The Chef at the Water's Edge

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The Chef at the Water's Edge Page 10

by Kee Patterbee

  “With Jazlyn, I’d imagine,” Cate said. “She is going to be hard for him to shake loose.”

  “Like a leech, that one,” Louie suggested.

  Cate grinned. “Ooooh. Well played, sir. Well played. What’s the time of the show’s taping?”

  “Oh. This isn’t a taping. It’s going live,” he said, pointing over toward the stage. “But they’ll do a sound and lighting check first, test the set changes, etc.”

  “They’re doing it here? Outside? That’s rather … different, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. A last minute thing. One of Asa’s ideas. He wanted to get as large an audience as possible to launch the show. When he saw how many people were coming, being the consummate Barnum that he is, he figured, ‘The studio’s so small. Why turn so many away when I can just make a bigger stage?’ He turned a negative into a positive. I gotta give him his props. He’s one hell of a business man.”

  Cate and Hannah took in all the fanfare as workers set up chairs before a large platform stage. The area itself was under a large, improvised, green covering that extended around three sides. Monitors were at the stage edge, and several cameras were set to capture every angle of the kitchen mock up.

  “This must have cost a fortune to do on the spur of the moment,” Hannah observed.

  Louie scratched his face over his day old beard growth. “Yeah, well, I wouldn’t feel too sorry for the guy. He’s got it. In spades.”

  “I can see that,” Hannah concurred.

  As the lighting technicians were folding up their ladders, Jazlyn walked out onto the set. She cleared her voice and spoke for the sound checks.

  Louie, Cate, and Hannah watched for a moment as the crew tested various levels. “She’s going to look great on camera,” Cate decided.

  Louie watched. “Did you think Asa would revive the show without assuring of that? He’s got too much invested.”

  As they continued to look on, a young woman with a clipboard approached Jazlyn and motioned toward the rear of the stage. Hannah could make out that whatever he said pleased her, and she exited in the direction indicated. Without looking away, Hannah asked Louie, “Can we wait here until Buster returns? We all need to talk.”

  “Sure. Something new?’

  “Just some things that I need to share and something needs doing. Do you know where we can find Vera?”

  “Not at the moment. I’d imagine she’s up in the studio, away from the limelight. I’m sure Buster still has her number from yesterday. Give him a call, then have him call her.”

  Just then, Buster appeared from behind the impromptu staging area opposite from where Jazlyn had gone. There was a look of pure frustration on his face.

  “Something wrong, cuz?” Cate quizzed.

  “I’d rather not discuss it,’’ he snapped as he passed the group by.

  “All right. But can you call Vera and get her out to the RV? If she feels safe,” Hannah called out with some hesitation.

  Buster halted and turned. “Sure. Why not,” he said in an irritated voice. Even though upset, he pulled out his cell and dialed. He struck the digital keyboard with enough force that Hannah was uncertain whether he would break it. While waiting for Vera to answer, he walked out of earshot of the group.

  “Wonder what that’s all about?”

  Cate watched her cousin as he kicked at the dirt with his sneakers while he spoke with Vera. “Oh, I could venture a guess.”

  A short time later, he returned to the group. “She’ll meet us at the RV in fifteen minutes. Let’s go.”

  As Buster headed off in a direction away from the stage, Louie called after. “Dude. RV’s this way.” Buster stopped and turned to see everyone headed back around the back of the stage. He winced and waited for what came next as his friends started around the back of the staging area and stopped dead in their tracks. After a hesitant pause, he headed over to them and saw what they were seeing. Something he had seen just a few moments earlier. On the opposite side of the rear of the stage, Jazlyn was leaning against a frame post. Pressed against her, locked in a passionate kiss was Jack Miller. So involved were the two that they never noticed the stunned faces locked onto them. Cate lifted an eyebrow and shot Hannah a look of surprise.

  “Not … a … word,” came Buster’s voice from behind. When everyone turned to look at him, he wore a look of disgust. He turned and left, once again in the same direction as before. Everyone followed suit. It was obvious to all that the day was going to be an unpredictable one.

