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Deathcreator Book One

Page 12

by John Domus Cruo

  I cradled my arm with my hand as my wing dragged the floor. I saw the boss sitting up against the left wall. Leera was on top of him. I called out to them.

  They stopped their motions and looked over to me. Boss had a shocked expression that quickly turned to fury when he saw the arrow. He tried to get up, but Leera held him down. He looked up at her with a confused expression, rage briefly flashing across his face before he calmed a bit.

  Leera gestured for me to come over. I walked slowly towards them I winced with each step. But boss was there. I made it back to him. I was here now. I could feel the tears flowing freely as I walked a little faster.

  As I got close the boss's expression turned into a gentle look of concern. He picked me up softly, being careful not to touch my wing.

  "I'll start fixing you immediately. Just relax, you're safe now." His voice was softer than I remember it being.

  Leera stopped him. "I think it's better if I do it. She needs a gentle touch."

  Boss turned me to face her. Leera held the arrow steady on one side, and the boss broke off the barbed end. Leera pulled it out in one swift motion without me even feeling it slide though. She gently held my arm in place and tilted my head towards hers.

  She looked me in the eyes as boss lifted me towards her. She put her lips over my face in one of those, kisses, I think they're called. I gasped in surprise, fog was coming from her mouth. As I inhaled it I could feel the pain disappear. Boss gently placed his finger on my arm and I could feel it shifting back into place. He ran his hand along my wing and it returned to normal.

  They both held me between them for a while. Leera was looking at me with compassion and Boss was looking at me with pride.

  "You've done well Lina, my little amazon." he said as he ran his fingers over my hair.

  He turned me around in his arms so that I was facing him. He held me by the shoulders, while Leera supported my bottom in her hands. It was his turn to kiss me now. I could feel my whole body heating up. Isn't this what he does before he mates. I could smell a heavy musk coming from where they were still joined. I began to get turned on. I felt myself get aroused from the thought.

  I shot a worried glance at Leera, but she was just smiling down at me. She ran a finger down my spine and I shivered.

  Boss had a truly lusty look in his eyes as he let his gaze wash over my unclothed body. Oh god, he must have known what I did earlier while he was watching me.

  Leera spoke from behind me as if reading my mind. "While you were out we talked, among other things. He was worried about traumatizing you by awakening you the way he did. He was worried that you would hate him. I gave him a different version of events, and now, looking at you blushing and feeling how soaked my hand is getting I have no doubt mine is the real version."

  She moved her finger just slightly causing me to let out a small whimper.

  "That was very bold of you, you know. Doing something like that right in front of him while sitting in his seed. You can bear him children now after all. You may already be with child." She said this in a mocking tone as I felt one of her fingertips starting to rub me.

  I couldn't believe it. Did he really make it so I could bear his children! I started to moan, I tried to move my arms to embrace him, but he held them firmly and didn't let go.

  I moved one of my legs up grabbing his harness with my talon as I felt one of Leera's fingers enter me.

  Leera leaned closer breathing heavily into my ear from behind.

  She whispered into my ear. "Don't think I don't know about last night as well. You might have thought you were sneaky, but it didn't take me long to guess what was happening between our legs."

  We all mated together as he restrained me and Leera humiliated me. I finally got to be one with him as he filled me.

  I looked into his gentle eyes and I could tell he cared for me.

  I didn't want to let go. I always wanted him inside of me. Now that I had that I didn't want to lose this feeling. I was now his mate. He would use me to make his babies. He would love me and cherish me as we raised our children together.

  I imagined the life I would have as he started to gently stroke my hair. I could feel my exhaustion taking me. I relaxed and finally allowed myself to rest as a warm feeling spread from my chest throughout my body.

  Chapter 20: The Hunt - John

  Lina just lay against me, leaning on my abdomen as she cought her breath.

  I looked at Leera she gave me a happy knowing look. I scooped Lina up in my arms. She tiredly opened her eyes for a second before closing them once more. I could feel her pulse still racing as she continued to breath heavily.

