The Unexpected Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Unexpected Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 1

by Paige Cameron

  Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2

  The Unexpected Bride

  Josephine Donnelles didn’t have time to consider her feelings for Devin Garrison. His fear of commitment had him backing off, too. But when she told the Garrisons and Lacey about her previous boss’s threat to blame her for money he’d stolen, Devin became her strongest supporter. Still, could she trust him not to change again? When she flew to Washington DC, the police arrested her. Heath and Hunter Garrison had accompanied her. Devin disappeared. She didn’t know why.

  Devin fought his fear of flying and made the decision he had to fly to her. He wasn’t sure she’d give him another chance, but he had to try. Neither realized the diabolical scheme her old boss had concocted to have her blamed for the crime. Devin proposed and was determined to see her exonerated, and then they’d fly home to get married. But everywhere they turned, they were faced with another difficulty while her boss sat in the courtroom gloating.

  Genre: Contemporary, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 40,535 words


  Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2

  Paige Cameron


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


  Copyright © 2014 by Paige Cameron

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-705-3

  First E-book Publication: December 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To Shawn: Thanks for all the things you do for us. You are appreciated and loved.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  About the Author


  Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2


  Copyright © 2014


  Heath Garrison had picked up a contract to read when his secretary buzzed him. “Yes, what is it?”

  “There’s a gentleman here named Dolan Lerones. He said he doesn’t have an appointment, but he’d like to speak with you now, or he’ll make an appointment and come back.”

  “Ask him if we’ve met. His name is familiar.”

  Heath heard his secretary ask the man his question. Heath was certain he’d heard the name recently.

  “He says he signed an employee inquiry sheet for Josephine Donelles and sent it to you.”

  “Ah, yes. I remember. Tell him to come in.”

  Heath walked around his desk and put out his hand to Mr. Lerones. “Join me over by the coffee maker. The chairs surrounding it are much more comfortable than the ones by my desk.” He directed Mr. Lerones to one of the light-blue chairs in the left corner of his office.

  Heath took his time and studied his visitor while he poured coffee from the carafe on the table.

  Lerones wore a brown suit with a tan shirt and a blue and tan tie. He was losing his hair and had attempted to pull what was left across the front. Heath handed him a coffee cup, took his, and sat across from him.

  “I’m surprised to see you in person. I received the inquiry the other day. As per usual, it didn’t say much except for length of service.”

  “That is exactly why I felt the need to speak to you in person. I had planned to come to New York to buy my wife an anniversary gift, so I took the opportunity to contact you about Josephine.”

  Heath went on the alert when Lerones used Josie’s first name. “Was there something you wanted to tell me about her?”

  “Yes. I hope I’m in time and you haven’t hired her yet.”

  “She’s started on a ninety-day trial period.” He watched the man’s dark-brown eyes. He had little eyes and he squinted. All Heath’s instincts told him Lerones was not a man to be trusted.

  “Then you can find an excuse to get rid of her before she finishes her trial period.”

  “And why would I want to do that?” Heath asked.

  “We suspect she’s been siphoning funds from some of our accounts, but we haven’t been able to prove it. We were getting close.”

  “You are claiming she’s guilty of a serious crime without evidence.”

  “We’re going to continue to search for enough evidence to charge her. I thought you’d like to know t
he type of person you have handling your finances.”

  Heath stretched his long legs out in front of him and folded his arms. “Does your superior know of this problem?”

  “I am a vice president in our company. It’s my job to find the proof before I present it to our president and the rest of the board.”

  Suddenly Heath straightened and stood over the man whom he totally distrusted and disliked. “You may leave my office, now. If I hear of you speaking to anyone else about this, I will go to your president and board.” Heath leaned closer into the man’s space.

  Dolan stepped back. “How dare you speak to me this way? I was only trying to help you.”

  “No you weren’t. You wanted to hurt Miss Donnelles. Why, I’m not sure. But believe me, I will find out. And if you try to tarnish her name in any way”—Heath grabbed Lerones’s arm and took him to the door—“I will ruin you. Good-bye.” He shoved Lerones out and snapped the door closed behind him.

  Heath’s muscles had tightened and his fists clenched. He’d love to have smashed one of them into Lerones’s face.

  He took long strides to his desk and checked his calendar, then buzzed for his secretary. “Did he leave?”

  “Oh yes, a very angry man stormed out of here,” she said, and chuckled. “You must have been on your worst behavior.”

  “I was. Listen, I have two appointments for tomorrow. I’d like to surprise my mother and go home for a long weekend. Would you please reschedule them for me? You can take tomorrow off and enjoy the weekend.”

  “I’ll have them rescheduled within the hour.”

  He checked with his travel agent about flights. Then he called his mother.

  “I’ll be arriving at four-thirty tomorrow. Ask Cort to pick me up at the airport.”

  “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  “I want to see how Miss Donnelles is doing with her job. See, I told you I’d be coming home more often when I had an employee at the ranch.”

  “So you did. I’m glad. I’ll contact Cort and tell him to meet you at the airport.”

  “Thanks, Mom. See you soon.” And when he got to the ranch he planned to have a talk with Josephine. He had to face her with Lerones’s accusations. There was a mystery connected to all of this, and it probably explained why she wanted to move to Pleasure Valley.

  Chapter One

  Josie Donnelles walked around the farm house where she’d taken up residence since Lacey had married. She liked the quiet and to sit on the back porch swing, watching the sunrise. She’d put on her jacket, as usual, since the fresh morning air was very cool.

  When Smitty parked to go in the barn and take care of the milk cow and the two horses, she waved to him. “Come join me and have a cup of coffee. If you have time.”

  Smitty ambled across the yard toward her. “I’d like a cup. It’s cold out today. My old bones don’t tolerate the colder temperatures like they did when I was a young man.”

