Southern Attraction: The College Years

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Southern Attraction: The College Years Page 2

by Tracy Kauffman

“That’s better. Where do you want to go?” Heather inquired.

  “Java Jaays is around the corner. Let’s go there.”

  “Sounds good with me. But... Can you make sure you don’t say anything to anyone else about this.”

  “Yeah, I promise. Is your guy jealous or something?” Mike asked.

  “Something like that. I really care about him and don’t want him to think this is something that it’s not.”

  “Then why don’t you just tell him.”

  “Because... It’s just better this way. Promise me.”

  “I promise,” Mike sweetly said with a smile.

  After class, Heather and Mike walked toward the coffee shop. As they walked, Heather saw Jake standing there looking confused. Crap, what is he thinking? Heather thought to herself.

  “Hey, Babe. Didn’t expect to see you. I thought you had practice today.”

  “Not till later. Who is this?” Jake inquired.

  “This is Mike. He’s in my class.”

  “Hi,” Mike said as he held out his hand.

  “So where are you going?” Jake asked Heather as if he didn’t see Mike holding out his hand. “I was just coming to see if you wanted to get something to eat.”

  “We are going to a coffee house around the corner. I’m sure they have sandwiches or muffins or something like that.” Heather replied, trying not to sound embarrassed.

  “Oh. I see.” Jake was clearly angry but trying to hold his cool. “I see you have plans with Mike, so I won’t keep you.” Jake fumed as he walked away.

  “Jake wait,” Heather hollered as she hurried toward him. “It’s not what you are thinking. We are just friends.”

  “Okay if you are just friends, tell him to get lost and let's go get lunch,” Jake replied with an ache in his heart. He felt like his whole world was falling in all around him.

  “Baby, don’t be mad. I love you. I just needed a friend.”

  “Like I said, tell him to get lost,” Jake demanded.

  “Alright. Just give me a minute,” Heather replied.

  Heather dreaded telling Mike she couldn’t eat with him, but she certainly didn’t want any trouble with Jake, so she knew she only had one option.

  Heather walked back toward Mike. “I’m so sorry. I gotta go with him. He’s pretty mad right now.”

  “I can see that. Don’t worry; we can do this some other time,” Mike said sympathetically.

  “I knew you would understand. Thank you!” Heather replied with a smile.

  Heather couldn’t help but be irritated at Jake for embarrassing her. Why does he have to be so hot-headed, she wondered as she walked back toward him. “Why do you have to get so jealous? We are just friends.” Heather demanded.

  “Maybe so, but I don’t want to share you with anyone. Let’s just go back to your room so we can be alone. We haven’t been able to spend any time together since we’ve been here.”

  “I thought you had practice?” Heather inquired.

  “I do, but I think our relationship is more important. Besides I have an hour or so till I need to be there.”

  “Good, I guess I can show you off to my friends.”

  “Honey, I just want to be with you, nobody else right now.”

  "I know, me too," she replied.

  Chapter 4

  Heather loved her room on Greek row. She had more liberty to fix her room as she liked it. She decked her room out in an exotic theme. Jake seemed pleased with its appearance. She had tiger and elephant prints on her wall, a tiger clock on the wall, and leopard print drapes.

  “Nice room,” Jake said as he sat on her furry Brown and gold comforter.

  “You don't think it's a little much?”

  “What do you mean? It's great.”

  “Glad you like it,” Heather said.

  “Kind of turns on my wild side.”


  “Just kidding. I know we have decided on waiting until we are intimate,” he sighed.

  “I love you. I just don't want anything to get in the way of us accomplishing our goals.”

  “Me either. It's just hard to resist you sometimes.“

  “Maybe we shouldn't be alone.”

  “No, we need this time together. I'm really sorry that we haven't had much time together,” Jake replied.

  “I know you've been busy. I want you to do good in football and your classes. Have you had enough time to study?”

  “Some. Probably not enough. Babe, I'd blow off practice tonight if I could. Saban is giving me a shot. I don't want to mess it up.”