  I had told Leera everything. Even about what had happened when I was creating Lina's new body. She wasn't surprised or judgmental. She seemed to understand me on an instinctual level. I had barely known her but I already knew I had feelings for her.

  She revealed what had happened when we had passed out last night and I was shocked. I remember Bob telling me that Lina probably wasn't going to be his girl, but I didn't know it went this deep.

  When she'd told me her theory about what had happened during Lina's reawakening everything kinda made sense all at once. Lina was an exhibitionist and a masochist, probably because she couldn't be honest with me. So I had to force her to do what she already wanted to do.

  Leera on the other hand was honest, understanding and had a maturity to her that is hard to find. She was level headed and smart. You couldn't ask for a better partner.

  Right now it's fairly likely that they are both going to be giving birth within the next year or so. Actually, Lina might lay an egg in a month, and it could hatch anywhere between one to three months if I remember bird facts correctly. My child with her will most likely have her traits but that could be a moot point as I could always change them with fleshcrafting.

  Holy shit! Just how many children am I going to have? Seven to fourteen kids a year? That's horrifying. I might be unleashing a plague upon the land. Rather or not it's fertilized I'm guessing Lina will still lay at least one egg a month, which she will feel obligated to incubate.

  I thought about it for a few seconds before I chuckled lightly. That means she will likely spend most of her life roosting. Basically just sitting on an egg, likely while blushing at me any time I look her way. I will have to figure out a way to make her a flesh construct that exists mainly only to generate body heat so she's not stuck sitting in one place forever.

  But wow this was amazing, I had never had a threesome before, let alone the fantasy version I got today. As much as I knew I had feelings for Leera, I knew I also felt for Lina just as much. She had always charmed me. Her combination of adorable and stoic was irresistible. I remembered the way it felt to be inside her, and I felt my brain melt a little. I found my pants and put them on.

  I remembered she came in dragging something. I looked around. Leera had already gotten up and was currently looking for food I assumed, as she had been talking about that earlier. I was still cradling Lina in my arms she was definitely larger now. She seems to have fallen asleep with a grin on her face. I walked over to Leera and handed Lina off to her. I walked towards the cave entrance. Damn! She bagged a goblin. I was already pretty sure that was what she had, given that the arrow resembled the ones I had pulled out from myself earlier.

  It's ear was partially ripped off, and it was bleeding from it's shoulder. I saw it's chest rising and falling. Was it still breathing? I sat it up and pulled it's arms behind it's back. I used fleshcrafting to seal the wrist skin together. I did the same with it's ankles. She must have kept it alive for a reason. I would ask her about that once she had an opportunity to rest.

  I peeked outside to see if there were any other threats. I used Life sense. I saw a fair sized blob not too far away. I crept quietly, trying to stick to the tree line after I got out of the clearing.

  Yay! This marks a historical event. The first time I've made it more than three steps outside of that cave. I felt that pulling
sensation calling to me again and looked at my map. It seemed to be telling me to go in a certain direction north east of the goblin camp. I decided to ignore it for now. I had to make sure the area was safe.

  I moved towards the blip. Now that I was closer I could see it wasn't that large. I picked it up. Ah, this is one of those large gophers. It looked at me as I held it which kinda freaked me out a little. I promptly skewered it in the head with my spike.

  I brought it back to the cave and started using fleshcrafting to skin it. I melded together all the rodent skin that was present and formed a new slightly skimpy outfit for Lina. Something like a fur swimsuit again though it was still a bit gooey on the back. It might need to sit for a while before I can finish it.

  That gopher was fresher than the ones earlier were, and to be honest I kinda wanted her to be naked for a little while longer anyway. After what had just happened, it's not like we were going to be uncomfortable with each other.

  I took the meat over to Leera and handed it to her. I knew she had to be hungry. Damn my lack of survivalism though. I didn't know how exactly to build a fire to cook it. I wasn't sure she would want to eat it raw as she had been excited about being able to roast meat like a human now.