  “Have a seat. I’ll get you a cup and one of the muffins I baked last night.” She hurried into the kitchen and refilled her cup, filled his, and got them both a muffin. She placed it and the cream and sugar on a tray.

  Smitty saw her coming and opened the door for her. She set the tray on the table. “I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee.”

  “Black and sweet,” Smitty said, and proceeded to dump four spoonfuls of sugar in his cup.

  “You like a little coffee with your sugar,” Josie teased.

  The old man grinned. He wore his usual overalls and suspenders.

  “What time do you have to go to work?” Smitty asked. “It’s only 6:15.”

  “I’m expected at nine, but I like to go in a little early. I’m still learning the job.”

  “I have a feeling something bothered you in Washington, DC. Whatever it was sent you hiding. You don’t wrinkle your forehead as much since you’ve settled in.”

  “Smitty, you are an observant man.”

  He looked at the ground and then back at her. “I talked to your dad. He’d like to plan a time for you and Lacey to meet his family. They’re all coming for Pleasure Valley’s big Labor Day festival. I guess you heard it goes on for days.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. But I don’t know if we’re ready to meet the family.”

  “Will you ever be?”

  “I will, but I don’t know about Lacey. Let me talk to her and get back with you.”

  “Sure. You have some time to think about your decision.” Smitty took a last sip of his coffee and finished his muffin. “You’re a good cook and a nice lady.” He waved and sauntered back to the barn.

  Josie went inside and changed from her old jeans to a new pair and a starched white blouse. They’d convinced her on a ranch it was best to wear jeans and boots and whatever type top she wanted.

  The boots were new and took some getting used to, but she looked forward to occasionally going on a horseback ride as Cort had promised. When she drove up to the parking area around the home place, she saw Devin’s black SUV. This was the end of her first week, and he’d been coming for breakfast three out of five days.

  She wanted to ask Mrs. Garrison if he usually ate there that many mornings, but she didn’t want to bring attention to the fact she’d noticed. Devin seemed to take pleasure in annoying her. When she saw his mischievous grin, she knew this morning wouldn’t be any different.

  Devin glanced at his watch. “It’s eight o’clock. Are you trying to get paid overtime by coming in an hour early?”

  “No overtime. I’m choosing to have time to acquaint myself with the office and procedures before one of your brothers needs me for something.” She put her nose in the air and started to walk by him. He took hold of her wrist as she strolled by.

  “You might as well join us. Mom has made a terrific coffeecake. Sit, and have some with us.”

  Although he held her wrist loosely, it felt tight and demanding. She jerked her arm free and stomped out of the kitchen. His mom looked on but didn’t comment, at least not while Josie was within hearing distance.

  Josie closed the door and leaned against it. Perspiration wet her forehead and her throat had tightened in fear. Darn, he’s not Dolan. Cool it, or they’ll be wondering about you.

  She sank into the chair behind her desk and stared out the window at the prairie and cows in the distance.

  * * * *

  Devin noticed her pale face and rigid posture as she left the room. He turned in his seat and looked at his half-eaten food.

  “I’ll warm your dish for you in the microwave,” his mom said.

  “I’ve lost my appetite.”

  Mrs. Garrison sat in front of Devin. He looked away. “Look at me. What is going on between you and Josie?”

  “Nothing at all. What makes you think there is?”

  “I don’t like my sons to lie to me.”

  “I’m”—Devin blushed and shrugged—“I don’t know. She irritates me.”

  “When she first arrived, you appeared interested in her. I know your brothers teased you, but that is no reason to change and treat her differently.”

  Devin straightened his shoulders. “I’m not interested in her as a girlfriend.”

  “So treat her as a member of the family. She’s Lacey’s sister, and Lacey is married to Hunter.”

  “I know. I just like to tease her.”

  “It’s not teasing when it hurts her. She was close to tears today. Go apologize.”

  “Do I have to?” Devin scowled.

  “Don’t give me that look, or you’ll be cleaning out the barn.”

  “All right.” He pulled his six-foot-two-inch body upright from the small kitchen chair. His mother watched as he strolled out of the kitchen and turned down the hall to the right.

  He thought about slipping out a side door, but when he glanced back his mom still stood at the end of the hall watching him. She grinned, and he gave up and walked quickly toward Josie’s office.

  Devin slowly opened the door. She sat lookin
g out the window with her back to him. He knocked softly, and she turned in her chair.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “To say I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “No, you aren’t. You do this every morning and get pleasure from it.”

  “I’m only teasing.”

  “It doesn’t feel that way to me. Why don’t you like me?”

  “I like you.”

  “I bet your mom put you up to this apology.”

  When he blushed, she laughed. “I love the way you all do whatever she says. I admire the way you treat her.”

  “What else do you admire about me?” He turned on his mischievous, endearing smile.

  Josie’s heart skipped a beat whenever he really smiled at her. “For you, that’s as far as my admiration goes. Now please leave and let me work. Don’t you have clients to show houses to or something?”

  “No. I didn’t schedule any today. I’m going to the corral by the barn to practice for the bull ride this weekend. You should come and watch me compete. I’m sure you’ll be cheering for the bull.”

  Josie frowned. “Haven’t you got any sense at all? You might get hurt.”

  “I have a few times, but I recovered. Will you come?”

  “It’s a ridiculous pastime for a grown man.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “I’ll think about it. If Lacey and Hunter go, I might ride with them.”

  He nodded, waved, and then closed the door behind him. Mumbling to himself, he walked toward the barn. “How can I be attracted to such a woman? She has no fire, no spirit of adventure. Even Mom has stopped trying to get me to quit bull riding. But I am interested. My heart speeds up when she comes into the room, and I want to kiss those full, delectable lips.”


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