Seducing Their Swan

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Seducing Their Swan Page 8

by Gracie Meadows


  Adam got the text from Brett about having dinner with Ellie and suddenly his day got brighter. Especially since his father had been hammering him about meeting with a friend of his to defend him in a civil suit. Adam didn’t do cases like this, but his father wouldn’t let up until he agreed to look at the paperwork. He was waiting for a carrier to bring it over from the courthouse. If it was simple, enough he could try to fit it in. Checking his emails and schedule, he heard a knock on his door.

  “Mr. Graham, this was brought for you.” He thanked the kid and pulled out the file that contained the case. Reading over the details, he saw it was a man he would be defending who hit another man in a truck, but the cops didn’t find him guilty. Suddenly he got a sick feeling in his stomach. The more he read about the case before him, the more he was upset. The man in his folder who was being sued obviously did the crime, yet got away with it because if a simple legality, and he had to admit part of it was because the man had money.

  He needed some more information about the case to make sure he understood why he wasn’t going to represent him, even though his father asked him to. He liked to have all his ducks in a row when he made a choice between right and wrong. He took a look at the plaintiff. A male was the only one injured. Jim Hodgens. Why did that name sound familiar. He quickly did a search for him in their database, and sure enough, he found him. Married, wife deceased, one daughter, Evangeline Hodgens, age twenty-eight. Lives in the trailer park district.

  Clicking on Evangeline’s name, he pulled up her picture and articles about her. It was his Ellie. However it had shown pictures of a girl he went to high school with. Evan. Holy shit, he was going to be sick. The whole time she had played this Ellie character, when she was Evan the whole time. Did that mean she played them? She had seemed so different. So worldly. He couldn’t give this man an answer if he could take it, because in all honestly he didn’t like it. He didn’t like that it was Ellie’s, or Evan’s, dad. This guys was clearly at fault, but he just couldn’t think straight. He had so many questions and not one damn answer.

  Letting his receptionist know he was heading home, he jumped into his truck to try to clear his mind. He was half tempted to stop by her shop and ask her what game she was playing, but he needed to talk to Brett first. Making the corner turn to their house, he jumped out of the truck and left it running while he went inside. Quickly changing he went to the small weight room they had and started a run. He needed to think and he did his best while running or hitting. It didn’t take long for him to run the five miles before strapping on the gloves to hit the punching bag. He needed to decide how he was going to proceed with her. Did he drop her, did he listen? Hell, why was she even talking to them at all? They were so mean to her in high school, they made her life hell. He didn’t set out to do it, but when Amanda was around he did his best to fit in and she was always the target. Hell, he remembered learning to waltz in PE class and no one wanted to partner up with her. She was stuck dancing with old Ms. Dobs. It was sad and at one point, he almost offered.

  Hitting harder and harder, he kept having flashbacks from school, she even looked different then. Nothing like now. Someone called his name and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

  “Woo, calm down, bro. I’m just letting you know I’m home. Everything okay?”

  “No everything is not okay, and I don’t know how you are going to take it when I tell you.” Adam proceeded to tell Brett everything about the case, not about the man, but how he found out about Ellie and who she really was.

  “Do you think she had been playing us?” Adam asked, because he really didn’t know.

  “God, man, I don’t know. Shit, she has been avoiding us, and it’s not like she is running around claiming she is with us. Do you think she is ashamed of herself or something? Maybe she is still hurt by what we did. We were some fucked up kids, brother.”

  “I know, but it’s something else. I say we pretend we don’t know and slowly drop hints. We can bring up the high school reunion that’s next week. See what she says.”

  “That could work. We are having dinner with her tonight, so we play it cool. I don’t want know what is going to happen. But I have to tell you, Adam, that I really like her. She seems to fit us, and once everything is out on the table we’ll see what happens.” Adam nodded and finished his work out trying to forget the here and now, at least for now.


