Playing the Game (Drekinn Book 7)

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Playing the Game (Drekinn Book 7) Page 11

by Jana Leigh

  “Now,” she screamed in impatience.

  Storm pushed inside her at the same time he bit the side of her neck. She felt a sharp bite and then pure pleasure. She felt the bond between her and Storm grow and then snap into place. She needed him to move, so she moved her hips.

  Storm groaned and then pushed her legs open a little more and leaned up to get a better position. He pumped in and out of her slowly, making sure that he was gentle, but hitting her clit with every pass. She felt the tide of another orgasm building. Sadie didn’t know how much more she could take. She had to mark him, her wolf and her bear demanded it, she leaned up and licked his throat and felt her teeth grow, then more of her juices flowed as she sunk her teeth into her mate, making him hers. Her wolf howled loudly in her head, and her bear chuffed. He was hers.

  He leaned down, kissed her nipples, and then sucked one of them in while continuing to slide in and out of her. She felt the tide of another orgasm building, and she pulled his head up and kissed him with all that she had in her. She screamed into his mouth when she came again.

  It took her a moment to catch her breath. It did not help that a two hundred and fifty pound man lay on top of her. She felt him move slowly and slide out of her.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Storm whispered and kissed her gently. “Did I hurt you?”

  Sadie looked up at him, smiled, took his face in her hands, kissed him, and said, “No, you were wonderful!”

  Rayne pushed his brother and said, “My turn.”

  Sadie smiled and then looked at him shyly. She had almost forgotten he was in the room because of the strong connection that she and Storm had now, but she felt incomplete still. She knew when she and Rayne joined she would be complete.

  He settled over her and began kissing her. She really didn’t want to tell him that she was probably not going to be able to have another orgasm. So, she kept silent and allowed him to kiss her and play with her body. Then to her surprise, she felt her arousal build again. Holy Shit. Was it going to be like this all the time?

  He kissed her and nipped at her lips until she was writhing once again beneath him. He licked the other side of her neck where he was going to mark her. Sadie lifted her heavy arms and held him close. He kissed her passionately and then pulled back and smiled. “On your hands and knees.”

  She moaned a little but turned over and did as he said. Storm leaned over and took her mouth as Rayne positioned himself behind her. He pushed her legs apart and then slowly ran a finger through her pussy lips, making sure she was wet. First, he pushed a finger in her, and she felt the difference in the position. She pushed back a little and then gasped when he grabbed her hips and pulled her back onto his long, thick cock impaling her with one thrust.

  “Help me out, brother,” Rayne said, and she felt a hand move under her and begin circling her clit with his finger while Rayne began to move behind her. All she could do was hold on as they worked over her body. The sensations were different. Once again, she knew that she would be able to tell the difference between the brothers. When Storm was inside her, he was smooth and gentle, while Rayne was commanding and demanding. He pulled her hips back and moved so she felt his cock all the way, as he slid inside.

  With Storm playing with her clit, it was not long before she was panting and screaming again, “Harder!”

  Rayne grunted and began to move faster. He bent over her and pushed as far as he could and bit her on the side of the neck and pushed her over the edge yet again. Their bond and connection snapped into place, and she felt a power surge and flow around them. Sadie couldn’t help it, she spun them, slammed herself back down on his weeping cock and struck with no precision, she was out of control and it felt amazing. Later she would apologize, she thought as she exploded again around her mate. She screamed out her release and then fell to the bed with him rolling so he wouldn’t squash her. She settled in between the two brothers and sighed.

  “Hey,” she whispered, and both of her new mates opened their eyes.

  “What was that?” Storm and Rayne whispered at the same time.

  “Don’t know. But my wolf and my bear, they both love you already. They were together in my head, it was amazing,” Sadie said and looked at them with love shining in her eyes and they relaxed. Yeah, everything was as it should be, they thought and curled around their mate and fell asleep.

