Claiming the Single Mom's Heart (Hearts of Hunter Ridge)

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Claiming the Single Mom's Heart (Hearts of Hunter Ridge) Page 19

by Glynna Kaye

  Stop herself from hurting the man she loved.


  Startled, she spun toward Grady as he stepped up on the far side of the shadowed porch.

  “I was hoping to see you. To offer my congratulations.” His words came hesitantly. “But I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcome.”

  “You’ll always be welcomed, Grady.” Always. But how stupid to have said that. As if expecting him to casually brush off the deep wound she’d inflicted. “I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know. I understand why it’s difficult for you to believe it, but I never intended—”

  He held up his hand to halt her. “I know that now.”

  A spark of hope flared as he moved closer, but she tamped it down. It would be too much to bear if he’d solely come here tonight to seek closure. To say a final goodbye.

  He looked down the concrete porch and scuffed the toe of his boot against it. “We’ve both grown up with different versions of the same story, haven’t we?”

  “We have.”

  “You wouldn’t think that something that happened a hundred years ago would trickle down through the generations to impact us now. Influence who we are. But I know for my part, I grew up with tales of how my ancestor generously supported a friend facing hard times and was taken advantage of. Then when Uncle Doug’s wife divorced him and did him and the town dirty when I was a little boy, well, that was another layer of distrust and fear of betrayal that carved itself into who I am.”

  “And then Jasmine.”

  “Yes, and then Jasmine.” He looked skyward for a long moment, then back at her. “But you’ve been impacted by a story, as well. An often-told story shared with you by someone you loved and trusted—your grandmother. A tale that, as with me, seeped inside and planted itself in how you perceive the world. As betraying. Untrustworthy. And your ex-husband’s abandonment reinforced that.”

  “It did.”

  “I guess what I’m trying to say here is that we both blindly walked into a relationship carrying a ton of personal baggage. Heavy baggage we weren’t fully aware we were carrying until now. Some of it with century-old roots.”

  “Kind of crazy.”

  “Major crazy.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I’m confident, Sunshine, that the evidence you’ve discovered can easily be explained. That it can be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that your great-great-grandfather never owned Hunter’s Hideaway. But I don’t expect you to take my word on that. I’m willing to research it further with you and, if the Hunters did your family an injustice, we’ll make it right.”

  “I don’t want anything from the Hunters.” Except Grady’s trust, his heart. “Please believe that.”

  “I believe you’d come to a decision that you wouldn’t press my family for financial gain. I’ve thought long and hard about what you said or, rather, what you were trying to say when I refused to listen. When I was being stubbornly sure you were no better than Jasmine. Than Aunt Char. Than your ancestors.”

  Despite his assurance that he believed her, she cringed inwardly at the string of past betrayals carving a path into his future. Was it any wonder he’d reacted the way he had?

  “But God—and Grandma Jo—opened my eyes, Sunshine.”

  “Your grandmother?”

  “That’s a story to be told later.” He reached for her hand, his gaze intense. “I had to ask myself if something that happened or didn’t happen a hundred years ago to people long dead even matters. To us, I mean. Here. Now.”

  “Only if we choose to let it.”

  He swallowed, his hands tightening gently on hers. “Will you forgive me, Sunshine? For not believing in you? I can see now that my betrayal of you was every bit as harsh as the one I’d imagined inflicted on myself.”

  “Of course, Grady. But I owe you an apology as well, so please hear me out. My original motives for coming here were wrong. Very wrong. I was intent on being compensated for an injustice done to my family—an injustice I’d clung to so tightly, but now realize was a fabrication.”

  The lines of tension in his face eased.

  “I now also realize,” she hurried on, “that coming here and then running for a town council seat wasn’t all about money or fighting for justice. Those things masked a search for the fulfillment of another deeper need. A need for roots, a sense of belonging. But this past week I’ve come to better understand that true belonging can only be found by not withholding pieces of my heart from God.”

  The stillness of the night pressing in around them, they stood facing each other in the dim light. Despite words of reconciliation and a desire to put the past in the past, he’d said nothing of wanting to see her again. To start over. Was it too late for that?

  “Grady, I—”

  “I have something I need to say first.” And then, as her heart leaped into her throat, he dropped down on one knee to look up at her, his hands still holding hers. “I know this is coming out of the blue. That it might be premature. That you might think it’s downright crazy. But I love you, Sunshine. Tessa, too. And I want to spend the rest of my life with both of you. Will you give me a second chance? Will you marry me?”

  Heart pounding, she stood staring down at him, trying to absorb his unexpected declaration. Grady loves me. He wants to marry me.

  “I understand,” he said, almost stumbling over his words, “if you can’t give an answer right now. But would you be willing to think it over? To pray about it—as I’ve done?”

