Broken Hearts

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Broken Hearts Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  You’re the girl he remembers from rehab.

  This isn’t about getting together.

  It’s about providing him with a break.

  She kept cursing herself, over and over, to make sure she understood that what was happening between them wasn’t down to anything but the fact he wanted a break. She wasn’t special, nor was she different.

  You’re the girl with the dead drug addict sister. He probably feels nothing but pity for you.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe. He looked so damn good, and Martha just smiled.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Erm, does your club know where you are?”

  “They know I needed to take a break. Don’t worry, none of us are going to swarm down on you, and start hurting your place or anything.”

  She smiled. “I wouldn’t worry about that.” Martha would have gotten each of them to do some work. “Everything is ready. I hope you have a good night’s sleep.”

  Dick reached out, grabbing her arm.

  She stared up at him.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I locked up the house.”

  “You don’t need to lock up the house. It’s perfectly safe.”

  “Then bad shit happens to women like you. Don’t leave your house unlocked again.”

  Martha pulled out of his hold and made her way toward her own room. She closed the door, leaning against it. Pressing a hand to her neck, she felt her rapidly beating pulse, and couldn’t help licking her lips. He’d turned her on, aroused her, and now she was panting for more. She’d liked the way he touched her. He had to have cared about her in some way to tell her to lock up her house.

  Touching between her thighs, she stifled a moan.

  What had Dick done to her?


  Spider watched as Beauty danced in front of the audience. Naked Fantasies was thriving with activity for a Friday night. He glanced around at the men staring at his woman on the stage. Paris, or Beauty as everyone knew her as, was his. Sure, she couldn’t stand to be around him, but he really didn’t give a fuck.

  He’d taken her home the other day, and he was shocked to find her living in a decent home. It was in one of the nicest areas of town, and yet she was stripping. She’d strut on stage, and the music would start. Beauty knew how to keep the audience on her with each swift sway of her hips.

  She hypnotized the crowd, and made them believe that they were the ones responsible for her still being semi-clothed by the end of her set. He loved it, and when the club had received complaints, Spider had been the one to deal with it. Spider had given Paris a warning, so she’d worked other elements into her routine. She teased, and tantalized the men with views of her tits, making them beg for more. She was the mistress on the stage, and she knew how to work the crowd. Beauty was one of the most requested dancers, and the men panted for more of her. Providing Paris gave the club what was in the contract, they kept the customers happy, and at bay. Some of the girls were pretty much so desperate by the end of their set that they were practically fucking the customers. Beauty knew her music. She knew how to make it last and how to give a brilliant performance.

  “What’s going on?” Butler asked, taking a seat at their table.

  Several of the brothers were in tonight to blow off steam. They were dotted around the club, each giving the other the space they required. The married men of their club were nowhere to be seen. They didn’t need to come to the club to let off steam.

  Devil never came to the strip club unless he had to lay down the law. “No drugs” was still a firm Chaos Bleeds rule. At times Spider believed he’d grown soft since being married to Lexie. Now, he didn’t believe it at all. The man was a hard fucker, and had gotten harder with Lexie. He was a fucking lion protecting his family.

  “They’re all watching her,” he said, staring at the woman on stage. This was her last set of the night. Spider hadn’t even touched any of his drink. He didn’t want to. She’d flashed her tits to the men on the left, and given everyone her back, teasing them with what she had on show. Beauty was like another woman. He wanted to climb up onto the stage, and grab her ass, pushing her forward and fucking her hard.

  “Damn, man. She’s paid to strip. The bitch is doing her job.”

  “Don’t call her that.”

  “What do you want me to call her? Pussy?” Butler shook his head. “Don’t get involved.”

  “Something’s not right with her.”

  “Why? She’s stripping to some men, but not to others, and something isn’t right for you?”

  Spider tapped his fingers on the counter as the set ended. “I’ve got to find out what the fuck is going on.”

  He threw down some notes, and made his way outside. Moving around to the back, he watched the door for her to exit. It took several minutes before Paris was outside. The moment she spotted him, her shoulders slumped. If he had a problem with his ego, her reaction to him would affect him. As it was, Spider was very happy with himself.

  “Have I done something wrong? Is this a club thing of warning me that I’ve done something wrong? I changed my routine like you told me. I’m teasing the crowd with exposing my body. Do you need more?”


  “Then what’s going on?”

  “Nothing. It’s a new kind of service. I’m taking you home.”

  “I don’t know you.”

  “You know me.”

  “Knowing your name isn’t a good thing. I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you’re capable of, and right now, you’re freaking me out. This is verging on major stalker.” She hiked her bag high on her shoulder.

  “You’re a dancer.”


  “You are. There’s no way an amateur dances the way you do. You know how to work a crowd.”

  She shook her head, looking down the street. “Will you just leave me alone?”

  “What are you hiding?”

  “I’m not hiding anything.”

  She started walking down the street, but Spider wasn’t done. He grabbed her arm, turning her so that she had no choice but to face him.

  “I’m not going to back down,” he said. “I’m going to find out the truth.”

