Ezekiel's Passion

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Ezekiel's Passion Page 7

by Bailey West

  “They were all really cool and down to earth. Paxton doesn’t talk much, but he said enough. Roman was too busy watching you, but when he took breaks from staring you down, he was a great conversationalist.”

  “Girl get on somewhere, he was not staring at me like that.”

  “Yes, he was, and the other two men must be used to it because they didn’t say anything about it.”

  “Or maybe it was because Zeke was too busy watching you.”

  “He can watch all he wants. He is absolutely gorgeous, but I can tell he is a flirt. No telling how many women he has lined up to spend time with him. Those hazel eyes, long locs, and all of that swag, he probably has at least two baby mommas.”

  “Nope. No baby mommas. No girlfriend either.”

  “That’s interesting.”

  I stayed the night at Nette’s house since BJ had already fallen asleep. We sat up laughing and talking.

  “Oh, Ezekiel asked me to give you his information.”

  “His information?”

  “Yeah, his contact information. He sent me a text while I was texting Roman.”

  “Why didn’t he give me his information while he was here if he wanted me to have it?”

  “I asked the same thing. I don’t know but do you want it?”

  “You can text it to me, but I don’t have time to be playing around with some church dude that thinks he’s a playboy.”

  “Playboy? Wait...hello?” Nette put her phone to her ear. “It’s 1980, they want their word back.” We laughed.

  “I can’t speak for the man that Zeke is now, but when I lived in New York, and we were around each other, one thing I can say about him is that he’s honest. No one can ever say that he lied because he’s going to tell you the truth. Even if it hurts your feelings. I haven’t been around him in a while, but I can’t imagine he’s changed that much. I’m going to text you his number. Use it or not. It’s up to you.”

  “Okay, whatever.”


  After finishing decorating the offices at the church, Zanetta came to the practice and decorated my office. She made it very feminine with crème colored walls and white furniture. She accented it with gold and silver accessories. All the other doctors were talking about using her for their offices as well. The practice has been well received in the community. My schedule has stayed full of patients either at the office or at the hospital. I am so glad I made the choice to come here.

  I was actively trying not to use Ezekiel’s number. It was almost impossible not to use his number because my son would not stop talking about him. Ezekiel really made a lasting impression on him. BJ asks me every day if we can call Zeke. I make up an excuse every time he asks. I’m about to run out of them. I’m not trying to get mixed up with anyone, but especially Zanetta’s friend. I don’t want things to go bad, and then I’d have to be around him all the time because of Zanetta and Roman. I know I’m overthinking things, but I can’t help it. Things are finally going well, and I don’t want to mess that up.

  We had dinner with Zanetta again on Sunday. Ezekiel was out of town, so he didn’t come. I was disappointed, but I tried to play like it didn’t faze me. Why am I disappointed when all I have to do is call him? BJ likes Roman and Paxton also, but he was looking for Ezekiel the same way I was.

  I pulled up to BJ’s school to pick him up. One of his teachers, Lucy, escorted him to the car. She helped him into his car seat before I thanked her and pulled off.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Can we call Zeke now? He said I could come over and see his drums. I want to see his drums mommy.”

  “I know baby, I’m sure he’s busy, though. Maybe another time?”

  “Please, mommy. I want to talk to my friend. He said I could come over. I want to play the drums. I told my class that I was going to see a real drum set. Please mommy, he said I could call!”

  I had to stop making excuses as to why I didn’t want to call him. I can’t tell my son that I am hyper-attracted to this man. I can’t say that I want to jump his bones in front of everyone. I can’t say that if I call him, it's a possibility that I will be breaking my own rules. Okay Zora, woman-up and give him a call. What’s the worst that can happen?

  “Okay, baby. As soon as we get settled in the house, I will call him for you, okay?”


  The smile that spread across my son’s face was worth every ounce of discomfort I am about to feel when I dial this number.


  “Thank you to Thomas for hosting me and thank you to all of you for coming out. You can follow me on social media. All my names are the same, golden drummer. Let me know you were at this clinic if you have any questions and I will get back at ‘cha. Again, thank you all.”

  I wiped the sweat from my face as I stood from my drum kit to shake hands. I had just completed a Master Class for drummers at a small music school in Houston. I love doing stuff like this. It gives me the ability to reach back, pull up a young drummer, to help him, or her reach their potential. I do several of these classes a year. I don’t charge the smaller schools or shop owners because I know that it’s hard for them to bring in big talent due to their operating budgets.

  As the last person was filing out of the room, Thomas, the school’s owner came up to shake my hand.

  “Ezekiel, thanks so much man. These couple of hours that you spent with these kids has changed their trajectory. It’s always cool when they can interact with someone who is doing the work they aspire to.”

  “Man, I love this kind of stuff. It always surprises me that people actually listen to me!” We laughed.

  “You are one of the coldest Cats out here when it comes to the drums so yeah, we are listening and taking notes. Maybe one day we can get you and your brother to come and do a demonstration for us.”

  “That’s something I can mention to Blue. You know he is busy with his church and everything, but I think he will be down for that.”

  “Well thanks again, man.”

