The Unexpected Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Unexpected Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 4

by Paige Cameron

  “No, you’re still recovering from a traumatic event. Have you ever talked with anyone but us?” he asked.

  “You mean like a counselor?”

  “Yes. Lacey met with a lady in town. It helped her.”

  “I’m exhausted and not ready to tell anyone else. Maybe later I’ll consider your suggestion.”

  “That’s all it was, just an idea.”

  “Good morning,” Lacey walked into the room with Hunter right behind her. Hunter glanced at Devin.

  “When’s your bull riding, today or tomorrow?”

  “This afternoon.”

  “Then you’d better get some rest,” Hunter said.

  “I’m okay. I slept some last night.”

  Josie shook her head. “Why not cancel?”

  “I can’t. I signed up to ride. I won’t back out. Will you come and see me?”

  “I don’t know. I doubt it. I’m a nervous wreck, and I don’t need more worries.”

  He grinned. “You do care about me,” he teased.

  “Yeah, like a thorn in my side,” she joked.

  “See, that’s how to handle me, talk right back at me. Why don’t we go to Shirley’s Place for breakfast?”

  Josie stood and stretched. “I’m a mess. You all go without me.”

  “No way,” Lacey said. “Come on. You can shower and I’ll get your clothes out for you.

  “All right, if you insist.”

  * * * *

  When they left the room, Hunter frowned at his brother. “You need to call and cancel. You look like hell.”

  “I’ll take a nap later this morning. It’s too late to not ride.”

  “No, it isn’t. You’re stubborn as a mule. Josie is going to worry about you. She doesn’t need the stress.”

  “I’ll be fine. Drop it.”

  “Dumb ass.” Hunter walked outside and let the door slam behind him.

  Chapter Four

  Devin sat on the sofa and closed his eyes. He could cancel. This wasn’t one of the big rodeos like the one coming up during Cheyenne Frontier days. But he’d never missed a rodeo when he’d agreed to ride.

  Is she worth it? Do I want to admit how strong my feelings are?

  Devin’s family would know he was serious about Josie if he cancelled. Maybe she wasn’t the one. He didn’t want to be tied down, married. She’d make him change his life and it was fine. Women were such a bother. After breakfast, he’d go home and take a nap. His ride wasn’t until three this afternoon, but he had to be there by one.

  “Ready to go?” Lacey asked when she and Josie walked into the living room.

  Josie had pulled her golden hair back into a twist and she wore jeans and a green shirt that made her eyes look more green than blue.

  “Where’s Hunter?” Lacey asked.

  “I irritated him, and he stomped outside.”

  “You have a gift for being irritating,” Josie said. She winked and walked by him and out behind her sister.

  “Got your key?” Devin asked.

  When Josie nodded yes, he locked the door. “I’m starved. I’ll need all my strength this afternoon,” Devin said, and glanced at Hunter, who frowned.

  Shirley greeted them at the door. “Well look at this. Two of your brothers are sitting across the room. If you’d like, I’ll put you all at the big round table.”

  Cort and Heath waved. Shirley motioned to them, and they got up and joined Devin and his group at the table at the back of the restaurant. It sat eight.

  “Good morning,” Heath said. He looked at Josie. “Are you all right? I talked with Mom last night. She said you were very upset.”

  Josie frowned at him. “Wouldn’t you be? My old boss has been telling lies about me, and I may be arrested for something I didn’t do.”

  “Wow, slow down. What’s going on here?” Cort asked.

  “Ask your brother. He can tell you. I can’t go through repeating the story again.”

  “No problem,” Cort said in a soothing voice. “Drink some coffee and try to enjoy your breakfast. Whatever happens my brothers and I will all be on your side.”

  “You don’t even know the story yet.”

  “I’ve learned quite a bit about you in the short time you’ve been here. If you take a longer lunch, you work late to make it up. You come in early to have time to study our system. You’re too conscientious to ever be guilty of a crime.”

