Seducing Their Swan

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Seducing Their Swan Page 2

by Gracie Meadows

  Chapter Two

  Graduation day sucked. Amy made her a dress that she had to wear. A simple blue sundress, she had to admit she was comfortable despite being in a dress. Grateful she had her stupid cap and gown to hide it, she promised to meet her dad there so she could help with whatever the graduate needed to do. Wearing her simple white canvas shoes, she made the trail to the school. Only having one car sucked, but hell, she couldn’t afford to even go to community college let alone think about a car. Nope, she trusted her feet and kept walking, holding her cap in her hand. The day was bright and the heat seemed to be in full force. Stopping a few times in the five miles, she finally came to the marker that stated she was close. Since she took back roads and trails, no one saw her walk most of the time, expect for the last two miles. She righted herself making sure she didn’t mess up her gown and such. She kept walking until she heard a horn honking behind her. Sadly, she was used to some weirdos honking, she kept walking.

  Someone shouted behind her. Stopping, she turned to see Lawson in his Jeep with Adam and Brett sitting inside. “You need a ride?”

  She could hear Brett and Adam cursing at him that he offered but Lawson ignored them.

  Shaking her head, “No, I’m almost there, thanks though.” She turned around to walk again but Lawson ran up to her.

  “Hey, it’s at least two more miles, it’s hot as hell and that gown is itchy. Come on, we are going there anyway.” She really didn’t want to be with the jerk twins but Lawson seemed determined to pull her along. Growling in frustration, she went only because she didn’t want to look like a bigger idiot. Brett moved so she could sit in front, which shocked not only her but Lawson as well.

  “You walk to school?” Adam asked annoyingly.

  “Yeah I do, it’s no big deal. People walk all the time.”

  “I’m not knocking it, but why didn’t you ask for a ride or something, surely someone would have given you one.” She snorted, making her cover her face in embarrassment when Brett laughed at her.

  “Yeah sure, I will get right on that. Amy lives on the other side of town so it’s just easier for me. Seriously, I have been doing this for the last four years.”

  “You never asked me,” Brett stated, playing with her hair. A moment of uncertainty hit her, was he hitting on her or just playing games?

  “Yeah, I’m sure Malibu Barbie and her big boobed sidekick would love that. And why would I ever ask you. It’s not like we are friends or anything. Hell, no one even knows I exist, and when you do it’s to make fun of me, or comment about my social class and how I am below you both.” Lawson made a noise and she wondered if she upset him as he parked in his designated senior spot.

  “Look, I’m not mad, it is what it is. Some people have all the luck and the rest, well, they are like me. I have dealt with what I got, I’m not apologizing for anything or anyone. I just want to graduate, then everyone will move on, and I will be changing oil and tires just like the rest of the blue collar community here.” It seemed no one liked her answer, but she really didn’t care. She waited what seemed like an eternity, but finally Lawson unlocked the door so she could get out.

  “Evan, listen, we didn’t mean to sound like asses or anything, we were just curious.” Lawson was trying to apologize for his friends, she got it, it was what people with money and power did.

  She turned to go find Amy and her seat when she bumped into the queen bitch herself.

  “Oh look, it’s Raggedy Ann. What happened, did the lawnmower break down?” Amanda and her team of plastics fell behind laughing.

  “You wouldn’t believe what we had to smell and what we had to deal with coming in. Someone wasn’t so sure today. Might need to go to the bathroom to dry off,” Adam snickered.

  “Lawson took pity on her because she didn’t have a ride, she had to walk and she walks all the time. I wondered why she never got picked up before, but we can all see why,” Brett chimed in. She looked at both of them and as much as she wanted to tell them to stick it, she just turned away.

  She found the rest of her class. Amy came running over squealing in childish delight at being free. Evan couldn’t help but laugh and hug her back before finding a seat.

  The ceremony was simple but overly stated at how the number of students were moving on to bigger and brighter things. With that comment, she slumped down in her seat to try to make herself smaller.

  The speaker went on and on about who knows what because she tuned them out, names were being called. Once her name was called, she took the diploma and shook hands with the faculty before resuming her seat. She watched as each classmate went up and smiled big for the camera.

  While the class went off to do the after graduation party thing, she found her dad. He had a huge smile and hugged her. He was her rock and all she had left in the world.

  “Hey, pumpkin, I’m so proud of you. Your momma would have been too. Come on, I have a small surprise for you at home, that is unless you wanna hang out with your friends tonight?” Looking at the man who had done so much for her, she couldn’t help but smile. He had combed his hair and even trimmed his beard and put on a nice dress shirt and blue jeans. To him this was dressy. Shaking her head, she took his hand and followed him out to their truck. Climbing in the seat, she was happy to see that a lot of people had left already. Their old beat-up truck sputtered down the road to their trailer.

  They parked and headed inside. She smiled when she saw a small package sitting on the table wrapped in Christmas paper and an envelope sitting on top.

  “Sit down, pumpkin, open it.” She smiled at her dad and ripped the paper. It was so unlike him to get her anything. He was excited. As the paper pulled away, she saw it was a small laptop.

