Deathcreator Book One

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Deathcreator Book One Page 20

by John Domus Cruo

  "I still remember it, all of it. He threw me in that pit while I was still alive! He reduced me to a sick plaything for him and his men. He killed me over and over! If you put me back in a body, don't make it the body of a weak girl, make it something that can cause him pain! I don't care how grotesque or monstrous I become! I just want him to see me and know fear before he dies in agony." She was hyperventilating now as she spoke.

  I saw her soul flare up as if consuming itself. I needed to calm her down before she burned away.

  "Mors! Can I show her a memory?"

  "Yes Master. You can't directly implant it, but you can show her."

  "Show her my encounter with Thads." I ordered.

  The black background began playing what had happened from the introduction to his escape.

  As it played her flames died down while she watched it.

  She turned back around and smiled her broad smile once more.

  "I promise, you can help me kill him. Afterwards he'll burn away to nothing in screaming, unescapable agony. I will make this happen, for you and for the rest." I said as I mentally moved forward to embrace her. She opened her arms and accepted it. When I went to exit out she stood on her tip toes and kissed me as she faded away leaving only the soft touch of her lips.

  For some reason that made me feel better.

  I released the small girl's hand and went about my gruesome tasks as I interviewed the remaining two souls.

  I first interviewed the coachman. He had mentioned his part in this scheme, and I agreed to convert him to mana instead of burning him.

  Mana 10,118/10,118

  The Garanthi General was a strong honest man. He talked about the plot he had initiated and informed me about his death by betrayal. He also told me that he never touched the girls except when he tried to put them out of their misery.

  I told him about the fate that awaited him. He thanked me for a chance to clear his honor and nodded, accepting the fate of burning away. I'm guessing his culture worships honor instead of deities.

  It looks like I've got another soldier.

  I had Bob running around gathering tent poles and sturdy branches to drive into the ground as I walked the line of bodies, severing heads.

  When I got to Lenny's body, it was still cramped up and frozen in an eternal state of terror.

  I opened Lenny's soul so he could watch me decapitate his body. I had nothing to say to him, he wasn't speaking much anyway, it was all just sobbing and asking for forgiveness. I closed out of it after I had mounted his head on the center pole.

  After all the heads were mounted. I walked the line with my eyes open, matching souls to heads and making sure they saw both their own head and the flaming line of heads behind them as I bound them.

  It was now around sunrise, Bob and I had worked through the night.

  I stood in the middle and activated soul steal while looking at the sky, careful not to undo my own work. I heard their wailing cries and lamentations. A few even cried my name begging frantically to make it stop.

  I canceled soul steal and yelled. "There is no stopping this anymore! You're all just heads now. Did you stop when they asked you? When they begged and pleaded through broken teeth and partial tongues? Enjoy your eternity, lose yourself in it and burn away to nothing!"

  Bob was staring at me with a complicated expression.

  "They aren't you Bob. These guys deserve this." I said to him softly.

  Bob nodded but said nothing.

  The young girl came out of the tent yawning.

  She looked around her jaws agape for a moment before running up to me. She grabbed my hand in both of hers.

  "Can they feel that fire?" She asked.

  Bob answered. "Yeah, trust me. It's worse in that form then in your body. At least when your alive you can pass out when the pain gets too great. Here there's no escape. Boss even made them keep their awareness. Even Dipshit wasn't that cruel..." Bob trailed off at the end.

  She looked up in wonder at Bob, as if astonished that he could speak.

  "Can I talk to them?" She asked while staring up at me.

  "Yes, they can't talk back, but they can hear you." I answered.

  "I'm going to go look!" She said as she pulled me along.

  To think just yesterday they were watching her suffer, now she gets to see each one of them in an even worst state as she frolics around with such a radiant smile on her face, her body whole and healthy.

  I opened the soul window and Brought forth the tortured Goblins, The tortured villagers and The devoted follower. I think they all should see this.

  I opened my eyes as she led me from head to head. Identifying who did what and gloating at them.

  Of the souls I opened all watched the scene in front of them. The village girls were crying as they smiled their broken smiles. The goblins simply held each other as their eyes misted over. My devoted follower was sitting down with her hands covering her face as tears fell.

  The young girl lingered for a minute by Lenny. The souls gasped. Some swore in anger, the rest yelled.

  I played them my memory from earlier, both of how he died, and what I did when setting up his head.

  I heard cheering from the goblins and my follower.

  The girl finished her tour of the heads.

  I closed out of the soul screen.

  I dug around the bodies a little and pulled her out a large cloth shirt. When she put it on, it went down to her knees. I pulled out a belt and handed it to her. She fastened it.

  She now looked like she was wearing an ugly brown dress. Well, beggars can't be choosers.

  "I have to get to work on these bodies now. I need to bring the good ones back." I told her.

  "Can I play with your dog?" She asked.

  "Uh." I shot Bob a glance, he shrugged. I continued "Sure, maybe he'll play fetch or something. Just scream if he does anything weird."

  She ran off laughing. It's hard to believe she can be so happy. I smiled as I watched Bob laying down so she could pet him.

  I started up Fleshcrafting.