  “No worries.”

  “Zeke, everything is all packed up,” Percy informed me.

  “Alright cool.”

  I headed out to the Sprinter checking my phone to see if I had missed any calls while I had it muted during the class. I sat in the passenger seat while Percy drove.


  It had been almost three weeks since I asked Nette to give Zora my information. She hasn’t called yet. I don’t know why I am sweating it, but I am. I have been checking my phone since I sent the text message to Nette. When Zora walked in the apartment, the first thing I noticed was her height. I’m a sucker for a woman with some height. Her skin is a cocoa brown color, and her eyes are the brightest blue color I have ever seen. She has full lips that she covered with a matted brown color lipstick. Her hair is up in a bun on the top of her head and her body…I could see that she takes superb care of herself. I would guess that she was or maybe still is an athlete.

  Her son BJ is a cool Lil dude, and I don’t even like kids. I think that he is the first kid that has ever sat on my lap. I haven’t held any babies either. There aren’t any in our family, and I’m not that dude to be smiling all up in people’s faces to hold their offspring. I’m cool on that. I won’t kick it with a woman that has kids. That’s one of my rules. I don’t have time for the drama that comes along with baby daddies and baby mommas. Although, I didn’t mind BJ sitting on my lap. He communicates very well for a three, almost four-year-old (that’s what he told me when I asked his age). Well, I guess he does. I don’t think I have ever been around a three-year-old. His mother tried several times to get him away from me. He didn’t want to leave, and I was cool with him hanging out with my brothers and me. There is something about the kid that drew me to him, the same way he was drawn to me. He looks like his mom, but his skin is several shades lighter. He didn’t get her blue eyes, but he has big brown expressive eyes. She keeps his dark hair cut in a wavy low fade.

I looked down at my buzzing phone. It was a 718-area code. This was my personal line, so I’m sure whoever it was got the number from me.


  “Hi, Ezekiel? This is Zora, Zanetta’s friend.”


  I smiled, “Hi, Zora. How are you?”

  “I’m great and you?”

  “I can’t complain.”

  “I am calling because my son won’t stop talking about seeing your drum set. He has talked about you and your drums non-stop since we met you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes, so I was wondering if we could set up a time for him to see your drums so that he can give my ears a break.”

  I laughed, “I think I can make that happen.”

  “Great! My sche…I’m sorry Ezekiel. One second.”

  I could hear Zora speaking to someone in the background.

  “Yes, sweetheart… I know…I’m asking now…can you give mommy a minute…please…”

  She came back onto the phone and said, “Would you mind if Braeden says hello to you? He won't leave me alone until he does.”

  I laughed, “Of course he can.”

  “Hi, Zeke!” BJ enthusiastically said into the phone.

  “What’s up, man! I’m happy you called me!”

  “My mommy called you for me cause I want to come and see your drums.”

  “You like drums, huh?”

  “Uhn huh. When I am at school, and we sing, my teacher lets us pick a instrument to play, and I pick the drums cause the drums are cool.”

  “They sure are. What other instruments do you have in your class?”

  “We have drums and tambourines and recorders and bells and xyl…xyla…”

  I heard Zora say, “Xylophone.”

  “Yeah and Xylospones.”

  I smiled at his mispronunciation.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of instruments!”

  “Yeah and at my school…huh, Mommy?”

  Zora was saying something in the background.

  “Okay, I have to go now, Zeke. I will see you when I come over to see your drums.”

  “Alright, Lil man. I look forward to it.”

  I didn’t realize that I smiled through the whole conversation. I actually settled into my seat to listen to him tell me about the instruments in his class.



  “I’m sorry, if I didn’t stop him he would have talked your ears off. He would have switched from subject to subject seamlessly,” she chuckled.

  “It’s all good. I don’t mind talking to him.”

  “So, back to the reason for my call. Can you look at your schedule and let me know a good time for you?”

  “I’m pretty much free right now. I have a couple of weeks before I start rehearsals for the next tour. My days will mostly consist of me taking care of business at the studio. What time do you get off work?”

  “I’m usually finished by six.”

  “What about tomorrow evening. Would that work for you?”

  “Yes, that’s perfect. If we go any longer than that, I will have to put this kid outside because he won’t stop talking about you or your drums,” she laughed as she finished.

  “So, tomorrow around 7:30?”

  “7:30 is perfect. Will we be coming to the studio?”

  “No, my house. I will text you the information.”

  “Okay, thank you so much.”

  “Not a problem. Make sure you bring your appetite. I will have dinner prepared.”

  “Wow, dinner. Will it be edible?”

  “Ahhh, you’re a comedian?”

  “No, I’m a mom who doesn’t want to feed poison to her son.”

  We laughed.

  “Mrs. Grace Bluette would not let any of her sons leave out of her house without knowing how to cook well enough to feed ourselves. What does BJ like to eat?”

  “He likes french fries and chicken nuggets. Those are his favorites.”

  “Then that’s what we will be having for dinner.”

  “I look forward to it. If for nothing else than to get this little person off my back!”

  “I’m looking forward to it too.”

