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Ezekiel's Passion

Page 14

by Bailey West

  I discarded the condom and cleaned myself up. I found some mouthwash in her cabinet. I rinsed my mouth and came out. She was sitting up in her bed with her robe on. I walked over to her. She met me at the edge of the bed. We shared a kiss before I started dressing.

  “What time does my Lil dude usually wake up?”

  “I will wake him up in about another hour to get him ready for school.”

  I finished dressing. I felt sad that I had to leave. I wanted to throw her back onto the bed and keep her there the entire day.

  “I have to fly out for a few days this afternoon. When I get back, I have a gig. I would like for you to be there.”

  “I would like that a lot.”

  “Cool, I will call you, okay?”


  “Then I would like to see you again, naked.”

  She laughed.

  “I told you that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself. One taste is not enough.”

  “You are absolutely correct.” I pecked her lips before I said, “Walk me to the door?”

  She climbed off the bed. I took her hand and walked to the front door.

  I pulled her into me and kissed her. I wanted her to remember me for these next few days because I was coming back.

  “Have a safe trip, Zeke.”

  “I will call you.”

  “If you don’t, I will understand. I know how busy you are. No pressure.”

  I gave her another peck.

  “I will talk to you shortly. Have a great day.”

  “I will.” She winked.

  I got in my car and reluctantly pulled away.


  I watched Zeke pull away from my house wishing he didn’t have to leave. I’m so very sore, but I enjoyed every minute of sex with him. He touched my body like it wasn’t our first time. Every time I think about the way he looked into my eyes while he was between my legs makes my stomach drop.

  I smiled while I got BJ dressed and dropped him off at school. I was feeling so good that I stopped and picked up coffee and breakfast for my assistants. I blasted that Vivian Green song, “Get Right Back to My Baby.” I mean BLASTED! I yelled and screamed singing along. As soon as it would go off, I’d play it from the beginning. I’m sure people in the other cars were looking at me like I’d lost my mind. I didn’t care! I even made up some dance moves. I was feeling good!

  I had the song on repeat while I was in my office preparing for my day.

  There was a knock on my office door.

  “Come in.”

  Susan walked in carrying a bouquet of roses. Each petal of each rose was a different color. They were unique and beautiful.

  “These came for you,” she smiled. “Does this have anything to do with our impromptu breakfast?”

  I smiled while I turned my music off. I stood from my desk to take the vase from her.

  “You didn’t like the breakfast?”

  “I did! It was delicious.”

  “Well if you ever want it again, I wouldn’t ask too many questions.”

  “Dang…you told me!”

  We both laughed.

  “These are beautiful. Are they real?”

  “Yes, they’re real. It’s called a kaleidoscope rose. I only know because I saw some on TV and Googled their name. There are more vases up front.”

  “Really?” I was surprised. I’d never received flowers before.

  “Yeah, let me go and get them for you.” She walked out to get the other vases.

  I saw a card sticking out from the vase. I opened it and read:

  One vase for each time…


  I chuckled and shook my head. I waited until Susan dropped off the other three vases before I called him.

  “Thank you for the flowers,” I said as soon as I heard his voice on the other end.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “They are beautiful.”

  “So was watching you come last night and this morning.”

  My stomach flipped. I smiled.

  Susan knocked and then opened the door.

  “Doctor Chambers your patient is here.”

  “Thank you, Susan, give me a minute.” She stepped back out. “I know you are preparing to leave. I just wanted to say thank you. Have a safe trip.”

  “I will see you when I get back, right?”

  “Yep, you definitely will. Be safe, Zeke.”

  I disconnected the call and stood from my chair. I felt a shot of pain reminding me of all of the things I’d done last night that I hadn’t done in a long time.

  I can’t wait until he gets back into town.

  I turned Vivian back on while I prepared to go and see my patient.


  As soon as I arrived home, I went straight to my computer to order Zora flowers. That’s when I realized I don’t know how to order flowers.

  I called Paxton.

  “What’s up?”

  “Pax, how do I order flowers?”

  “Did somebody die?”

  “What? No, not that I know of, why?”

  “Why are you ordering flowers?”

  “Oh,” I laughed. “I want to send flowers to a woman, but I don’t know how. I’ve never ordered flowers before.”

  “I will text you the information of one of the florists that we use for events. They should have something nice. Just tell them what you want, and they will put it together for you.”

  “Cool, what kind should I send?”

  “Women like roses.”

  “Roses are typical. I don’t want to be predictable.”

  “Dude, you do realize you, Ezekiel Bluette, is sending flowers to a woman. There is nothing predictable about that.”

  “True. Alright, I will call them and see what they recommend.”

  “You must have been quite an ass or she is very special for you to be sending flowers.”

  “It’s the latter, Bro.”

  “That’s what’s up.”

  We disconnected the call. I contacted the florist, and he sent me pictures of some kaleidoscope roses. I thought they were unique and special, just like Zora. So, I sent her four dozen.

