The Path to Honour

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The Path to Honour Page 5

by Sydney C. Grier



  _From Lieut. Robert Charteris, Darwan, to Lieut. Henry Gerrard_:--

  "DEAR HAL,--I have not had long to wait for a _billet doux_ from you.I _had_ thought you would draw the line at assassination, but we liveand learn. Last night, as I was returning to the shelter of my humbleroof, a dirty hairy fellow--but why should I describe him to_you_?--leapt out and fired at me point-blank with a huge old-fashionedhorse-pistol, and _missed_. I give you my word he singed half an inchoff my left whisker. Of course they _say_ he was a ruffianly suitoroffended by my just decision in favour of his opponent, but I knowbetter. 'Sweet Hal, by my faith!' thinks I to myself, says I, and whatI says I sticks to. I know he ought to have been taken alive, andreturned to you postage-paid, with an insulting message inviting you totry again and do your worst. Unfortunately my honest fellows, notbeing versed in these niceties of behaviour, fell on him in a body andincontinently despatched him. But bring on your minions. Come one,come all, this rock shall fly from its firm base as soon as

  Sir, your most humble and obedient servant,

  R. C."

  _From Lieut. Henry Gerrard, Agpur City, to Lieut. Robert Charteris_:--

  "DEAR BOB,--I grieve to find that you answered what you are good enoughto call my _billet doux_ even before receiving it. Had your miserabletool's fortune not failed him when your plot was on the verge ofsuccess, you would now be rid of a rival. I own I should not havebelieved you fallen so low as to resort to poison--a nastyungentlemanly weapon, if you will pardon my natural warmth. The wretchdeclared himself to have been employed by a villainous Dewan latelydismissed, 'tis true, but my apprehensive heart framed, though my lipsrefrained from uttering, your name. Powdered glass, too! Let me askyou as a favour to choose a less revolting form of death next time, orI swear to you that my expiring lips shall murmur '_Et tu, Roberte!_'with sufficient reiteration to excite remark. And pray how had poorold Pertaub Sing injured you, that your vengeance should include him?Avaunt, traitor! I pities and despises you. H. G."

  _From Lieut. Robert Charteris to Lieut. Henry Gerrard_:--

  "Ha, most noble Hal, and have the little god's arrows but just failedto prove fatal in your case also? _Honour_, what crimes are committedin thy name! But none shall say Bob Charteris don't fight fair.Please receive herewith a buffalo horn, the trophy of my bow and spear.You remember how Mithridates, or some old classical fellow, used it asan antidote to poisons?[1] The exact method of application has slippedmy memory, but I fancy the horn should be ground small and mixed in allyou eat and drink. If I am wrong, send me word when it begins to takeeffect, and I will make a point of arriving in time to give you athumping big funeral. But by the horn, (not now, alas! by thebuffalo,) there hangs a _tale_. The animal charged me in the mostferocious manner when I was passing peaceably upon my lawful occasions,and had I not snatched my gun from my boy, who promptly bolted, yourdearest wish would now be fulfilled. But the trusty weapon did notplay me false, and on mature reflection, I have decided not to lay thebeast's malice to your account, for lack of evidence. To allappearances it was the wildest wild beast in Asia, but hardly were myescort come up to view the spoil and acclaim my prowess, than therearrived also a wretched cultivator, swearing with tears and howls thatI had wantonly destroyed the friend of his family, the mainstay of hislowly cot. I held a court on the spot, and desired to know what sumwould compensate him for this cruel loss. The opportunity of taking inthe stranger was too promising to resist, and he requested leave toretire and consult with his friends--an interval I employed in makinginquiry as to the market price of buffaloes in that neighbourhood.Returning, the honest man named a sum that would have bought him adozen, at the lowest computation. Remembering Colonel A.'s maximsregarding kindness to the people, I was in some doubts whether to paythe demand and put it down to office expenses, but reflected in timethat my appearance in public would in that case be the signal forloosing against me droves of charging buffaloes wherever I went. Ibrought the fellow down, therefore, to something like two and a halftimes the value of the very best bull ever bred in Granthistan, but ashe was retiring, with difficulty concealing his smiles over the Sahib's_gullibility_, I called him smartly back, and fined him one and a halftimes the value of the said ideal bull for damage to my person anddignity by allowing his ill-conditioned beast to roam at large anduncontrolled. If the judgment of Solomon was received with one-halfthe applause and admiration that greeted mine, then Solomon must havebeen an insufferable person to converse with for at least a twelvemonthafter. If you are flush of cash, then, I can recommendbuffalo-shooting as a tolerable amusement, but if not, let me suggestthat you obtain _khubber_ of a tiger--of course a man-eater--in thedirection of my boundary, when I will lay aside the cares of _office_and join you in the chase, and the resulting skin, should there be one,shall be laid, with our united respectful compliments, at the feet of alady who shall be nameless. We hear marvellous tales of your havingtamed a certain old bear, and leading him about with a silken string,but ain't there something of over-confidence in accompanying him intohis very den? Even a tame bear is treacherous at times, and when_riled_, an awkward customer to tackle. Why not guide your bear gentlyin this direction, and settle the disputed boundary between Augpore andDurwan while I am on this side of my kingdom? Give me open country androom to move rather than the finest bear-pit ever built, says