  “Ezekiel, save my number just in case you need to cancel or change or whatever. I will understand.”

  “I’m going to save your number I but definitely won’t be using it for any of the reasons you just gave.”

  “Bye, Ezekiel.”

  “Bye, Zora.”

  We disconnected the call. It’s so strange because not only am I looking forward to entertaining a woman at my house, which I’ve never done, I’m also looking forward to entertaining her kid. I’m breaking all sorts of rules with this, but it feels right, so I’m going with it.

  I arrived home and settled in before calling my mom.

  “Hey, beautiful lady!”

  “Hi Baby,” my mother responded after answering the phone.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m doing good baby. How are you? You are getting ready to be on the road again soon, correct?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I start rehearsals in a couple of weeks. Momma, I need a recipe for chicken nuggets.”

  “Chicken nuggets?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ezekiel, why would you need a recipe for chicken nuggets? You dating someone that young?”

  “Momma you know I don’t date. I smas…”

  “Ezekiel Levi Bluette, I will come through this phone and throat chop you!”

  I laughed, “I’m just messing with you. If you must know nosey lady, I have company coming over tomorrow. My new friend BJ and his mom, Zora. BJ wants to see my drum kits, so I invited him over, and I am going to cook dinner. Zora said that his favorite foods are chicken nuggets and fries, so that’s what we are going to have.”

  “New friend, huh?”

  “Yep. He’s Nette’s godson. I met him the other day at her apartment.”

  “Is his mom Zanetta’s friend that she always speaks so highly of? The doctor?”

  “Yes. That’s her.”

  “Ezekiel, I don’t have to tell you that when you are trying to date a woman with a child, it’s a different ballgame. You can’t introduce yourself into the child’s life with the intentions of smashing his momma.”

  “Momma, smash…really?”

  “I know that’s what you were about to say. I watch all sorts of reality TV shows. I know all the slang. Like I was saying, it’s a delicate situation because you don’t want to hurt a child.”

  “I’m not befriending him to smash his momma. Although, I wouldn’t mind…”

  “I’m warning you, Ezekiel!”

  “I’m kidding,” I laughed.

  That’s one of the cool things about my mother. She allows me to be myself. I can tell her anything. Not too many details but enough where she gets a clear picture of what’s really going on.

  “For real, I like him. It’s odd because he sorta chose me. You know I thought I didn’t like kids, but BJ is different. I’m not going to pretend like his momma is not the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid my eyes on, next to you of course, but I’m not going through BJ to get to her, I promise.”

  “Well, let’s make sure you have some good tasting chicken nuggets for your new friend and his mom.”


  It took me forever to get BJ to calm down after I told him that we would be going over to Ezekiel’s house tomorrow. He is so excited.

  I went on Ezekiel’s social media sites and saw how active he is on them. I didn’t see any pictures of him with any females aside from the platonic pics that he took with fans. People seem to really like him. His posts are usually about music, of course. He posted a short video of him showing his mom and dad how to use Instagram. It was really cute. There were also some photos that he was tagged in from his appearance on the cover of Sticks magazine. It’s a magazine that targets the interest of drummers and percussionists. The cover of the magazine showed him behind a
n enormous set of drums, shirtless. His chest was intricately carved like he spent hours in the gym. He had a tattoo of sheet music that covered his right pectoral and extended down his entire arm. In the interview, he said that tattoo was the sheet music to the first song he’d written. His locs were twisted up into a bun on the top of his head. There was one photo that was a close-up showcasing his beautiful golden eyes, carved facial features and luscious lips. The comments that were left by women and men under that picture were borderline pornographic. I don’t blame them, though. I wanted to leave a comment too.

  Now I’m trying to decide what to put on to take my son on a playdate with him. I left work early so that I could pick up BJ, and come home to change my clothes. Should I do a full face of make-up? No, right? We are just going over so BJ can finally see the drums. It’s not like it’s a date or anything. I had been talking to myself the entire day. There was a level of nervousness for some reason. Maybe because I hadn’t been in such close proximity to a male who wasn’t old enough to be my dad in a long time. All the doctors that I work with are old and white.

  “Mommy, I’m ready to go. Can we call Zeke and tell him we are on our way?”

  “No, baby. He knows we are on our way.”

  “I’m going to tell him about my drums at school today, and then I am going to tell him about…”

  I tuned BJ out as we headed to the car. I strapped him into his car seat. I put the address into my GPS and followed the voice prompts.

  After a thirty-minute drive, I pulled up to an ultra-modern house. It was slate gray with black trimmed windows. I pulled up next to his black G-Wagen and put my car in park. I looked back, BJ was already busy unhooking himself from his car seat. I took a deep breath and mumbled, “here we go.”


  I looked at my watch as I walked to my door to open it. She is punctual. I opened the door and saw Zora standing on the other side holding BJ’s hand. I smiled at BJ, and he ran in to hug me. I couldn’t help but pick him up. Seeing his little face light up when he saw me did something to me on the inside. It warmed me and made me feel like the most important person in the world. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder. I’ve had hugs from all sorts of people in my lifetime, but this hug is the best that I’ve ever experienced.


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