  Evan felt off all day. Her gut was churning about not coming out to Adam and Brett, but what else could she have done. Hell, the people in the town wouldn’t let her get away with anything because of her previous life. She worked hard to get to where she was, some people had more luck than others, but that didn’t mean they were any less important. Looking in the mirror one last time, she did a half smile before kissing her dad goodbye, heading out for the night. He seemed in better spirits after talking to his attorney who said he had a great case. Maybe things would look up after all. Jumping in her car, she made her way to the Dirty Dog Tavern. She loved that place. She had only been there the one time, she found it fun and very comfortable for a tavern.

  She instantly spotted Adam’s truck, making her feel better that they beat her there. Fixing her simple blue sundress and hair, she went inside. Making sure she brought a small hair tie in case she got hot, it felt odd to wear her hair down. Opening the door, she walked in to the sound of country music playing on the small stage next to the dance floor on the right. Looking around she spotted Adam and Brett as they both stood and waved at her. Smiling, she walked to them. Brett was the first to grab her and plant a chaste kiss on her lips before Adam followed suit then slid her into the booth. She was sitting in between Brett and Adam. A pitcher of beer already on the table and both with half a glass gone and what looked like to be a long island ice tea for her.

  “You look beautiful, angel,” Adam purred, while he reached for her hand caressing in tenderly.

  “Absolutely gorgeous. You’re the hottest thing in here, peaches.” She felt a blush creep over her while Brett played with her hair. “And you left your hair down. I love your hair, such a unique color and so soft.” He started to nuzzle her neck and suddenly her dry panties were no longer dry. Praying she didn’t leave a wet spot on her skirt if he kept doing that.

  “Umm thanks, guys. You both look good too.” Hoping to lighten the subject, “So did you order already, or are we waiting. I’m kinda hungry, I forgot to eat lunch. But I’m sure you know all about that,” trying to distract the sexual tension she was feeling at that moment.

  “Yep, we ordered, so we can have more time with you once we are done. We got you the burger, like before.” Brett continued to kiss her neck and the suddenly Adam’s foot shifted and was rubbing along her leg. It was small gestures, but it was turning her on.

  “Great, um, well, how was work today?” trying once more time to get off the topic and clear her mind.

  “Work was work, peaches. Damn you smell so good. Are you getting wet, baby?” Brett’s crass words hit her, but had the opposite effect it would normally have on her. Instead of turning her off, it made her hornier.

  “Umm, guys, what are we—” she was cut off as Brett turned her face and claimed her lips, taking full advantage as he fucked her mouth with his tongue. A small moan escaped as he devoured her. She had no idea what came over her, but they were in public. Pulling away from the kiss, she covered her mouth.

  “Brett, we are in public, people can see.”

  “What’s wrong, peaches, don’t you want people to know you’re ours?”

  “That’s not it. I mean, I just don’t go parading my relationships in public. Can we slow down a bit and eat dinner first?” A small smile crossed his lips before he nipped her bottom lip then turned to talk to Adam about an issue with work.

  Dinner came and they seemed to be overthinking something.

  “Oh guess who called me today? Amanda. Seems she is in town for the high school reunion and wanted to have dinner. I tol
d her of course but we had plans,” Adam stated as if a matter of fact. Evan felt her skin flush. Amanda and Adam dated during high school.

  “Really, that is weird. I totally forgot about that. Hope she stays away, she is one bitch I had hoped to not see again. How about you, Ellie, you looking forward to seeing anyone special. Must have been a line of men who you left crying a time or two.” Suddenly she wasn’t very hungry.

  “I didn’t date much in high school. I kinda kept to myself.”

  “Interesting, maybe that’s why I remember only bits and pieces of you. Then again I was wrapped in my own world,” Adam said as he took another drink. Smiling back, she had a bad feeling.


  “That’s probably it. Is your friend coming to the reunion?” Brett asked, still playing with her hair.

  “Which friend would that be?”