  R. C."

  Gerrard read this second letter in the quarters assigned to him inPartab Singh's fortified palace at Agpur, and appreciated the motivewhich had led Charteris both to send the warning and to couch it inveiled and sportive language. A kind of envy of his friend, whoseproblems, if difficult, were comparatively simple, and whose enemiesattacked in front, seized upon him, for he also preferred open countryand room to move. Nothing was simple at Agpur; it seemed as thoughthere was a malign influence about the place which brought hints oftragedy into the most ordinary sights and sounds. Even as Gerrardapproached the city, to which the Rajah had preceded him the daybefore, the gay procession of soldiers and dancing-girls that escortedhim was interrupted by a very different crowd. Followed by a jeeringrabble, there hurried forth from the gate a portly Hindu, whosespotless muslins were rapidly being converted into filthy rags by theattentions of his pursuers, and whose shaven head glistened bare underthe sun's rays. Glancing hither and thither like a hunted animal forsome place of refuge, the wretched man missed his footing and fell,with a red gash across his brow where a stone had struck him. Smilesand sarcasms passed among the soldiery, and one of the dancing-girlsintroduced into her song a verse inspired by the occasion, to judge bythe cruel laughter it evoked. Fearing that the victim would be done todeath as soon as his back was turned, Gerrard dismounted and went tohelp him up, intending to send one of his own men a little way backwith him, to see him clear of the mob. To his astonishment, herecognised the distorted face which glared into his as that of theDiwan Dwarika Nath, and found his help refused with a venomous curse.The commander of the escort smiled.

  "He has eaten the great shoe," he said, as though in explanation.

  "But was the Rajah's sentence death?" demanded Gerrard.

  "No," was the reluctant answer. "Whip back these dogs--it is theSahib's will," he said to his men. "And now, sahib, be persuaded toremount. Our lord loves not to be kept waiting."

  "But what has Dwarika Nath done?" asked Gerrard, as he complied,leaving the fallen minister freed at any rate from the mob that hadpersecuted him.

  "He has doubtless been found out," was the cynical reply. "The wordwent forth from our lord this morning that the fellow was to be beatenwith the great shoe immediately before the Sahib's arrival, and to bedriven forth from the city to meet him as he came."

