purred in agreement, and then they parted ways to inspect their new homes.

  Condezl paused when he heard the Lady’s voice in his head. “I do not wish Barik to die, child. Leave him to his torment and wish him a long and healthy life. Be at peace; she has been avenged.” He sighed to himself. He would do as his Lady commanded.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Thea rubbed her back as she slinked out of the vehicle. It had been yet another long and tedious journey. They had left the capital city early that morning, and it was quickly approaching dark now.

  Still rubbing her back, she looked around. They were parked in a large paved lot overlooking a huge cove neatly encircled by black rock cliffs broken by a large vee of stone and rock that led to the open ocean. The placid blue waters looked cool and inviting. She was looking forward to swimming later. Hopefully, this would be a relaxing stay.

  She sighed with pleasure when Kyrin came up behind her and rubbed her lower back. A dull ache had developed there early in the trip and hadn’t gone away in spite of the low dose of painkiller she had taken. She wondered if she was going to start her menstrual cycle soon. Her cycles had been very irregular since the miscarriage, but Corvin didn’t seem worried about it. He had advised her to wait and let her body settle into a rhythm on its own.

  Corvin stopped next to her and looked around curiously. He had decided to come with them because Sya’tia had called last night to ask him if her sisters could have two of the eggs she had allowed to be harvested in past months.

  The remaining fertile women had been asked to allow doctors to harvest their eggs if they were not actively trying to have children. Thea had discovered it was a painful process and she had great respect for the women taking part. She had watched Sya’tia take shots and vitamins every day before an egg was harvested. Eggs were not taken from the women every cycle, as the strain would be too great for their bodies. Usually, they rested for four or five months before donating again.

  She had asked Corvin about the actual procedure to remove the egg, and it still made her turn green to think about it. She was just grateful she didn’t have to do it. Her eggs could only be fertilized by her husbands, since their DNA was what was used to convert her body so she could carry their children.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by a short lady with brown hair approaching with fast mincing steps. She was wearing a robe that reminded Thea of a Japanese kimono. The lady had a broad smile across her face and waved her hands anxiously.

  “Hello, hello, hello! You must be the Auralels!” She stopped in front of them and began passing out hugs and kisses like they were Halloween candy.

  Thea laughed and returned the hug and kiss. “I’m Thea. These are my husbands, Daeshen and Kyrin. And our friend, Corvin.”

  The woman beamed. “I am Kokia, Sya’tia’s mother. I’m so glad you could come! She should be here soon; she’s swimming back from the fields.” She waved her hand toward the blue expanse of water. “Most of our houses are in the rock of the cove, but we keep this one for visitors. Oh, there she is now.” Kokia shaded her eyes and stared intently at the water.

  Sya’tia came flying out of the water before diving below again. Water sparkled like jewels on her snowy scales. Thea caught her breath as Sya’tia continued to jump like a dolphin, quickly closing the gap between her and the shore. It was a magical sight. She was so graceful and sure of herself in the water that Thea could only marvel. The pools on the ship didn’t allow Sya’tia to reach her full range of speed, and this was the first time Thea had seen her swim so fast.

  The strength granted to her by being born Warrior Chosen was evident in every muscular flex of her body and the sheer amount of water she cleared with each leap. It took her only moments to reach the shore and change to her human form.

  Completely unself-conscious about her partial nudity, she ran to them and kissed them exuberantly. Thea heard a faint approving hum from Corvin as he admired Sya’tia’s firm body when she returned the hug and kiss bestowed upon her. “I’ve missed you!” She had her marriage veil tied around her waist; it was the only clothing she was wearing. Her strong body glimmered in the late evening sun.

  Corvin stepped forward to take her hands and pressed a kiss on Sya’tia’s cheek. He sighed theatrically. “If only all my patients were in as good shape as you, my dear. It’s a joy to watch you move, as always.”

  Sya’tia giggled softly. She grabbed several of the cases their driver had taken out of the vehicle. “C’mon, I’ll show you the house. Mother, could you make tea?”

  Kokia nodded, her bright eyes still busily inspecting them. Thea winked, making the woman laugh as they followed Sya’tia.