  “Whatever. There is no truth to find out. It’s late, and I’m tired.”

  Spider didn’t let her go. Paris was going to learn the hard way that when he wanted something, there was no getting away from him.

  “I’ll give you a ride home.”

  He’d find out his answers, and when he knew what was going on, he’d put a stop to whatever bad shit was happening in her life.

  Chapter Four

  At six in the morning Dick was awake, making himself a cup of coffee, and sitting on the back porch overlooking the large property that Martha owned. It was beautiful, and he sat watching the sun come up, enhancing the beauty before him. Ever since he’d gotten off the drugs, and become sober, he’d been an early riser. There was nothing keeping him in bed, and he’d found there were moments while watching the sunrise that he found a kind of peace that was usually rather foreign to him.

  The drugs were the things that kept him in bed, while having a clear mind kept him alert.

  “I didn’t expect you to be up,” Lynne said, coming outside. “I thought bikers were supposed to be lazy, spending most of their time in bed.”

  She was dressed in a pair of pajamas with a blanket wrapped around her.

  “I don’t sleep late, and not all bikers are the same.”

  “That’s good to know. I’ll change my views that all bikers are damn lazy. I suppose it’s good for Martha¸ you being an early riser.”

  “You don’t need to worry about Martha. I’m not the lazy kind of biker, not anymore. You’re a lawyer. Shouldn’t you be impartial or something?”

  “I’m not on the clock. I can be whatever the hell I want to be. Now, if this was a business meeting, I’d be different.”

  “I’m pleased you’re not one of
my lawyers.”

  “You couldn’t afford me.”

  Dick smirked. Chaos Bleeds could afford the best lawyers in the state, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. He didn’t like her, and the club already had a lawyer. There was no way Lynne would ever get the job. Devil would chew her up and spit her back out.

  Taking a sip of his coffee, he stared straight ahead of him.

  “What are you doing out here?” Lynne asked.

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

  “It’s not. Martha, she’s my business. We’re best friends, and she concerns me.”

  “I’m not going to hurt her.”

  “You are. You may not think you’re going to hurt her, but somewhere down the line, you’re going to unintentionally hurt her. I can’t let that happen, so you need to move on. She’s been through enough.”

  Gritting his teeth, Dick stared at the woman. “I’m not going anywhere, and you’re not going to scare me away.” He talked slowly so she knew he wasn’t joking around.

  “Martha has been hurt enough. She lives her life as a recluse, sticking close to the home her parents started up, leaving the world behind. I’m trying to get her out of here. I’m trying to—”

  “You’re trying to change her. I’m not here to change her. I’m here to spend time with her. You’re the one that’s in the fucking wrong. So she likes spending time with fucking plants, big deal. She’s been through enough shit that when she’s ready to join the real world, she will. Believe me, that crap out there is waiting for her. It will suck her up, and tear her inside fucking out. She’ll know within minutes what’s going on. You’re pushing her, and you need to give her time.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “No. I understand perfectly. You don’t understand. You think you’re being the good friend, getting her to leave this place, to go on dates. What happens when that shit messes up, huh? What happens if the guy she meets beats the shit out of her, and takes this one safe place that she’s got in the world, and destroys that? You ever thought about the evil shit you’re about to expose her to?”

  “I wouldn—”

  “You may be a big hot-shot lawyer, but the truth is, you don’t know shit. You don’t know shit about the world we live in. You’re pure whereas Martha’s had all the knocks. You can look in, and pretend you know what is going on, but you can’t tell her how to live her life. You’re an outsider to the pain.”

  He took another sip of his coffee. Any ordinary person would have stormed away from Lynne. Dick wasn’t like that. He liked to antagonize, to force people to face their own truth.

  “I’m trying to help her.”

  “If you were really her friend, you’d see the only help she required was that of fucking support. You want to get fucked, go out, and find your own dick to satisfy your cunt. Don’t use her to get what you want.”

  “I wasn’t doing that.”

  “No, then where are your other friends, huh? Where are you perfect business buddies that you rub shoulders with all through the fucking week?”

  She went to speak, and he made a noise that was verging on disgust. This was what he hated about the world he lived in. People really believed they had a right to tell someone else how to live their life. It wasn’t up to anyone else, not him, not the government, no one. Martha had been hurt, and the way she was dealing with that hurt was to place herself at home, away from it all.

  He knew what that was like. Dick could relate to Martha, and he understood. Staring out over the sunrise, he saw the freedom that she was living. There was nothing holding her down right now. The outside world was scary as fuck, and it was full of pain and hate. Martha hiding away was her way of dealing. Every time she’d been out, people had hurt her. This way, she didn’t suffer any pain or heartache.

  “I fucking hate people like you. You’re all the same. If someone is fine, and not living to your fucking social model, you try to change it. Martha is fine. She’s dealing with her shit in her own way. You shouldn’t force her to be like you. She’s not like you, and if she was, she’d be out there in the city, rubbing shoulders with you. She’s a big girl, an intelligent one.”