  Gerrard pondered vainly the connection between the two events. Did theexpulsion of Dwarika Nath synchronize with his own entrance as awarning to him, or as an assurance of safety? Partab Singh, receivinghim in the utmost state,
and leading him by the hand into the palacebetween rows of salaaming courtiers, made no allusion to it, and theattempted poisoning that very evening tended to overshadow the affairin his mind. Gerrard never knew whether the Rajah had become aware ofthe intended assassination beforehand, or whether he regarded it as soextremely probable as to be practically a certainty. However thismight be, upon the appearance of a curry of which he was particularlyfond, and of which he had signified his intention of sending a portion,as a special mark of favour, to Gerrard at his separate table, the oldruler called the attention of all present to the exquisite appearanceof the dish, and ordered the cook to be fetched, that he might besuitably complimented upon his handiwork. Gerrard discerned in theman's aspect no more than the natural awkwardness of a rough fellowbrought into a position of unaccustomed prominence, but no sooner didthe cook present himself before him than Partab Singh rose with onefierce word, and drawing his jewelled tulwar, cut off his head at asingle blow. The horror of the scene, the severed head rolling on theground, the blood sprinkled upon the food, affected the Englishman sopowerfully that he did not perceive at first that the dead man's sonand assistant, was also being dragged before the Rajah. There was noneed even to question him, for on his knees, with piteous lamentation,he confessed that in the spiced sauce accompanying the curry a quantityof very finely powdered glass had been mingled, which would ensure anagonising death to any one who partook of it. This had been done atthe instigation of the disgraced Dwarika Nath, whose bribe for thepurpose would be found hidden in the thatch of the cook-house. Gerrardretained only a vague recollection of the issue of certain orders, ofthe informers being dragged shrieking away, and the departure of atroop of horsemen with orders to bring back Dwarika Nath dead or alive,or of the hastily prepared food he forced himself to eat, and theunruffled conversation of Partab Singh after supper. Dwarika Nath wasnot brought back, for he seemed to have disappeared from the face ofthe earth, but the bodies of the two cooks were an eyesore on theground outside the palace until the dogs and kites had done their work.

  Another trial to Gerrard was the supervision maintained over hismovements. In order to carry out Colonel Antony's instructions, hewished to move about the city and talk with the traders and others inthe bazars, but no matter how skilfully he thought he had eluded hisguardians, he had no sooner slipped out of the palace than a pantingescort was at his heels, insisting on his mounting the horse presentedto him by the Rajah--which at once put an end to any chance ofunfettered conversation. So tiresome did this surveillance become thatat last he determined to take advantage of Partab Singh's continuedfriendliness to relieve himself of it. They were sitting one eveningin the covered balcony of a tower looking over the palace garden, oddlyassorted companions, Gerrard on the watch, as usual, against beingmorally taken by surprise, the Rajah puffing at his hookah--for inprivate he was the veriest free-thinker--in silence, the gleaming ofhis fierce eyes the only sign that he was not asleep. He took themouthpiece from his lips when Gerrard broke into his complaint.

  "My soldiers have been lacking in respect--have hesitated to attend myfriend whither he desires?"

  "No, no!" answered Gerrard hastily, fearing a sudden holocaust. "Theyare most courteous. It is merely that they are always there."

  With a swift movement Partab Singh bent forward, and lightly touchedthe ground at Gerrard's feet. "O my friend, what have I done, that youwould bring the guilt of your death upon me?"

  "Maharaj-ji," protested Gerrard indignantly, "I am not a griffin, totry to penetrate into mosques or zenanas. I would but walk about--ofcourse with a servant or two."

  "Has my friend not perceived yet that this city is in the eyes of itsinhabitants sacred even as a mosque or a zenana? He sees only eyesbeaming with affection as he rides through the streets?"

  "Not exactly," admitted Gerrard. "But I thought that the people wereirritated by the action of the escort in clearing the way--and perhapsalso by seeing me riding your Highness's horse. On foot, andunattended----"

  "You would be slain before you had left the palace square. Listen, myfriend--who knows Agpur best, I who have spent my life here, or you whosee it now for the first time?"

  "Your Highness, undoubtedly."

  "Then let my friend listen to me. These Moslem notables, who woulddispute the city itself with my Granthis, but for the firm hand I keepover both, think you that they love the English? Abd-ur-Rashid Khan ofEthiopia is the master they would choose to serve if they had theirway. Say that they gratify their hatred by slaying a British officer,Antni Sahib's envoy. On whose head lies the guilt? Is it not on thatof Rajah Partab Singh? The English come to punish him, and the wholeof Granthistan is in a blaze again. Granthi sides with Granthi againstthe English, but these dogs of Mohammedans, who shall tell which sidethey will take? This only I can say, that it will be the side of theirown advantage."

