Seducing Their Swan

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Seducing Their Swan Page 5

by Gracie Meadows

  “Oh, I wanted to say how sorry I am about your truck by the way. My mind was kinda scattered yesterday. I can pay to have it fixed,” hoping to try to push down the sudden desire to kiss this man who was holding her closer now. The sweet feeling of his arms around her made her nipples pebble with desire. Damn it, I don’t have my vibrator with me and I’m staying with Lawson tonight. Trying to calm her sudden arousal, she smiled sweetly up at Adam, hoping he didn’t notice her squirming some.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’s not the first time it’s been scratched. I hope everything is okay. Was the appointment with Lawson yesterday?”

  “Umm, no, I only met with him today for the building, but I had looked online and saw some, so that part was easy. No, I had to get my dad his medication.”

  “Oh no, is he okay?” She caught the slight concern in his voice. It was nice to have someone who seemed generally concerned.

  “He was in a car accident. He was released yesterday. Slight concussion, broken arm, and cracked ribs. So he’s hurting, but in good spirits.”

  “Did they catch the man who hit him?”

  “Yeah, but I haven’t heard anything yet. They said it’s an ongoing investigation and would let my dad know.”

  “Well, if you need help you let me know and I will see what I can do. I do know some people, one of the benefits to being a lawyer in this town.” He winked just as another song ended. “Want to sit back down?” Nodding in agreement, she smiled as Adam held her hand, pulling her through the crowd. Brett had taken the far seat and Adam helped her in before sliding in next to her. She admitted there was room for all of them, but it felt odd being between Brett and Adam Graham. It was going to be a long night, and she really hoped Lawson didn’t mind if she took a shower, a cold one.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been a week since she had been to the Dirty Dog. She had ended the night very tipsy and with two sweet kisses on each cheek from Adam and Brett before Lawson helped her into the truck. That of course was after she gave them both her cell phone number. Not really expecting anything, she was shocked when both had texted her sweet things the next morning. Adam had reminded her that he was there if she needed help with her dad, and Brett would be starting his job with the company she was actually looking into, and would help when she closed on the shop. Which happened to be today. Dressing in one of her suits she had worn for work, a simple black pencil skirt with a blue tank top silk blouse and a short sleeved black blazer. A set of small pearls her dad had saved for her from her mom hung around her neck. She decided she looked best with her hair up, so she carefully wove her hair up in a ponytail before twisting it into a neat looking bun in the middle. Sliding in a simple decorative comb to finish the look. Stepping into her black pumps, she kissed her dad goodbye before heading out. He was doing well with his recovery, and had been getting up and moving around. She had talked to her dad about the accident and since the cops didn’t have an answer, she was going to go down and see if she could help the process along, or at least see if they had something to tell her. It should be an open and shut case since the other driver had ran the stop sign.

  Sliding into her car, she took off to Lawson’s office. She was so nervous she didn’t drink her coffee yet. This day seemed to take forever to get here, and then once it was, it felt like it was happening so fast. She had wanted this for so long, and now it was happening. The childhood fear of someone pulling the rug out from under her always loomed. She reminded herself she had earned this, and she had a contract. Walking in, she checked in with the receptionist, took a seat and waited for Lawson to come and get her.

  “Hey, sugar. You look hot in that suit, honey. Let’s head on back, everything is ready for you to sign, and I have a set of keys for you. Want some coffee or anything?”

  Shaking her head no, she followed him into the back. Sitting to the side was another man she had seen before; he must be another realtor to be the witness and notary for the paperwork. Taking a deep breath, she sat down, as Lawson got busy with the details of the contract. Within a half an hour, she had signed her name on the dotted line. It was the first time in her life her hand was shaking with excitement.

  “Well you’re all done. Here are your keys, and congrats, Ellie. I can’t wait to be at the opening.” He came around and gave her a big hug. In the short time, since she had been back in town, Lawson and Chad had acted like over protective big brothers and she loved every minute of it.

  “Thanks, I am so excited. Now I can really make plans for the place. Wow that just really happened didn’t it?” He smiled at her, nodding, and she couldn’t help but give him another big hug, which just made him laugh.

  Deciding she wanted that coffee now, she took her new keys and headed to the coffee shop that was next to her shop. It was a short drive, but as she got out a sense of calm came over her. Heading into the coffee shop, she was looking at her shop when she bumped into someone.

  “You have a habit of bumping into things, angel?” Finally looking up at who she ran into, she realized she had run right into Adam.

  “Adam, hi, no sorry, I guess I wasn’t looking. I was a bit distracted. I was going to get some coffee, then head to my shop to look around.”

  “That’s right, you signed the papers today. Congratulations. We should really celebrate, but first coffee. I’m afraid I am in need of some too. Want to join me?” Adam held his arm out to her, and just like two magnets, she instantly put her arm in his.


  Adam couldn’t believe his luck, well yes he could, he had asked Lawson about the closing date and thankfully he had been a pal and told him. He knew she would eventually come into town to look at her shop and he planned his lunch around her signing.