  “You really do care about her?” Lynne asked.

  Dick turned to see tears in her eyes. He didn’t respond. Her tears did nothing for him. Last night when Martha was crying in his arms, he’d been torn up. He’d wanted to hurt the sister, and every single person who’d taken a shot at her. He wanted to hurt them all, to let them know that Martha was protected, and no one was ever going to hurt her again.

  They fell silent, and Dick wasn’t about to break that silence. He hated it when his morning was interrupted. Once he finished his coffee, he made his way inside, and froze. Martha was stood in the kitchen, making her own drink. The way she looked at him made him aware that she’d heard everything that he’d said.

  “Morning,” she said.

  Lynne came into the kitchen after him. “Hey, sweetie. I’ve got to head out. Did you have a good night?”

  He waited to see if Martha would say anything. She didn’t. He watched as she hugged her friend, and chatted about the night. Leaning against the counter, he was intrigued, and he needed to know what the hell was going on with Martha. Why wasn’t she cursing at them?

  When they were alone, he leaned against the counter, and waited.

  Martha took her time stirring her coffee. Every now and then she’d glance over at him.

  “What?” she asked, finally speaking up.

  “You heard our argument.”

  “It was hard not to hear it. You were both shouting at the tops of your voice. I thought my head was going to literally explode. You’re not exactly considerate to the early morning risers.” She placed her hands by either side of her head and made a crash sound.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “What would have been the point? You were both fighting about nothing.”

  “We were fighting about you.”

  “Yeah, I don’t really care.”

  She took her coffee and made her way outside.

  “I don’t know what to make of this. What the hell is going on?” he asked.

  “What’s going on is I’m drinking my coffee, and enjoying the last of the sunrise. I slept in, and I don’t usually sleep in.” She took a sip of her coffee, and Dick couldn’t look away from her. “I’m not going to change who I am. What you said to Lynne was fine to me. I’m happy living in this small little world. I’m safe here, and no one can take that away from me. I’m happy.”

  He nodded. “You have a nice place.”

  “Yes,” she said, sighing as she did.

  “What was that?”

  “You think it’s beautiful. Wait until you see all the work that needs to be done?”


  “Yeah. This isn’t just any garden. This is my fruit and vegetable garden. I’ve got a set of new potatoes coming out today. I’ve also got to take the ripe tomatoes so they don’t rot, pick up carrots, water, feed, et cetera. It’s going to be busy. You sure you can handle it?”

  He chuckled. “If you can handle it, I can. Let me go and get changed. I’ll help you out.”

  Dick kissed the top of her head, and made his way inside. He passed Lynne, who grabbed his arm.

  “What?” he asked. He wasn’t interested in getting into another argument.

  “I’m pleased you’re here for her. She needs someone who cares about her.”

  “I do care about her.” He really did. Martha was the first person outside of his club that he cared about.

  He pulled away from her touch, and made his way to his room. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed Butler.

  “What’s up?” Butler asked, sounding alert.

  “I was just letting you know I arrived, and I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, Devil said you’d be calling to give an update.”

  “How is everything back home?” Dick asked.

been gone a little over a day, and you’re wanting to know how everything is?” Dick didn’t say anything. There wasn’t any need for him to speak. “Everything is more than fine here. Really, you don’t need to worry about a thing. Judi, Ripper, and Paul are fine. The club’s fine. Lexie and the new baby are fine. We’re all fine. Apart from Spider. He’s been in a mood for too damn long, and he’s pissing me off.”

  Dick shook his head. “I’m just giving everyone the heads-up. I don’t need a breakdown of how everyone is at the club.” It would take too damn long.

  “We’re aware you’re still alive.”


  He hung up the phone, and then put a call through to Spider. His curiosity was getting the better of him. Spider was usually the easygoing guy who didn’t have a problem with anyone or anything, and yet, he was being told differently.

  When Spider answered the phone, he mumbled out his response.

  “What’s going on with you?” Dick asked.

  “Dick, you’re supposed to be having a break, and you’re calling my ass right now?” There was some commotion in the background, and Spider growled. “You’re calling me at six-thirty, you fucking asshole. I got in late last night. You’re doing this to piss me off.”

  He smirked. Spider had never been much of a morning person. It was one of the reasons he was the better option for sticking around the strip club. He’d be awake until the early hours of the morning. Spider probably didn’t get to bed until three.

  “It’s that early? Really? I didn’t know.”

  “You’re a fucking asshole. I fucking hate you right now.”

  “Well, spill what crap you’ve got going on. You’re up, so you may as well tell me.”

  “Fuck off.”

  Spider hung up on him. There was no point in calling him back. Spider would only smash the phone, and that wouldn’t do either of them any good. He put the phone down, laughing as he did.

  Getting dressed, Dick suddenly stopped. For the first time in over five years, he’d laughed, and it had felt good. It wasn’t a forced laugh. He was actually happy. In that moment, Dick couldn’t remember a time when he’d been happy. Getting away from the club had been a good idea. He was, in fact, happy.


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