  “I know. Just kiss me and show me you care.”

  .....It wasn't long before Jake had to leave for practice. "Bye Babe, I got to go. Don't make any plans for Friday. My first game is this weekend. I'll get you a free ticket."

  "You don't have to. Remember, I'll be cheering for the game," Heather replied.

  "Oh, right. Sorry."

  Heather tried to be happy for him, but she knew that the more time they spent apart, the more their relationship would grow apart. She loved Jake, but there was just something about Mike that kept her captivated. He was so much like Shawn. She wondered why he reminded her so much of him; perhaps it was his personality or his exquisite baby blue eyes that drew her in. Maybe Shawn was on her mind for some reason. She wondered how he was doing at school in Huckleburg. Shawn was going to college to be a teacher, and then she thought of how Mike pretended to be the teacher on the first day of school.

  Heather couldn't help remembering everything that happened to her, Jake, and Shawn back in Huckleburg. She had done a lot of growing up in that little country town. She missed the closeness of the town, the people and her uncle, Mick. She wondered how he was doing. Maybe it was time to give him a call and see how he’s doing, she thought.

  Heather pulled out her cell phone from her purse and gave Mick a call.

  "Hello." Heather heard a familiar voice coming from her phone.

  "Hey, Uncle Mick. How are you doing?" she asked.

  "Aw doing good. How about ye?" Mick asked.

  "I'm adjusting. It's quite different here."

  "Yep, I bet it is. How's Jake?"

  "He is doing good. Practicing a lot. So how is Sally?" Heather inquired.

  "Aw, she's good. She still running the diner. She hurt her foot the other day, but I reckon she'll be okay."

  "I'm sorry about that. I'm glad you are good, though. I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you were alright," Heather replied.

  "Well, I'm glad you called. It's good hearing from ye. Make sure you stay in touch."

  "I will, and you call me anytime you need me or want to talk."

  "I will. Bye fer now. Love ye," Mick said, and the phone went silent.

  Heather was glad to hear Mick's voice, but it made her a little sad too. She had really grown fond of him, especially because he took care of her after her parent's death. She really loved living there with him in Huckleburg. She worried about him living alone. She was glad he was seeing Sally. She knew Sally would take good care of him. Sally has a good heart and seemed to really care about Mick and her.

  Heather liked that she was starting a new chapter in her life, but it didn't make it easy. She wanted a closeness again with someone. She thought she would always feel that way about Jake, but now she felt her relationship wasn't as strong as it once was. Hearing from Mick reminded her of the time she spent with Jake at the hospital and how much love she felt for him. She wanted that excitement back. Maybe she would never completely feel that way again, but she knew she wanted some excitement in her life, even if for a moment.

  Chapter 5

  As Heather was just about to get ready for her new class, Sandra, her housemate knocked on the door.

  "Yes?" Heather said as she answered the door.

  "Sorry to bother you but this guy named Mike is outside and wants to talk to you. He's at the front." Sandra answered.

  Heather grabbed her purse and sweater and hurried to the fro
nt door. "Hey! What are you doing here?" She asked.

  "I saw Jake walk across the campus a few minutes ago, so I knew you would be alone," Mike replied.

  "Yes, I'm alone, but I have a class now."

  "Do you have a few minutes so we can talk?" Mike asked.

  "Yeah, sure. What's up?"

  "You know what's up, Heather."

  "No, I don't. ....I know things got crazy a while ago but uh...," Heather replied as if irritated at his remarks.

  "I would say they got a little more than crazy. I was worried about you."

  "Well, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I told you I'm with Jake," Heather replied.

  "Yes, but you also said we could be friends too."

  "I know what I said. Yes we can be friends, but I think you want more than that," Heather said.

  "Of course I do, but I promise I will respect your wishes. So please let's go get some coffee like we had planned, and talk."

  "Okay, but I can't stay too long."