  After arriving back at the RV, Buster made his way to the back. It was clear to all that he needed space and everyone provided him with it. Meanwhile, Hannah and Cate made tea for the meeting, and settled down to wait for Vera. It was not long until she knocked on the door.

  After an exchange of pleasantries, the conversation was underway. Hannah first spoke of her meeting with Alexander Borg. Vera, Louie, and even Buster listened in silence as she explained his suspicions about Julia’s death. How he believed that she had died before falling into the water. The lack of all-around cooperation. The pressure he felt to close it. And his ‘gut instinct’ that something was off on the medical examiner’s reports. After that, she took Vera by the hand and looked her straight in the eyes. “This next part. It may be hard to hear. Because of what we found out. And because of what it could mean.”

  Vera took in a breath and steadied herself. “Okay. Tell me.”

  “Cate and I went to see the medical examiner today. There was a cover up of sorts.”

  Vera’s eye’s widened, and she gulped in anticipation, but said nothing.

  “Her name is Dr. Niu. And she altered the toxicology report and just performed a cursory external exam on the body.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Julia had extensive external bruising along the side of her face. It should have indicated to Niu to perform a full autopsy. To see if there was more extensive underlying damage. But she just did a visual inspection.”

  Vera looked down at the floor and pulled her arms up hold herself. “I don’t…I still don’t…”

  Hannah sighed and paused to find easier words, but none was forthcoming. All she could manage was, “Julia could have died from the impact of hitting the post rather than drowning.”

  “Then it was an accident?”

  “Perhaps. But we still have to weigh that against something else. Another cause.”

  At this moment, Vera and Louie became focused on Hannah’s words. She tried to choose them with care but realized there was no real way to do that, so she just blurted them. “Niu changed the toxicology report to hide the fact that her system showed high levels of barbiturates in her system. Enough that had she not hit the post, she still would have died.”

  “What?” Louie bellowed, “Barbiturates? Are you saying she…”

  Vera shook her head in disbelief. “No.” She repeated, “No, no, no.”

  Both Vera and Louie’s shoulders sagged, and a gamut of emotions played across each of their faces. Hurt. Anger. Disbelief. Despair. As the man who so loved Julia fought back the tears that threatened to erupt, Vera gave in to her pain and sobbed. She had been sitting next to Louise and collapsed against his shoulder. Hannah, Cate, and Buster waited in silence for the painful, awkward moment to pass. It was a long time to come. Louie assumed a distant, far off look. “No. She wouldn’t have done that. That was against everything she believed in. Something else happened. Somebody did this to her.”

  “Vera, did you know her to take pills of any kind?”

  “She took them to help her sleep. During their fight, I heard Asa say something about them making her paranoid.”

  Louie’s mouth fell agape.. “She always had trouble sleeping but she never took anything. At least not like that. She always drank tea. Herbal stuff. She insisted on it. She hated pharmaceuticals. What you’re suggesting is … just not Julia.”

  Cate tried to get Louie to look at her. When he relented she said, “People change, Louie. You haven
’t been around her for years. Her life was a hot mess. Full of unknown pressures.”

  Louie looked at Cate with anger in his eyes and answered in a cold, methodical, and emphatic voice. “She ... would not … do this.”

  The case was not even closed, yet one of Hannah’s fears was playing out before her. Louie refused to acknowledge even the possibility that Julia might have been something unrecognizable. The revelation of drugs in her system and possible scenarios surrounding her death dealt a stunning blow to the man. While his voice echoed with stubborn defiance, his face was lost in bitter agony and conflict. She determined that she had to restore some order to the situation.

  “Look. I said it would be hard. And it is. But all it means is that there is more to this than meets the eyes.”

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, Vera sat up. “Why would this doctor, this medical person, keep this from us?”

  “Someone convinced her that it would be better. To maintain Julia’s dignity,” explained Hannah.

  Louie’s brow furrowed even further. “Asa?“

  “No. Jack Miller.”

  “Mr. Miller?“ Vera questioned. “Why?”

  “Still working on that,” Hannah confirmed.

  “I’ll tell you why,” Louie said pointing at Hannah. “Because he poisoned her. That’s the explanation. He killed her and then covered it up by paying off the examiner.”