  “You know, oh god, what is her name, Jamie, no Amy. That’s right Amy. She was sure out there.”

  “Umm I think I should go home now.” Panic started to fill her as both Brett and Adam stared at her expectantly.

  “I don’t think so, Evan. That is your real name isn’t it?” Shit, and double shit.

  “It is really Evangeline. Not that anyone can say it or pronounced it right. But I can explain, honest.” She tried to explain, but it seemed that both Brett and Adam wanted nothing to do with her.

  “I don’t think so, Ellie, or Evan, which one is it? Was this a game to you? You thought you could come back in town and make a fool out of two guys from school who gave you a hard time?” Adam was now glaring at her.

  “No, nothing like that. And I do go by Ellie now, though a few people still call me Evan. But Ellie is more professional. I never meant for anything to start with us. And I had no intention to get back at you. Yes, you made my school years hell, but I am better than that. I guess now that you know who I am the joke is on me isn’t. Now could you please move and let me out. The only thing I ask is that you please treat me civil when in town. I would like to stay, my dad is here, and he needs me. So please can you move,” her voice was steady as it could be, though the thought of tears threatened her.

  “If that is what you want.” Brett moved and it allowed her the moment to move out of the booth and out the door. The need to go home, or the need to get drunk, overwhelmed her. Not wanting to go home and make her dad wonder, she called the only person in town who might be able to deal with her.

  “Lawson, they know, can I come over?” She knew he would never turn her out despite who she was in her past. Getting in her car, she drove the fifteen minutes to Lawson and Chad’s house. Before she even got out of the car, he was there with his arms open and Chad next to him with a large glass of wine.

  Chapter Twelve

  Adam just felt like the rug had been pulled out from under him. Both he and Brett ordered rounds of shots. It seemed like the thing to do. They would take a cab home, but right now, they needed to get smashed and forget about what just happened. She had left, he didn’t know what to think. She was the one who lied, yet it was their fault things went to hell in a hand basket. Taking a shot, he was starting to forget about everything.

  “You know what makes this whole thing worse, is that I really cared for her, man. I thought she was the one. She could laugh at corny things, she didn’t hesitate to eat, she could hold a conversation, and she didn’t come after us for money or anything. Plus she was hot as hell, and the best fuck I have ever had.”

  “I know what you mean, I didn’t get to sleep with her, but man her mouth is lethal. Shit, she did something with me that, you know, kept me calm. I’m normally so wound up and she got that with me.” Three more shots later they we about ready to call it quits.

  “You both are fucking assholes, you know that.” Turning, they both looked at a very pissed off Lawson. “She is or was the best thing the two of you could have had. She is an amazing woman who had had the damn door slammed in her face everywhere she has gone. Yet, when she thought maybe she found a home, you two idiots do the same damn thing when you find out her real name. But let me tell you both something, she is the same. So, she doesn’t come from money. She only went to school because her father pushed her and sent her to an aunt who had money. Did you know her mother died when she was young, and that poor girl has been working herself to the bone to try to help her dad? High school was hell for her. You two idiots didn’t help at all. And now you throw her away, why? Is it because she isn’t a high society bimbo? Was it only to see if you could bang the hot chick? Let me tell you both this, if you talk to her again I will personally kick your asses.”

  “Are you threatening me, Lawson? Do you know who I am?” The words came out of his mouth before he even realized what he said. His father had used those words time and time again.

  “I know who the fuck you are, Adam, and I don’t give a rat’s ass about money, your power, or what the hell you think you are entitled to. None of it will matter when my fist meets your face. Got it?” The feeling that all eyes were on the three of them, he had made it known that he was beyond pissed. However, the man didn’t give them a chance to respond, he just simply left without another word. The whole bar filled with words and whispers about the argument.

