Mr. London

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Mr. London Page 19

by Margot Scott

  Alex blinks and looks at me, shaking his head. “Nothing. Just happy, that’s all.” He leans over giving me a peck on the lips.

  We take off, the jet beginning its ascent into the Georgia sky. Alex opens his laptop, checking emails. I settle back into my seat and flip through a magazine. It was great to be back home in Georgia, but I missed London.

  I realize, as we fly over Georgia, that London is where I belong. There’s been a shift. A change. The thought, first tiny, now has grown into the forefront of my mind. Alex is my home. London is where I belong.

  “I’m glad to be going home,” I say to Alex. He turns and looks at me, his eyes soft and loving.

  “Me, too, darling. Me, too.”

  Chapter 42

  Alex walks along Bond Street, a spring in his step, a light in his eyes. He carries in his hand a small plum colored gift bag with the name Asprey written across it in gold. Inside the bag is a little purple box with a purple ribbon tied around it. Inside the box is Katherine’s engagement ring.

  They had been back in London for two weeks now, and Alex didn’t want to wait any longer. He knew Katherine was The One. He’d known all along, and their time together in Georgia only confirmed his feelings for her.

  Upon returning home, Katherine had moved in with him. The idea of Katherine returning to her flat, especially after what had happened there, was out of the question for both of them.

  He couldn’t wait to propose. The grand opening celebration of the London Cosmopolitan Hotel was to take place Friday night, in two days. Alex and Katherine would make their first public appearance together. Afterwards, he would whisk her away to the English countryside, back to his country home. And there he would propose to Katherine.

  “Alex! Alex, over here!” the photographer screamed.

  “Alex, turn left!!” another one shouted.

  “Alex, who’s the beautiful blonde?!” still another paparazzi called out.

  The photographers snapped away, capturing me and Alex, together, on the red carpet. It was our first public appearance together, and I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. And probably looked it, too. We continue to walk the red carpet, the flashing lights nearly blinding me.

  Just smile, I thought.

  “You look beautiful,” Alex murmurs in my ear.

  It was the grand opening celebration of the London Cosmopolitan Hotel, and I couldn’t have been more excited. And proud.

  Alex looked so handsome in his tuxedo. I decided on a simple, yet elegant, floor length black velvet gown, diamond studs, and strappy black heels.

  Alex gives me his arm, and we enter the hotel. It is breathtaking. Absolutely stunning. In the front lobby, an enormous bouquet of white roses and pink lilies is displayed as the centerpiece. Beyond that is the checkin counter, tastefully built with rich mahogany wood. Overhead, a crystal chandelier hangs, its lights twinkling around the lobby. Cream colored candles held in glass votives are scattered throughout, casting a warm glow.

  I turn to Alex, who is taking it all in, his discerning eye examining each aspect of the front lobby.

  “It’s gorgeous, Alex. It really is,” I say, squeezing his arm.

  “Yes, it turned out well,” he says, nodding. “I’m pleased.”

  We walk outdoors to the hotel pool, the pale blue water lit up with underwater lights. There’s a band playing, with a sultry lounge singer singing in the background. A waiter comes by with two flutes of champagne.

  “To the London Cosmo,” Alex says, as we clink glasses.

  I take a sip of the champagne, the delicious bubbles tickling my tongue.

  “I couldn’t have done this project without you,” Alex says. “I want you to know that.”

  “Thank you, Alex. That means a lot to me. And I’ll always be grateful for being a part of this hotel.”

  Alex smiles, a playful look in his eyes, and says, “You can show me how grateful you are later.” He winks at me, and we both laugh.

  Alex leans closer, and says, “Time to mingle.”

  “Of course. I’m just going to go to the ladies room. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.” I kiss him lightly on the cheek, smiling.

  As I walk to restroom, Sandra comes up to me. “Can we talk?” she asks, tentatively.

  I give her a warm smile, and say, “Yes, of course. Let’s go over here.” We walk over to a quiet spot, away from the crowd.