  They were given a room decorated in purples and golds. It reminded Thea of a movie producer’s idea of what a harem would look like. Huge pillows were strewn about the floor in a deceptively casual way. The bed had a canopy draped with contrasting swathes of fabric while the bed itself looked like it had been created by layering huge futons on top of each other. She loved seeing all the different styles of décor she had been introduced to since they landed.

  Sya’tia disappeared with Corvin to show him to another room. She was chattering a mile a minute at him as they left. Her voice trailed off as they moved down the hall.

  Thea turned and pounced on Kyrin. She wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to his neck to give him a lingering kiss. His arms curled under her legs to support her weight as he returned the kiss with interest.

  He sighed happily when the kiss ended. “What was that for?” he asked her, his eyes heavy lidded with pleasure.

  Thea beamed. “I’m just happy. The trial’s over and Chisha is coming around.” She leaned closer to whisper in his ear, “I think we should get her laid.”

  Daeshen laughed behind them. “I heard that!” He came to them and bent forward to nip Thea’s earlobe.

  She giggled, leaning against Kyrin’s arms to kiss her other husband. “You never know, it might help!”

  Sya’tia cleared her throat from the doorway. Thea peeked over Kyrin’s shoulder to smile at her. She had obviously stopped to put on some clothes before coming back to them. She was wearing a sapphire blue halter top and matching shorts made of a wispy floating fabric. The colors glowed against her pale skin and Thea admired the design. Not every woman looked good in a halter top, but it framed Sya’tia’s muscular shoulders to perfection. The shorts made her legs look a mile long and model sleek. She had twisted her hair into multiple braids and was wearing her veil like a headband with the remaining lengths of silk trailing down her back.

  “Chisha is coming around?” she asked Thea hopefully, her black eyes glowing.

  “Yup! She even had dinner with us and didn’t make a single snarky remark! I think we’ve had a breakthrough!” Thea was still a little wary of the older woman, but she was willing to give the new attitude a shot. Daeshen was thrilled with the change in his mother, and Thea wasn’t going to do anything that might make Chisha start behaving badly again. It was hard sometimes; Thea was still feeling defensive around her. She had to force herself to not take everything Chisha said as an attack. The woman had the tact of a charging bull.

  “That’s good news!” Sya’tia seemed pleased. “Come down to the kitchen. Corvin wanted to talk to me about something and you guys need some dinner. He said you didn’t stop for lunch.” She shook her head and made a tsking noise. “Sandwiches on the road! You need a good meal, my loves!”

/>   They trooped into the kitchen like good little soldiers while Sya’tia continued to scold them for not taking better care of themselves. Several minutes later, they were seated at a round table in the kitchen while Kokia placed dish after savory dish in front of them and urged them to eat.

  Sya’tia told them quietly her mother had been cooking all day. Kokia had wanted to show off her culinary skills when Sya’tia had told her how much Thea enjoyed cooking. Apparently, Sya’tia’s mother had great plans of stealing Thea away later to trade recipes.

  Sya’tia’s family would be joining them tomorrow morning for breakfast. There was still too much work in the fields for them to come to the house for dinner. Kokia mentioned that a school of nibblers had invaded the fields and the family and hands were going to have to stay in there all night to keep them from eating the new crops.

  “What’s a nibbler?” Thea asked as she sampled a piece of fish in some kind of yellow sauce. The flavors exploded in her mouth. She moaned with pleasure. “Oh my, this is wonderful!” She eagerly forked up another bite while Kokia beamed and answered her question.

  “That’s just a nickname. They are actually called dorya, and they love new sea ferns. They can eat an entire crop in a night. Usually, they aren’t a problem here, but the weather has been so warm that they are moving more. It’s a large group too. It’s too bad we don’t have any resident meechas. They love feasting on nibblers.” Kokia spooned more food onto Corvin’s plate. “You are too skinny! Eat, eat!”

  He laughed and continued to pack away the food. It was one of Thea’s favorite things about him. He loved his food. She wondered why he wasn’t married. Corvin would be a wonderful father and needed someone to take care of him. He was frequently so involved in his work that he forgot to eat. Thea had started checking in on him to make sure he did. She often took him plates of food around dinnertime because he was usually still in his office and completely oblivious to the time.


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