Ezekiel's Passion

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Ezekiel's Passion Page 11

by Bailey West

  She leaned forward laughing at my story. She wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “Has anyone ever gotten past security and snuck into your room?”

  “Once, but the way she wobbled out, I bet she never did that again.”

  Zora burst out laughing again.

  “She couldn’t handle the D, huh?”

  “Naw, when I saw her in there all laid up in my bed, I said to myself; I’m about to teach her a nice, long, hard lesson.”

  She laughed again. Her laugh is contagious. She made me laugh along with her.

  “How is it that you’ve been all over the world touring and don’t have any kids? Or do you?” She raised one eyebrow and looked at me.

  “That’s easy, I always strap up. Every single time. I use my own. If I don’t have one of my own, then it’s not going down. I don’t get my condoms from anyone else and I sure as hell won’t use one supplied by a female.”

  “Really? So you could be in the heat of the moment, realize you don’t have a condom and just stop?”

  “Yes, but you have to realize there never really is a heat of the moment. When I was younger, and it was a fantasy to have all the women falling at my feet then maybe, but now these broads are just helping me blow a load so I can think straight. No connection, just sex. If I’m in the heat of the moment, as you put it, and I don’t have one, either she will wait until I go and get a rubber or she will have to get back in line and wait her turn.”

  “Dayum…It’s like that, Zeke?”

  “Fa sho.”

  “They usually wait, huh?”

  “Yeah, they wait.” We laughed again.

  “So, you’ve never had sex without a condom?”


  “Really?” she gave me a skeptical look.

  “For real. When we were teenagers, Paxton had a pregnancy scare.”


  “Yeah, Paxton was the man in high school. He was the star of the football team. He would be kicking it with a few girls at a time, and none of them would ever find out. See people think he’s just quiet to be quiet, but he’s not. He’s quiet because he’s very calculated and sneaky as hell. It wasn’t just a scare. She really was pregnant, but she ended up losing it like a month or two into the pregnancy. Her parents came over to the house and sat down with our parents to hash out how they were going to handle it and everything. It was a whole big to do. After that, my dad established the condom account. It was a drawer in our bathroom where he would keep condoms stocked and money to buy condoms. Then he went out and got those stupid baby dolls that act like real babies. You know they cry and everything. He made each of us take one of those things and care for it for an entire weekend. He made us name them too.”

  “What did you name yours?”

  “I named mine Pearl.”

  “Pearl? Why Pearl?”

  “After my drum kit. Pearl was the brand name. Blue named his Ebony Ivory Bluette. He was all excited to do it. He wanted kids and a family so he thought it would be good practice. Paxton named his Trojan.”

  “Trojan, after the condoms?”

  “Yeah,” I laughed.

  “You all were very creative with those names,” she laughed.

  “Those damn things cried and peed and peed and cried, and they didn’t sleep through the night. My mother wouldn’t come and help us because we were supposed to be learning a lesson, so we were all sitting in Blue’s room with babies, trying to get them to go to sleep. We even had to take them to church with us. I learned my lesson. I knew I didn’t want to go through that, so I strap up every single time.”

  Zora is mad easy to talk to. I am enjoying our conversation. My personal life has always been off-limits to women, she’s different. It feels natural to share with her.

  “So what about you? I’m sure those other doctors at the hospital and your patients are jonesing over those bright blue eyes. Where is your boyfriend?”

  “I don’t date patients or my colleagues. My rule is: Don’t make your honey where you make your money.”

  That was cute.

  “I went through my whore stage. Well more like my hoe stage. I’m not going to lie. I was getting it in on a regular basis. After I had Braeden, I had to make smarter choices because I had a son watching me. I don’t want him to marginalize women because his momma is a hoe. So, it’s been awhile. He’s never seen me around a man because I haven’t dated since he’s been alive. Don’t get me wrong, like you said, there is a basic need that has to be met. Backup is a real thing. I think it's almost leaking out of my ears at this point.”

  “It’s been that long, for real?”

  “Yeah, it’s been that long. I’m getting used to thinking through the haze, but it would be nice to have a good release. You know just really good, back breaking, stomach dropping, fantasy making sex.”

  I was completely hard listening to her talk. I sat up on my lounger and turned to face her.

  “I could help you with that.”

  “Help me with what?” She sat up in her chair and turned to me.

  “Your backup problem. I wouldn’t want it leaking out of your ears. Other people would find out. It would be a whole big thing at the hospital. People would be talking about Doctor Chambers has cum leaking out of her ears. It would get around the dental community and be a huge scandal. I can save you from all of that. I can alleviate your problem.”

  “That sounds like a good idea, but I couldn’t do that to you.”

  “Do what to me?”

  “Give you a taste. I don’t know if you can handle that. Countries have gone to war over the thought of it.”

  I threw my head back laughing at her silly comment.

  “You don’t think I can handle it?”

  “Nope,” she popped her lips when she pronounced the p.

