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Lush Page 20

by Beth Yarnall

  Cal left the couple whispering to each other and trying—but failing miserably—at hiding their attraction. He looked around for Lucy, but she was nowhere in sight. He’d made sure that security was tighter than usual. As Pleasure at Home seemed to attract more than its fair share of negative attention—some of it threatening—there was always security on the premises. Especially since Mi had been the target of a stalker, and the original building the studio had been in had been blown up by a religious extremist group.

  There was no reason for Cal to panic. Lucy was probably in the ladies’ room and would be back shortly. In the meantime, he’d keep an eye on his assistant, Felicia. That business with Priscilla Barnes had revealed a leak in Cal’s otherwise-tight ship. And that leak went by the name of Felicia. She’d been acting strange ever since Cal had gotten married. Her flirting, always easy to ignore, had become more brazen. She’d rub up against any part of Cal she could whenever she could. And her clothes bordered on breaking company policy. But she never did anything that would give him cause to let her go.

  There had only been two people in his office when he had proposed the marriage deal to Lucy—him and Lucy. Cal hadn’t given a thought to the fact that Felicia had been on the other side of the door. He certainly hadn’t figured her for bugging his office, but when he had Lucas do a sweep after the magazine interview, they found one. Not only had Lucas found the listening device, but he was able to track it back to Felicia. Cal wasn’t sure if she was working for someone else or if she was using the info she acquired for her own gain. Either way, Felicia was a problem that needed to be solved. He hadn’t gotten where he was by acting too fast or in anger. So he was biding his time, watching Felicia, trying to figure out what her game was and making plans to move against her.

  Felicia caught him looking at her, said something to the woman she’d been talking to, and headed over to where Cal was. She was attractive and—if he was honest—that had been part of the reason he’d hired her. She’d also come highly recommended and was a very experienced executive assistant.

  “Hello, boss.” Felicia fingered his tie, stroking her thumb along a nonexistent wrinkle. “Nice party.”

  He ran a hand down his tie, causing her to drop her hand. “Thanks. I’m glad you’re having a good time.” He looked out over the top of her head for Lucy. “Did you come here with anyone?”

  “No.” She angled closer, smashing her breast against his side. “I’m available.”

  He shifted away. “Have you seen my wife?”

  “I think she went to the restroom. She looked a little sick.”

  Cal made a move to go around her, but she stopped him with a hand on his arm. “I’m sure she’s fine. Her friend went with her. Probably all of this rich food.” She pulled at him so that he turned toward her. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink.”

  The phrase Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer came to mind. “What are you having?”

  “Whatever you are.”


  Lucy splashed cold water on her face. She hadn’t felt this sick this suddenly since…oh, God. She did some quick mental calculations and realized she should’ve gotten her period yesterday. She’d been so caught up in everything that had been going on she hadn’t been paying attention to the little things. Like when her period was due. She was on birth control, so it should’ve come right on schedule. Even without birth control, her cycle was predictable practically to the minute.

  She and Cal had talked briefly about having another baby. She’d gotten the impression Cal wanted to wait. Jinx them was right. Cal had joked about not talking about babies while he was still inside her, and that was probably the exact moment he’d gotten her pregnant. Damn it. She hadn’t lost all of the weight from her first pregnancy, and here she was pregnant again.

  Maybe she was overreacting.

  She grabbed a handful of towels and blotted her face. Maybe she ate something that didn’t agree with her. Maybe all of the stress had made her late. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

  Placing a hand on her stomach, she closed her eyes. She was pregnant. She just knew it. That was the kind of luck she had. No sooner had she and Cal stopped doubling up on birth control, she got pregnant. Damn that man. Well, she guessed they’d make it work somehow. And if she dared to admit it, she was secretly glad. Poppy would have a brother or sister, and Cal would get to be there when his child came into the world—something he’d missed with Poppy.

  Tears filled her eyes. She reached into her purse for a tissue. Behind her she heard someone come in and then the snick of the lock. She spun around to find Kevin standing just feet away from her.

