Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1)

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Haunted Hideout: Paranormal Suspense (The Haunted Ones Book 1) Page 28

by Dorey, Michelle

  She made a half-assed attempt at a smile, and said, “No. I’m not dying.”

  I huffed out a burst of air. “Whew! You scared the hell out of me there, GM. More than Molly and Sam put together!” I tried to laugh lightly, and it came out like a cough. “Look, promise no more talk of you not being here and I’ll work on clearing my mind, okay?” I mustered up a weak smile. “Hell, when we take the car out for a spin, I’ll even go the speed limit, alright?”

  She chuckled and sat back, letting go of my hand. “Let’s not go too crazy. Of course you’ll go fast. The faster the better.” Her hand rose and she tucked a stray lock of hair back into place. “One of my...” she cleared her throat, “...ahem, friends... used to say, ‘If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up space.’“

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. “A friend, huh?”

  She gave me a coy smile. Coy. Her coy put my coy to shame. “A good friend, Keira. A very good and very handsome friend.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. This woman! “Okay. What do you want me to do to get ready for this?”

  “Finish your milk and then sit back. You need to think of yourself as that empty glass. Nature hates a vacuum. When you’ve calmed yourself and feel that void, the energy of the next person you touch will spill into you.” Her eyes were glazed and a little out of focus as she spoke. It was kind of like she was settling into the state of mind she’d described.

  I set the glass down and then eased deeper into the chair’s cushions, keeping my eye on the glass. I took a slow, deep breath and then closed my eyes, the glass still focal in my mind. As I exhaled I willed any thought or impulse out with the breath of air. I did this for the next eight breaths when the ringing doorbell broke my concentration.

  My eyes popped open and I stared at GM She smiled and nodded her head. “It’ll have to do, my dear. Lawrence will bring the bank person here.”

  I sat perfectly still, only slightly aware of the door closing and the muted sound of voices. As the footsteps neared, a woman’s nasal voice became louder.

  Lawrence appeared in the doorway and stood to the side, “Mrs. York, Edith Graham from your bank is here.” He turned and as a blonde woman in her late thirties appeared, he continued, “This is Miss Swanson, who is the account holder.”

  The woman’s gray eyes flitted to me and then settled on GM, moving sharply over with her manicured hand extended. “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. York.”

  GM gripped her hand lightly and nodded. She held the grasp for just a beat before glancing over to me.

  Right on cue, the woman turned to me, bending slightly as she held her hand out before me. “Miss Swanson. So nice to meet you.”

  As soon as my flesh met hers, the image of a teenaged girl flashed in my mind. She was standing next to a brick wall, smoking a cigarette and laughing with a group of kids. Worry. That was the feeling I sensed from the bank lady. Her eyes became questioning and she glanced at our hands before I released her.

  GM’s voice broke the silence. “Please have a seat, Mrs. Graham.”

  Lawrence moved to clear my dishes and the bank lady took a seat. She put a brown briefcase on the table and the next half hour was taken up with signatures and setting up the P.I.N. for my checking account.

  When she finally left, GM turned to me. “Well?”

  “She has a teenage daughter she’s worried about.” I couldn’t get the words out fast enough. I’d done it! I knew I’d read it right. This was freaking amazing!

  “Good work!” GM leaned forward and patted my arm. “She’s right to be worried. That kid is hanging out with the wrong crowd. She’s cutting classes and she’s pregnant with some punk’s kid. Poor Edith, consoles herself with a bottle of wine every night, which isn’t helping the cause. She’s trying, all on her own since that lazy husband left her. He doesn’t even provide child support.”

  My mouth fell open, the wind totally out of my sail now. “How did you pick all that up?”

  Her eyes rose to meet mine and she grinned. “Practice my dear. Years and years of practice.” She slapped the table and rose to her feet. “Now! Let’s go out to the front door. Your car is about to pull into the driveway.” She gripped her cane and still grinning like the cat who’d swallowed the canary, she tottered out the door.

  I was still smoked by all she’d picked up compared to my scant gleanings as I trailed her out of the room. The bell chimed again and Lawrence opened the door wide. Standing there was the most gorgeous hunk of male I’d seen in quite some time. He was about thirty, tall, swarthy complexion and the bluest eyes I’d even seen, stared back at me. For a moment, I paused, ogling this Adonis, my heart beating hard against my ribcage. I was totally glad my skirt was short and I looked hot.

  “Someone order a car?” His voice was smooth as creamy butter on a hot piece of toast. Ignoring Lawrence and GM he only had eyes for me.

  “I do! I mean, I did!” I gulped. Oh Lord, I sounded like I was in high school. My face burning, I rushed forward, brushing past Lawrence and slithering by Mr. Hottie. I took my time with the slither.