  “Katherine, I just want to say I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean to interfere, I just – ”

  “No, I’m sorry,” I interrupt. “I shouldn’t have gotten so upset. Whatever happened between you and Alex is in the past. I know you were just concerned.”

  A wave of relief washes over her face. “Thank you, Katherine. And I want you to know that I’m so happy for you and Alex. You both deserve all the happiness in the world.”

  “Thank you. You are too sweet,” I say. Sandra starts to tear up. She blinks rapidly, trying to keep the tears from spilling over.

  “Don’t cry! You’ll make me cry, too!” I laugh, hugging her tightly.

  The rest of the evening goes by smoothly. I drink more champagne, laugh with Sandra and her husband, and slow dance with Alex.

  At the end of the night, Alex and I walk home, strolling along the banks of the Thames River. The moon is full and high, casting its silver glow on the river. We stroll along, hand in hand. I take a deep breath of the damp night air, exhale, and feel as though I don’t have a care in the world.

  “Are you happy?” Alex asks, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk.

  “Happy? No. I’m deliriously, blissfully, joyfully happy,” I say, laughing, throwing my head back. “And what about you? Are you happy?”

  “Hmm…….no. I’m deliriously, blissfully, joyfully happy,” he responds. “And in love with you.”

  “Me, too,” I say softly, turning to face him.

  “If I recall, Miss Harris,” he says teasingly, his eyes sparkling, “didn’t you say were going to show me just how grateful you are to be part of the London Cosmo?”

  I narrow my eyes, trying hard not to grin. “Did I say that?”

  “Yes, you did,” Alex growls, bending down to kiss me. Our lips lock, kissing each other deeply.

  We eventually arrive home. Alex pushes the button to the private elevator which quickly carries us up to the penthouse.

  I spend the rest of the night showing Alex just how grateful I am.


  “I’ve missed you,” I say, my voice low and soft. I stand completely still, staring, unable to tear my gaze away.

  “I’m right here, darling,” Alex says, glancing at me, puzzled, while picking up our bags.

  “Oh no, not you, honey. The car. I’ve missed the car,” I reply in mock exasperation, waving my hand dismissively. My eyes return to the vintage Porsche, gazing at it lovingly.

  Alex laughs out loud. “Oh, so now I have to compete with a car?” he says, feigning hurt.

  “Aww……Mr. London is jealous,” I say, teasing him. I walk over to Alex, wrapping my arms around his waist. He drops our bags, leaning in for a kiss.

  We’re leaving London today, sticking to our plan of an extended holiday at Alex’s countryside home. We decided a couple of months would be the right amount of time away.

  “We better leave now before traffic gets too heavy,” he says.

  “Okay,” I grin, slipping on my sunglasses.

  I hop into the passenger side of the Porsche and before I know it we’re outside of London, speeding along the A40.

  By the time we arrive, it’s well into the afternoon. The house is just as picturesque as I remember, even more so. The rolling green pastures seem greener, the clear blue sky even bluer.

  We unpack, and afterwards eat a late lunch. “Let’s go for a walk,” Alex says, extending his hand.

  “I’d love to,” I reply. The sun is just beginning to set, and there’s a slight chill in the country air. I reach for the white cashmere scarf, wrap it around my shoulder

  Alex smiles, running his hands down my shoulders. “You look beautiful in that scarf,” he says.

  We walk around the back of the house, the green pastures in full view. We stroll along, hand in hand. The sky is ablaze with shades of orange and pink. A soft breeze blows.

  “It’s so peaceful here,” I comment.

  Alex stops and looks out across the land, still holding my hand. We stand in silence for a few moments, taking in the natural beauty of the area.

  “Yes, it is peaceful here,” Alex says, breaking the silence. He turns to face me, his eyes gazing down at me. “You’ve given me peace, Katherine.”

  I don’t say anything, just look into his handsome face, giving him a soft smile. Suddenly, I feel a lump in my throat.

  “And a new life, a second chance at happiness,” he continues. “I couldn’t imagine life without you.” Alex reaches into his jacket pocket and produces a black velvet box. He drops down onto the green grass, on bended knee, opening the little box to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.