  Josie smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Although”—Cort looked at Devin’s arm across the back of her chair—“I think you may be a bit sweet on my brother, Devin. I thought you were smarter than that,” he teased as Devin scowled at him.

  She blushed. “You may be right. I guess I’m not as clever as I thought.”

  Devin looked surprised and then grinned at her. At that moment Shirley arrived at their table.

  “Are you all ready to order?” she asked, and handed coffee and water around. “I know these big fellas like coffee right away, but if you two ladies want tea or anything different I’ll get it for you.”

  “We both need the coffee,” Lacey said. “But I’d like a glass of orange juice, too. How about you, Josie?”

  Josie nodded. “Sounds good, and I’ll have the sausage and egg special.” After she ordered, the others did, and Shirley was teased by the brothers. It was evident to Josie this was a routine Shirley liked.

  “All right, you rascals behave, or I’ll tell your mother.” She grinned and walked briskly toward the kitchen.

  “And she would, too,” Heath said with a smile. “She or her husband always warned Mom if they knew we were planning mischief.”

  The others kept the atmosphere upbeat as they ate and talked. When they’d all finished, they left together.

  “I’ll take Josie home. I’m sure she’s tired,” Devin said.

  Hunter frowned at him. “And you get some rest, too. It’ll be one o’clock before you know it.”

  “Will do, big brother.” He saluted Hunter and grabbed Josie’s hand. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Josie waved good-bye to the others as Devin helped her into his SUV. He walked around the front and got in. Lacey ran up to the passenger’s side as he started the engine.

  “Would you like for me to stay with you today?” she asked Josie.

  “I’ll be fine. I want to sleep, and then I’ll think about all that’s happened.”

  “Call if you need me.”

  “I will. Thanks, Sis.” She leaned her head against the back of the seat as Devin drove off. The quiet was comforting. Devin’s strength surrounded her. She felt safe with him. Gradually her eyes closed, and she slept.

  “Come on, sweetheart. I’ll carry you inside.” Devin’s voice came from a distance. His arms went around her, and she felt him move her a bit as he unlocked the front door.

  “The key,” she said groggily.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I took it out of your purse before I picked you up.” He took long strides across the living room and down the hall to her bedroom.

  “This must be yours. It looks like it’s more lived in than the others.” He laid her gently on the bed and closed the curtains.

  More awake now, she sat on the side. “I have to undress and put on my nightgown,” she mumbled.

  “May I help you?”

  She shook her head no. “Hand me the nightgown hanging on the bathroom door and wait outside while I undress.”

  He did as she said and closed the door behind him as he stepped out. Josie quickly undressed, dropped her clothes on the floor, and pulled the long, white, cotton gown over her head. Then she lay on the bed curled under the covers.

  When Devin stepped back inside, she was almost asleep. “May I join you? I’ll just take off my boots and lay on top of the covers. But I’d like to cuddle against you.”

  Half-asleep, she nodded yes.

  * * * *

  Devin pulled off his boots and lay beside her. He placed his arm around her, but on top of the covers as he’d promised. His
cock ached from wanting to be inside her pussy, but he knew this wasn’t the time to push the issue. His last thought was that he’d never go to sleep.

  A vibrating phone in his pocket woke him. He glanced at the bedside clock. It was noon.

  Hunter’s voice came across the line. “I thought I’d better wake you. I hope you got some sleep.”

  “I did, but I need more. I feel like hell.”

  “I’ll call and say you’re sick. Tell Josie hello for me when she wakes.” He chuckled and clicked off before Devin could respond. Now how in the devil did he know where I was? Moving carefully, he lay back beside the still-sleeping Josie. Her warmth and softness soon lulled him back to sleep.

  The stadium was packed with people who’d come to see the performers. Several others had already ridden their bull. Cocky and confident as usual, Devin swung his leg over the bull he’d drawn. He grabbed the flat, braided rope and threaded his fingers around it.

  He nodded his head and the gate flew open. The bull bounded out into the area. The crowd yelled with enthusiasm. Suddenly his tiredness hit him, and his fingers slipped. The bull gave a mighty buck and Devin flew through the air. He landed on his back.