  After Heather chose a Low Fat Vanilla Latte and Mike chose a regular coffee with cream, they chose a small table in the back of the coffee shop for privacy.

  "This is a cute shop, great coffee too," Heather said as she took off her sweater. "I didn't think it would be this cool in September."

  "Me either. Heather, I didn't come to talk to you about the weather. How are you, really?" Mike asked.

  "I'm a bit upset but fine. Look I'm really sorry Jake acted like that and I'm sorry I left so suddenly."

  "I know it's not your fault. It's perfectly fine," Mike replied. So after a short pause, Mike asked, "Why are you upset?"

  "I just talked with my uncle. I guess I'm homesick. College is different than I expected."

  "Tell me about it. It's a lot harder than I thought," Mike responded.

  "So are you really not mad at how things went this afternoon?" Heather asked.

  "It's all good. Let's talk about something else." Mike said, trying to change the subject.

  "Okay. ....Are you going to the game this weekend?"

  "Yeah, sure. I didn't know it was this weekend. Do you know who they are playing?"

  "Some Florida team. Thank goodness it's a home game. I know I won't be able to spend much time with him, especially since he is starting."

  "Jake is starting this year. Wow! He must be pretty good."

  "He is. He said Saban is giving him a shot."

  "That's good. I'm glad. At least I'm glad for him and not so much for you. That means he will be busier. Practicing this year," Mike said.

  "Well, maybe I'll see you after the game. So glad you are going."

  "Don't worry. It will be our little secret." Mike said, taunting her.

  "It doesn't have to be a secret. Jake has a right to know that we are going to be friends."

  "Well, okay then," Mike mocked.

  "I really need to be going now. See you in class." Heather took a deep breath. She knew he was right. She didn't want Jake finding out how much she was attracted to Mike.

  "Sure. See you in class." Mike snickered as he watched Heather walk away. He loved to watch her walk. She had a cute sway in her stride that captivated him.

  Chapter 6

  Heather was so excited to be cheering her Freshman year. It was an honorable position to have made the squad. Heather's thoughts were of the thousands of fans that would be in the stadium. She couldn't help worrying that she might trip or fall while cheering. Alabama had a really great team. Nothing prepared her for this time in her life, nothing.

  Heather could smell the popcorn being popped in the concession stands. People all over wore their school's colors and jerseys. People of all ages crowded the seats on various levels of the stadium. Every player wore new athletic uniforms. Huge letters spelled out the words: Alabama Crimson Tide, across the middle of the field.

  Excitement filled the stadium as Heather, and her friends lit sparklers; while others held a huge banner for the football players to run through as they entered the field. Cheers and screams came from all around as the Alabama football team entered the stadium. What a great night, Heather thought as she ran down the field as the players reached their end zone.

  With a toss of a coin, the players knew who would take the field. Quickly the players ran to their assigned areas before the starting team gathered on the field. Soon the football was kicked into the air, while several players ran down the field. Cheers grew louder in each passing moment. Dirt flew in the air as some of the players tumbled across the field. Heather could see the football thrown across the field. Heather was happy to see that Jake was already playing in the game as number 52, wide receiver.

  To Heather's surprise, the ball twirled through the air, and Jake caught his first ball. It wasn't long before he was tackled by the Florida team, hitting the grass hard. The black and white uniformed referee blew the whistle so the play would end. Jake quickly jumped up as if three heavy players didn't crush him. The next play, the quarterback, Tommy handed the ball off to Rowdy, number 17. Rowdy darted in and out of each player that stood before him, before being tackled downfield. The referee blew the whistle again, Alabama had made the first down.

  During a short pause, while the chains were moved, Heather was able to get her a drink of Gatorade. Then the whistle was rung again, and the quarterback threw another long pass down the field. This time Jake caught and then dropped the ball, not before being tackled again. Jake landed again on his right side while players landed all around him. Heather watched with fear as Jake hit the ground hard and laid on the grass without any form of movement. Quickly the medical team members gathered around him to find out if he was all right.