  Due to my feast skill I didn't have to cook things for myself, and Bob and Lina had always just eaten everything raw anyway. Leera didn't look pleased. She gently sat Lina down and took the meat. I laid Lina's new outfit beside her.

  Leera looked up at me and said. "Oh really, you'll give her clothes, but you expect me to walk around naked all the time."

  I didn't even know she knew about the concept of clothing.

  I winked at her and replied "Oh, you know you like it."

  She raised one eyebrow at me, alternated her glances from me to the rodent. "I really think we should cook this. Isn't that what people normally do? I've seen humans do that regularly in my flights."

  I also raised one eyebrow and replied. "We're not exactly human."

  Which was true, I had imparted all the benefits of the ghoul stomach to everyone, as well as the windigo stomach. Technically we didn't need to produce waste.

  Not finding a reply for that she shrugged and raised the gopher to her mouth taking a small bite. She covered her mouth with her other hand and made a satisfied face while she was chewing. After swallowing she said. "Your right, this is good. But still, I would like to try cooked meat someday. I think it might be even tastier." She licked her lips at me.

  I wondered just what parts of my memory did Mors access to teach everybody english.

  I responded. "I've had it several times before, but the first thing I ate in this world was a lot of unidentifiable decaying meat, which when I look back on it, tasted okay. So yeah, I too think we may need to upgrade our diet, but for right now this will do."

  I walked over and picked up the sleeping Lina then made my way once more towards the cave exit.

  I peered back at Leera and said. "Leera I'm going hunting so we can bring Bob back. Keep an eye on that goblin and don't let it do anything weird."

  Leera looked back between bites. "Okay, I'll try to hold everything together here while your out."

  She laid down her food and walked over to me hugging me with Lina between us. She looked up at me expectantly. I leaned down and she kissed me while gently placing a hand on my cheek. She looked deeply into my eyes.

  "John, please come back safely." She said as she let her hand slip from my face.

  "I will." I awkwardly replied as I left.

  Wow, this is the first time a girl this hot had ever treated me like that. This has escalated quickly! Not that I minded. If marriage was a thing here, I would definitely propose to her and Lina both. Once we were staying some place nicer than this cave and I have all the materials, I will make them both wedding dresses and do just that.

  Alright, I had to be careful out here as I had found out several times already, and doubly so because I was carrying Lina. Now that I think about it, this might not be the best decision. Lina however is our little huntress, and if things got bad I have full faith she could defend herself or at worst escape.

  As I walked I felt that nagging pulling sensation again. I felt like I was being called somewhere I turned to face it. Though at this point I knew that it was something I would have to investigate, it would have to wait for now. Bob had priority, I wanted to get my friend back as soon as I could.

  I had heard people talk about hunting before and what I gathered from that was it was basically just finding a hiding place and waiting. If that was all I was doing, then there's no reason to wake Lina up yet.

  I kept my vigilance as I walked deeper into the forest. I checked my minimap to ensure I wasn't heading towards the goblin camp, which was apparently not too far as they keep showing up here.

  I worried about Leera, but the cave is dark to normal eyes and she can freeze them with a poke of her spike. After I had told her about her updated abilities she had immediately shot out her spike and started pumping out mist from it, just to see it in action. Then to my surprise, instead of just normally using self heal, she used fog to heal herself once she had retracted her spike.

  I had asked her why she had chosen to do it that way, and she answered that it actually felt less draining. So now I guess she made herself a new skill, which I dubbed healing mist. In that form it also doesn't damage me as it never reaches my core. As long as I don't inhale too much of it and don't enter undead mode I assume I would be safe.

  Now that I had decent mana regen, I was looking forward to using my spells a little. I still hadn't really had the chance to test them.

  Looking at my map I headed towards a stream. Living things have to drink after all, at least if they don't have ghoul stomachs, but ghouls themselves weren't living. So I guess our group was the only exception.

