Broken Hearts

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Broken Hearts Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re not waking Mommy up. You’ve kept her awake the past three nights, and you’re going to learn to take your milk from Daddy.”

  “What’s wrong?” Snake asked.

  “Judi needs sleep, but this little guy is determined to wake her up. I didn’t know it, but he’s been keeping her up half of the night to feed him, so then through the day, she’s exhausted, and she’s going to end up ill. I won’t let that happen. Judi hates hospitals, and that’s where she’ll end up if this little guy won’t let her have sleep.” Ripper held his son with one arm, and Paul was sucking on the flesh on the inside of his arm.

  Dick finished off the sandwich then made his way into the kitchen at the same time as Ripper.

  “I don’t suppose you’ll hold him while I prepare his food?” Ripper asked.

  “You want me to hold your son?”

  “It’s not hard. You’re my brother, and you’ll die for me.”

  “I know, but I’ve never held a kid.”

  “He’s not,” Lexie said, bustling her kids out of the kitchen. “He refused to help me with mine.”

  Before he could say anything, Lexie had already taken the kids out of the way. He was the only one left to hold Paul. “Fuck,” he said. “Fine, give me your kid. Tell me how to hold him.”

  “It’s quite simple. You need to support his whole body, and his head. The way I had him keeps him safely tucked up.”

  “Shit, man.” Dick didn’t like the thought of the kid resting against his old scars, and so he held onto his head, supporting his whole body with his arms. He held the kid away from him, and stared into the innocence of his blue eyes. The little guy was going to be a handsome fucker, like his mom and dad. Dick was uncomfortable, and he didn’t want any of his evil to rub off on the little guy.

  “He’s not infected. You can hold him close. He won’t start to wriggle. Only if he thinks you’re not holding him right does he wriggle.”

  Dick changed the way he was holding him, and smiled down a Paul.

  “See, it’s not so hard,” Ripper said.

  Paul had stopped crying, and the silence hung in the air.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Dick asked.

  “Nothing. You’re holding him close, and you’re new.” Ripper started pulling out a bottle from the fridge and testing it. “You’re a natural with him.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “You are. I’ve never seen him be so quiet before. Will you and Lydia be having kids?” Ripper asked.

  “No. I’m not making that whore my old lady.”

  “Then you better make her realize that. She’s going around telling everyone she’s your old lady.”

  “Fuck, man, between her and this shit with Master, I need a damn break.”

  “Are you tripping?” Ripper asked.

  “No. I don’t need to go back on my word. What I need is to get away.”

  Go to Martha. Go see her.

  Dick didn’t like the way she was invading his thoughts, and taking over his life. For a long time he’d not thought about her. It had been over three years since he got out of rehab, and hadn’t needed to go back. The club had kept him sane, and he’d not even been tempted to go back on his word, and take drugs again.

  “Hey, fuckers,” Butler said, walking into the kitchen. “Dime, Spider, Sinner, and Slash are back. We went looking around the old mansion where we found Lydia and Jessica. No luck. Everything that was there is gone.”

  Dime, Spider, Sinner, and Slash were usually great at picking up scents and finding people that didn’t want to be found. They came as a team, and used to be in the Seals. They’d had a bad time of it in the service, and when they got out years ago, they joined Chaos Bleeds, and never looked back. Guts and Sexy, two other guys, had ended up in rehab as well, not with him but at a different facility.

  Since they’d settled down in Piston County, they’d all changed. It was insane, crazy, and yet it wasn’t. The Skulls had changed, and they’d been in Fort Wills for years. It would only make sense that all clubs change eventually even though they don’t want to.

  Dick couldn’t believe he’d gone from being an addict to clean, and now he was talking about a break. The only problem was it wasn’t a break away from the club. He needed to go and see Martha, to see how she was handling Becky. The moment he left the rehab center, he’d cut off all contact with his life, with Martha. He’d thought about her from time to time, but he’d not felt the need to make sure she was okay. That had changed in the last couple of hours. He wanted to go see her, and it was like a need burning up inside him.