  “Hello, Lucy.”


  “How did you get in here?” Lucy’s heart pounded so hard she thought her ribs would crack.

  Kevin leaned back against the door and ran his filthy gaze over her. He was dressed in the uniform of the catering company with a long-haired wig and a full fake beard. But she’d know him anywhere. He filled the corners of her mind, always lurking, always invading moments of her life where he didn’t belong. Sometimes she even thought she saw him or heard him calling for her. She’d imagined a thousand times what she would say or do when she saw him.

  Facing him now, she realized those moments hadn’t prepared her. Everything she had thought to say or do fled her mind, leaving behind a frozen stillness and abject helplessness. She had no defense against him. He’d found her. She’d known he would. He would never give up until he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was her dead.

  “Still fat,” he sneered. “Dressed better though. A fancy pig in billionaire’s clothing.”

  He came off the door and stalked toward her. She backed up against the sinks, the edge of the counter biting into her flesh.

  “You can dress a pig up, but it’s still a pig. Does he lift that fancy dress and pork you, pig?” He snorted at his own joke.

  It was his laugh that Lucy had grown to fear most. He could do almost anything when he was amused. Like a bomb with a lit fuse Lucy never knew when he’d blow. It was the waiting that ate at her. He could explode at any minute, but until he did she kept a small hope that this would be the one time when he wouldn’t.

  “I’m…I’m not a pig.”

  His face that she’d thought so handsome once now creased into a frown. He wasn’t used to her standing up to him. She’d never talked back when they were together.

  He leaned closer. “What did you say, pig?”

  “Get out, Kevin.”

  “Oh, you’re giving me orders now?” He grabbed a fistful of her hair. Shaking her by it, he asked, “You’re giving me orders, you rich, fat pig?”

  Spittle dotting his chin, his face red, he crowded her, using his size and strength against her. She could see the explosion was near. He twisted her hair in his fist, and she grimaced in pain, biting back a cry.

  “Just because you’re fucking a billionaire doesn’t give you the right to give me orders.” He caught her under her chin with his other hand. “I could kill you. I could fuck you and kill you. You’re nothing.”

  His fingers pressed into her neck on either side of her windpipe. He’d done this many times before—make her black out then wait for her to come back around so he could do it all over again. Sometimes she’d wake up with him on top of her, raping her. Sometimes she’d wake up locked in the closet or the bedroom. He’d torment her from the other room, making her feel small…making her nothing.

  Her purse was trapped between their bodies, her hand inside wrapped around a packet of tissues. She shoved her hand in deeper. Dots filled her vision as he lifted her. Blackness feathered the edges of her sight, narrowing in on his face so close to hers.

  “Lu-cyyy,” he chanted. “Lu-cyyy, Lu-cyyy—”

  A muffled bang made them both freeze. Kevin’s eyes widened as his grip on her loosened. He released her, putting the hand he’d had on her throat over the blood seeping out of his stomach. He st
ared at her in shock.


  She pulled the trigger again. He pitched back, releasing her entirely. She gripped the edge of the counter and fired again. And again. And again until the gun clicked empty. She kept pulling the trigger until her knees gave way and she spiraled downward. The last image she saw was of Kevin lying on the floor, a pool of blood leaking out from under him onto the tile.

  Then nothing.


  At the sound of shots, everyone in the room froze. And then pandemonium. Lucas gave Cal a look that said stay back as he pulled a gun from the small of his back. The hell he would. Lucas moved in the direction of where the gunshots had come from. Cal didn’t hesitate. He raced after his friend. All he could think was Lucy…Lucy… Where is Lucy?

  They hit the hall together. Cal cursed himself for not bringing his own gun. A couple of the security guys pounded on a closed door. The women’s restroom.

  “Lucy!” Cal shouted. “Lucy!”

  Lucas rammed the metal door with his shoulder, but it didn’t budge. “Somebody get a key!” He began to beat at the lock with the butt of his gun.