  Rebekka looked out the window of her office and screamed loudly. It wasn’t working, everything she had planned was out of whack and she had no idea how the hell to fix it. By now she thought the bitch they created would have completed her mission. It was impossible that she would have been found out, so what was the wait? Surely the Drekinn hadn’t killed her already, she really thought they were soft enough they would have given her a chance in their pack, even though she was a freak.

  Freak, that was an understatement, but she was also her freak, all of them, hers. Patient A had no clue she wasn’t the only one, she was only the first, and Rebekka would be damned if she would ruin things for her.

  She picked up her phone and snapped into the receiver. “We need to double our efforts, by this time next week I want Patient B ready to go, we are going to send him out to find the other idiot. Maybe both of them together can share a brain and get what we need done.”

  “Ma’am, we are missing only three of the Chosen, if we had them all, we could complete this. The last place her locator pinged was in Colorado, she had to have gone back to Milliken. We will find her, all we need is to get our tracker close and he will be able to trip her memories,” the doctor said.

  Rebekka growled into the phone, “I know exactly who we are missing, but until I can find where the Chosen are actually hiding, there is nothing I can do about it. You know as well as I know, if we don’t not have all of them, then we are never going to be able to present our version of the Chosen to the world.”

  “I will have him ready to go, but you have to realize the more of our creation we release, the bigger the chance they will run across someone who could discover who they are. What then?”

  Rebekka rolled her eyes. “You let me worry about that, you worry about controlling your creatures,” she said and slammed the phone down into the cradle and turned.

  If this didn’t work, she was going to need to make a deal with the devil, and she wasn’t sure that would end well for her, but she would do it if she had too, all in order to get her revenge. The Chosen were not going to win.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sabrina turned and looked around her house, it seemed so long since she had been here. It had really only been a week. One week, she thought and then Sadie came up to her side.

  “Hey, sis,” Sadie said and Sabrina grinned.

  That part was at least good, all of the shit that had gone down had sucked, but she had emerged with a sister, and a wolf. Everything was going to be fine, she thought, well, she hoped it would, Sabrina couldn’t help but think there was something out there she and the others were missing.

  “It feels like forever since I have been here,” Sabrina whispered and Sadie hugged her around her waist. To say they had become close was an understatement, only knowing her for the last three days since they set their wolves loose, they had spent a lot of time together. They were drawn together.

  Trina had been around, and they had talked, everything was good, but there was something about Sadie that soothed her. Trina was her sister in heart, but Sadie was in blood, they both meant the world to her, and she would never give up either of them, she just needed to get to know her sister, and also figure out her place in the Drekinn Pack, because honestly, she knew she wasn’t going to be on the Council still, although the Alphas hadn’t said so, she knew, why would they trust her to train them all.

  Now, she was home, and she would figure out her future. There was nothing else to do. She actually wondered if she went into town and got a job if that would be okay? She couldn’t sit around here forever doing nothing. Making up her mind, she would talk to Call
i in the morning.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Kiki said from the doorway and held up a bottle of wine. “Someone is home; it sounds like it is girls’ party time!”

  Sadie frowned and stepped aside as all of the women of the Drekinn came into the room. Rissa bounced in and smiled.

  “Woo hoo, orange juice for the pregger chicks.”

  Trina laughed and held up another bottle of wine. “I got your favorite!”

  Sabrina grinned and then looked around, yeah, Sabrina knew what they were doing and she accepted it gratefully.

  “Well then,” Sabrina said and looked at Sadie and winked. “Looks like it is girls’ night!”

  “Hey, since the snow finally stopped yesterday, I also have some good news. The town plows will be out here tomorrow, we should be able to get out of here soon and get some more supplies.” Cherri laughed.

  Calli rolled her eyes. “Yay, I totally get to make the meeting with the Mayor tomorrow. I swear, if I was paranoid, I would think they deliberately didn’t plow out here until they wanted to.”

  Rissa laughed. “Well, at least we will be able to stock up on some more food. I need my Almond Joys.”