  “He’s right you know. Why are we mad at her? She may have lied about us knowing her years before, but, bro, that was ten years ago. She is different now. Hell, we are too. I know I am. Maybe we need to rethink this. She isn’t Amanda. I don’t know about you, but I’m not done. I want her. You can think about it.” And just like that, Brett left him too. He couldn’t let it go. She lied to him, she played him like an idiot. He wouldn’t cave like Brett did. Hell, he couldn’t. He had his integrity. There was simply too many questions that didn’t get answered. Not ready to leave and listen to his brother plan a way to get her back, he ordered another round for himself.

  The bigger question he needed to answer was what he was going to do about the case he had sitting on his desk? Could he really defend a guy who had hit her dad? He knew on principle he couldn’t because he was involved, or was involved, with the defendant’s daughter. Fuck, he was in a bind. His father had hounded him to take this as a favor, but he couldn’t do it. Granted, he had the skills and the means to make the case go away, but then he would be just as bad as his dad. Hell, he needed another drink and to hit something. Never in his life had he not known what to do. Taking another shot, he closed his eyes and just let the alcohol swim inside him until he felt nothing.


  Evan opened her eyes feeling groggy as the sun peeked through the small window. Where was she? As she sat up the realization of last night hit her. They found out and made her out to be the bad guy. She had only drank half of her drink so she drove to Lawson and Chad’s house. Lawson let her cry on his shoulder as Chad kept filling her glass and telling her it would be all okay. She loved those two. A timid knock made her pull the covers over her, even though she was in a large t-shirt.

  “Ellie, honey, you okay? I brought you some coffee. Chad is making pancakes right now.” Lawson walked in wearing a pair of NASCAR pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt. He looked too cute and normal and she was very thankful for this fact. He cared for her, no matter what she called herself.

  “I’ll be fine. I appreciate everything you both have done for me. I must seem like a hot mess since I came to town. I’m sorry if you had any plans.”

  “Don’t worry about it, sugar. We were just watching a movie and relaxing. It’s not a school night after all.” His laugh was infectious and she too laughed at his joke. “So what are you going to do today?”

  “Only thing I can do, go to work. I have to admit I have no clue what to do about Brett. He and the company he works for is doing to renovation for the shop. It will still be about a month until it’s done, but can I handle it that long?” Now wishing she had just paid a little more and got the other company to do the work. But she knew Brett’s work, he did amazing work, and she wanted the best for her shop.
r />   “I say keep going. If he can’t handle it, then that’s on him. It’s your shop, and it is going to be amazing. So keep your head up, sugar. You didn’t do anything wrong. They are the ones who are fucked up in the head. Sometimes people can’t see what’s right in front of them. They will come around, if not then they weren’t good enough for you sugar. Here, drink this and come out to breakfast. Chad is worried he might have given you too much to drink.” He gave her a brotherly kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.

  Chad had washed her clothes so she had something to wear home beside the t-shirt. She wasn’t sure what she was going to say to her dad, but she was an adult and not a child anymore. As soon as she was on her feet and the shop was open, she promised to look for an apartment. That way she could have her space, but be able to see and help her dad when needed.

  Chad had breakfast on the table with a glass of orange juice waiting when she finally emerged from the bedroom. Smiling, she ate and said goodbye while he said he needed to pick up some supplies for a class project. She needed to leave anyway, so she said goodbye to them both and headed home. Making it home, she talked to her dad, but it involved mostly sports teams he watched last night. Deciding she needed to get out of the house, she quickly changed into running gear and headed out. There was a long path she hadn’t taken in a while so she set a steady pace.

  Pushing all emotions out, she pushed herself and took off without a second thought. She had done all her crying last night and both men had told her she wasn’t the one who needed to prove anything to anyone. She was beautiful inside and out, and if they didn’t see it, then it was their loss. Chad had even joked he knew a couple of men who would love to meet her. But she declined, not because she didn’t want to be alone, but because she had already started to hand her heart to Adam and Brett. Trying to steady her breathing, she concentrated on the path ahead and ran.


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