  “I know it’s not top of the line or anything, but I thought maybe you would like to have one. I mean you’re an adult and everything, so you should have those nice things.” The uncertainty he was giving her as to whether or not she liked it brought a huge smile to her face. Her dad was not one into material items and money was tight, but he worked hard to get her this.

  “Thanks, Dad, it’s amazing. I love it!” she reached for the envelope but her Dad grabbed her hand.

  “Now, that one is from your mom. She wrote it when, well you know. I don’t know what it says, so maybe you wanna go into your room and read it.” Evan watched as her dad left the room, making the choice easy. She grabbed the computer and the letter and headed into her room. Sitting on her small twin-sized bed, she took a deep breath, and with shaky hands broke the seal, pulled out the letter, and began to read.

  My sweet baby girl,

  I am sorry I was not there for your big day. So many things I wanted to teach you and be there for. But it seems there are other plans in the cards for me. But I want you to know how very proud I am of you. You have become an amazing person who has so much to offer the world. Which is what I want you to do, my darling.

  I have an aunt who is very wealthy and well known and though she did not have a fondness of your father and me, she did love you. Enclosed in this letter is her number and address. She will be expecting your call. It is time to spread your wings and fly. Please forgive me for not telling your dad. He is a proud man and wouldn’t take money from her. There is more to life than what you think.

  Love you with all my heart,


  Evan looked at the letter again and again. It seemed vague yet detailed and the name and number brought back a childhood memory. A classic looking woman walking around a house that reminded her of a children’s dollhouse. Her name was Casandra Marr and she lived in Virginia. She read the letter again, hoping it would shed some light on something about her mom, her past, or hell, why she wouldn’t give them money to help her mom. When her mom passed no one from her family showed up. A few friends and Amy. Other than that, it was small. Standing, she wiped away the stray tear that escaped from her face before heading out to find her dad.

  He was now sitting in his recliner and had changed into a
normal t-shirt, drinking a glass of sweet tea when he looked up at her.

  “What’s wrong, pumpkin?”

  “The letter from Mom. Umm, it’s not what I thought it would be.” Handing him the letter, he put on his glasses before reading it over and then looking at the information.

  “Huh, well now this makes more sense.”

  “What makes more sense?” She sat on the small couch waiting for him to answer.

  “She called me yesterday. Your Aunt Casandra. She was unsure of your graduation date, had written down the wrong date, and became concerned you hadn’t called yet. I told her I didn’t know what she was talking about and we ended the conversation. Now I know.” Putting down the letter, he looked at her. “You need to call her and go.” Shocked by what he was saying, she shook her head.

  “Dad, come on, I don’t know her and hell, she wasn’t there when we needed help. I need to stay here and help you.”

  “Pumpkin, everything will be fine. I will be fine. You need to go and do this. There is greatness inside you waiting to come out. You just need to embrace it and move forward. Go now and make something of your life. Call her.”

  “Are you sure, Dad?”

  “You are now eighteen, sweetheart, you need to move out.” He chuckled and handed her the cordless house phone and the paper with the information on it. “Take it in the bedroom, honey.”

  Nodding, she walked with shaky feet to her room. Sitting on her bed, she pushed the numbers listed on the paper. The phone rang twice before a man picked up.

  “Hello, Marr residence.”

  “Yes, um hi, can I speak with Casandra Marr please.”

  “I will see if Mrs. Marr will take your call, who is speaking.”

  “Oh yeah, this is Evan, I mean Evangeline Hodgens.”

  “One moment, Miss Hodgens.” The sound of silence filled the air as she waited.

  A woman with a soft-spoken voice suddenly filled the silence. “Evangeline, thank you for calling.”

  “Yes, sorry, I just got the note from my mom, Sarah Hodgens, today.”

  “I am so glad you did. Your mother was like a daughter to me, but we parted ways. But she asked something of me before her passing.”

  “And that would be?” Evan listened intensively.

  “You to come here and learn from me. Evangeline, it’s time to come home to me.”

  “And where would that be?”



  “Yes, that is where I am right now, but we have much to learn. I will have your ticket sent over now. I expect to see you in two days’ time.”

  “This is all happening so fast.”

  “Yes it is, dear, but it’s time to fly now. I must run. I will see you soon.”

  The phone clicked and left her hanging. Taking a deep breath, she went to tell her dad everything that happened and to pack. It seemed she was going to be leaving after all.

  Chapter Three

  Ten years later…

  Adam walked out of his office closing his briefcase, happy to be done with his client. He should have gone into a different field other than family law. Granted his father was completely against it, telling him he needed to do something more reputable and do corporate law. He just didn’t have the heart for it. Sliding on his sunglasses, he headed down the street to grab some barbeque for him and Brett tonight. Brett had just gotten back to town two days ago, and was working with some no named company making homes. But it was nice to have him home for good. Their small townhome felt empty by himself. Although most people thought they should live separately, neither felt the need. Hell, they normally did things together; being twins gave them some ability to work alongside each other without wanting to strangle the other.