  I moved in towards her and stopped right before I kissed her. I saw her breathing increase. I licked my lips while looking her in the eyes.

  “I can handle it, and I will handle it if that’s what you want. If I’m what you want.”

  She moved in closer. Our lips were slightly touching.

  “I want it and you.”

  She used her tongue to outline both my lips and then sucked the bottom one into her mouth. She caressed it for a second before releasing it. I held on to my man card by not releasing the moan that threatened the back of my throat.

  I grabbed her by the back of the head as I claimed her lips. I prompted her to part her lips with my tongue. She opened and gave me complete access to the sweetness of her mouth. I had never tasted anything like her. My mind started racing wondering what the rest of her tasted like. I reluctantly pulled away.

  She opened her eyes and looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I had so many erotic thoughts pass through my mind looking at her. I was having visions of her thighs on my shoulder and my face between her legs. I pulled her closer to me and was about to kiss her again.

  “Mommy,” BJ called from my guest room.

  I smiled, “Looks like my friend is awake.”

  “I see,” Zora looked down at my erection that had tented my swim trunks as she stood to go and retrieve Braeden.

  I watched her walk away trying to figure out how I was going to get her to myself to finish what we started.

  The rest of the evening was just as nice as the beginning. We changed from our swim clothes and watched a couple of movies that BJ chose. We had dinner that Chef prepared then BJ and I went to the music house while Zora sat in my media room reading a book. After BJ and I played around for awhile, we went back to the house to find Zora peacefully sleeping on one of my recliners. I didn’t want to wake her up, but she must have felt us come in because she woke up on her own. I wouldn’t have minded if she and BJ had stayed the night with me. I wouldn’t have even tried to relieve her tonight. I would have been content just having them close to me.

  Wait…what? Where did that thought come from?

  “I guess we better get going. We have to get u
p for church in the morning,” Zora stretched as she stood from the chair.

  “I will make sure you have a parking space. Just call me when you’re on your way.”

  I helped her collect all of her and BJ’s things and followed her out to her car. I placed everything in the trunk while she put BJ into his seat.

  I pulled her into a hug knowing we were in front of BJ, I made it quick even though I wanted to taste every inch of her body. I kissed her cheek even though I wanted to kiss her like we kissed next to the pool.

  I opened her car door.

  “I will see you in the morning. Let me know you made it home.”

  “I will.”

  She got into her car and pulled off as I waved to BJ.

  I have never wanted to be close to a woman the way I want to be close to her. The feelings that I am experiencing are actually scaring me a little. It’s like they came from nowhere and are getting stronger. They are getting harder to mask or ignore.

  When was the last time a woman had me this aroused? I don’t think this has ever happened. I know not to this extent. I can’t control the feelings I am having for Zora, and I don’t like it.

  “This is some bull,” I said out loud while pulling my phone from my pocket. I was preparing to call Kailee an old standby. Maybe if I let her entertain me tonight, it will take my mind off Zora. She is always up for my company. I unlocked my phone, and the first thing I saw was a picture I had taken earlier of Zora sitting in her lounge chair by my pool laughing with BJ. I was doing something on my phone when I looked up and saw them together. He looked so cute in his swim attire, and she takes such good care of him, I snapped the picture. I exhaled and locked my phone.

  “I got it bad.”


  Made it.

  I sent a text to Zeke letting him know we made it home.

  I chuckled thinking about our interaction today. Watching him walk around in his black swim trunks and no shirt, had me hot all day. He exudes swagger and sex appeal. His strides are confident as he moves around on his bowed legs. His waist is small but his thighs are thick, and his calves are muscular. His body is unbelievable. I watched the muscles in his chest move and ripple as he played in the water with BJ. Even his back is sculpted. I kept trying to imagine where that V in the front of his swim trunks led to. He makes me feel comfortable, so our conversations always get personal even though I don’t mean for them to. He’s easy to talk to.

  I didn’t plan on kissing him, but I am so glad I did. Kissing him had me wanting to jump his bones. I knew BJ was going to be waking up soon, but if he hadn’t, I was going to experience him.

  Cool. I will see you in the morning? - Zeke

  Yes even though it is going to be so weird and uncomfortable. I will be there for Sissy.

  You have your own special seat. I will sit in there with you if it makes you feel better. – Zeke

  No. I will be okay. I will do anything for Nette. If she needs me there, then I just have to put my big girl panties on and make it happen.

  Big girl panties? What do those look like? – Zeke

  You will see when you do what you told me you would do.

  Oh yeah? – Zeke

  “I can’t believe I let Roman talk me into this.”

  I stood in the full-length mirror in my room trying to decide what I would wear. I had to dig deep in my closet to find something that was suitable to wear to church. Church! I can’t believe I’m doing this. I haven’t been to church since I left Saint Louis almost ten years ago. This is going to be weird, but I have to do it for Nette.