  He thought she needed more time?

  “I don’t need to think about it any further. I’ve prayed about it, too.”

  Uncertainty flickered through his eyes. Then he swallowed, as though steeling himself for a turndown. Did he have no idea how she felt about him? How for weeks she’d dreamed of someday hearing him utter those words? How thrilled Tessa would be?

  “I love you, Grady Hunter,” she said softly, “and, yes, I will marry you.”

  He stared at her, uncomprehending. “You—?”

  She laughed. “I love you. And Tessa loves you, too.”

  He blinked. Once. Twice. Absorbing her words. Then an uncontrollable grin surfaced and he rose swiftly to his feet to gaze down at her, still speechless.

  “Cat got your tongue?” she coaxed playfully.

  With a laugh, he slowly shook his head, his eyes filled with wonder. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world, Sunshine.”

  “And you’ll—hopefully soon—be married to the happiest woman in the world.”

  He gently cupped her face with his warm hands. “I do love you, Sunshine, and I promise to make you a good husband. And Tessa a good father.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a moment.”

  Grady chuckled. “I’m not sure how God managed this. We did our best to botch up His plans, didn’t we?”

  “We did.”

  “So I guess we need to show Him our appreciation and make up for lost time.” With that declaration and a twinkle in his eyes, he leaned in to tenderly press his lips to hers.


  “It’s beautiful, Grady.” Sunshine held out her hand to admire the glittering diamond ring, her breath coming as a frosty cloud on the crisp mid-November morning air. Returning from an exhilarating forest hike, they’d paused at the edge of Hunter’s Hideaway property, where they’d soon join Tessa, Tori and Grady’s family for an engagement celebration brunch.

  How quickly her life had changed. Whoever would have imagined what God had in mind when she’d come to Hunter Ridge, determined to uncover the truth about her great-great-grandparents? She’d never have guessed what He had planned the day she’d brazenly marched up to Grady, demanding he call off the noisy workers next door. Whoever would have thought she’d win a council seat and her assistance would help Grady receive unanimous approval to pur
sue his dream of a wildlife-photography element at Hunter’s Hideaway? Or almost unanimous. She didn’t count his uncle Doug’s dissenting vote.

  “That ring isn’t half as beautiful as you are.” Grady leaned in for a lingering kiss, then gently tugged her leather glove back on. “If you keep taking that glove off, your fingers are going to turn into blocks of ice.”

  “I’m not worried.” She slipped her arms around his scarf-wrapped neck. “Isn’t it your job to keep me warm now?”

  “You think so, huh?” His eyes twinkled as he pulled her close. Or as close as they could get with them both wearing down-filled jackets. “I believe I can handle that assignment.”

  She cuddled into him. “I’m glad we won’t be waiting until next summer to get married. Valentine’s Day is perfect.”

  “I wish it could be Christmas. Or Thanksgiving.” He gently rested his forehead against hers. “But hopefully, if the chemo finally begins to work its wonders, Mom will feel up to enjoying the wedding by February.”

  “She still has long way to go, doesn’t she?”

  “More treatments. More meds. More physical therapy. But, God willing, next year she and Dad will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary together, and then each year thereafter for a long time to come.”

  “I think she’s relieved not to be facing another four years on the town council.”

  “I get that impression, too—that pulling out of the campaign took a lot of pressure off her.” His gloved finger touched the tip of her nose. “Thanks to you.”

  “Me?” She laughed. “Oh, right. I challenged her for the council seat and won by default. I’m sure it’s going to take your folks a while to forgive me for that.”

  “They’re grateful. Especially Dad. Mom never would have withdrawn if she didn’t think you could beat Irvin. She’d have kept pushing herself, wearing herself out.”

  She tilted her head. “She thought I’d beat him?”

  “Hands down. And look how it’s turned out.” He arched a brow. “The town council seat remains in the Hunter family. The tradition unbroken.”

  “Ah, but don’t forget.” She lifted her chin with mock defiance. “I’ll be representing the artists in the community, too, you know. Not just Hunters.”

  “I know that, and I’m proud that you will be.” He again captured her lips with his and, with a quick intake of breath and pounding heart, she returned the kiss, marveling that God had given her—and Tessa—a man like Grady Hunter.

  “Hey, you two!” Guiltily jerking apart at the sound of a gruff voice, they looked across the clearing to where Pastor McCrae stood at the back patio door of the inn, motioning them forward. “There’s plenty of time for that lovey-dovey stuff later. Get yourselves on in here. Time to eat.”

  “Spoilsport!” a grinning Grady taunted back at his cousin, then reached for Sunshine’s gloved hand. “So are you ready to officially unveil that ring? The whole family will be in there by now, waiting to see it.”