  I found an area with a large tree that had toppled over. I walked over to it's stump and crouched behind it.

  I could hear water in the distance. I looked down at Lina who was still wrapped in her wings and cradled to my chest. I held her in one arm and reached down to gently rub her little nose. She squirreled up her face and brought her hand up from behind her wing to wipe at her nose. She tucked her arm back in and cuddled up close again shifting around to get more comfortable. I tickled her nose again.

  Ow! I pulled my finger back quickly. She bit me, and it really hurt. I had forgotten that I had given her all those sharp teeth. Looking back at our fun time earlier, Leera may be the bravest person I know. I wonder if she had to heal herself after that.

  She smacked her mouth a few times and seemed to relax again. Alright, so you want to play hardball huh. I reached my hand up under her wings until I found the place I was looking for. I gave her a poke in a very sensitive place. Her eyes went wide and she shot me a look of confusion that gradually became one of arousal as she figured out what had happened. I withdrew my finger. I wasn't ready for round two just yet.

  She made a pouty face, then noticed that she wasn't in the cave. "Where are we Boss?"

  I smiled down at her and replied. "No, you call me John now. We're beyond this whole Boss thing. We're in the forest, we need to hunt big game in order to make Bob a new body."

  She nodded for a second, then seemed confused. "Did something happen to Bob? Now that I think about it I haven't seen him."

  I informed her about the whole windigo event, and how Bob had requested to have a new body made for him.

  She shuddered and brought her hands to her face. After composing herself a bit she responded. "Poor Bob, and this whole time I haven't even noticed. I just thought he was hunting." Her eyes started to well up in tears. She closed her eyes for a moment then wiped them.

  "For Bob!" She said as she balled her little hand into a fist.

  "Yes, for Bob!" I replied with gusto. Come to think about yelling is the opposite of good hunting.

  I sat her down gently, allowing her to regain her footing on the uneven terrain. I gave her head a pet then k
issed her on the forehead. Ah, there's that blush.

  "Alright my little amazon, you go and scout in the trees by the lake. Come and get me when you find something big enough and I'll deal with it." I said as I stood up.

  She unfurled her wings and I got a glimpse of her nude form again. I could almost swear that she turned a darker red before hopping up and flying off towards the river.

  Huh, I guess she doesn't need to climb a tree first now, I did better than I expected.

  I heard some noise behind me I turned my head to see something resembling a large squirrel running down a tree. It was about ten feet away. I slowly crept towards it. It seemed to be busily eating a nut of some sort and didn't notice me. When I was about six feet away it looked up at me. Alright, time to try the windigo's coercion. I felt energy flowing into my eyes. It stopped mid chomp, it's small mouth hanging open.

  "You, bring me the nut." I commanded.

  It just kept sitting there stupefied. Oh yeah, woodland critters can't speak, so they probably can't understand either. I mentally pictured it bringing the nut over to me. It started walking over with the nut in it's hands, when it got close it offered it up to me. I took the nut and examined it. Hmm, this looks like a walnut, mixed with an acorn as it has a little cup on the top. I pulled off the little cup part and placed it on the squirrel's head.

  "Alright seargent, you've been promoted. Now salute!" I said in a mock military voice.

  I pictured it saluting and the little critter did it. I laughed to myself for a while, but I have business with the sergeant here that must be attended to. I think we're supposed to be able to share information some how.

  I mentally pictured a bear, and tried to relay my need to find it. The sergeant tilted his head knocking his little hat off then sent me an image of something terrifying.

  It looked similar to a bear in size and shape, but it's muzzle was pushed in close to it's face. It had two curly tusks jutting from it's lower jaw. It turned and I saw it's profile. Its hind legs were powerful looking reverse jointed things that I would imagine gave it the ability to leap. Yeah, bears were tame when compared to this thing. I could only imagine that if it stood up it would be nearly ten feet tall.


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