Big Bad Fake Groom: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance

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Big Bad Fake Groom: A Billionaire's Virgin Romance Page 55

by Tia Siren

  “Want to play?” Ray asked, nodding his head to one tub.

  “Maybe later.”

  “Want a drink?”

  “Now you’re talking,” Danielle said with a laugh, and Ray took her hand and led her out of the bedroom. There was a whole room off of the living room which had been given over to a bar of sorts. Three bartenders who worked for the hotel were there, mixing drinks and slinging beers. Danielle found herself suddenly self-conscious as she looked them over. They looked like she did. Servers. Servants. Pouring drinks while rich people played.

  “What can I get you?” Ray asked her, making his way to the bar and pulling her along.

  “Any beer,” she said to the bartender, a young blonde girl. She nodded and set a frothy bottle on the bartop. “Thanks,” Danielle said, taking the beer and sipping.

  “I think you’re gorgeous, and I’d really like ot have sex with you,” Ray said, and Danielle almost spit her beer out.


  Ray was more forward than any man Danielle had ever met, and she had met some forward men. Ray was a millionaire, or maybe a billionaire. And he had just told her he wanted to have sex with her. They were surrounded by a hundred people; all jam packed into the most expensive hotel room Danielle had ever seen. It all felt like a dream. A dream someone else was having. Danielle hardly recognized her own voice when she spoke.

  “Okay,” she said.

  Ray grinned again. His teeth were white and perfect, like a movie stars. He took her by the hand again and led her out of the bar room. He led her to a closed door, and then pushed through it. Danielle found herself in a bedroom that was empty, besides the two of them. No one was throwing water balloons filled with vodka, and the music wasn’t as loud after Ray shut the door and locked it behind them.

  Danielle had never been one to have sex with strangers, except for that single one night stand. She figured it had to be something about white boys as Ray put his hands on her hips and leaned in to kiss her. She closed her eyes and parted her lips to him. She felt his tongue, like velvet against hers. His fingers gripped her rounded hips, but he didn’t hurt her.

  The room was dark, the only light coming from a fat silver moon which hung high over Las Vegas. The windows were open so the moonlight could come in, and below them, there were flashes of lights, red and blues and yellows, a thousand signs in front of a thousand hotels and casinos and little places to get a shotgun wedding.

  Ray wasn’t wasting time. He gripped the underside of Danielle’s vodka soaked shirt and tugged it up. She looked for somewhere to put her beer, but there was nowhere. Ray took it from her and tossed it to the floor where the dark amber colored liquid chugged from the bottle, staining the carpet.

  When her shirt was off, Ray had a hold of it, and he tossed it to the floor as well. They kissed again, their lips and tongues like one instead of two. His hands explored her torso, strong and soft together across her flat stomach, and up over her ribs.

  He found her breasts, still clad in the red bra. Fingers slid under the cups, brushed against nipples which hardened instantly. She reached behind herself and undid the clasp, and then the bra was off, joining the beer and her shirt on the floor. He bent his head, and his lips went to her nipples. He nipped at her sensitive rosebuds, licked at them with the tip of his tongue.

  Danielle moaned. Her arms went around him, one on the back of his bare torso, the other to his hair as he sucked on her tit. His hand was at the other, gripping her, groping her. Her nipple was hard and rubbing against his palm. Danielle felt herself yearning for him, a passionate heat growing between her legs.

  “Bed,” she moaned, and his lips pulled from her breasts. He nodded, and then they were kissing again as he stepped forward and she back pedaled, and they fell upon a large, soft bed. She spread her legs, forcing her skirt to hike up towards her hips. Ray positioned himself between her, arching his back, so his crotch rubbed against hers, his rigid member evident beneath his liquor-soaked swim trunks against her wet slit, hidden beneath the silky material of her panties.

  Danielle wasn’t thinking straight, she knew that, but she didn’t care. She wasn’t anything like those women out in the living room, dancing with their breasts out, letting men rub all over her, but there she was, about to fuck a man she didn’t even know, and she knew it was exactly what she wanted.