  “You need a break, talk to Devil. He’ll understand. You’ve done everything he’s ever asked you, and I know I appreciate that, and so will he.” Ripper handed him the bottle. “Feed him and I’ll make Jessica a replacement sandwich.”

  “You’ve conned me.”

  “No. I’m trying to prove to you that not all women are animals, or bitches, or after your dick.”

  He took the bottle from Ripper, and started to feed Paul. The kid wouldn’t look away from him. He was so cute, and adorable, and he just knew if he didn’t get out soon, he’d be made a babysitter. The kid was cute, but then, to him, all kids were cute.

  “Lydia’s not all bitch.” He didn’t know why he was defending her. Dick himself could be a bastard, so wasn’t it the same thing?

  “Yes, she is. She almost got herself and Jessica killed. It’s only because of Jessica that Snake went after her. Any real friend would have made sure they don’t know shit. Lydia’s not good enough for you, Dick.”

  Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to look at Ripper. “What makes you think I’m good enough for anyone? I’m an ex-addict, Ripper. I’ve worked for my next score. I’ve killed people, and I don’t give a fuck about anything.”

  “And yet even high, you’ve had my back. Okay, so it wasn’t as clear as it is now, but you’ve had my back when I needed you. You’ve protected the women when you’ve needed to. You’re not some asshole who doesn’t deserve to be happy. Fuck, Judi felt for a long time that she couldn’t be loved because of what happened in her life. It took me a long time to prove to her that she deserved love.”

  Judi was one of the first women they met when they came to Piston County. She was underage, and being forced to prostitute herself, abused at every corner. The Chaos Bleeds crew had taken her in, loved her, and she was one of theirs. Ripper and Judi had ended up falling in love with Ripper almost getting killed when the truth came out. It had been some seriously messed up shit, but no one would change it. Ripper had proven to everyone that he loved Judi.

  “Judi shouldn’t have ever felt like that,” Dick said.

  “She did, and it took me time to get her to realize she could be loved.”

  “It’s still fucking wrong.”

  “I know. It sucks.” He shrugged. “I’ve gotten through to her, and now we’re good.”

  Spider chose that moment to come into the kitchen sitting with Butler.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m thinking of stopping by Naked Fantasies,” Spider said. He glanced up at the clock. “It’s still open.”

  Dick frowned as he looked at Spider. They had all agreed to keep Naked Fantasies as the name for the strip club that the Chaos Bleeds club owned. Vincent still ran the club, only everything was aboveboard now, after the Gonzalez incident. Dick’s life was getting complicated with everything going on with the club, and Lydia.

  “Why?” Butler asked. “It’s closed in an hour. What the fuck are you going to do?”

  “Fuck off.” Spider stormed back out of the kitchen, leaving them all confused.

  Staring down at Paul, Dick finished feeding him while Ripper prepared Jessica’s sandwich for work. They all appreciated the work she did. If it wasn’t for her, Judi may not be sleeping upstairs, and he may not be holding Paul in his arms.

  “He’s finished,” Dick said, holding the empty bottle up.

  “Okay, you need to burp h
im now.”

  After ten minutes of being told how to burp a baby, Dick was going to have a breakdown. He needed to get out of the club. Once Paul had given them multiple burps, he handed him back to Ripper, and made his way up to his room. Lydia was nowhere to be seen, which he was thankful for. He didn’t want to deal with that bitch. Once inside his room, he locked the door. No one was going to disturb him now.

  You made a mistake, and you shouldn’t have let her draw you in.


  Spider leaned against the outside of Naked Fantasies waiting for her to come out. She wasn’t like the other women who danced at the club. Her stage name was Beauty, but her real name was Paris. From the moment she stood on the stage and started dancing he’d been hypnotized by her. She wasn’t like the other women who were trying to gain the guys’ attention. Paris didn’t look at any of them. She didn’t hang out, and she was always the first woman to leave the club. Some of the brothers liked to stay after the doors closed, getting some of the freebies that the girls offered.