  The extended Hunter family. Consisting of many who might not be thrilled that she’d won the election instead of Elaine. Who might be less than thrilled that she was marrying into the Hunter clan, claiming Grady as her own.

  “Once they get to know you, they’re going to love you.” He’d guessed what was on her mind. “Just as I do.”

  Then, before she could protest, he leaned in to again move his warm lips gently on hers. She could barely keep her knees from buckling or from throwing herself into his arms.

  “Hey!” Garrett called again, amusement evident in his tone. “What part of ‘bacon and eggs getting cold’ don’t you two understand?”

  Sunshine giggled and Grady drew back, shaking his head. “I never knew a preacher could be so annoying.”

  Gazing up into Grady’s warm blue eyes, she linked her arm with his. “I guess we’d better not force him to come out here after us, huh?”

  He sighed. “Guess not.”

  With her free hand, she reached up to touch her beloved’s face, her words coming softly. “I love you, Grady.”

  “I love you, too, my very own Sunshine.”

  Smiling, they headed toward the inn—and a lifetime shared together.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from HER FIREFIGHTER HERO by Leigh Bale.

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  Dear Reader,

  Welcome back to Hunter Ridge! I loved writing Grady and Sunshine’s story—the journey of two wounded hearts learning to trust God so He can enable them to overcome past betrayals and learn to love again.

  It’s a rocky road at times. Not only do they have their personal pasts to overcome, but their lives are uniquely entangled with others who have come before them—both in the recent and distant past.

  Have you ever felt betrayed by someone you trusted? Did it impact your ability to trust others? Or perhaps made you so fearful of letting others down that you haven’t always listened to and obeyed God’s direction? Never forget that one of the beauties of a relationship with God is that He tells us “never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”

  You can contact me via email at [email protected]. Please visit my website at—and stop by, and!

  Glynna Kaye

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  Her Firefighter Hero

  by Leigh Bale

  Chapter One

  “Order up!” Megan Rocklin slid a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns beneath the warming lamp. As she wiped her damp hands on a clean dish towel, she took a quick glance at the tables in the diner. All but two were full, and the place buzzed with the happy chatter of satisfied customers. Not bad, considering she owned the only restaurant in town. If only it were this busy every other day of the week, she could pay off a few bills and breathe a bit easier.

  Turning back to the grill, she picked up a spatula and flipped a series of pancakes. The air smelled of breakfast, warm and nice. It was her favorite part of the day. But she still needed to slice vegetables and fruit for the afternoon salad bar.

  She slid open the glass pane of the window and welcomed the gush of fresh April air. Blazing sunshine taunted her. She’d like nothing more than to close up the diner, load her two kids and a picnic lunch into their rusty old truck and drive the twenty miles to Duck Cre
ek Park. But taking a day off work was a luxury she couldn’t afford right now. She’d graduated from one of the top culinary schools in the nation, and look where she’d ended up. Living in the small, remote town of Minoa, Nevada.

  Speaking of which. Where was Frank? The cook’s ten-minute break should have ended five minutes ago.

  Megan tossed an irritated glance toward the back door. No doubt he was outside in the alleyway, puffing on a cigarette. She wouldn’t complain, though. Frank worked long hours without protest. A good, solid employee. She was just tired and grouchy, that’s all.

  She forked a giant ham steak off the grill, slapped some eggs over easy and thick fries on the side, and garnished the plate with a slice of orange. Through the cutout window to the restaurant, she caught a glimpse of Connie racing back and forth to take orders, shuffle food and refill drinks. Megan should be out there helping her.

  Blinking her gritty eyes, she gave the pancakes another flip. From all outward appearances, she didn’t miss a beat. But inwardly, her arms and legs felt like leaden weights. She hadn’t slept well the night before. In fact, she rarely slept through the night these days. Not since Blaine’s death last summer. And boy! Did she ever miss him today.

  “So, what have we got?” Frank lumbered into the kitchen, a burly man of forty-eight years. Pulling his chef’s hat onto his balding head, he gave a deep, hacking cough. At least he covered his mouth. An invisible fog of cigarette smoke seemed to follow him as he stepped over to the double ovens. Megan hid a grimace.

  “That bad habit of yours is gonna kill you one of these days, Frank. I wish you’d give it up,” she said.

  She meant well but tried not to sound too much like his mother. Lately, she sounded like everyone’s mom. An old harpy, that’s what she’d become. She figured if she held on tight enough, she could control the world around her and keep from being hurt again. Her common sense told her that was an insane notion, yet she couldn’t let go completely and allow herself to be the happy, naive woman she’d once been. Not as a widow with two kids to raise and plenty of bills to pay.


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