  Danielle had been with big men before, in terms of penis size. The one white guy she had slept with had the smallest dick, and she had always assumed it was true what they said about black guys and white guys. But Ray put that notion to rest, in the dark bedroom, when she reached down and slid her hand past the waistband of his trunks. His cock was hard and pulsing. And it was huge. Bigger and thicker than any cock she had ever touched. She wrapped her slender fingers around it, jerking him back and forth as his lips found hers once more. He tasted like vodka, and it made her head spin.

  Then the man was pulling away, and it made her hand slip off of his erect member. He knelt at the end of the bed, and came forward again, sliding downwards. He planted a kiss on her hip and went downwards until he reached her skirt. He gripped it in his strong hands and pulled it down, and she lifted her ass off of the bed to help the process along. Ray tossed her skirt over his shoulder, and it left Danielle nude except for her panties, which were red and mostly see through.

  Ray went back to his kissing, his lips trailing down over her panties, and onto the sensitive black skin of her inner thighs. She was wet, soaked, her desire for the man more intense than any desire she had ever felt.

  “I’m going to make you come,” Ray whispered to her in the dark. From outside the room, there was the dull thumping of the music, a remembrance that there was a party going on. Beyond that, it felt to Danielle as though she and the rich man were the only people on Earth.

  With one hand Ray held the crotch of her panties aside. With the other he ran a finger up her slit, stopping to rub on her engorged clitoris. Danielle groaned, throwing her head back.

  Those red see through panties were quickly pulled off and deposited on the floor with all of her other clothes, and then a new sensation replaced Ray’s finger on her pussy. He was licking her, the tip of his wet tongue sliding up and down her slit, probing. He spent time working on her clit, flicking it back and forth with his tongue while he slid a finger into her pussy, and then two.

  She had never wanted a man more, wanted his cock inside of her, but she didn’t want him to stop either. He made true on his promise, he said he was going to make her come, and Ray did just that.

  It took hardly any time, and if Danielle could have felt anything but an explosion of intense pleasure emanating from her pussy and spreading through her body, causing her toes to curl as he used his tongue to make her come, she would have been a bit embarrassed. It had been a little bit since her last boyfriend, and she hadn’t fucked anyone since then.

  She shook with orgasm, her hands going to the back of his head, trying to find hair long enough to grip onto but failing. She almost doubled over, as the wave of pleasure rolled through her core, and for a moment, she didn’t think it would abate. Finally, it did, and Ray was grinning up to her from between her legs.

  “You on the pill?” he asked, and Danielle nodded. She was, even though her sex life was about as dead as the dinosaurs. “Good,” the man said, and he stood at the foot of the bed and pulled his swim trunks down. He stepped out of them, climbing back onto the bed. He moved upwards, kissing up her stomach, and then stopping for a moment to suck on one brown nipple. He moved on, his lips moving up her neck, to her lips. She spread her legs to him, still wet, still yearning for him even as she fought to regain control of her breathing. She reached down, took his throbbing dick in hand, and guided him inside of her.

  He was large, and for a moment Danielle was worried it would be uncomfortable, but he pushed deep inside her, and then pulled out, and after a few more thrusts it was fine, and the discomfort was gone, replaced by nothing but pure bliss.

  Ray was g
entle, but he was in control. She reached up for his face, but it took her hand by the wrist and pushed it away, holding her down as he grinned and dipped his head so he could nip softly at her nipple.

  His pace grew quicker, but as it seemed as though he was nearing completion he stopped and pulled suddenly out of her.

  “Turn over,” he commanded, and Danielle did so.

  “Are you used to getting what you want?” the black woman breathed, and she heard the man laugh as she lifted herself up on her elbows and knees.

  His strong hands found her round ass, squeezing onto her cheeks almost painfully. The bulbous head of his cock pushed against her wet slit, and then he shoved his hips forward, and he was inside her once more.

  He pulled one hand away from her ass, and then sent it down swiftly, slapping onto her skin and causing her to yell out. He slapped her ass again, and then he was grunting, gripping her by the hips and pulling her roughly backwards as he shoved forward and came. His cock jumped in her tight snatch, and his semen filled her pussy.