  I thought sex with Zora would be good. I was wrong. Sex with Zora is phenomenal. I can’t wait to get back to Houston.

  While I was away, I was working with a new soul group, The Brothers. They were working on their first album. Most of it is acapella, but the song I was producing for them had a jazz feel to it.

  We were in the studio listening to some old music by male groups so that I could demonstrate what I was looking for on the track.

  “It’s a love song, so you have to sing the song like you’ve been in love.”

  “I have the perfect example,” Tony the group’s bass singer said. “I found this on YouTube. It’s a little before our time, but the name of it is Last Night by a group named Az Yet.

  “It came out before your time. I think I was either a freshman or about to start high school when this came out.”

  Tony plugged his phone into the system so that we could hear it through the speakers. As soon as the song began, I got lost in it. It took me right back to the night I spent with Zora. I thought back to the way she undressed in front of me. How sweet she tasted and how amazing it was to watch her climax. There is one line of the song that says: You felt my body slip into your soul. I almost cried cause it was so beautiful. That’s exactly how I felt when I was with Zora. I made a mental note to add that song to my playlist for the plane ride back home.

  “Fellas, let’s get to work.”

  The quicker I get done here, the quicker I can get back to Houston.


  Dr. Gee, one of the partners, has a teenaged daughter who started a babysitting business. I hired her for the evening so that I could go hear Zeke play at a local venue. He had invited me out before he left three days ago. He’d just returned this morning, so I was looking forward to seeing him.

  I had chosen to wear my distressed light de
nim jeans. I wore fishnet stockings underneath so the fishnet could be seen through the holes. I paired those with a sheer black bodysuit. Underneath the bodysuit, I wore a black bra. I wore my black caplet over the bodysuit and red strappy heels. I carried a red clutch. I wore my hair in large loose curls that framed my face and rested on my shoulders. I finished my face off with the reddest matte lipstick that I own. I was feeling myself! It had been so long since I’d gone out. My evenings are usually spent hanging out with BJ. I looked forward to some adult interaction.

  I pulled up to the front of the venue. There was a line of people waiting to get in. Zeke told me to text him when I arrived.


  I sent my text and sat in my car waiting for a response.

  I heard a tap on my window.

  “Hey, Percy!” I said as I rolled down my window.

  “What’s up, Doctor Z. Zeke wants me to escort you in. The valet will take your car.”

  I was just thinking about how bad my feet were going to be hurting if I had to wait in that long line to get in. I grabbed my clutch and got out the car. Percy motioned for someone to come and park my car.

  He bent his arm towards me so that I could grab his forearm.

  “Don’t start catching feelings cause you feeling my muscles,” he chuckled.

  “I will try not to,” I laughed.

  He walked me past the long line and up to security. The security guy moved the rope and let us into the venue. I felt important. We walked down a short hallway and entered a dimly lit room. In the back of the room, there were no tables, only chairs. There were small round tables in the front near the stage. There was soft music playing in the background while people mingled and found their seats. There were several waiters taking orders at the tables.

  “This is your table.” Percy pulled out the only chair at the table.

  “You’re not going to sit with me?” I asked as I sat down.

  “Doctor Z, I like my job, and I love my life. If Ezekiel comes out on that stage and finds me at this table, I’m going to lose both! That’s why it’s only one chair here.”

  I laughed at the funny face he made to get his point across.

  “Okay,” I chuckled.

  “You look amazing, tonight. I wish you had a sister or a cousin or something!”

  We laughed again.

  “I will send the waiter over, and you can order whatever you like.”

  “Thanks, Percy.”

  “My pleasure Doctor Z.”

  The waiter came to take my drink order. The waiter recommended a Port wine, and I went with her suggestion.

  I had butterflies in my stomach waiting for the band to start.

  The lights in the venue dimmed. The crowd got quiet as the music started playing from behind the curtain that was covering the stage. The curtains opened revealing the band. My table was situated to have a perfect view of Ezekiel. He looked over and winked as the band started performing their first song of the evening. I winked back. The lead female singer was phenomenal. Her voice was silky and sultry. She captivated the room with her laid-back sex appeal. She was ultra-feminine without trying. She moved like she was alone with the music and the music was her lover. I can see why the place was packed.

  The band played a mix of R&B and jazz. The audience stayed engaged the entire time. When Zeke played a drum solo, the women in the room went wild. I whistled too. He was oozing sex appeal with his hair up in his signature bun. He had on a black V-neck t-shirt that hugged his arms deliciously.

  During the set break, Ezekiel came out and sat with me. He kissed me on my cheek before he sat down.

  “You look fly as hell, Z.”

  “Thank you, Zeke. I’m enjoying myself at my table for one.”

  He smiled, “I couldn’t have some clown thinking he could come and sit with you while I’m on stage.”

  “Percy wouldn’t even sit with me.”

  “I know. I threatened him,” he winked.

  I laughed, “It’s really crowded in here,” I looked around the room.

  “We do this every so often. We post the location on social media the day before.”

