Three Is A Crowd

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Three Is A Crowd Page 6

by Chenell Parker

“I’m stuffed. Let me call for the bill,” Ariel said as she raised her hand and signaled the waitress.

  “I got it Ariel,” Jersi said as she grabbed her purse to get her debit card.

  “No Jersi, you paid the last two times. We got it this time,” Ariel noted.

  “Bitch, who is we?” Talena asked while rolling her eyes.

  The three of them got together at least once a week and Talena never even offered to pay. She was always saying that she was broke but Jersi didn’t mind. She was good financially but Ariel didn’t appreciate her girl being used.

  “You don’t even pretend like you’re gonna pay. And be the main one ordering appetizers and all that other shit,” Ariel snapped in anger.

  “Please don’t start y’all. I said I got it,” Jersi spoke up right as the waitress walked over.

  “Actually, somebody else got it. Your tab has already been paid,” the waitress replied with a smile.

  “Paid by who?” Talena asked as she sat up straight and fixed herself up.

  She was sure that it was a man who paid their bill. She had to be together just in case it was her that he was interested in.

  “The gentleman right over there paid it. He even gave me a tip,” the waitress replied as she pointed to one of the men in the noisy section.

  When Jersi’s mystery man smiled and lifted his glass, she waved and smiled back.

  “Ugh. His ugly ass is not what’s up,” Talena frowned while slumping down in her seat.

  “That’s ole boy from Whole Foods,” Ariel said as she waved at him.

  “Yeah, I just ran into him when I went to the bathroom. That’s his fraternity,” Jersi said as she stood up and grabbed her purse.

  She waved at the man again before leaving and mouthed her appreciation for him covering their bill.

  “Where to now?” Ariel asked.

  “I don’t know about y’all but I’m going home. Carter is coming over,” Jersi replied.

  “Is he spending the night?” Ariel asked.

  “Does he ever? You know we’re not on it like that. We have an understanding and we never cross the line,” Jersi replied.

  “That’s the kind of nigga that I need. Come through, break my back and bring your ass back home,” Talena said as they piled into Jersi’s car and pulled off.

  “That kind of relationship will never work for you. You fall in love too fast,” Jersi replied.

  “That’s my whole damn problem. I’m always falling for the wrong ones,” Talena admitted as Jersi drove towards her house.

  Ariel’s car was parked out front, so they both got out and went their separate ways once Jersi dropped them off. Ariel had never seen the inside of Talena’s house and that was fine with them both. Talena only started hanging with them when Mariah and Blake got together. She barely even acknowledged Jersi before then.

  “You can be on your way,” Jersi said when she called Carter.

  “I’m already here but I can’t get in the gate,” Carter replied.

  “Damn. What’s going on like that?” Jersi asked him.

  “I had a stressful day and I need to relieve some tension,” Carter sighed.

  “Is everything okay?” Jersi asked.

  “It will be. I’ll tell you about it when you get here,” Carter replied.

  “Okay. I should be pulling up in about ten minutes,” Jersi assured him before she disconnected the call.

  She didn’t know what was going on with him but she was sure that it had something to do with his ex-wife. She was a bitch who used their kids to get her way. What she did know was that she was in for some bomb ass sex. Whenever Carter was stressed, he was like a wild animal in the bedroom but she never complained.

  As soon as Jersi pulled into her gate, Carter drove in right behind her. He got out of his car without uttering a word. As soon as they walked into the house, he started pulling her clothes off and his came off next. He came prepared with a brand new box of condoms and Jersi knew that she was in for a long night.

  “Merry Christmas everybody,” Jersi smiled when she and Dray walked into the Harding’s home.

  Dray had his friend Donovan with him again and Jersi was surprised that he’d been around that long. After one year, Dray usually got bored. He was obviously feeling Donovan for him to still be around after so many years. They all went around greeting everyone before they took their seats. Of course, Jersi bypassed Mariah and Blake, but that was nothing new. She felt Blake’s eyes on her but she ignored him just like always. After having a serious talk with Ariel, Jersi abandoned her plans to mess around with him. She was angry at Mariah at the time and it seemed like a good idea. Once she thought it over, it wasn’t even that deep. Once again, Mariah’s behavior got a pass. After she greeted everyone, Jersi was ready to relax. As usual, she sat next to Cat and they started talking soon after.

  “You look so cute Jersi. That red got that chocolate skin popping,” Cat complimented.

  “Thanks girl. Dray styled me today. I’m just happy that I didn’t walk in here looking like a tree ornament,” Jersi replied as they both laughed.

  “Don’t do him that. I need to let him help me. I’m so tired of always dressing like a first lady. My husband ain’t even a pastor,” Cat said making Jersi laugh even louder.

  “Okay, it’s time to eat. Let’s say grace and dig in,” Eva said as she instructed everyone to bow their heads.