  He collapsed on top of her, panting. Their bodies were covered in a light sheen of sweat. He kissed her, and then pulled his still hard cock out of her and rolled over to lie next to her.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  Danielle grinned.“I agree.”

  He looked to her and laughed. Then the laugh faded and he propped himself up on his elbow.

  “So about marrying me,” he said.


  Danielle had almost forgotten about Ray asking her to marry him. But here he was, doing it again.

  “I don’t know you,” she said.

  “You know me better now,” Ray cracked. She couldn’t help but laugh, and she glanced down to see his cock, shining with her juices, throbbing in the pale light from the moon. He was in between hard and normal, and it still looked absolutely massive.

  “I do know you better. But you’re not really being serious, are you?”

  Ray sighed, and he nodded his head. “Look, I’m going to lay it all out there. My father and I don’t get along. I didn’t go to college, it pissed him off. I’m not too interested in taking over the family business, it pissed him off.”

  Danielle wondered how someone took over the family business when the business was investing money into films, but she didn’t say anything, and Ray went on. “Long story short, is he thinks I need to do something with my life. I’ve never had a serious girlfriend, and this is what he’s digging into. He wants me to get married. He thinks if I marry, it will make me figure out what else I want out of life.”

  “So you want to marry me?” Danielle asked, confused?

  “To put it bluntly, my father is old-fashioned. That’s a polite way of saying if I marry a black woman, he’ll lose his mind.”

  Danielle couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She sat up, and then quickly got out of the bed. “What’s a polite way to tell you to fuck off?” she asked, bending and grabbing her panties and pulling them on.

  “I’ll pay you a million dollars. Marry me. Six months. We can get divorced after, and I’ll give you a million dollars. I don’t want to be married, but if it keeps my father from cutting me off, I can work with it. In six months, that’s long enough to seem like I made an effort, and I can go back to partying, and you can come back here, a million dollars richer. You go to school?”

  Danielle nodded. She put her bra back on, and then looked to the man.

  “It’s expensive, right?” he asked.


  “So take a million dollars. Live with me for half a year. It will be like a vacation. Take a semester off, then come back and do your thing, with a little bit of money.”

  “A million dollars isn’t a little bit of money,” Danielle said.

  “Think about it,” Ray said. “But don’t take too long. Vegas is the perfect place to tie the knot, don’t you think?


  Two days after Ray had fucked Danielle, she was standing inside a small white chapel, and a man dressed like Elvis was reading vows. She had struggled to come to a decision, but ultimately the money wasn’t something she could pass up, and she knew Ray was good for it.

  It only took ten minutes, and then she was married. Mrs. Danielle Ferris. One of Ray’s friends was there to witness it, but when they left he got in his own car and drove off, and Danielle climbed into the passenger seat of Ray’s car. It was as black as tar and freshly shined, and the young rich white man made the engine roar as they raced back to his hotel. The penthouse suite was empty and clean, and they sat on the couch awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to say.

  “I could write you the check now,” Ray said. “If you promise to stay for six months. You can put it in the bank later today, grow some interest on it.”

  “Alright,” Danielle said. Speaking of their arrangement made her feel strange, and almost a little dirty. It didn’t seem right, but she wasn’t in a position to turn down a million dollars. Ray got up and wrote her a check, and then she slid it into her purse. She was wearing a white sundress, thin and short. He wore a button-up shirt and a tie, both purple. He looked quite handsome, and Danielle found herself thinking about the sweaty and exhilarating sex they had two nights before.

  “Do you want a drink?” Ray asked, and she laughed.

  “God yes,” she said.

  He poured her one, and then made one for himself, and they sat together again.

  “I should get to know you,” Ray said.

  “Okay,” Danielle said.

  “Then let’s play a game,” he said. “I’ll ask you a question, and if it’s to personal for you to answer truthfully, you have to remove an article of clothing. I’ll do the same.”

  “That’s not fair, I only have the dress and panties on,” Danielle laughed.

  “Hey, those sandals count too. That’s two more things.”

  “Alright then.”

  “I’ll go first,” Ray said. “Do you have any siblings?”