  It seemed like an eternity passed before Jake raised his head off the ground. Two medical assistants helped him to his feet. Soon Jake was able to skip off the field. Each movement of his right leg put out sharp pains, running from his foot to hip. The medical crew carried him to a medical tent on the side of the field. Heather tried not to bite her nails as she waited in anticipation of whether Jake would return to the field or not. Heather knew she had to perform the best she could or she could lose her position on the squad. Every second she could steal a look toward the medical tent. Jake remained in the tent through the rest of the first half of the game. After the buzzer rang signifying the first half was completed, Heather ran toward the tent to check on Jake.

  Heather took a deep breath when she saw Jake lying on the stretcher. "Are you all right?" She sighed.

  "Yes, I took a hard fall. My head and right leg are hurting, but I should be fine tomorrow." Jake started rubbing his head up and down, back and forth.

  "You're not going to play any more tonight, are you?" She questioned. She knew he was in pain, but it wouldn't stop him from wanting to continue the game.

  "No, the coach won't let me play anymore tonight."

  "Well, he shouldn't. You took a bad fall. You scared me so bad. I'm glad you are okay," Heather exclaimed.

  "Calm down. Take a deep breath. I'm Okay."

  "I was so worried when you fell. I didn't know if....."

  "Well, you don't have to worry. I'm fine. My leg is hurting some; I don't think it's broken."

  "What about your head? I saw you rubbing it. Maybe you need to go to the hospital or something," she expressed.

  "My head is fine. A doctor checked me out, so... They do want me to go to the hospital to get an Xray though."

  "Do you want me to go with you?" Heather questioned.

  "Don't be silly. You have to finish cheering. I'll be fine."

  "I don't know if I can. I'm so nervous right now."

  "Try to take a few breaths and relax. You don't want to be kicked off the team, do you?"

  "No, but I ..." "I'll try," she replied. Heather was shaking, quivering, couldn't seem to relax, but she knew she had to. She had to get back to her squad before she got into trouble.

  "I'm going back to my team, but I'm coming over right after the game is over," Heather replied.
/>   "No babe. Just wait till tomorrow. I'm probably going to get them to give me something for the pain, and it will probably make me sleepy. So see you tomorrow. Okay."

  "Okay if you are sure. I'll come by the dorms in the morning."

  "Not too early, okay. Probably going to sleep in."

  "Okay. Love you," Heather said as she kissed Jake.

  The rest of the game seemed like it went on and on. Heather was emotionally drained when the game was finally over. After the game, she quickly got dressed in some jogging pants and a sweatshirt. When she walked out the door of the locker room, she saw Mike leaning against the wall. He was talking to Tina Wilson, the head cheerleader. Heather tried to walk past him as if she didn't notice him.

  "Heather, wait," Mike yelled.

  "What?" Heather replied as she turned to face him.

  "I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing. Especially after what happened to Jake."

  "I'm tired and heading home," Heather replied.

  "Aren't you going to go see Jake at the hospital. To check on him? I was wondering if I could go with you," Mike asked.

  "Are you crazy? ....No, I'm going home and getting some rest."

  "Well is he alright?" Mike inquired.

  "Yes, he just wants to go home and sleep too. I'll see him tomorrow."

  "Can I walk you to your room?" Mike asked.

  "Oh, I thought you would be walking Tina to her room," Heather replied sarcastically.

  "No, we were just talking. Are you jealous?"

  "Why should I be jealous? You can talk to her if you want."

  "Heather, we are just friends. You don't have to worry about that. I came to see you anyway."

  "It doesn't matter. I have a boyfriend, anyway."

  "Yes, I know."

  "So when did you meet Tina?"

  "I thought you said it didn't matter."

  "It doesn't. I am just curious," Heather replied.

  "Last weekend I met her at a party. She was there with a couple of her friends."

  "Whose party?"

  "I don't remember. Some guy in my Psychology class."

  "Who invited you?" Heather inquired.

  "I don't remember. Why does it matter?"


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