  I found a hunter green pleated midi skirt. I put on my white sleeveless t-shirt and my nude leather moto jacket. I put on my nude pumps and gold accessories. Nette is going to be proud of me for putting this outfit together without her. She still picks out my clothes. She has been dressing me since we were in high school. I threw my hair up in a messy bun. I dressed BJ in a white button-down shirt with his khaki pants and brown saddle shoes.

  I let Chef into my house before I left so that she could prepare Sunday dinner. Roman made sure that all of Nette’s favorites were being served.

  I pulled into the church parking lot and told the attendant my name. He directed me to a parking space next to Zanetta’s car.

  I got out of the car and opened BJ’s door to let him out. I was met at the side door by Ezekiel. He was killing it in a blue double-breasted blazer with white buttons and small white polka dots. He paired it with blue pants, a red striped bowtie, and a white shirt. He finished his outfit with blue loafers.

  “You look nice Zeke.” More like delicious, but I chose to say nice instead.

  “Thank you, so do you. What’s up man?” Zeke bent down to talk to BJ.

  “What is this called?” BJ pointed to Zeke’s bowtie.

  “It’s called a bowtie. Do you like it?”

  “Yes, I want to wear a bow tie to church, Zeke.”

  “I will make sure you have one for next time, okay?”

  “Okay,” BJ smiled and hugged Zeke.

  Zeke stood and took BJ’s hand in his. I followed them into the church. We went past some offices and straight into the control room. There were two men working back there. One was controlling the sound while the other directed the cameras.

  “Have a seat. I’m going to take BJ to children’s church. If you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  I honestly did not mind. I’ve never trusted anyone with my baby, but with Zeke, it’s different. I know that he won’t hurt BJ.

  “Bye baby. I will see you in a little while,” I waved.

  “Bye, Mommy.”

  BJ and Zeke left the control room. He was right. I could see everything from here. It was like watching it on TV. The next time I saw Zeke, he was coming out onto the stage with the band. He got on the drums.

  This is my first time hearing him play live, except for the couple of times that he has shown BJ how to play on his set at his house. I have watched a few videos of him on YouTube conducting drum clinics. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. After the devotion service, they collected one offering. One! When I was in church, they would take up at least two offerings. After offering they introduced Zanetta. I’m not used to church being this concise. I thought after the devotion service (which I found out they now call praise and worship) the choir would come out and they would sing two songs (an A&B selection). Then somebody would get happy, and everyone would yell, scream and run around the church for about thirty minutes. We would be in church all day. Not here though, they called Zanetta right up.

  Zanetta came to the podium looking beautiful in her black wide leg pants. She wore black suspenders with the pants. Her shirt was white, and she wore a houndstooth bow tie. She had on black and white spectator high heel booties. I didn’t know people were dressing all stylish at church nowadays. Go, Sissy!

  I felt the tears stinging my eyes as soon as Zanetta opened her mouth. The tears started flowing freely when she started singing. Sam, the sound guy, handed me a box of tissues. Her voice is beautiful! I have never heard her sing! The audience sang along with her. I didn’t know the song, but when I find out the name of it, I will have it on repeat.

  “What song is this?” I asked Sam.

  “It’s called Rain on Us. A couple of people have recorded it, but she is singing the version by Sha Simpson.”

  “Is it a new song?”

  “No, it’s been out for a while. She’s singing the crap out of it though.”

  “Yeah, she is.”

  I cried the entire time she spoke. I am so proud of her! She did such a wonderful job. I kept up with what she was saying, and I could relate to every word that she spoke.

  That’s my Sissy!


  Zanetta did an amazing job. I’d never heard her preach or sing. She kept everyone’s attention including mine. Roman is going to be pleased when he sees the recording of this service.

  Our girl did an amazing job.

p; I sent a text to Paxton.

  I knew she would. – Pax

  Everything good there?

  Yeah. Rome is about to get up in a few. I will let you know when we are headed back. – Pax

  I took a picture of Nette while she was preaching. I posted it to my Instagram page with the caption: Lil Sis big audience. #ABCHouston #theygonelearntoday

  I went and picked BJ up from children’s church. I signed him out and held his hand as we went to get Zora.

  “Did you have fun, BJ?”

  “Yes. I had a lot of fun! I have a new friend named Cullen and another new friend named Kerry.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, and I have another new friend named Jesus, but you can’t see him ‘cause he lives in Heaven, which is in the sky.”

  I smiled down at him.

  “Jesus is my friend too.”

  “He is?”

  “Yep. He’s been my friend for a long time.”

  “He’s going to be my friend for a long time too.”

  “That’s what’s up.”

  I love this Lil dude. It’s cool to see things through his eyes. How could anyone not want to be around this kid? He is smart, funny and intelligent. I would be proud if he was mine. His father is a clown for walking out on him and Zora. I’m not glad that he hurt Zora, but I am glad that I have the opportunity to get to know them both.


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