  Hannah looked at him with a stern expression. “You’re out of line, Louie.”

  By this time, Louie was flushed with anger. His voice rose from accusatory to near rage. He jumped to his feet, yelling, “Am I? You’ve been running around playing investigator. Asking questions. Looking for answers. And now that you have them, you won’t act on them? You’re getting off on all this. You need it to keep going. Well, to hell with that and to hell with you!” He started toward the front of the vehicle, but Cate blocked his way with halting hands. He stopped, fist clenched, but took no immediate action. Hannah then tried to calm him down.

  “You’ve been hot and heavy to implicate Asa all along. A second ago, you as much as did so. Now you say it was Miller. The point is, we don’t know what happened just yet. Right now, as is, if you go to the police, they may re-open the case, but the outcome will be the same. The difference will be that it will be listed as by accident through a tragic turn of events, or worse, death during a suicide attempt. Imagine what the tabloids and muckrakers will do with that. Is that the legacy you want for Julia?”

  Louie dropped his head and unclenched his fist. His stiffened stance broke down. Hannah walked up behind him and put one hand on his shoulder.

  “You say this wasn’t Julia. I believe you. I do. But let’s just follow this through, okay?”

  Louie turned and leaned into Hannah. “I am so sorry. So, so, sorry,” he apologized. She could feel warm drops hitting her shoulder, and she wrapped her arms around her new friend. She whispered in his ear, “I promise you, if someone did something to her, we’ll prove it.“

  Chapter 12

  After a much needed break for everyone to recompose, the group gathered once again. This time, Hannah refocused attention on present evidence and the need to gather more.

  Buster, who had been quiet, interjected. “And do you have an idea where this evidence is going to be?”

  “I’m not for sure. But I’ve got a good guess about where to start. With the safe.”

  “What do you think is in it?”

  “Again, no idea. But I’m thinking there has to be something important. There’s a reason she hid it there and not her office.”

  Louie, who was now quite solemn and reflective, offered, “We still need a way to get into it. I doubt they’re going to let us mosey on in with a blow torch, either.”

  Hannah concurred. “If I just had the key, we could pull it off the same way as when I found it. Maybe even better.”

  “Safe?” Vera questioned.

  “The other day when we were here, I found a hidden compartment in one of the drawers in Julia’s old kitchen set. We made sure no one saw us, but it doesn’t matter because it has a lock. And I suspect the key was with Julia when she died, which means Asa now has it.”

  “No, he doesn’t.” All eyes turned to Vera. “I do.” From just inside her blouse, she retrieved a thin gold necklace and key and held it forward for everyone to see. “Asa gave it to me. It had no sentimental value to him, so he gave it to me just after the funeral.”

  Cate grinned and bobbed her head once at Hannah. “Guess who had no clue about a safe?”

  Hannah reached out and cupped the small key in her hand as she studied it. “Do you think you could loan it to me for just a bit?”

  “Of course.” Vera removed the necklace and key, then handed both to Hannah. “Please be careful with it. I know it’s strange, and I’m not sure why, but I feel comforted by it. Even though I know how it came to be with me. Isn’t that silly?”

  “Not at all,” Cate comforted. She then pulled out a silver necklace of her own, with a small circle and a small angel pendant and held it for Vera to see. “Not at all.”

  Hannah slipped the item into her jeans pocket, and asked, “When’s the broadcast?”

  Louie looked at the beat-up watch on his wrist. “7:00 p.m. In just about three hours and twenty minutes. What’s the plan?”

  “Vera, the other day, I don’t recall seeing your office. Where is it?”

  “Second floor above the studios, toward the rear.”

  “How many other people work there?”

  “Just myself and Mr. Miller.” Vera explained. “He’s here until the end of the gala. That’s when his contract with Karas Inc. ends. The office had been part of that.”

  “So Asa’s not keeping him on?”

  “Oh, no. They do not care for one another.”

  “This just keeps getting better and better,” Cate said glancing over at Hannah.

  Hannah returned the look with a confident expression. There was no denying the excitement in her voice. In truth, it was the element of uncertainty that she loved best when neck deep in a mystery. “Is there some way we can stow away in your office until after hours, so we can get to Julia’s studio?”