  Heading into the small coffee shop, he placed his order and waited for her to order hers. Pleasantly surprised she ordered a simple coffee, nothing fancy. Sure he had indulged, but nothing could compare to simple black coffee. With two cups in hand, he paid and walked outside with her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She sure as hell looked like sex on a stick in that outfit. He had seen many women in suits before, but something about hers was alluring. Maybe because it was her, or that it hugged her luscious curves.

  “Wanna show me the shop?” he offered. He was interested in seeing what she was going to do with it. He knew right off it was going to need a lot of work, but she seemed to be a woman who knew what she was doing. Plus if she hired Brett, he would make it into anything she asked.

  “Sure, follow me.” She smiled at him, heading next door. This location was going to be great for her. It was in the heart of town, next to the only coffee shop, and walking distance to his office. Okay so that last one was purely on him, but he would take it. Stopping at the front door, she smiled as she pulled out the keys and put them into the lock turning it. As she pushed the door open the smell of dust assaulted them, but that was to be expected.

  He watched as she walked into the middle of the room with a giant smile on her face. “So what do you think? Since this building is free standing I would need to find a good contractor, but it has a lot of love to give.”

  “I think it will be amazing. Expect one small thing.” He went to the window and pulled the small for sale sign from the glass. “There, now it’s perfect. Tell you what, why don’t you come over for dinner tonight and talk with Brett. I promise not to burn anything. There has to be a congratulations dinner.” They both had asked her out several times, but she had turned them down flat stating different reasons. Her dad needed her, she needed to finish some paperwork, or she was too tired to drive out. But now that he was looking at her, he really hoped she would say yes.

  “Oh, Adam, I don’t know.”

  “Come on, Ellie, it's just dinner. You can drive over by yourself. Food between friends. Okay?” He knew he was pushing, but he wasn’t going to take no this time. Brett and he had talked about her several times, hell it had been the main topic at dinner every night.

friend’s right?” She was playing with a piece of hair that had fallen down some. He noticed it was a slight nervous habit she had. Ellie did it the night they were at the Dirty Dog eating. It was sweet. She didn’t do it as a flirtation that some women did, it was just a thing she did. He wanted to notice more things she did. Like does she like red or white wine, does she read or watch TV, does she scream or moan, and what she looked like with her hair spread across his pillow? So many thoughts, but he just needed a yes first. Nodding at her, he held her gaze, not letting her move on.

  “Well, I guess that would be okay. Do you want me to bring anything?” Adam wanted to jump up in the air doing a childish fist pump, but refrained.

  “No, Ellie, just bring yourself. Dress comfortably. I’ll let Brett know. You good about six, six thirty?” Her sweet little nod was all the confirmation he needed. He told her he would text her the address and then walked out the door. The need to run and kiss her before he left was hard to ignore, but he managed. She had said yes and that was more than he could hope for. Pulling his phone out he sent a quick text to Brett to call him. There was simply too much to say in a text and with his new job, Adam had yet to learn his new schedule. Once he was in his truck, he clicked on the hands free device as Brett called.

  “Yo, man, what the hell’s so important?”

  “She agreed.” Adam didn’t need to elaborate anymore because he knew that Brett was aware of what he was talking about.

  “Shit, really. Okay, well I can get out of here in about half an hour. I’ll head home and start cleaning. You got the food part covered, or you need to me start anything?” Both he and Brett had learned to prepare various items from their cook growing up, and then when they moved out it seemed to calm both of them.

  “Yeah I can do that. I need to leave early though to start dinner. Do me a favor and text her the address and directions for me.”

  “You got it, brother.” And just like that he hung up the phone. Adam couldn’t help but smile as he drove to the office. He had some work to finish, but now he was motivated to finish it quickly. Oh yeah, tonight was going to be amazing.


  This couldn’t be happening. She listened to the detective, and even read the report, but it had to be wrong.

  “How could he not be found at fault? He ran the stop sign and hit my dad. It was an open and shut case. My dad’s truck is totaled, and he is lucky that his truck is old or he could have been killed! Hell, the guy was even speeding! Seriously?” The officer just shrugged and left her there in the front of the police station. The man that had hit her dad would get away scot-free, which meant that her dad’s insurance would have to pay for everything. She already knew that even though he had insurance it was the bare minimum, which, simply meant her dad was screwed. Her heart was sinking. The only thing she could think of was maybe suing the idiot, but that cost money and the man that hit him had more than she did. Maybe she should sell the shop already. It would cover the medical bills, get her dad a truck, then she could go back to her job in Virginia and start all over again. She could take Aunt Cassandra up on her offer of the Italy job. God, she didn’t know what to do. Damn it, Evan, never a lucky break!

  Her phone buzzed as she left the station. The text was from Brett with the address and directions. At least something nice was happening today. Determined not to say anything to her dad just yet about the accident report, she drove home. The idea of seeing both Adam and Brett made her nervous. Damn, she hated them growing up, and all through high school they made fun of how she smelled. But she left and grew up and realized that kids make fun of kids. She could either dwell on it, or move past it and embrace the future, which is what she did. She had learned with her mom that life is too short to live in the past. Once home she told her dad all about the store and made him dinner. Not one to lie, she told him about her dinner plans tonight.