  None of the boys could come up with a new name for the club, and so they’d stuck with the old name.

  The door opened, and he was in the shadows so she didn’t see him immediately. She wore a hoodie over her head, and a pair of torn jeans. The sensual woman from the stage was long gone. The door closed, and Paris was about to step past him when Spider stepped out of the shadows.

  “Hello,” he said.

  She screamed and held her hands up, prepared to fight him. “What the fuck?” she asked, pushing her hoodie back.

  “Why are you coming back here alone?” he asked.

  “I always come back here alone, Spider.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “What’s the problem?”

  “Nothing. I just thought you’d like a ride home.”

  “No. I’m good. The last time I checked, I remembered where I lived.” She made to start walking, but Spider caught her arms, stopping her.

  “I’m offering you a ride.”

  “I don’t want one.”

  “Why are you being such a bitch?” he asked.

  “I’m not. Why are you determined to talk to me? I don’t know you. When I signed my contract with Naked Fantasies it didn’t say anything about giving freebies to the owners.”

  “I’m not asking for freebies.”

  “What are you asking for then?”

  “The chance to give you a ride.” He folded his own arms, waiting for her to refuse him. Paris wouldn’t ever give him the time of day, nor would she give any of the guys her time. She kept them all at a distance, and it was just another aspect of her that enthralled him.

  “You’re not going to back down, are you?” she asked.

  “No. I’m not.”

  She released a sigh. “Look, I know some of the women want your attention, and I get it. I’m not one of those women. I don’t need your attention, and I don’t want it either.”

  “Since when is offering a ride something more?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want you getting the wrong idea.”

  “I’m not going to get the wrong idea. You don’t want anything to do with me, fine. I’m offering you a ride home. It’s pretty dangerous for a beautiful woman, and I was offering my protection. Where’s the harm in that?”

  She stared at him for several minutes, and finally caved. “Fine. We’re only having a ride though, right?”


  Spider wanted to punch the air at what he’d achieved. Paris was different from anyone he’d ever met. He usually liked his pussy to be easy so he didn’t have to work at it. The women who stripped in the club didn’t appeal. Paris was the only woman he liked to watch. She pulled the club into the dance and the movement of her body. Most of the time she didn’t even need to strip off all of her clothes, only making it down to her underwear before the music stopped. Other times, she teased some men with showing her nakedness while other men were left wanting more. Paris had been spoken to about it, but they couldn’t argue with her when she said it brought customers back. It fucking did. They were all hoping to see who would finally get Beauty. She was dramatic, beautiful, and her curves were addictive. He wanted to get his hands on her curves.

  Some of the women were catty about her. He’d heard them referring to her as “the fat one”. They had learned never to say that kind of shit to him. He protected her the best way he could.

  Again, he didn’t have a fucking clue as to why he did it. She was ungrateful for his services.

  Chapter Two

  The following day Dick watched as Devil was working on his bike. Simon was standing with him, and the two were chatting. The young boy was in school, and Dick knew that Lexie and Devil had been called to the school about Simon’s behavior. Simon was a lot like his father. He didn’t like to be told what to do, spoke his mind, and tried to fool all of the teachers. It was great around the club, but in school, it was proving to be difficult.

  “What’s going on?” Butler asked.

  “I’m wondering when the best time to go and talk to Devil is.” Dick took a sip of his coffee, watching father and son work. “He’s been sent home again. Lexie pulled up an hour ago, dropping Simon off for Devil to talk to him. The school isn’t happy with his behavior.”

  “Boy’s going to need to learn when to do shit he doesn’t like,” Butler said.

  “I know.”

  “I’m heading out.”

  He placed the empty cup down on the nearest table. One of the club whores could clean it up. Dick made his way out of the clubhouse toward Devil and Simon.

  “But I don’t want to do as they tell me. They’re thick and stupid. They’re not club, Dad. I only listen to the club,” Simon said.

