Ezekiel's Passion

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Ezekiel's Passion Page 20

by Bailey West

  “I handled it.”

  “What do you mean, you handled it. What did she say to you?”

  “She said you had some other broads you are having sex with at the same time as me.”

  “Zora, you know that’s not…”

  “I know, Zeke. I responded and told her that she was probably having dick withdrawals because I know that I would, if you ever took it away from me.”

  “You said that?”

  I nodded.

  He threw his head back and laughed.

  “You are stoopid! That’s why I fools with you!”

  I laughed too.

  “I told you I handled it.”

  “Come on are you ready to go? I want you to back up all of that big talk you were doing earlier.”

  “Oh, I am more than capable.”

  “Show and prove, Doctor Chambers. Show and prove.”


  I was sitting in my music house with my headphones on listening to some playback on a song that Lyrica recorded for the concert. I felt a small hand touch my arm. I turned to see BJ dressed in his superhero pajamas. Zora was standing next to him holding his other hand.

  I stopped the playback and removed my headset.

  “Hey man, you all ready for bed?”

  “Yes, I took a shower so now imma go to sleep.”

  “I’m going to come and tuck you in, okay?”

  I cut my eyes at Zora as I stood from my chair and picked him up. We walked back into my house and to his bedroom. I purchased him a new bed for his room at my house. Zanetta is going to decorate his room for me while I am away on tour.

  We said our prayers together, and I tucked him in. I kissed his cheek and turned to leave his room.

  “I love you, Zeke,” BJ called out as I was walking out. I stopped in my tracks and turned around.

  “What did you say Big Man?”

  “I said I love you. I love my new bed too.”

  I walked back over to his bed and sat down.

  “Man, you know that I’m leaving because I have to, right? It’s my job. If I didn’t have to leave you, I wouldn’t.”

  “I know. You have to go and direct the music for Ms. Lyrica so she can sing.”

  “Right but if I didn’t have to do that, I wouldn’t, okay?”


  “I love you so much, man. Do you know that?”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Alright, go to sleep, so you won’t be tired for school in the morning.”

  I kissed him again and walked out his room.

  Zora was sitting in a chair in my bedroom reading something on her laptop. I closed the door behind me.

  “I thought I told you I was going to get him ready for bed?”

  She looked up at me with a confused look on her face and then looked back at her computer.


  “It’s obvious that you are trying to start another petty ass argument with me and I’m not falling for it. You were out there working on something and had lost track of time apparently. I was not going to interrupt you to get him ready for bed, so I did it.”

  “You know I’m leaving and I want to spend as much time with him as I can before I leave!” I couldn’t understand why she was acting so nonchalant. It was only pissing me off more.

  “I’m not doing it, Zeke. Either go back outside or shut up cause you’re going to piss me off again and I don’t feel like it today. You have been Petty Peter…”

  “Petty Peter?”

  “Yes! First name: Petty, middle name: Ass, Last name: Peter for a couple days now and I’m sick of playing nice. You complained because my gas tank in my car was three-quarters full instead of full.”

  “You were talking about driving to the other side of town, and you know how traffic is!”

  “You complained when they put pickles on your burger, but you didn’t tell them not to.”

  “Pickles don’t always come on those burgers. I shouldn’t have to say it.”

  “You had that little boy that worked there about to pee his pants! You got all irate over pickles!”

  “Whatever, people need to do their jobs.”

  “You got mad when they changed BJ’s zoo field trip date.”

  “They can’t be messing with people’s calendars like that! Now I won’t be able to chaperone because I won’t be here!”

  “So, like I said, either carry your petty ass back out to the music house or shut up cause you’re pissing me off!”

  “I’m not being petty, Z.”

  “Yes, you are, and I don’t understand why.”

  She was right. I had not been the nicest person lately. I wasn’t trying to be petty, but everything was annoying me.

  “Maybe it’s because I’m stressed about leaving.”

  I sat down on the ottoman in front of the chair she was sitting in.

  “Stressed? Because of your level of responsibility on the tour?”

  “No, because I don’t want to leave you and Braeden behind. I’ve never been on tour and in a relationship at the same time. I don’t know if I’m built for it.” She closed her laptop and scooted closer to me.

  “What do you mean by built for it?”

  “I mean tour life is totally different than everyday life. It’s fast-paced, exciting and full of…”


  “Yeah, women. I mean, I know that you’re the only woman that I want to kick it with. I don’t even see other women the same way I see you, but I’ve seen the road destroy relationships which is another reason why I didn’t do them. Before you and BJ all I had to worry about was myself. Now I have both of you. I’m not complaining because it’s an honor to have you in my life. I just don’t want to mess it up.”

  It felt good to be able to say exactly what I had been feeling.