  “Cravings?” Syd asked, and the girls’ night had begun.

  “You are not to blame!” Cami whispered and Vivi jumped a little, she should have known her friend would show up tonight. She had been avoiding her for a week, and Victor told her that Cami wasn’t going to let this lay.

  “You don’t know,” Vivi said and stared at Sadie, she was smiling, happy no thanks to her.

  “Dammit, Jo, it doesn’t matter, none of it does, the only thing that matters is that right this second, Sadie is here, safe and sound and she is healing,” Cami said and she turned and looked at her best friend.

  “Kira,” she whispered and Cami shook her head.

  “She knows it’s not your fault, it is theirs: the Rogues, the Prentiss. Not yours, not mine, no one’s but theirs,” Cami said firmly.

  “How can she not look at me and want to beat the shit out of me, I want to beat the shit out of me,” she said and Cami smiled and shook her head.

  “Babe, trust me, she is worried about you too. We all feel bad about what happened to Sadie, and yeah, we got lucky that Cassandra could fix it. But we have to celebrate the good, because when the bad comes, and we know there is going to be more bad, we need something to hold onto,” Cami said.

  “Do you remember when we had our girls’ nights?” Jo whispered to Cami as they watched from the window.

  “Of course, if the police weren’t called then we were doing good.” Cami laughed. “I miss this.”

  Jo sighed and nodded. “Me too, maybe we should call the girls and have a good old-fashioned girls’ night.”

  Cami paused and bit her lip and then chuckled. “Let’s do it.”

  “Something good to hold onto,” Jo whispered.

  She pulled them through the door and proceeded to the bedroom. When they entered the bedroom, she turned to them and smiled. Both of them wore the same expression, confusion mixed with desire. Sadie had come back from her impromptu girls’ night in a frisky mood apparently. Both men were not only surprised but also extremely happy their mate had allowed what Calli had healed inside of her to take hold. That alone would have made the twins pledge their undying loyalty to the Drekinn. But also knowing they were family, yeah it sealed the deal.

  They had been hanging out in the large main room with the guys for hours. Football and snack foods that was all they needed in life. Throw in a beer or two, and they were in heaven. Sadie was brought in by Rissa and Kiki who were both laughing at their woman. She had been tipsy, which was cute, and she had been extremely affectionate, which was hot. Now they were in their rooms and both men were more than ready for her.

  “Strip,” she said and pulled her shirt over her head. When neither of them moved, she said, “Really? I’m telling you to strip and get naked so we can have sex and you both are staring at me?” She smiled and removed her bra and palmed her own breasts before running her hands down her stomach to her jeans button. Wow, their mate was fucking gorgeous.

  Storm was the first to move, but Rayne was a little but quicker. In the blink of an eye, they both stood before her naked and hard. Their cocks looking eager and ready. She grinned and finished undressing before walking to them and running a hand down both of their chests at the same time.

  Not wanting to pick one over the other, she knelt in between them. “Sadie?” Rayne gritted out.

  “Shhh, I want to try this,” she said and leaned forward and licked his cock from base to tip. Then sat back and looked up. “At the same time,” she whispered and then did the same thing to Storm.

  Her mates groaned and she smiled. She grasped both of their cocks in her hands and stroked them gently. First, she would lean, swirl her tongue around Rayne’s tip, and then do the same to Storm while she continued to pump them both slowly. She felt in control for the first time in her life, well the life she could remember right now, but still it counted.

  The girls had helped her tonight with this. Sadie wanted to giggle a little when she thought about the banana they had given her to practice on. It had been hilarious, she knew it. Sharing with her new friends had been fun, Sadie really felt like one of them now. Of course it had been a little embarrassing discussing sex, but it had also been a little fun. Now she was putting it to use.