  “Of course. But it is rather open. It might suit you better to wait in the apartment on the next level up. Jazlyn’s place is up there, but there are two others readied for guests of the show. We could go up to my office, and I could slip you up the back stairs. Most everyone will be working the broadcast, including Jazlyn, of course. To my knowledge, the schedule calls for just one guard on duty for the night, so you should be able to move about without any problems.”

  “Sounds perfect. We’ll need to get going soon, though.”

  “You want us to come with you?” Louie asked.

  Hannah shook her head. “We got this covered, big man. Besides, if we all disappear, someone might smell something.”

  Louie held out his cell phone for Hannah to see. “Okay. Be safe. If you need me, for anything, call. I’ll be there in an Alabama hot shoe second.”

  “Will do,” Hannah confirmed as she patted his upper arm and exited the vehicle with Cate and Vera in tow.

  Making their way to the studio, Vera, Cate, and Hannah entered the lobby. They moved past the guard who looked up to see Vera. He nodded in recognition.

  “We’ll take the stairs,” Vera said, leading the other two before an elevator just inside the doors of the main floor.

  When the elevator opened on the second floor leading to Vera’s office, all three stepped off. Vera led them toward a large office with glass ‘walls’ and a large, neat desk. Two chairs rest in front. Each was spaced and angled with deliberate intent. “Few people come here,” Hannah clicked off to herself. Just then, she heard a sound and glanced down the hall to see Jazlyn, Asa, and Miller exiting another office.

  Vera stiffened, and her jaw clenched. “Oh, dear.”

  As the others approached, Hannah could read the tension in all three. Asa had a lock-jawed expression
while Jack frowned hard. Jazlyn walked between the two and paced herself to keep the two at bay from each other. Hannah noticed she leaned more toward Miller’s personal space. If she were right in reading the situation, Asa was unhappy with Jazlyn’s leanings. Miller was unhappy with Asa’s presence. Jazlyn was unhappy having to negotiate peace between the two. Hannah felt a little guilt from enjoying her predicament.

  “Just act normal,” Hannah encouraged both her companions.

  “Afternoon, Mr. Karas. Mr. Miller. Jazlyn,” Vera said as she came face to face with the group.

  “Vera.” Asa smiled and glanced over at Hannah and Cate. “Ladies.”

  “Sir,” both Hannah and Cate responded.

  “Will you be joining us for the broadcast?”

  Hannah responded. “I’m afraid I must decline. As soon as we pick up some materials from Ms. Bessinger here, I’ll be in lockdown mode. The company I’m working for needs an overview report by midnight, and I’ve got a ton of work to do. I’ll have to settle for recording it.”

  “And what is it you do? If I might be so bold?”

  “I’m a culinary consultant. I travel around the world and set up menus, suggest recipes and such. At present, I’m working with a southern cuisine oriented enterprise. Given your late wife’s skill in the area, Zebulon and Karas Inc. seemed like the place to start.”

  “I see.” Casting his eyes over to Cate, a spark of recognition came to his face. “Haven’t we met?”

  “Yes, sir. Ms. Karas’ here introduced us the other day near your office.”

  “She is with Food Critic, Uncle Asa,” Jazlyn cut in.

  “Yes, I remember now. And you two work with each other?”

  “Sort of. I made arrangements to work out of Food Critic’s RV,” Hannah said. “A friend owed me a favor.”

  “I’m just an intern working for the man,” Cate said in her most charming smile.

  Turning once again to Hannah, Asa smiled a most brilliant smile. She understood how he used charm to bring women to their knees.

  “I didn’t realize that you had culinary experience. I’m reorganizing the company, and I’m interested in your services.” Although she had no interest in anything he was offering, Hannah played along with his game. It was clear to her that he was suspect of Cate and her presence. She wanted to see how far her instincts could get her. Therefore, she listened to his spiel. “My late wife had a talent for picking our menus and recipes. With her gone, I find there is a need to fill. While Jazlyn here is an amazing talent, her schedule with the new show’s set up will keep her quite busy. Can you give Vera your card so that we might speak to you going forward?”


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