  There it was! The red caught the sun’s rays, burnishing it like it was a flame. The top was down, showing two dark leather seats tucked behind a smoke-tinted windshield. It was sleek and molded with headlights like eyes.

  “Keira!” My grandmother’s voice quietly admonished me, bringing me out of my ogling.

  Surely she didn’t expect me to be able to read the hot guy’s thoughts! I mean... it would be too much! I was in love with the car and in lust with the guy! I turned and extended my hand. “I’m Keira. The car’s for me.”

  His grip was warm and firm. “I’m Alex.”

  The flash in my mind made my cheeks get hotter still. He was picturing me naked. There was a king-sized bed, wine and candles. My body tingled and I quickly withdrew my hand. It was a good thing he couldn’t read my thoughts!

  GM had sidled up closer and she now gripped his hand, introducing herself while his eyes kept creeping over to where I stood. Her eyes widened a little and her chin rose higher.

  “I’ll need a credit card and your driver’s license, Keira.” Alex pulled his hand back and puzzlement was in the look he shot GM.

  “Sure. It’s... up in my bedroom.” Our eyes locked, and I didn’t need to be touching him to know what he was thinking.

  “Keira.” GM was being such a wet blanket.

  My smile dropped and I rushed across the foyer, feeling Alex’s eyes on my bare legs as I raced up the stairs. I was definitely getting his business card when I got back. Maybe I could give him a ride back to town. Maybe to his place? And maybe... I grabbed my purse out of my room and headed out of the room.

  When I got back down an older, gray-haired guy was standing next to GM. She was just giving him back a clipboard and a pen. Where was Alex? My stomach fell as I walked forward.

  “Hi Keira. I’m Phil Donovan. I came out here to run Alex back to the office. I’ll just need your driver’s license and we’re done here. You’ve got the car for as long as you want. Try not to get too many speeding tickets.” He laughed as he took my driver’s license and began copying down the numbers. “It just came from the dealership yesterday, you know.”

  “So it’s brand new?” I clapped my hands when he nodded. A brand new car!

  Lawrence came up from the driveway where the car was parked. “I gave the car the once-over. Not a scratch.” His eyes narrowed when he glanced over at me. “Make sure it stays that way.”

  Phil handed me back the driver’s license and car keys before shaking my hand. It was brief and just a hint of his quick calculations on the money he would get from this deal flashed in my mind. “Have fun with the car!”

  He turned to GM and then bounded down the stairs, and out to the driveway. A hand emerged from the driver’s side window in the beige sedan and waved to me. I hadn’t even got Alex’s business card. I sighed.

  GM’s eyebrows were high and her eyes were flinty watching them leave. It was Ale
x. There was something about him she didn’t like. Again, no need to be a mind reader to judge by the puckered, tight lips in her face. “Well, that’s that. Well? Are you taking me for a spin or not?”

  I didn’t have to be asked twice. I joined her and extended my elbow for her to hold as we walked down the steps.

  “Take it easy, Keira!” Lawrence pointed his finger at me before ambling back inside and closing the door.

  GM scoffed. “He worries too much! Just don’t break the sound barrier my dear. I have my limits too.” She smiled at me as I held the car door for her. I held her hand as she folded her body and plopped down on the seat. “My. This is low.”

  My stomach was doing cartwheels as I shut the door and hurried around the car to the driver’s side. When I got inside, there was that sweet new car smell mingling with the leather. “Here we go!” I turned the key in the ignition and orchestrated a four-point turn till I was nudging out the end of the drive. The sun beat down on my head and a slight breeze lifted my hair.

  Once we were on the main road, the acceleration, the motor purring like a kitten was liberating. The steering and handling were perfect, just the way I’d imagined. I sneaked a peek at GM and smiled. She’d put her seat belt on and her hand curled around the grip on the door, but her eyes were shining with excitement.

  “So what was so wrong about Alex? I could tell you didn’t like him.” I glanced over at her before turning back to watch the road.

  “Aside from his X-rated thoughts, you mean? He sure wasn’t thinking of his wife and three-year-old son.” Her eyebrow rose high when her eyes met mine.

  That jerk! His good looks and flirting seemed sleazy now. No wonder GM managed to get Phil to complete the transaction. Yuck! I was glad I didn’t get his card and if he dared to call me on some pretext of following up... I’d ask how’s the wife and kids!

  I smiled seeing the straight stretch with not a car in sight. My foot pressed the accelerator and we leapt forward. There was quite a bit of pep to this car. I eased off and turned into a road going off to the right. GM’s hair was a wild nest of feathery wisps around her face and she’d probably had enough.

  On the way back, I remembered Gwen’s invitation for later that day and slowed a little to watch for her blue mailbox. “Hey! You know your mail lady, Gwen?”

  GM’s gaze flitted to me and she nodded.