  Once she was done, everyone started eating and talking. They usually opened the gifts up after dinner and the kids were anxious. Not even ten minutes after they ate, they were begging their grandparents to open their presents. As much as Jersi hated Blake and Mariah, she had to admit that their twins were adorable. The way they squealed in delight had everyone in the room smiling. They all watched as the kids opened their gifts and got excited about everything that they had.

  “I didn’t buy shit for nobody but my son and I hope nobody got nothing for me,” Cat mumbled to Jersi.

  “Not even your husband?” Jersi asked.

  “Nope. Fuck him too,” Cat replied in a hushed tone.

  “I gave everybody their gifts this morning,” Jersi whispered back.

  She and Cat exchanged gifts every year but they always did it the day before. It had been their own little tradition for years and they never stopped even when Jersi and Blake broke up. Mariah looked over at them and frowned. She was over the whispering and side bar conversations. Cat still acted like Jersi was her sister-in-law and that didn’t sit too well with her. She got up and decided to break up their little private party.

  “Here you got Catina. From one Mrs. Harding to another,” Mariah said as she over pronounced the Mrs. in her name.

  She smiled as she handed Cat a red envelope that she stuck in her purse. Mariah was looking like she was waiting for something but Cat didn’t have nothing for her.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it,” Cat said with a phony smile.

  “You’re welcome. We need to start hanging out more. I mean, it makes sense since we’re married to two brothers,” Mariah replied.

  “Okay, let’s clean up our mess, so we can have dessert,” Eva said, unknowingly coming to Cat’s rescue. She was about to let Mariah down once again, but she was happy that she didn’t have to.

  “Come on Jersi. Let’s clear the table,” Cat said as she stood up. That had become their unassigned job and a way for them to talk amongst themselves.

  Once they had the table cleared, Eva and Dena put the desserts out while the kids played with their toys.

  “Am I reading too much into things Cat? For some reason, I feel like Mariah has been throwing a lot of shade at me lately,” Jersi said as they packed the food away.

  “No, I’m starting to notice that too. I think she was intimidated in the beginning because she knew that you and had Blake history. The bitch got a ring and she’s too comfortable now. She just don’t know. That nigga eyes be on you hard as fuck,” Cat replied.

  “I was about to entertain him but it’s not even
worth it. Fuck her and Blake,” Jersi spat angrily.

  “Bitch, I can’t even lie, I was here for the drama. The petty side of me wanted you to fuck some shit up,” Cat admitted right as one of Blake’s daughter’s came running into the kitchen.

  “Can you give me a towel auntie Cat?” Bleu asked as she walked up to her.

  Her face and hands were full of cake icing and so was her dress. Cat was busy putting vegetables in a container, so Jersi jumped in and offered her assistance.

  “Come on pretty girl. Let me help you get cleaned up,” Jersi said as she picked her up and walked her over to the sink.

  After washing Bleu’s hands, she grabbed a few paper towels and started cleaning off her face and dress. When she was almost done, Mariah came rushing into the kitchen in search of her baby girl.

  “Didn’t I tell you about running off like that? I told you to go into the bathroom, not the kitchen,” Mariah scolded the three year old.

  “It’s okay mommy. I’m all cleaned up now,” Bleu smiled while holding up her freshly washed hands.

  “Did you say thank you?” Mariah asked her.

  “Thank you Jersi,” Bleu said as she looked up at her and smiled.

  “You’re welcome beautiful,” Jersi said as she helped her down from the counter and watched her skip away.

  “I didn’t know that you were so good with kids. I’ll make sure I keep that in mind for the next time Blake and I need a babysitter. Don’t worry, we pay very well,” Mariah smirked as she turned and walked away.

  “Wait a minute,” Jersi said as her face twisted in confusion. “Did that bitch just call me the babysitter?”

  “Yes bitch, you’re the help,” Cat replied as she held on to the counter and laughed.

  “Okay and I’m about to help myself right to her husband,” Jersi fumed.

  Truthfully, Mariah saying anything to her was something that she never had to worry about before. They only saw each other at family gatherings and Mariah made it a point to avoid her for years. Jersi just didn’t understand why she had been coming for her so hard lately and she really didn’t care. Mariah was basically saying fuck her feelings and Jersi felt the same way about her.

  “I’m ready to go home now. We ate and the kids have already opened their gifts. There’s nothing else left for us to do,” Cat said when she and Jersi went back into the room with everyone else.

  Jersi heard her but her mind was elsewhere. She was really in her feelings about how Mariah had tried to play her. That bitch was a project hood rat but she quickly forgot where she came from. Mariah was a stay at home mother and everything that she had came from Blake. Without his riches, she would be back in the low income housing that she used to live in before. Having his kids was probably the only thing that saved her. She looked down on everybody now because she was on top. Jersi was lost in her thoughts for a while until she saw that people were starting to leave. A few of Eva’s nieces and nephews were telling her goodbye and that’s the only thing that pulled her away from her daydream.