  A woman came running to his side. Her blonde hair blew in the wind. She leaned over him crying. A small boy held in her arms started to cry too.

  “See what you’ve done? Now we’ll never have our future. Never, never.” The words came weaker and weaker as darkness crowded around him.

  Devin woke with a start. His heart was beating twice as fast as usual and sweat coated his brow. What the hell? The damn dream had seemed so real. He sat on the side of the bed. It was four o’clock. He’d slept four hours since Hunter’s call. He jumped up and walked into the other room and called him.

  “Hi, you’re awake. Do you feel better?” Hunter asked.

  “I hope you did call earlier and that wasn’t a dream.”

  Hunter laughed. “I called. I also contacted the rodeo coordinator. He said he had a new guy that would be glad to fill in for you.”

  “Thanks. I did need to rest. Damn, I hate to admit you’re right.”

  “I won’t tell anyone. I promise. See if Josie wants to come for a barbecue. I’m grilling steaks this evening. We defrosted two extra in case you all would join us.”

  “I’ll try and convince her. Hope to see you later.” Devin clicked off.

  “Convince me of what?” Josie stood in the hallway door. Her thin gown didn’t hide the lush curves underneath and his cock immediately roused its head.

  “Hunter and Lacey want us to come for dinner. They’re grilling steaks.” It took all of his strength not to cross the room, lift her into his arms, and take her back to bed.

  She stretched and he groaned out loud. “Honey, if you don’t want me to make love to you, you’d better go put on some clothes.”

  Josie walked closer to him. “Did I dream it or were you sleeping beside me?”

  “I slept on top of the covers beside you.” His heart thumped heavily in his chest.

  Various emotions played across her face as she stared at him. Then she stared into his eyes. He saw her hesitation, but also something else. Hope grew inside him.

  “I’ve seldom dated since that night. And I haven’t allowed anyone to touch me intimately. I’ve kept all the men who might have been interested at arm’s length because I didn’t trust them enough.” She moved closer. He sniffed her sweet neck. “You smell like lavender and roses.”

  “Will you have sex with me?”

  “No,” he said, and saw hope fade from her eyes. “But I will make love to you. I care about you, and I want our coming together to have more meaning than casual sex.”

  A bright smile covered her face. Taking a deep breath, she reached for his hand. “Then let’s make love.” Josie led the way back to her bedroom.

  Once inside, she stopped beside the bed and looked uneasy. Devin slowly put his arms around her and held her loosely in his grip.

  “Relax, honey. Anytime you want me to stop, say so. If we don’t go all the way today, there’ll be another time. We’ll take it slow and easy.”

  She shivered in his arms. “Thanks. Do I have to take off my gown right now?”

  “No. Let me lie on the bed and hold you in my arms.”

  Josie nodded and got on the bed, scooting over to make room for him. He took off his shirt while watching her expression carefully. “Do you mind if I remove these jeans? I have on undershorts.”

  A slight grin crossed her face and she asked, “Don’t you always?”

  “Most times.” He unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down, kicking them to the side. He climbed on the bed and pulled her into his arms. He held her close against him. He was certain she had to be aware of his pulsating cock. She trembled and he kissed her mouth softly.

  “Relax, sweetheart. Remember all you have to do is say stop. I won’t push for more.”

  She burrowed her head into his shoulder. Devin ran his hand over her soft curls and down her upper back.

  “Your skin feels like velvet,” he whispered in her ear. She raised her head, and he took the chance to kiss her again. “I love your sweet mouth. Open for me, darlin’.”

  Josie hesitated and then did as he asked. His tongue slid inside and sensuously stroked the sweet warmth. Her tongue moved against his and his heart jumped. She started to respond more and their tongues dueled with each other.

  He held their hips close. When she moved closer, hope swelled in his chest. Maybe she’d be ready soon to let him love her. He kissed the side of her face, and his teeth grazed across her earlobe. Then he kissed her neck. She immediately brought her shoulder up and scrunched her neck. Then she pulled away.