  “It’s packed for one day’s notice.”

  “Yeah, and it’s always packed. Everyone in the band is successful in their own right, so they bring their own fans.”

  “You guys sound amazing.”

  “Thank you. I love playing with these guys. You sticking around until the end?”

  “I have a babysitter with BJ, so I will have to go and relieve her. You are more than welcome to come by after you’re done, though.”



  “I will text when I get there.”

  “Can’t wait.”




  “Zora, what’s wrong?”

  “I called Nette first, but I think she is in a meeting and has her phone off. I’m sorry for calling, but I didn’t know who else to call…”

  I could hear the panic in her voice.

  “Slow down and tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Braeden’s school called. He was playing outside and fell and hit his head. They said that he lost consciousness, so they called the ambulance. They said he only lost consciousness briefly but…”

  “Where is he?” Panic started to set in, but I knew I had to stay calm for her. I grabbed my keys and went out to my truck.

  I had just made it to EZ Blue Sounds. I wasn’t far from Braeden’s school.

  “He’s on his way to Children’s Hospital, and I am trying to get there, but I feel like I am about to pass out. I am afraid to drive.”

  “I’m on my way. Where are you?”

  “I’m in the garage of my building in my car.”

  Good. I’m even closer to her job. I pulled out the parking lot of my studio headed her direction.

  “I’m coming. Don’t hang up.”

  “Okay. Zeke, I’m so scared. I don’t know what I will do if something bad happens to my baby. He’s all that I have.”

  “I know. Listen, we are going to believe together that everything is going to be fine, okay?”

  “Okay.” She sounded unsure.

  “Zora, we know God has him, right? He can heal him. His angels are with him in that ambulance, and they are going to be with him once he gets to the hospital.” I started praying out loud, “Fear not for I am with you. Be not afraid because I am your God. By His stripes, we are healed. We thank you, Father God that Braeden is fine. We know that you have everything under control. We trust you because you can do anything but fail. Thank you for giving us peace until we can get to him. Amen.”


  “I’m here.”

  I pulled up behind her car. I made it to her in record time. I got out to help her out of her car and into my truck. She was shaking. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything would be fine, but I know that nothing that I would say right now would make her feel better. I have to get her to the hospital.

  I got her in and ran around to get back in. I pulled out on my way to the hospital.

  “Thank you, Zeke. I just didn’t know what to do…”

  “You did the right thing.” I grabbed her hand as I navigated through traffic to the hospital.

  I found a parking space close to the emergency room door. Zora was out of the truck before I put it in park. I trailed close behind her as we followed the signs to the nurse’s station.

  “Hi, ummm…they brought my son in. His name is BJ…”

  I spoke for her, “His name is Braeden Chambers. He came in from school.”

  I pulled Zora close to me while the nurse typed in his information.

  “Yes, he is back with the doctors now. I will let them know you are here. I’m sure he is anxious to see you. Please have a seat. I will be back in a minute.” She smiled warmly.

  I directed Zora to the chairs, and we both sat down. I didn’t feel like sitting. I would have felt
better if I could pace back and forth but I knew I had to stay strong for Zora, so I sat. I sent Percy a quick text. I kept my arm around her shoulder until the nurse came back followed closely by another woman I assumed was the doctor. We both stood.

  “Mom, Dad?” I was about to correct her, but Zora spoke before I could.

  “Yes? Doctor, how is Braeden? Is he okay?”

  “I’m Doctor Goldberg. Are you a doctor also, Mom?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Well, that explains it. Braeden won’t let us look at him. He said his mother is a Doctor and you would check him out when you got here,” she chuckled. “He seems to be okay, but Braeden fell and hit his head while he was playing on the playground at his school. The school said that he lost consciousness temporarily. He will probably need a couple of stitches, but we want to run some tests to make sure that there aren’t any internal fractures or bleeding. We also want to check for a concussion.”

  “Okay, can we see him?” Zora asked.

  “Sure, follow me.”

  We followed behind the Doctor. Everything in this children’s hospital is so small and colorful. I’ve never been in a children’s hospital. It’s so vibrant you would almost forget you were in a hospital until you see a small, frail figure laying on the bed. Then it hits you that all these little people are here for a reason. It’s a sobering thought. I silently prayed as we walked into the room and saw BJ laying in the bed. There was a large white bandage on the side of his head. A young lady was sitting in a chair next to his bed. She stood when we walked into the room.

  “Doctor Chambers,” she moved to hug Zora.

  The ladies embraced.

  “Hi, Lucy. Thank you for coming here with him.”

  Zora moved to BJ’s bed.

  “Hi, Mommy. I felled.”

  “I know baby that’s why you are here at the hospital. Are you in any pain?”

  “My head hurts, Mommy.”

  “I know baby, but the Doctors and nurses are going to make sure you are okay.”

  I moved to stand behind Zora.

  “My Zeke!” BJ held up his arms for me.

  I looked at the Doctor to make sure it was okay to move him. She nodded.


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