  “Katherine, will you marry me?”

  I begin to shake, my emotions overwhelming me. I reach out for Alex, bending down to embrace him, the tears spilling over.

  “Yes,” I say, nodding my head, my voice cracking. “Yes, baby, of course I’ll marry you!”

  Alex gently holds my hand, sliding the beautiful diamond ring onto my finger. “I love you,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

  “I love you, too, Alex.”

  We hold onto one another, our arms wound tightly around each other, and watch as the sun dips below the horizon. And I realize that wherever life takes us, I’ll always have Alex. My Mr. London.


  Eighteen Months Later

  Katherine looks outside the living room window, watches as Alex locks up the barn and makes his way across the green field, returning to the house. She smiles as she watches him, still as handsome as ever. Even more so now.

  “Who’s that?” Katherine asks, pointing to Alex.

  The baby giggles and coos, her big blue eyes lighting up. She has her father’s eyes.

  “Is that Daddy?” Katherine asks, gently bouncing the little baby on her hip, while they both giggle.

  Alex walks inside, wiping his feet on the door mat. He walks over to Katherine, bends down to give her a kiss. “And how’s my little Ava doing?” Alex smiles, giving his daughter a kiss on her forehead.

  Ava reaches out for Alex, her little legs kicking happily, while Katherine hands Ava over to her father. Katherine stops for a moment, watching Alex hold their baby. A beautiful sight.

  Katherine had seen many beautiful sights over the last year and a half. The sight of Alex waiting for her at the alter on their wedding day. Watching moving vans arrive to their countryside home to unload all of Alex’s belongings from his penthouse. And, of course, seeing their daughter, Ava, for the first time.

  After their marriage, Alex and Katherine decided to live permanently at the country home. They both loved the house so much that the thought of leaving and returning to London was almost unbearable. Katherine had the rest of her things shipped from the States, and Alex had his personal belongings from his penthouse suite packed and moved to their new home.

  It was absolutely the right decision to move to the country home, especially when Katherine became pregnant. She had not been feeling well for a few weeks. She had gone to the doctor, complaining of feeling tired and fatigued. The doctor ran a few tests, and then gave Katherine the life changing news. Katherine was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. Alex was……..well, he was over the moon.

  Alex continued to head McCall Enterprises as Chairman, however, the day to day operations were now managed by new Chief Executive Officer, Harold Smith. Alex still worked on various hotel projects, but only as a consultant. Most days, Alex spent his time with his wife and daughter, maintaining the property, and tinkering with his vintage cars. Domestic bliss.

  Alex stands in line at the grocery store check-out. Katherine had sent him to pick up some milk, bread, and a few other essentials. As he was unloading the groceries, his eye caught the sultry stare of a beautiful, dark haired woman on the cover of a women’s fashion magazine. Alex reaches for the magazine, wanting to take a closer look at the cover-girl. Alex smiles, shaking his head. He thought it was her, and sure enough, it was. There stood Caprice Belmonte, posing for the camera, ready to take on the world with the caption ‘Meet Caprice – Hollywood’s New It Girl.’

  Alex flicks through the magazine, finds the article on Caprice. Apparently, she’s now living in Hollywood, and has made a name for herself playing a vixen on a late-night TV drama. Alex places the magazine back on the rack. Good for her, Alex thought. Looks like she’s on her way.

  “You look gorgeous, as always,” Maxie Shepard said, bending down to kiss Caprice’s cheek.

  “Grazie, darling,” Caprice purred. She turned back towards the make-up artist, who applied shiny lip gloss to Caprice’s full lips.

  She was getting ready for a photo shoot for Hot List! magazine. Maxie had promised her he would get her a spread in the celebrity rag, and he fulfilled his promise – Caprice was given a one-page article along with a three-page photo spread.

  So far, Maxie had kept all of his promises to Caprice. He should – Caprice was on the fast-track, a rising star. Plus, it didn’t hurt that Maxie was now Caprice’s lover. It never hurt to mix a little pleasure with business.