  I opened the tortured villager souls one by one. I talked to them having them visualize their bodies before all this. They gradually regained their normal appearance.

  "Mors, we have templates here, help me recreate their bodies."

  I felt myself lose control of my body once more. Mors moved with her normal uncanny speed. No, now it's faster this must be the increased perception of time ability from the sha'dwarg.

  She perfectly completed each body, and as she did I blended them and gave them all of my abilities except fog and life sense.

  If they go back to their village breathing fog with glowing eyes when they're mad they might be ostracized or even burned as witches. Do they even hunt witches here or is that just a normal vocation. Well, either way they will have mana regen, mana gathering, night sight, increased strength, exceptional hearing and smell and a ghoul/windigo stomach.

  Now that I think about it. Mors, one revision. Give them a lower set of teeth, like Leeras and restore their maidenheads.

  They won't be able to heal from it like Leera, but I'm sure it beats the alternative.

  The first girl was fairly tall but very skinny, maybe late teens. She had shoulder length blonde hair and chestnut eyes.

  The next two looked like another set of sisters. One was taller than the other one by maybe a foot. They both appeared to be in their mid teens. They had thick, short cut, black hair.

  The next one was short, early teens at most. She had natural red hair with blue eyes and cute freckles.

  The last one was also blonde, her hair looked as though it had never been cut. She was slightly shorter than the first one, but seemed older as she had a curvier body. she may even be in her early twenties. She had brownish green eyes.

  Mors and I work well together now. She seems to automatically know when I want control of my body back. She then resumes when I'm done with my part.

  I gathered them shirts, pants for t
he one's tall enough, and belts. I laid the clothes that best matched their sizes by their bodies.

  "Mors, teach them english."

  I dragged their souls over the body that matched.

  I turned my back as they opened their eyes.

  "There are clothes by you, I'm not sure how well they'll fit but tell me if you need anything." I spoke as kindly as I could with my deep voice. I didn't want to scare them or have them think I wanted anything sexual.

  I felt several warm arms wrapping around me from behind as they all hugged me. Some had tears in their eyes and others just seemed happy that it was over. I took my time to hug each one individually and rub the small one's heads, mussing their hair around.

  I told them all about their new abilities. To my surprise the skinny one knew some ice magic. Nothing impressive, she could chant to create a small icicle and shoot it about a foot. but this was the first time I had seen any elemental magic. The windigo's magic didn't count in my opinion as it was just fog.

  I looked around for Bob and the younger girl. They flew past me in a blur of black fur and giggles.

  "Alright girls, go play with Bob and... Uh." I don't know her name. Why do I never ask someone's name. This must be a habit from my past life when I was an antisocial loner.

  "Bob." I called.

  Bob and the girl stopped in front of me. The girl flew off Bob's back but he dove and cought her. She was still laughing hysterically.

  I walked up to her. "My name is John. What's yours?" I asked.

  The girls laughter slowly stopped and she shot me an ear to ear smile just like her sister.

  "John's a funny name." She laughed and made a face before continuing. "My name is Roscia." As she finished speaking Bob once again placed her on his back.

  "Alright girls, go play with Bob and Roscia." I said as some of the girls ran up to Bob petting him and trying to climb him, while the older one's just watched.

  The skinny one seemed to lose interest and walked back over to me.

  "Is it alright if I watch you work?" She asked while tucking her hair behind her ears.

  Now that I take the time to look at them, they seem to have a slight, almost unnoticeable point. Oh god, is she an elf? Did I just meet an elf? For some reason I didn't expect to see one here.

  I could feel my face start to smile. It took long enough. So far the only fantasy creatures I've seen have been trying to kill me or someone I care about.

  She let out a girlish laugh before speaking. "That's the first time anyone has ever smiled after seeing these." She gestured to her ears then continued. "Elves haven't exactly been popular since they disappeared a few centuries ago. Our national religion even changed because of it. Now whenever something happens they just blame it on elves."

  I wasn't overly fond of elves myself I always thought they were too cliche. But now seeing one in front of me I can't help but want to touch her ears.

  "Can, uh, can I touch them?" I awkwardly asked.

  She came closer and bowed her head slightly. I reached out and stroked them to the point pushing it down a little and feeling it spring back. Mors really does move fast, how had I not noticed these when I was making her body?

  The tops of her ears started to flush red. Oops, I guess I had better stop.

  "I'm not a full elf. It's just some distant ancestor of mine. The only real benefits I get are that I'm a lot older than I look, and I can do a tiny bit of magic." She said as she looked at me. I could see her sweating. Is she nervous?

  "That's okay! I'm part Elder god, person from a different world, ghoul, rock troll, windigo, sha'dwarg, normal guy and a double serving of satyr." I said as I counted them on my fingers.

  She gasped at that last part and looked down to my crotch. Like always the twins like attention. She knitted her brows and brought her hand up to her mouth, shaking her head. Her expression seemed to say that she felt sorry for me.

  "That's terrible, especially that last part." She still had pity in her eyes as she spoke.

  Really, that's the part you're choosing to focus on. Just going to blow off the elder god thing huh?

  Well I guess after what she's been through, it would seem terrible.