  Cal spotted a fire extinguisher down the hall. He ran over, pushing partygoers out of the way, and grabbed the extinguisher. He took over smashing the lock until it bent and gave.

  Lucas put a hand on Cal’s chest, stopping him from rushing in. Gun drawn, Lucas eased the door open, going in low. “Somebody call an ambulance!”

  Lucas ran in with Cal right on his heels. Lucy lay on the floor under the sinks, her gun in her hand. Next to her Walker lay still. Lucy must’ve put every single one of her bullets in him. Lucas went for Walker, and Cal went for Lucy. He dropped to his knees next to her and checked her pulse, nearly collapsing on top of her when he felt it strong and sure. Everything he ever wanted and didn’t deserve was right there in front of him. If anything ever happened to her, he didn’t know what he’d do.

  He stroked her cheek. “Lucy. Lucy. Come on, darlin’, wake up for me.”

  “Oh, my God!” Mi rushed over and knelt next to Cal. “Is she okay? Is she going to be okay?” She reached for Lucy’s hand and rubbed it between both of hers. “Lucy. Wake up. Wake up, Lucy.”

  “He’s dead,” Lucas announced.

  Cal could see the purple impressions of that bastard’s hand on Lucy’s neck. If he weren’t already dead, Cal would’ve killed Walker himself.

  “Darlin’—” His voice cracked. “Open your eyes.”

  Lucy moaned, and the whole room seemed to let out a collective breath.

  “An ambulance is on the way,” one of the security guards informed them.

  “Oh, thank God,” Mi whispered, tears streaking her face. “Thank God.”

  Lucy moaned again and turned her head toward Cal. Her lips moved, but she didn’t make any sound. Her eyelids fluttered open, and Cal stared down into the most beautiful set of blue eyes he’d ever seen.

  He swallowed back the emotion that had his chest in a vise grip. “Hey there, darlin’.”

  “Cal? Where—?” She tried to sit up.

  “Stay down until the ambulance gets here,” Lucas ordered. “Everyone else out of the room. This is a crime scene. That includes you, querida,” he said to Mi.

  “I’m staying,” she told him.

  “Querida…” Lucas seemed not to know what to do with his wife. “You’re pregnant,” he pleaded.

  “I’m not leaving her.” Mi slipped her sweater off and gently tucked it under Lucy’s head. When she pulled her hand away, there was blood on it. She balled her hand and quickly hid it from Lucy’s view.

  Cal thought he might be sick, seeing Lucy’s blood on Mi’s hand. It could too easily have been Lucy lying in a pool of her own blood, her body riddled with bullets.

  “Is he dead?” Lucy asked.

  “He’s dead all right,” Mi answered before Cal could get a word in. “You filled him full of lead. Since when do you know how to shoot a gun?”

  Lucy waved a hand toward her husband. “Cal got it for me.”

  Mi gave him a look that told him she was impressed with him. “I had my doubts about you. I thought you were going to break her heart. Thank you.” She threw her arms around him and nearly made him hit his head on one of the sinks. “Thank you for taking care of Lucy and for getting her that gun.”

  He hugged her back and whispered in her ear, “I’d do anything for her.”

  When Mi pulled away, she had a whole new look on her face. “I think you’ll do,” she told him as she patted his cheek.

  Police and paramedics came into the room. Lucas finally got Mi to leave Lucy’s side and ushered her out with a gentle hand on the small of her back. To see his big, giant friend defer to his much smaller wife made Cal smile.

  Lucy didn’t want to go to the hospital, but Cal talked her into it. He didn’t like the way her head wouldn’t stop bleeding and how dizzy she was when they sat her up.

  “I’m fine,” she complained.

  “Humor me. And while we’re there, I think I’ll have them check me out for signs of a heart attack. I’m pretty sure I had a massive one after seeing you on the floor, darlin’.”


  “Is he really dead?” Lucy must’ve asked that about twenty times from when she woke up until they released her from the hospital a few hours later.