  "Forgive me, Maharaj-ji. I had not thought----"

  "No, my friend. You uttered hastily the words of an impatient mind,not having studied from your youth the art of playing off Granthiagainst Moslem, and both against Ranjitgarh. But it is a study thatyou will do well to take in hand now."

  "I could have no better teacher than your Highness," said Gerrardpolitely. The Rajah looked at him almost with affection.

  "Would that these were as the days of old, before the English crossedthe Ghara! Then should Jirad Sahib have been my Englishman, and Iwould have given him a wife out of my own house, and he should havedwelt always in my city, and trained my soldiers. Verily we would haveput Ranjitgarh itself to tribute when the fool sat on the _gaddi_ inthe place of Ajit Singh, and when death approached I would have put myson Kharrak Singh into my friend's arms and died content, knowing thathe would serve the child even as he had served the father. But now whoshall protect the boy from a thousand dangers?"

  "If peril threatens him when I am at hand, your Highness can count uponmy protecting him with my life."

  "Of that I am certain." Partah Singh paused, and his eyes wanderedover the dark gardens, with their gleaming white colonnades and kiosksand graceful towers rising into the blue-black sky. He traced thestarlight down to its reflection in the great tank before he spokeagain. "If I should place my son and my kingdom under the protectionof the English, what would happen in Agpur?" he asked at last.

  "Your Highness knows whether the army is to be trusted. There would beintense indignation on the part both of the Granthi and the Moslemnotables, I presume? Whether they would proceed to activeopposition----"

  "If they saw a hope of success they would. But with the army faithfulto an Englishman already established in charge here--and the English atRanjitgarh ready to march to his assistance?"

  "But you forget one thing, Maharaj-ji. That the days of your Highnessmay yet be prolonged for many years is a thing not only to be hoped forbut confidently expected, and the English are at Ranjitgarh only for acertain time, until Ajit Singh's son comes of age."

  The Rajah laughed impatiently. "Away with this foolishness betweenfriends!" he said. "Where the English come, they stay. If young LenaSingh survives the quarrels of his mother and the Sirdars, how can hebe left to rule Granthistan with all English help withdrawn? TheResident and the army must stay, or the day the youth mounts the_gaddi_ will also be that of his death."

  "So I have heard many say among ourselves," said Gerrard; "but it isnot the view of Colonel Antony. Nothing would induce him to be a partyto annexing Granthistan."

  Partab Singh threw up one hand slightly. "Said I not that things mightyet remain as they are? The English may go on ruling Granthistan whilepretending that they do nothing of the kind, but it is in my mind thatbefore many years are past they will be rulers in name also. If, then,I should place myself under the protection of the English"--he droppedhis voice--"would they maintain my son in his kingdom under the regentsthat I should appoint?"

  "I cannot possibly enter into any agreement that would bind ColonelAntony or the Government, but it sounds th
e kind of arrangement thatthey would be likely to sanction," replied Gerrard, in the samecautious tone. "But has your Highness considered the opposition thatwould be aroused in Agpur if it became known?"

  "It is for that very reason I have broached the plan to you. Whether Idie soon or not for years to come, there must be at hand a man who willtake command of the army, with wealth in his power sufficient to ensureits allegiance, and use it boldly to maintain my son's title againstall opposition, from whatever quarter it may arise."

  Gerrard gave a start of dismay, for the last words brought back to hismind something he had forgotten. "Maharaj-ji, if I err bid me besilent, but it is in my mind to utter that which I fear is forbidden.Is there not one whose right to the throne is greater than that ofKharrak Singh?"

  The Rajah betrayed no surprise, but extreme bitterness was in his voiceas he answered, "There is one at whose evil deeds the sun would growblack, were they published abroad. His death was decreed, but Isuffered him to elude my vengeance, saying, 'Surely he will hide hisshame at the ends of the earth, mindful that one has died to save himfrom the reward of his deeds.' But since he has returned, and dared toput forth claims to the throne he forfeited, there is no mercy for him.Was it well done in you, O my friend, to listen favourably to hispetition, and not drive him from you?"