  She worked in a rhythm because she didn’t want either of them to relax, that was Kiki’s hint. She counted in her head, Rissa’s hint. One time for Storm and three times for Rayne. Then three times for Storm and twice for Rayne. When their cocks began to leak pre-cum, she smiled. Taking a deep breath, she took all of Rayne’s cock in her mouth and swallowed. Holy shit, she could only get half of him in. They were huge. Switching to Storm, she did the same thing and she almost cried out when both of them wrapped a hand in her hair.

  They felt amazing. She kept the uneven rhythm up and had both of her mates panting before long. Slowly, she moved her hands and mouth in a dance that neither of her mates could deny. Kissing and sucking their cocks made her feel like she was in control; as if she was giving them something that no one had ever given them. And she was right.

  Storm talked to his brother, “Shit, man, her mouth is amazing.”

  “I know, it’s like we are attached by an electric current. Can you feel that when she pulls out with her mouth?” Rayne said.

  “Gods yes, fucking amazing,” Storm groaned.

  Her men leaned back and allowed her to have control of their cocks. She was amazing; they thought and watched her as she continued to pleasure them. She kissed, licked, and sucked them and she was a miracle.

  Sadie was proud of herself, she had never done this and just went on instinct. She assumed she was doing it right from the groans and moans her mates were making. She had figured out that if she swallowed when she had them in her throat, they both loved it. It was cool to have this much power.

  “Fuck, baby, no more. We want to spread you out and eat you, dammit,” Storm said and pulled her up. They surrounded her and she stomped her foot in frustration.

  “Hey, I wasn’t done,” she growled and tried to lower herself again.

  “Nope, our turn,” Rayne said and pushed her against the bed until she fell over. Her legs dangled from the edge and Storm sunk between her legs and lifted her thighs on his shoulders.

  He didn’t give her a chance to catch her breath, and he was nipping and sucking between her folds looking for her clit. Slowly, trying to drive her mad like she had them, he swept his tongue up her slit until he brushed over her aching bud. She almost came off the bed. In fact, if it hadn’t been for Rayne, she would have.

  Rayne lay next to her, reached up, and turned her until she was facing him. He leaned in and kissed her deeply. Then using the palm of his hand, he brushed her nipples with frustrating gentleness, bringing them to a straining hard nub. They were teasing her like she had them. In the future, she was going to have to re
member to let them go first if she wanted to tease them. They were much better at it than she was.

  She reached up, wrapped one arm around Rayne, and then used her other hand to grab Storm’s hair as they had her. Trying to move them to where she wanted them, she growled and then cried out in frustration when they didn’t give it to her.

  “Easy, sweetheart, we will give you what you need,” Storm murmured against her mound.

  Rayne finally pulled away from her mouth and gave her what she had been waiting for. His mouth on her nipples. He didn’t waste time, he sucked in her nipple and rolled the tip in between the roof of his mouth and his tongue. With his other hand, he tweaked and pinched her already sensitive tip.

  Storm used a finger and pushed it inside her as he continued to flick his tongue over her now fully aroused clit. It was so sensitive at each touch, she quivered with the anticipation of the next touch. They played her body like a well-tuned fiddle. It was as if they had been lovers for years.

  Just when she thought she was going to come, both of them pulled back and smiled at her. “Tag team,” Rayne said and stood. Storm kissed her mound one more time and then slid out from between her legs and patted his brother on his back before laying down next to her.

  Rayne took his place between her legs and Storm smiled down at her. “Sweetheart, you taste like honey,” he whispered and then bent his head to kiss her.

  She could taste herself on his tongue, and it made her even hotter. They were sexy, hot, and all hers. She moaned when they began to bring her back up to the edge again. Rayne was more aggressive than Storm; he sucked and nipped at her clit until she was writhing beneath him.

  Storm focused on her breasts and muttered in her ear the things he wanted to do to her. If she wasn’t so close to orgasm she probably would have blushed, but as it was, she was close.

  “One day, soon when we take you together. Just think of it. One of us in your sweet pussy while the other is in your tight ass. Can you feel it?” Storm whispered.


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