  “I ran into her in town yesterday and we had coffee. She invited me to go for a swim in her pool later today.” Even though I had the sharp set of wheels, I’d probably walk in case we had a few drinks. I scanned the mailboxes as we drove. It had to be not far from where we were now.

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. You have work to do with me and—”

  “I’m not going until after four, when you’re having your nap.” I looked over at her, surprised to see the scowl on her face, her eyes wide, staring at me.

  “No, Keira; that’s a bad idea.”

  What? “How is it a bad idea?”

  “You have work to do. While I’m napping, I want you to see if you can contact Molly and Sam in your room. You also need to work on your telekinesis. “ Before I could say a word, she added, “As far as making friends with the locals...” She shook her head emphatically. “No. I’m against this.”

  “You’re against it.”

  “Yes. The nature of what we do, becoming friendly with people who live nearby only complicates things.” She raised an eyebrow. “They start asking questions you won’t want to answer, prying into your business, and generally become a nuisance.” She slapped the dashboard in front of her. “No. You have more important things to do with your time than some silly pool party. You need to cancel.”

  Cancel? First of all, even if I wanted to cancel, which I didn’t, I didn’t have her phone number to do that. And what was the big deal about a couple of hours away from the house? GM wouldn’t even be awake during the time I was gone. “I’m going. I will be back for drinks and dinner, don’t worry.” I kept my voice even, despite GM’s high and mighty attitude. She’s not the boss of me!

  GM was being quiet but from the puckered moue of her lips, she was angry. I didn’t get it. How could something this trivial set her off like that? But, I wasn’t giving in either. She couldn’t expect me to be a recluse. And I’d hardly call a two-hour swim with Gwen, a party.

  I parked the car next to the Caddie and turned it off. My shoulders slumped for a moment as I sat there. She’d been so generous and this had certainly put a damper on the festive mood from earlier. I guess there was always a catch.

  I got out and walked around the car to get GM’s door for her. If she wasn’t so angry, it would have been comical, seeing her hair, a cotton candy mess framing her flushed cheeks and flinty eyes. But I knew better than to make any smart-ass comment. Instead, I tried one more time, “Look, I’m sorry you feel that way about me going over to Gwen’s. I thought you liked her. I’ll make sure I’m back in time for drinks.”

  She gripped my arm and set the point of her cane on the ground, pushing and pulling her frail frame up from the seat of the car. “Make sure you are, then.” When she got to her feet she gazed solemnly into my eyes. “I told you earlier, this is not a game, Keira. You need to learn a lot of things if you are to do this work. Don’t disappoint me.”


  HER WORDS HIT ME LIKE A KICK TO THE STOMACH. I felt like I was twelve years old and had just gotten a scolding. GM’s rant was too much like something my parents would say to me. I could see the disappointment in me in her eyes. All my efforts: social work, photography and last but not least the acting school debacle hung around my neck like an albatross. I felt like such a loser as I escorted her up the stairs.

  Lawrence was waiting, holding open the front door. Great.

  Maybe I’m flighty. Or maybe like Gwen said, I haven’t found my passion yet. It didn’t matter. One quality I do have is, I am stubborn. And I was going swimming that afternoon, one way or another—so there.

  “Lawrence, Keira and I will be in the living room. Would you mind bringing us lunch there in an hour? In the meantime, we’ll need a pot of tea.” At least she hadn’t said anything about my visit with Gwen.

  His eyes flicked to me. “In the living room? Not the sunroom?”

  “That’s correct, dear.”

  “And, I suppose, you want the house blend, not Earl Grey.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Shall I be joining you then?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded sagely.

  “You’re sure about this?”


  “Very well.” He turned and headed to the kitchen.

  Before I could ask what that was all about, she turned to me and her voice was businesslike, rather than her normal, light tone. “Keira, make yourself comfortable and I’ll join you in a few minutes. I need to tidy my hair.” With that she turned and her cane keep a steady beat as she walked down the hallway to her bedroom and bath.

  I set the car keys on the small table near the door and ambled into the living room. I flopped down into the sofa and crossed my legs, feeling a lot like so many other times when I’d skipped school or been busted for some infraction, waiting in the principal’s office. I took a deep breath and shook my head from side to side. This was stupid. GM might be miffed about me going to Gwen’s but she’d get over it.

  Whatever she wanted to teach me this session, I’d concentrate on learning. She’d see she was being unreasonable and I was up to the mark. Even though I still wasn’t one hundred percent convinced I was staying, at least I’d give it the old college try.

  There was a small vase of pink rosebuds on the table in front of me. Perhaps if she came in and saw me practicing my telekinesis she’d recant her earlier words. I sat back and made myself comfortable, breathing slow and steady as I focused on the vase of flowers. My eyes closed and I envisioned the energy surrounding it... saw it draw together and pushed the vase.


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