  Josie grinned. “My neck is ticklish.” She laughed when he teased with her and tried to kiss her there again. Her soft hands kept him away.

  “I’ll have to settle for your lovely shoulders.” He kissed her shoulder, and then quickly darted up and kissed where her pulse pounded against her soft, sweet skin.

  She giggled. He leaned back and looked down at her face. “I’ve never heard you giggle. I’ll have to tickle you more often. But not this time. I want to taste your luscious breasts.”

  Devin moved down and kissed her full globes. Her creamy skin and the rosy peaks of her nipples tantalized him. He licked around each nipple before sucking on one. She moaned and raised her hips.

  “It’s time to get rid of this gown. I want to kiss you all over.” He reached for the hem and pulled it up and off. His lips brushed across her midriff and kissed her abdomen.

  He moved to her mound and breathed in her lusty scent. Her sweet, intoxicating musk made his cock harden more, and it took all his strength of mind to move on downward to her legs.

  Devin kissed the insides of her legs and caressed her tender skin. Then he sat back and massaged her feet.

  * * * *

  His steady gaze was as soft as a caress. Devin stoked a gently growing fire in her core. Her body wanted to let go and welcome him, but would falling in love with him help or complicate her problems? Somehow, deep inside, she knew if he made love to her, all her resistance to loving him would be gone.

  But when he started back up her leg, kissing and touching her, his passionate challenge started a tingling in her stomach and burned right through her resistance. At her lower lips, he raised his head and waited for her nod. A huge wave of desire swelled over her as she said yes.

  Devin’s tongue rubbed across her clit, and she shuddered with delight. Her senses came fully to life as he licked her juices to the opening of her pussy.

  “You taste as sweet as ambrosia, and I love your lusty scent,” Devin said. He looked up at her. “Are you all right, sweetheart?”

  “My heart’s pounding out of my chest, but not from fear.”

  “Good.” Devin tweaked her nipples.

  A zing went straight to her core, sending heat and desire rushing through her veins. When he slipped two fingers into her pussy and
touched her G-spot, she moaned as the spark of excitement that had been gone so long shot up her spine.

  Josie was entranced by him, and when he placed his hard cock at her opening, she was wet and ready. He plunged in deep and hard. Her pussy walls clenched tight against him. His sexy eyes locked with hers, and he began a slow in-and-out movement.

  She raised her hips in rhythm with his. A balloon of ecstasy got bigger and bigger inside her. Devin pulled her hips upward and thrust in deeper.

  “Damn, you’re so wet, and hot, and sweet,” he whispered. Her pussy walls clamped tight around his big cock as ripples of pleasure rolled over her, shooting her up into a starry sky.

  * * * *

  Devin moved faster and harder, and her pussy clenched his cock tight. He shouted as his orgasm hit hard and long. She held onto him as reality returned.

  He stared at her and brushed her wet hair from her forehead. He bit the edge of her full bottom lip and said, “Damn, I think I may be falling in love with you.”

  Josie chuckled. “Don’t look so scared.”

  Devin rolled to her side and held her close. “You don’t understand. It scares me more than riding a bad-tempered bull.” She cuddled against his chest where his heart still pounded.

  “Remember, I didn’t kick you off,” she teased.

  He raised his head. “Is that a genuine smile I see on your face?”

  When Josie chuckled, he knew he was a goner. Mom always had to be right. But he wasn’t quite ready to admit it yet. He had to get used to the idea himself before saying more to Josie or his family.

  Chapter Five

  Josie and Devin made love twice more before going to Lacey and Hunter’s for a good meal and quiet evening. When they got back to her house, she was glad Devin suggested staying the night. She’d slept well, cuddled in his arms.

  This morning, while she showered, he went in and started coffee. When she came out in slacks and a purple blouse, Devin groaned.

  “I guess play time is over.”

  Josie moved close to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. “You are an insatiable man. Go get your shower while I warm some of my homemade muffins. You don’t have any clean clothes here, and your mom’s Sunday dinner is in a couple of hours.”


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