  "Don't worry about it, I'm all flesh golem, regardless of the parts I use." I reassured her.

  "Now then, I have to get back to work." I told her as I walked over to the nearest body.

  She followed behind me.

  "Mors, let's do the same with the goblins."

  I opened all the goblins souls one by one.

  I started up Fleshcrating

  Mors began crafting the the goblin's bodies expertly. I stopped her. I remembered back to what the lusty goblin that became Leera said when she saw her body. I also remembered how Lina loved her body.

  "Mors, let's make handsome and attractive super-goblins." I heard her snort to suppress a laugh.

  I know that wasn't the best line ever, but that was my intention.

  "Of course Master." She replied while snickering.

  She changed what she was doing to create well proportioned goblins. The old goblin now looked like a mature gentleman with a nice stylish grey head of hair. The other adult goblin now looked like a short curvaceous green woman with long silky yellow-green hair. The two kids now looked decidedly male and female. All of them were at least a half a foot taller.

  I added bone spikes on one arm and all other abilities. I'm not entirely sure what a goblin is going to do with mana and fog but something may manifest someday.

  I showed each goblin the body I had made for them and they all seemed to be overjoyed. I guess goblins have self esteem issues. Maybe from years spent at being the lowest sentient on the totem pole.

  I had one last thought.

  "Mors, teach them english."

  I dragged their souls onto their bodies.

  They looked at themselves, then at each other. The old man embraced his children once more as they cried and jumped up and down. The female walked over to me provocatively and gestured for me to bend down.

  I got to one knee and she pulled me into an embrace as I felt her tears on my shoulder.

  Just like I thought, they aren't any different then anyone else. If anything they're just more honest with their feelings.

  I went to stand up but the female wouldn't let me go. I stayed there for a moment.

  "Thank you!" I heard another sob before she continued. "Thank you so much." She finally pulled her head back as she looked into my eyes. Her eyes were the color of gold and honey. I hadn't changed them, so that was probably a combination of goblin red and windigo yellow. They were beautiful. I wiped the tears from her smooth angelic face and pulled her in for another hug.

  The old goblin walked over to me, the kids were behind him playing with their bone spikes. "So, you like my daughter that much huh?" He said as he slapped my shoulder two quick times.

  I snapped out of my stupor. I now know why the elf girl looked at me with pity. It's only been around a day and my little heads lead my big one around like it's a show-dog.

  I broke off the hug and stood up in a hurry, accidentally slapping her in the face with my now full sized twins.

  The female goblin placed a hand to her face as she inhaled deeply, her eyes went feral. She reached forward at a speed that Increased perception of time couldn't even track and pulled down my pants.

  The twins sprung out at full mast, but this time she dodged backwards barely avoiding a second hit.

  I must have given her the IPT ability as well.

  Her eyes immediately began glowing. She wiped drool from her mouth and it looked like she was ready to pounce.

  I quickly leaped back, skillfully pulling up my pants in mid air. When I landed I quickly threw out a hand.

  "Stop, stop! I already have two mates. I won't do anything with anyone else without their say so." I said feebly, my resolve fading by the second.

  The old man stepped between us and spoke. "You just marked her, expressing your desire to mat

  "I just what!?" I asked in confusion.

  "You made her smell your seed." He replied.

  I looked down at my pants. Oh yeah, I haven't really washed these at all and I have been having sex regularly then just putting them back on. There are no laundromats around here, what am I expected to do?

  This does kind of explain some of Lina's behaviors though.

  He cleared his throat and continued in a refined diplomatic tone."You're clearly aroused. I really don't think any misunderstanding is possible here."

  I looked down. The twins were threatening to burst the seams of my pants. I really didn't have the willpower to resist her. Besides Leera had been heavily hinting that I should have more mates.

  He lowered his hands and moved away. The goblin female was still breathing heavily as she moved her hand to her crotch.

  "Okay, this is about to be very not kid friendly." I pointed her to one of the empty tents and continued speaking. "Go and wait in there, I'll be there soon." She walked towards the tent moving her hips seductively as she walked.

  Did Mors do that, or was she already inclined to do so. Ah well, I guess body language is part of the english as well.

  "Dammit Mors, Too sexy on that one." I thought.

  I heard her cute laugh. "Would Master prefer it if she was still ugly?"

  She had a point there and unfortunately I would probably still be okay with it.

  I heard a wolf whistle and turned to see Bob and the kids, as well as one extremely surprised elf woman.

  "So, you do have two of them?" She asked with her eyes glued to my crotch. "Both satyr?" she said as if to confirm.

  I ignored her and walked to the tent. I wasn't going to get anything else accomplished in this condition.

  Chapter 27: Preparations - John

  I lay by my goblin mate as we caught our breath. She snuggled into my right arm burying her face in my armpit and inhaling deeply.

  "I love your scent." She said while slowly exhaling.

  Right, goblin customs are different.

  She turned herself to the side and gave me a cute smile. Her eyes glowing softly in the light from the open flap.

  Wait, why is that open.

  My head shot down quickly to look, only to catch a brief glimpse of blonde hair as the flap closed.


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