  After placing the order, he took the bag and headed to his truck, only to be struck dumb. A woman in a deep blue tailored suit stood by his truck looking frantic. Not sure what was wrong, he headed over. He noticed right away she had clipped the backside of his truck with her small compact car.

  “What the hell.” He about dropped his food looking at the small dent.

  “I’m sorry, your backend was sticking out further than I thought and when I went to pull out I accidentally clipped it.” She looked back at him and something about her struck to him. Her pale blond hair was pulled back into a twist thing while dark sunglasses graced her face.

  “Well, you’re in Georgia, sweetheart, you might wanna give way to extra-large trucks.” This seemed to tick her off some more.

  “Oh really, is that so? Then maybe you need to take your extra-large truck and not park it in a small compact area,” she snapped, but this just seemed to set something off deep inside him.

  “Fine, you’re right. How about I get your insurance information and we call it even?”

  “Really, you did more damage to my car then I did to your truck. All you need is a hammer to pound it out and your fine.”

  “Your right. Anyway is there any damage to your car?”

  “No, again it is all minimal, do you still need my insurance?” she quipped.

  “I don’t think so, maybe we could…” he was going to suggest getting her number and asking her to dinner when she smiled and took his hand.

  “Thank you so much. I am late for an appointment and I really must go. I’ll see you around sometime.”

  And like that the hot little blonde jumped into her tiny car and sped off down the road without another word. Too stunned by her, he didn’t know what to think. A gut reaction was that he knew who she was, though he would have remembered someone as amazing as her. Shaking his head, he jumped into his truck with dinner and started to head home.


  Pulling into the small trailer she grew up in, she parked next to her dad’s pickup and sighed. The idiot who hit him would likely get off in this town, some rich ass prick who didn’t give a shit about a damn stop sign. Not wanting to wake him up, she opened the door and walked in quietly. Knowing the areas that creaked the most, she avoided the second tile and sat his medication on the kitchen counter. It felt weird being home. She had been gone for so long. Sure, she had come home on holidays, but Aunt Casandra was something else. She helped put her through school and then helped her with an internship that sent her around the world as an art collector. She had become well aware of what was antique and what was new in today’s world. She specialized in old world charm. Her passport had several stamps in it and she had grown into a more confident woman. She was no longer the strange little girl she once was, but coming home was always a nervous event for her. She had never fit into the town of the rich and wannabe famous, and here she was standing amongst them.

  Her dad’s accident allowed her to finally do what she had set out to do. This town was full of history but no antique shops. That was what she was going to do now. Open her own shop and sell specialties, as well as take care of her dad. She had bumped into Lawson at the store and discovered he was into real estate and was excited to help her. She was happy to see he recognized her and then he gave her the evil reminder that next month was their high school reunion. Damn, the good, the bad, and the annoying all in one trip.

  “That you, pumpkin?” her dad called from his room. Not wanting him to be in any pain, she walked into his room. He had been lucky that he had a strong truck or he would have been a whole lot worse. A broken arm, concussion, and bruised ribs was nothing to play games with.

  “Yeah, Dad, it's me. Here, I picked up your meds and some dinner too. Hope you are in the mood for pizza. Figured it would be easy to eat with your arm and all.” Handing him a small white pill and water bottle, she made sure he took it before heading to grab him something to eat. Looking around the small house, she noticed that nothing had changed, well, except the TV she bought him for Christmas and a small one in his bedroom for Father’s Day. She had also taken over his internet bill. She wanted him to have contact with her no matter where she was. Taking the pizza into his room, he smiled before eating, maki
ng it easy for her to leave and change. She had driven right from the airport and wasn’t able to change into normal clothes. Still in a suit and heels, she changed and decided that it was best to go for a run while the sun was up. Letting her dad know where she was going, she headed out the door and straight for the woods she roamed freely as a child.


  Brett was feeling on cloud nine landing this job. He was normally a freelancer when it came to the architect world, but he wanted something a little more stable. Being home with his brother had made him see that it was time to get serious about life. He kept his nose down in school for the most part. Adam had sent him a text about barbeque for dinner tonight. His stomach growled at the thought, but he needed to stop by the store and pick up some beer. Nothing goes better with ribs, pulled pork, coleslaw, hushpuppies, and corn than beer.

  Pulling into the ABC liquor store, he went inside and grabbed what he needed, paid, and headed out. As he pulled out, he spotted a woman running along the old wooded path. It used to house more trees, but over the last few years people had been cutting them down to make more room for new houses. He stood watching as she lost herself in a steady pace. Her blond ponytail swung back and forth as she sported oversized sweat pants and a green colored running top. It was an odd combination, as he normally saw women wear sports bras and tight shorts to run in this area. She was different. Entranced, Brett jumped into his truck and followed without trying to seem obvious. She made her way to the small gas station, heading inside. Parking his truck, he got out and went inside, unsure why, but he was drawn to her in some weird way.

  Fuck it, just talk to her, he told himself. As she went over to the water section, he stood next to her, something was oddly familiar about her.


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