  The police had taken her statement at the hospital and confiscated her gun, which was fine with Cal as there was no more need for it now that Walker was dead. As soon as they walked in the front door of their home, Lucy demanded to see Poppy when she should’ve gone in and laid down. Cal had called Sam from the ambulance and had him put Poppy on screen so they could both see for themselves that their daughter was okay. Cal helped her up the stairs and kept her from running up them like she seemed to want to do. He waited for her to sit down before handing her Poppy to hold.

  She looked Poppy over from her toes to the top of her head. Cal guessed she was checking to be sure there wasn’t a mark on her. She folded Poppy into a fierce hug that made the child squeak before bursting into tears with her face pressed into Poppy’s neck. Sam eased out of the room and shut the door behind him.

  Cal knelt and embraced his wife and child.

  They’d come so close to losing everything. Knowing they were now safe from Walker was overwhelming. He hadn’t realized how much tension and anger he’d been holding in, but now it came rushing at him. He held on to his little family, buffeted by one wave of emotion after another.

  “He can never hurt you again. He can never hurt any of us ever again. You stopped him, darlin’.” He swept her hair back from her face and kissed her wet cheek. “You did it.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the confidence to believe in something better for myself and for Poppy. And for giving me the strength to stand up to him. I looked him right in the eye, and I stood up for myself. I was never able to strike back before.”

  “You had it in you all along. If I did anything, it was to help you find the courage you already possessed.”

  “This isn’t like you. The Cal I know isn’t modest.”

  She had a teasing tone to her voice and the first real smile—one with no worry hovering in the background—that he’d seen on her since before he’d messed things up and caused their split. He hadn’t noticed the difference until this moment. It was like looking at a picture and not knowing what was different about it until someone pointed it out and then it became painfully obvious.

  “I’ve been brought to my knees and humbled. Everything you’ve been through can all be laid at my door. And don’t think for a moment that I don’t know it. Seeing you on the floor of that bathroom, I did drop to my knees. I’m just so grateful for you—” he kissed her, “—and for you.” He kissed his daughter’s head, which was nestled in the crook of her mother’s shoulder.

  “Stop.” Lucy fanned her face, her eyes filling with tears. “I finally stopped crying, and now you’re makin
g me start up all over again.”

  “No more crying, darlin’. No more fear, no more worry. Nothing but good times ahead.”

  “And no more extra security. We can take Poppy out of the house. Oh! What about a vacation?”

  “I think that’s—”

  Someone knocked on the door. Cal rose and opened it to find their housekeeper, Hazel, on the other side.

  “You have a phone call, Mr. Sellers.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Mr. Gleason. He’s calling to confirm dinner tomorrow night.”

  Cal looked to Lucy and then back to Hazel. “Can you please tell Mr. Gleason that we’ll have to reschedule—”

  “No. Hazel, please tell Mr. Gleason we’ll be there.”

  “But, darlin’, you’re hurt. We can reschedule. They’ll understand.”

  “We’re going back to life as usual. Besides we’ve rescheduled that dinner too many times already. Please relay the message, Hazel.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Cal closed the door. “I don’t know about you, but I’m not up to playing chase with the Gleasons on a good day, let alone the day after you were nearly killed.” He knew his tone had an edge to it, but goddamn it. He’d almost lost her.

  Poppy’s head came off Lucy’s shoulder, and she frowned up at Cal.

  “I’m all right, Cal.”

  “Maybe you are.”

  “I don’t know what happened with that article and Priscilla Barnes, but I have a feeling you somehow fixed it. I still have a job to do for you that includes schmoozing that pervy businessman into selling you his business. And I’m betting he called to confirm just so he and Anne can get all of the juicy details about what happened today straight from the horse’s mouth. We’re going to use that to your advantage.”

  “Darlin’, I couldn’t give three shits about what that asshole and his wife want right now. And I’m sure as hell not going to parade you around in front of them so that they can have the freshest, most accurate gossip to share with their friends.”

  “There’s already been so much gossip about us. Wouldn’t it be nice if some of it was accurate for a change?”


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