  Once Caprice had spoken to Alex McCall about Sergio, she got on the very next flight to Naples, Italy. She was relieved to be home and determined to get on with her life. Caprice packed her bags, travelled to Milan, and met with Maxie Shepard. He was immediately taken with Caprice, and knew she had what it took to be a star. A big star. Maxie handed all of his other clients over to his assistant, and took Caprice on full-time.

  In no time at all, Maxie fell under Caprice’s spell, and they became lovers. Maxie was no fool – he had been with plenty of hot little starlets, ready to suck anybody’s cock for a chance at stardom. But Caprice was different. She called the shots – she was in control. Maxie knew with the right management, Caprice could hit the big-time. And he wanted to be with her when she did.

  Caprice landed a gig on a major TV network playing a sexy femme fatale. The role was perfect for Caprice and she nailed the audition. The show was produced and filmed in the United States, and before Caprice and Maxie knew it, they were moving to Hollywood, California.

  Caprice thought it would be best for her and Maxie to live together. They were together all the time anyway. Caprice was actually very fond of Maxie, and enjoyed being with him professionally as well as personally. Maxie Shepard was very smart, he wanted to take her career to the next level, and, best of all, he was fantastic in bed.

  Caprice felt that she was really coming into her own. And with Maxie at her side, the sky was the limit. Caprice smiled, thinking how far she’d come. The TV show she was doing was great, a wonderful opportunity, and she loved every second of it. The show had opened up a lot of doors for her.

  But she wanted more. What Caprice really wanted was to be on the Big Screen…….

  Caprice’s hair and makeup was finished, and she strode onto the set. The photographer called out, “Okay, Caprice! Give me sexy eyes! Yes, that’s it, work it!” The photographer clicked away and the lights flashed as Caprice posed for the camera.

  Katherine put Ava to bed for the night, gently placing her in her crib. Katherine softly hummed Ava’s favorite lullaby, ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider,’ and within seconds Ava is fast asleep. Katherine quietly steps out of Ava’s room, leaving the door cracked open a little.

  Katherine goes to her and Alex’s bedroom, sits down on the bed. She looks down at her wedding ring, the diamond sparkling brightly. She smiles as she stares at her ring – it never gets old looking at it.

  Alex was outside at the moment, bringing in some logs to throw onto the fireplace. It was the beginning of fall, the nigh
t air turning cool and crisp. Katherine’s favorite season. As she thought about the changing seasons, she reflected on all of the changes she had been through the last year and a half. Katherine Harris. Katherine McCall. Wife. Mother. And now…….

  Katherine walks down the stairs, her heart beating a little faster. Alex stands by the fireplace, sipping a whisky, while he stokes the flames.

  He looks up when he sees Katherine, and smiles. She always looks beautiful in his eyes, but today she looks even more beautiful than usual. She seems to have a glow radiating from within.

  Katherine curls up on the couch, wrapping herself in a warm blanket. Alex walks over, placing his whisky on the coffee table, lovingly running his hand over her hair.

  “Would you like me to get you a glass of wine?” Alex asks.

  “No thanks, darling. Sit down,” Katherine says, patting the couch. Alex sits down, stretching out next to Katherine.

  “You’ve made me the happiest woman,” Katherine says.

  Alex smiles, and says, “And you’ve made me the happiest man, ever.”

  “I think there’s something that could make you even happier,” Katherine says, grinning.

  “Oh, really? I don’t know, I’m pretty happy,” Alex says, laughing.

  Katherine’s smile softens, and she looks at Alex with an expression of total and complete love. “Alex, I’m pregnant……again.”

  Alex sits straight up, his eyes widening in surprise. “Are you sure?” he asks, smiling broadly.

  Katherine nods, “I’m sure. The doctor confirmed it this morning.”

  Alex swoops Katherine into his arms, kissing her deeply. Katherine was right – she has made him even happier than he ever thought possible.

  About the Author

  Margot Scott is a new author. She was born and raised in the South, where she still lives. Margot enjoys spending time with her husband, baking, and writing sexy, romantic novels. She has been an enthusiastic reader her entire life.


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