  "I knew not the man, Maharaj-ji, and he gained access to me with alying tale. When I learned who he was, it was my duty to hear what hehad to say, but I drove him from me when he sought to influence me by abribe."

  "True, but your anger was kindled by the attack on your own integrity,not by the man's evil designs."

  "I am here to report all things to Colonel Antony, Maharaj-ji, not oneside of the case only." The Rajah's eyes were flashing, and Gerrardwaited for an outburst of anger, but none came. "But how did yourHighness learn of the man's visit?" he asked.

  "From whom but from Dwarika Nath? I looked to hear of it from myfriend, but I waited in vain."

  "I did not desire to be the means of the man's death," said Gerrard,rather lamely.

  "And why does not my friend tell me that Dwarika Nath offered toconceal the matter in return for a gift?"

  "Your Highness does not mean to say that Dwarika Nath confessed that?"cried Gerrard. Partab Singh enjoyed his astonishment for a moment.

  "Nay," he said softly, "the whole matter was recounted to me by onewhom I can trust, who was on the watch from the beginning to the end,so that when Dwarika Nath, with many protestations of fidelity andcondolence, made known to me the treachery of my friend, I was able toremind him that he had been willing to cover that treachery for money.For this he has received due punishment."

  Gerrard remained silent a moment, Dwarika Nath's interview with him inhis tent, and the expulsion of the disgraced Diwan from the city,jostling one another in his mind. Then quite another thought cameupper-most. "So you set spies on me in my own tent, Maharaj-ji!" hecried indignantly. "And you call me your friend!"

  "The wise man calls no one friend whom he has not tested when they areapart as well as when they are together," was the calm reply. "Do Inot honour my friend by enabling the lustre of his character to shineforth even when he believes himself alone?"

  "I said these walls seemed to have eyes!" muttered Gerrard. "I supposeyour Highness's spies are here also?"

  "You are watched from morning to night, and again from night tomorning," said the Rajah with pride. "Even on your sacred day, whenyou worshipped your God in the company of the half-breed physician, myeyes were upon you."

  Gerrard moved angrily. Among the verbal counsels with which ColonelAntony supplemented his official instructions to his assistants, therewas one which invariably occurred; "I make no suggestion as to youraction when alone, though you are acquainted with my own practice. Butwhen there is even one other Christian within reach, it is my earnestentreaty that you will invite him to join with you on Sundays in theworship of God. Believe me, this will bring you no discredit among theheathen, but rather the contrary." The "one other Christian" in thiscase was Moraes, who regarded compliance with the invitation as anadditional sin to be confessed and expiated on his return home, andGerrard felt a natural resentment at the thought of the curious eyesthat had watched the proceedings. He rose abruptly.

  "Since you trust me so little, Maharaj-ji, I had better go. Have Iyour leave to depart?"

  The Rajah made no movement. "O my friend, why this impatience? Said Inot that all I had seen had only served to justify my confidence? HadI taxed you with treachery as the result of my watching, there mighthave been cause for anger. What is this? you cannot pardon my nottrusting you untried? Know then that I had reason for my hesitation,for I design to admit you wholly to my confidence. You, O my friend,are the man I intend to appoint as regent, together with the mother ofKharrak Singh, should I die while he is still a child."

  "I am grateful for the honour, Maharaj-ji, but I could not accept itwithout leave from my superiors."

  "That leave will undoubtedly be given when they know that you alonehave power to keep the troops in good humour. With them on your sideyou can laugh at the notables and the common people alike. I am aboutto show you what no living eyes but mine have seen, the secret store Ihave laid up to safeguard my son. And I will do more than that, forthe mother of Kharrak Singh shall be bidden to look to you for help andguidance in all things. At my command she has already sworn not tobecome suttee on my decease, but to live and shield her son from theplots laid against him within the palace, as you will from thosewithout. Here are turban, robe and slippers of mine. Put them on,lest the guardians of the treasure should refuse to let you pass, andcome."

  [1] Readers of the classics will perceive that Mr Charteris's memoryplayed him false here.


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