  Danielle shook her head. “Nope.”

  “Okay, you ask.”

  “Ever had your heart broken?”

  “Yes. Have you ever had a threesome?”

  Danielle laughed. “No.” She looked to Ray. “Who broke your heart?”

  He grinned after a moment, and then took his tie off. The game wore on, and after an hour she was naked, sitting on the couch. She hadn’t answered a question about her father, nor one about a friend of hers who had died, and then she was barefoot. Ray asked another question about her dad, and she lost the dress. He was in nothing but his underwear, a bulge evident at his crotch when he asked her his last question. “Does it annoy you that you want me to fuck you again?”

  Danielle had smiled seductively at the man and slid out of her panties. He took her on the couch.


  Within a couple of days of her sudden and abrupt wedding, Danielle had pulled out of school for at least a semester and had quit her weekend job. She had packed up her meager collection of belongings from her dorm and then shoved the couple of boxes into his tiny black sports car and rode with him to California.

  It was awkward being around Ray, and he seemed to feel it too. The whole thing was insane, and Danielle wasn’t quite sure she had even registered it yet. It was some abstract thing that was happening, marrying a man, moving in with him, all for a million dollars, and all to make his father angry.

  That part still made her mad, and she wasn’t looking forward to meeting Ray’s father. If he would have a problem with his son marrying a black woman, he wasn’t the kind of man she wanted to know.

  It was a drive that took almost four hours, and Ray and Danielle didn’t speak much. When they reached Ray’s neighborhood, she had fun gawking at all of the mansions, but nothing could prepare her for her new husband’s home.

  He had to stop in front of a gate just off of a quiet street with a lot of privacy hedges and fences. He leaned out through the window and typed in a code on a small pad that sat on an iron pole n
ext to the driveway. When he was done, there was a mechanical squeal, and the gate swung inward, and he drove through.

  The gate closed behind them, and the driveway turned to the right. The house was hidden from view by a grove of sorts made up of palm trees, but when they turned again it was revealed, and Danielle felt her mouth fall open in shock. She would be living there for six months, and it was the most amazing house she had ever seen.

  The home was huge, three stories and as long as the white house, or, at least, it seemed that way to Danielle. It was a cream color, with darker columns in the front and a short but wide set of stairs which led to the double front doors. Ray pulled the car in front of the home and grinned over to her.

  “Welcome home,” he said.

  He carried her boxes in, piling them atop one another in his arms, and then he gave her a tour.

  There were more rooms than she could keep track of, but she was particularly taken by the backyard, a large chunk of which was given over to an infinity pool, where one side seemed as though it was missing, and a small waterfall fell over that, pooling ten feet down the side of the hill on which the house sat.

  “I’ve got to go swimming,” she said, and Ray laughed.

  “By all means,” he said, and she hurried to change into her swimsuit.

  The first day was spent in the pool, and they even had dinner out there, Ray grilling steaks by the pool while she watched him from the water.

  Danielle had conflicting thoughts on the man. The sex had been wonderful, both times, and he was friendly and seemed to really be into her. On the other hand, he had paid her a million dollars to marry him for half a year, so he could make his apparently racist dad angry. She didn’t know how to describe that in any other way than gross.

  The next day was one that Danielle was dreading. Ray was going to take her over to his parents home and drop the bombshell news of their marriage to them. She had promised she would never speak to anyone about his proposition, and she intended to keep that promise.

  Ray’s parents lived just ten minutes away, in a house which was somehow bigger than his own home was. Danielle had learned that Ray usually had a few friends who lived with him off and on, an entourage of sorts, but he had made it clear to them that he was a married man now, and he and his new wife would need the whole home to themselves. The young woman wondered if it was possible that they would ever need that many rooms for themselves, and found herself wondering the same thing as she stepped into Ray’s parent’s home. She was sure they must rent out fifty or so rooms, that it made no sense for them to live there alone, but she knew that they did. Although, as she stepped inside after her new husband did, she was greeted by a maid, and she had a moment to wonder if the help lived in the house. She realized she didn’t know anything about how the wealthiest people in America lived, and she had a million questions.


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