  “We’re leaving sis. I’ve had enough of this boring ass house to last me a lifetime. Besides, Sassy is doing a show tonight and I need to get ready,” Dray said, referring to the name that Evan went by when he did drag.

  “Okay, let me walk you out. I’m about to be leaving too,” Jersi replied as she got up and followed them outside.

  Blake was outside moving his car to let one of his cousins out. His parents’ driveway wasn’t nearly as big as theirs, so they had to keep making room to let people in and out. Jersi hugged her brother and Donovan and saw them off. She saw Blake lingering around and she knew that he was trying to get her alone. That was cool because she wanted to do the same.

  “Hey,” Blake spoke when Jersi walked back to the house.

  “Hi,” Jersi spoke back.

  “How have you been?” Blake asked, shifting uncomfortably.

  “Fine and you?” Jersi countered.

  “I’ve been okay I guess,” Blake shrugged.

  “You guess? Either you have or you haven’t,” Jersi said.

  “I could be better but I miss you,” Blake admitted.

  “I miss you too,” Jersi replied, shocking him.

  Besides speaking to him occasionally, Jersi pretended as if he didn’t exist. A few times she caught him staring at her but she turned her head without even acknowledging him. Now, hearing her say that she missed him was like the best Christmas present that Blake could have ever received. He’d never stopped loving her and he wasn’t sure that he ever would.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk Jersi? I just feel like there’s so much that we never got a chance to say,” Blake said.

  “I don’t know about that Blake,” Jersi replied, trying not to sound too eager. Blake was playing right into her hands and she had to stop herself from laughing.

  “Please Jersi. I won’t take up too much of your time, I promise,” Blake pleaded.

  “How is that going to be possible Blake? Your wife is right inside,” Jersi replied as if she gave a fuck.

  “We can meet up somewhere,” Blake said.

  Jersi was hoping that he wasn’t trying to come to her house because that wasn’t happening. That was her comfort zone and she didn’t want Blake nowhere near where she laid her head.

  “Where?” Jersi questioned.

  “How about the lake?” Blake suggested. “We used to park there and talk all the time.”

  They used to park and do more than talk but Jersi wasn’t trying to relive old memories.

  “I guess so,” Jersi sighed like she really didn’t want to.

  She didn’t give a fuck about what Blake had to say. More than likely it was going to be a bunch of lame ass excuses and weak ass apologies. All of which Jersi had already heard.

  “Okay. Give me about an hour and I’ll be there,” Blake swore right as the front door swung open, revealing his brother, sister-in-law and his wife.

  Mariah was all smiles until she spotted Jersi and her husband standing there. Her face fell as she witnessed the awkwardness between them. It was obvious that she was interrupting something but she didn’t know what. Blake had a guilty look on his face while Jersi only smirked. Cat was giggling but Mariah didn’t know what was so funny.

  “Are you leaving Cat?” Jersi asked her friend.

  “Yes girl. I’m ready to shower and get in my bed,” Cat yawned.

  “I’m about to get going too,” Jersi said as she walked with her friend to her car.

  “Are you ready to go baby?” Blake asked as he looked at his wife.

  “Yeah, just let me get the girls and grab my purse,” Mariah replied while looking from him to Jersi again.

  Once Cat and her family left, Jersi went back inside to talk to her parents. She was trying to kill time before she had to meet Blake and they were usually the last ones to leave. Before Blake and his family left, he gave a head nod to Jersi, silently confirming their plans. As soon as they got into the car, Mariah started up with the questions.

  “What was that all about?” she asked while looking over at her husband.

  “What was what about?” Blake inquired, playing dumb.

  “You and Jersi. It looked like I was interrupting something,” Mariah said.

  “No, you weren’t. She walked her brother outside while I went to move my car. That was all that there was to it,” Blake replied.

  “Are you sure about that?” Mariah asked.

  “Can we not do this today please? We had a great day with our family and friends. Don’t ruin it with your insecurities because I’m sick of it.”

  “I’m not feeling this way for nothing Blake. Let’s not forget that I walked down on you asking your brother and his wife questions about her recently. You can try to downplay it all you want to but there must still be feelings involved,” Mariah argued.

  “We were friends Mariah. Before the relationship or anything else, she was my friend. I can’t lie, sometimes I miss the friendship but that’s it. I l
ove you and our girls too much to even entertain the idea of another woman,” Blake swore.

  “I love you too baby,” Mariah smiled, satisfied with his answer.

  She was crushed when she heard her husband asking his brother about Jersi. He knew that she was cool with Cat and she sometimes went to their house to visit. He swore that it was innocent but Mariah was in her feelings about it. She tried hard but she couldn’t keep her emotions in check. That’s why she had started taking cheap shots at Jersi whenever she saw her. Her feelings were hurt and she was taking it out on her husband’s ex.


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