  “Ezekiel, when we first said that we were going to do this, you told me that you were loyal. You have been loyal. I love what we have. The ease of conversation and the ability to be myself. I hope you feel like you can be yourself with me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then be yourself. I’m not asking for you to be anyone other than Ezekiel Levi Bluette. You make the best decisions you can when the time calls for it, and I will respect your decision. I trust you. I’m not saying go and smash every broad that comes your way. What I’m saying is that I trust you to make good choices. The same way I shut Lindsay down is the same way I will shut anyone else down that tries to tell me something about you. BJ and I are going to hold you down on the back end while you go and be great. Have fun. Live your life. We will be waiting on you.”

  “What if Doctor Squarepants steps up his game? I won’t be around to shut him down. Or one of those other doctors at the hospital that’s always trying to get with you.”

  “I’m spoiled. You spoiled me, Zeke. I don’t want anything from any other man. All I want is you. You should know that by the way I’ve put up with your pettiness!”

  “You’re spoiled, Z?” I asked as I pulled her onto my lap.

  “Rotten,” she nestled her face into my neck.

  “I’m sorry for being petty.”

  “Prove it.”

  I planned on proving it every day until I left.

  “You have the keys and all of the codes, right?”

  She nodded her head.

  “You have the bank cards, right?”

  She nodded again.

  I was trying to make sure I didn't forget anything before I got on the plane for the first leg of the tour. I had given Zora the keys to my houses and my cars. I put her name on one of my bank accounts just in case she needed something and couldn’t reach me. I wanted to make sure she and BJ were taken care of. I knew she was capable…more than capable of taking care of herself but it gave me peace of mind knowing she had backup. I’d had several conversations with my brothers and Nette about helping her with BJ. I knew it would happen without me saying it, but I just wanted to make sure.

  I didn’t want her to d
rive me to the airport, but she insisted. I thought it would have been easier to say goodbye at the house, but she wasn’t going for it.

  I spent the day before I left with BJ making sure to prep him for my time away. Zora let me keep him out of school so that we could have our men time. He seemed to be in better spirits than I was. I was still battling a level of guilt about leaving him for so long. I know he’s not my son…biologically but the bond that I have formed with this kid feels paternal. It feels like he came from me.

  We spent time at the arcade center then we went to a few stores to pick him up some clothes, shoes, and underclothes. Then we went to the toy store, and I let him pick out a few things.

  “Aye Big Man, you know I’m leaving in the morning, right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You remember what we talked about as far as keeping up with your responsibilities while I’m away?”

  “Yes, I have to be good in school. Help my mommy and keep my rooms clean.”

  “Right. Do you think any of that will be a problem for you?”

  “No, ‘cause I do it now. Imma hold it down for you while you away, Zeke.”

  Where did he get that from?

  “Okay, I appreciate it.”

  We had his favorite meal before we went back to my house to meet Zora. BJ and I put all of his new things away before he took his shower and went to bed.

  I spent the rest of the night making love to my Lady.

  Now we are at the airport meeting some of the other band members to board the plane

  I got down on one knee to talk to Braeden.

  “I’m going to miss you Man, but I will call as often as I can okay?”

  He nodded as tears began to silently fall down his cheeks. I blinked hard to keep mine at bay.

  “I love you, Braeden, okay?”

  “I love you too, Zeke. This much,” He opened both his arms wide. That almost got me. I cleared my throat to help relieve some of the pressure that was building from the tears I was fighting.

  I gave him a long hug. I released him and wiped his cheeks.

  “I will call you soon, okay?”


  I stood up to look at Zora. Maybe I should have asked her to marry me. Maybe I should tell her I love her before I leave. I decided not to do either. I don’t think it would be fair to put a ring on her finger now. She would think that I was doing it because I wanted to tie her down while I was away which would be partially true. I’m not going to declare my undying love for her and then fart around and mess up while I’m away. I would never hurt her like that.

  “I’m going to miss you, Z.”

  I pulled her into me and hugged her. I was having a hard time letting her go.

  “I’m going to miss you too, Zeke.”

  I wanted to just say it. I wanted to say, “I love you, Zora.” I couldn’t…I mean I can, but I’m not.

  I kissed her gently, knowing that two little eyes were watching me.

  “I will call you when I get settled, okay?”


  I hated the sadness that I saw in her eyes. It was enough to just call off the whole thing, but I knew I had a responsibility, a career, and reputation.

  She teared up a little, but she didn’t let any tears fall. Her strength was giving me strength.

  I turned to walk through the TSA line. Once they checked my boarding pass and ID, I turned and waved goodbye to them…my family.

  Man, this crap is hard.


  Ezekiel had been gone for four weeks. The first couple of weeks were hell, but now things are better. I missed him so much those first few days, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

  Zeke calls as much as he can. He will Facetime at night to pray with Braeden, and then he and I will have a conversation. He sends me text messages all day long, and he is continually posting on his social media pages. I miss having him here but thanks to technology, I feel like I am there sometimes.

  Obasi and Lyrica have called to check on me and BJ. Lyrica asked if I wanted to come and spend a week with them on tour. I told her if my schedule would allow me to, I would love to come. She said, “my brother is happier when you are around.” That made me smile. I am happier when he is around too.

  I thought that was so sweet. If I can get some time off, it will be towards the end of the tour. She even said BJ could come. He is going to be so siked.