  “Look, son, you’ve got to do what you’re told at school. I’ve told you this. Don’t take fucking shit from anyone else, and just take it easy. I can’t handle your mother bitching at me about this. You need to go to school. You need to learn.”

  Simon went to open his mouth, but Devil held his hand up.

  “I love you, son. That’s never going to change. I’ll love you if you’re thick and stupid, or if you’re clever. You want a chance at running this club when you’re older?”

  Simon nodded.

  “Then get your fucking head down at school. Get the grades, ‘cause I’m warning you, I won’t leave my club in the hands of a fool.”

  “But, Dad!”

  “Don’t ‘but Dad’ me, boy. I’m tired of you being lazy. If Tabitha was going to school here, you’d be there in a heartbeat. Don’t fucking try the shit with me, do you hear?”


  “Besides, Tabitha will not want your ass if you don’t know how to spell her name.”

  “I know how to spell her name!”

  “Then make sure you can spell more than her name.” Devil glared at his son. The two were just butting heads.

  “Leave him, Devil,” Dick said, taking a seat beside Simon. “Tabitha will pass Simon over. I bet The Skulls will have more than enough prospects for her to look at. The ones that can spell every word in the dictionary. I heard girls like that. You know, clever guys. It’s the ones who can’t spell who come out last.”

  “No, she won’t date any of them. She’s mine. Tabitha’s my old lady.” Simon shouted the words, and jumped down from the wall.

  “Where are you going?” Devil asked.

  “To do my homework, and write an apology letter to the principal, my teacher, and to Mom.”

  Devil waited for Simon to disappear inside the clubhouse before laughing. “Damn, that boy is pussy whipped, and he’s fucking six years old. Fucking nightmare.”

  “At least you’ve got a girl to hang over him. Just bribe him with Tabitha. He’ll come running.”

  “I shouldn’t have to be using that young girl. She started school this September. My son is into his second year, and she’s in her first. This is going to be a problem.”


  “Tabitha’s a Skull.
Simon’s a Chaos. The two don’t mesh.”

  “I thought you and Tiny were getting over your problems,” Dick said.

  “We are, but it’s not the same. He insulted my club. Nothing is ever right after that. I’m only doing what I do to help Lexie. She wants to stay friends with Eva, and that’s fine with me. It’s why we went to that stupid prom.”

  “They’ll lose interest,” Dick said.

  “I don’t know.” Devil looked toward the house. “Simon’s stubborn. I’ll have to watch him when he grows up.” They fell silent as Devil finished fixing his bike. “What can I help you with?”

  “What makes you think I want anything?”

  “It’s lunchtime, and you’re out here instead of in there. You never look for me. Ever since I demanded you go to rehab, you’ve not come and looked for me.”

  Dick hadn’t thought of that. When the rule first came out of get clean, or get out of the club, he’d been nervous as hell. At first he’d not wanted to go to rehab. He liked getting high instead of dealing with the shit in the world. Then he thought about what he actually had in life. He didn’t have fucking anything in life, not really. All he cared about was Chaos Bleeds. It was his life, his world, and he wasn’t going to let that change. So he’d gone and got cleaned, pissed about having to change who he was. Chaos Bleeds didn’t change for anyone, but faced with an enemy like Gonzalez, who could ruin them, he’d done his part. Dick hadn’t really thought about his reaction to Devil. He’d not gone out of his way to be friends with him, but then, Devil was a busy man. He spent half of his time knocking Lexie up.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Just tell me what you want to say, and I’ll deal with it.” Devil stood up wiping his hands on a cloth. “I’m not the kind of man to start crying over shit. I did what I had to do, and I did it to protect the club and my men. I’ll do it again, and I’ll keep doing it until the day I die. When I pass over my club, I’ll never stop looking out for it.”

  “I’ve not had a problem staying clean.”

  “I know that. If you did, you’d go straight back to rehab.”

  “Thanks. The thing is, I need a break away from everything.”


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