  “You think people are going to talk about seeing you with them, pumpkin?”

  “I don’t know, Dad. But at least they'd be talking about me. Hey could be good for business, and some people are more open-minded than they were before. Question is, Dad, are you okay? I mean I’m not dating them or anything, I’m just having dinner, but if I was, what is your thought?” She had to be honest with herself, if her dad said he didn’t like it she would cancel in a heartbeat. Her dad meant everything to her, and his opinion mattered to her.

  “They’re good boys now. Did a lot of work around town. There not like their folks, they care. So, I say go for it. If they make you happy, then I’m good.” His sweet smile said it all. Leaning down, she have him a hug, then kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” She left him to eat the small meal she cooked for him. He had requested catfish, and that is what she made. Now time to find something to wear. Stripping out her power suit, she found a pair of jeans and a tank top. She had a ton of them, in all different colors. Looking at herself, maybe she should change. Throwing the shirt aside, and taking off the jeans, she found a jean skirt. That counted as casual, right? Happy with how it looked, it wasn’t too short, but with the Georgia heat, she wouldn’t sweat to death in jeans either. Finding a blue tank top, she was happy, once she pulled the pins from her bun. She left the pony. Slipping on some flat sandals she was good to go. Kissing her dad on the cheek before she left, she went to see the two men who have been on her mind all day long.

  Chapter Eight

  Brett finished using the weird swifter thing to clean the living room floor. As much as he loved hardwood flooring, they were not fun to clean. He longed for a vacuum at times. Adam was in the kitchen finishing the last of dinner. He proclaimed that he wanted something nice yet casual so he made lasagna. The damn smell wasn’t helping Brett’s nerves. If it was one thing that Adam did well, it was lasagna; he, however, did better at the grill. He could cook just about anything and everything on it. But the forecast said it might rain. The wine was in the fridge and he was left with nothing to do. Hell, he had never been so nervous. He wore jeans and a t-shirt, but he felt like he should do more. Maybe he should have gotten a haircut or shaved again. Damn, why was this so hard? But the good news was that Adam told him some of her plans and he could help her get what she wanted done. Probably at a lower cost than the other companies. Hell, he would do it on his off days too, just to spend time with her. Just as he finished adjusting pictures, the sound of a car pulling into the drive alerted him to her arrival.

  “Dude, she’s here,” he said to Adam who was finishing the salad while the lasagna rested on the stove and the garlic bread heated up.

  Walking to the door, he opened it before she could knock. There she stood, and damn she was hot. Ellie had on a short jean skirt with a tank top that made her eyes pop as it hugged her breasts like a second skin.

  “Damn, peaches, you look good enough to eat. Come in.” He bent and gave her a kiss on the cheek before moving to let her inside.

  “Wow this place is amazing. I love the feel of it. It’s like the inside of a log cabin, but not. Did you design this?” He nodded. They wanted something that was represented of themselves, plus he got bored one summer and redid it.

  “Damn, maybe I won’t even need to call anyone else to look at the shop if this is the type of work you do. It’s amazing.” She turned and looked at him smiling.

  “Well thank you. Adam is almost done with dinner. I hope you’re hungry, he made enough for an army.” She did laugh then. Taking her hand, he pulled her into the kitchen where Adam was placing the salad on the table.

  “Adam, you did all this? Maybe I should have dressed up more. This looks, wow!” Brett watched her face as she took everything in. Yes, they went a little overboard with candles and such, but they wanted everything to be perfect for her, no they needed it to be.

  “Well you’re worth it, and you look perfect, angel.” Adam walked over and kissed her other cheek before pulling a seat out for her. She took her purse and sweater and set them on the table.

  “Oh shit, sorry, Ellie
, let me take them and put them by the door for you. I’m sorry, I forgot to ask. You just look, like wow, and I lost my manners.” Her sweet giggle just about made him lose his knees as she handed him her sweater and purse.

  “It’s okay, Brett, really. Thank you though.” Quickly setting the items down, he went to the table to sit next to her. Adam and he had planned the seating arrangements all night. She was at the head of the table and both of them sat next to her. Adam took that moment to pour the wine while he grabbed the garlic bread from the oven and put them into the breadbasket Adam set out. Bringing it to the table, he sat down. Raising his glass he waited until everyone did too, “I propose a toast. To Ellie, finally accepting our dinner invite and hopefully many more.” She snort laughed, but clinked glasses with them.

  “You are such a goober, Brett,” she said as Adam dished up her plate.

  “A Goober. Really, peaches? Well that’s a first for me, but coming from you I’ll take it.” Her laugh was infectious and he started to laugh while Adam finished with everyone’s plates. “Dig in, Ellie. One thing I’ve learned is that Adam can cook, but this is something he only makes for special occasions and when he does, I take full advantage of it.” She nodded and took a bite, blowing it before putting it in her mouth. That simple little act of her blowing, puckering her lips together just about sent his cock shooting a load into his Wranglers. Fuck me. Chancing a glance, it seemed that Adam was affected as well. But when the food hit her mouth, it was the moan that had him closing his eyes praying to the sex gods to ease the pain in his dick that was about to blow.


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