  Roman and Paxton have definitely stepped in to help with BJ. They have scheduled days to pick BJ up from school. Roman takes him to the studio where he is teaching BJ the piano. He also helps him with the drums. Paxton and BJ are working on forming a company called BJ’s Bow ties. Since BJ likes bowties so much Paxton came up with the idea to turn it into a company. Nette is helping them with fabrics, and she found the company that will produce them. Of course, Nette helps a lot also. She’s been working hard to get her boutique open. The building Roman purchased for her is in the perfect location. She is still working with the church, but she stopped taking a salary once she and Roman got married.

  I arrived at Roman and Nette’s house to pick up BJ.

  “Hey Sissy,” I said as I entered the house after she opened the door.

  “Hey, Sissy.”

  “Where are the men?”

  “They are on their way home. Paxton said the meeting with the fabric distributor ran a little long.”

  “Girl, I can’t believe my son really has his own company.”

  “I know, right? It’s so cool though. It could really grow into something if we handle it correctly.”

  “I know. That’s so amazing.”

  “So how is Zeke? How is life on the road treating him?”

  “He’s good. I just saw where he posted a picture in Detroit. He knows I like snow globes so he’s sent me a snow globes from every place they have gone so far.”

  “That’s so cute and thoughtful.”

  “I know, right. Listen to this radio interview he did the other day.”

  I took out my phone and went to the website for WPAB. They have an afternoon radio show that is number one in the country.

  I found the link and turned up the volume so we both could hear.

  “Good afternoon everybody, it’s ya boy DJ Ratio. I’m here with my crew Cashmere and Thor. We are joined in studio by the beautiful and talented Lyrica and her musical director and one of the coldest drummers around, the golden drummer, Ezekiel Bluette. Welcome to the both of you.”

  “Thank you,” both Zeke and Lyrica said at the same time.

  “Lyrica, you are on tour right now. I hear that every venue has been sold out.”

  “That is correct,” Lyrica confirmed. “Let me say a huge thank you to all of my family for buying those tickets to come and spend an evening with me.”

  Cashmere spoke next, “It really is like spending the evening with you. You not only perform, but you give us a glimpse into your life which you never do. You are so fiercely private.”

  “I do. I want to connect with my family in a way that I’ve never done before. I share some videos and some new songs that Zeke and I wrote right before the tour started.”

  “Ezekiel, you have been with Lyrica basically from the start, right?” Ratio asked.

  “Yeah, we worked on her first project together but before that, I worked with her mom, so we’ve been family for a long time.”

  “Now by family does that mean you two are romantic? Or have been romantic?” Thor asked.

  “Naw, man. Never that. She has been like a sister to me for a lot of years.”

  “Right, right, right cause Lyrica you are dating Obasi, the model, right? You guys have been together for a long time,” Cashmere stated.

  “Yes, Obasi is my man. Hey, baby! I know he’s listening.”

  “I know that’s right, girl. He is fine as hell! Kudos to you.”

  Both women laughed.

  “Since we are talking about relationships, Ezekiel, what about you?” Cashmere asked.

/>   “I have a lady holding things down for me back in Houston.”

  “Wud?” Thor replied, “Zeke I have known you for years. I’ve never heard you say that you were in a relationship.”

  “Yeah, they had you listed in Black Majic Magazine as one of their most eligible bachelors,” Cashmere added.

  “Well, Thor, I guess I grew up. Cashmere, that publication is old.”

  “So, is she the one?” DJ Ratio asked.

  “She’s the only.”

  I looked at Zanetta and smiled. The interview continued with more questions about the tour and what people could expect. They asked Ezekiel one last question.

  “Ezekiel, I know you play the drums, but I heard that you know how to play a couple other instruments, is that true?” DJ Ratio asked.

  “Yeah, I started out on the piano, but it didn’t make enough noise for me, so I moved to the drums. I can play any stringed instrument, just about, but my brother Blue is the virtuoso on the keys.”

  “Out of all those sounds which one is your favorite?” DJ Ratio questioned.

  “My lady’s voice.”

  Everyone on the broadcast said something like, “That was smooth,” or “That’s what’s up.”

  I clicked off the web page and locked my phone.

  Zanetta was smiling, and so was I.

  “That was so sweet!”

  “I know! I just keep listening to the whole thing just to hear him say that at the end. I miss him so much!”

  “I miss him, so I know you do.”

  I felt my phone vibrating. I looked down and saw Ezekiel was Facetiming me. I accepted the call.

  “Hey, Babe!”

  “Hey, Z. I miss you!”

  “I miss you too!

  “Hey, Clown!” Nette called out.

  “What’s up, Lil Sis. What are you up to? Playing like you grown?”

  “Shut up Zeke,” she laughed. “Actually, I’m trying to finalize the hiring of the new ABA director and getting my boutique opened.”

  “That’s what’s up. I’m proud of you Lil Sis.”

  “Thank you. I love you, brother. I will let y’all talk.”

  “Alright, love you too, sis.”


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