Seducing Their Swan

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Seducing Their Swan Page 10

by Gracie Meadows

  “Oh, really. I came back because your mother said you were still single, so what’s the hold up?”

  “Look, Amanda, now’s not the time. I have to go.” Walking past her, he made it to the office without anyone stopping him. First thing he had to do was turn down the case against Ellie’s dad. He knew before he even found out it was Ellie’s dad that this guy should pay for his crime. He was always trying to help those who were always looked down upon, but here he was shunning Ellie for making something of herself. For who she was, for the life she had. Picking up the phone, he called his father and left him a message about not being able to help his friend. Then he made sure to call the so-called client and told him he couldn’t do it due to a conflict of interest. But his last call was to the cheap lawyer who was representing Ellie’s dad. He offered his services in whatever he needed. The man seemed excited as he knew the guy who hit Mr. Hodgens had money and could bury him in paperwork.

  After all that was said and done, he had another call to make and this one would be harder. Picking up his cellphone, he dialed the number, hearing it ring twice before someone picked up.

  “Did you get your head out of your ass, asshole?” Aww, good old Brett, ready to get right to the point.

  “Dude, I’m sorry alright. I opened my mouth and Dad walked out. Anyway, I came to my senses, I was an ass, on top of everything. But I want her, Brett. She is the one, I love Ellie, or Evan, whatever she wants to go by.”

  “Okay, well I’m at the office today to get some items she needed for the shop. So, I have some of the guys over at her place working on the walls, and the electrician is coming out. I was supposed to have dinner with her tonight, but maybe I can figure out a way to get you to come.”


  Brett knew when Adam called and said he was sorry, he really was. His brother wasn’t known to admit he was wrong, but when he did, he meant it. He also knew that even though Ellie was happy with being with him, she wouldn’t be completely happy without his brother. Listening, he waited for Adam to reply. It would be up to him to see them all together again.

  “Sounds great. Oh, I have to let you know mother is up to something. She called Amanda. I ran into her at the coffee shop. We need to keep her away from Ellie. I don’t need her hurt by the vial woman.” Okay, that did shock him. Adam still had some feelings for Amanda, even if it was small, but to hear him talk about her in such a disgusted way, he knew Adam had moved on.

  “Well isn’t that fucking great? Okay, well Ellie can handle herself. We have to give her more credit. Our girl is a smart cookie.” Brett then told him what he found out about their girl and how she grew up. He was happy to hear that Adam was going to help Mr. Hodgens in his case. If Adam said he would help, he wouldn’t stop until the outcome he wanted was made. He may be a family practice attorney, but he could be ruthless. That is what made him so desired by the bigger companies. By the time the call ended, they had a plan. He would pick Ellie up from her house and bring her back to theirs saying he forgot something. He just hoped she bought into it.

  After hanging up he looked around the office to make sure people didn’t hear him. Still being new at the company he didn’t want to draw attention to himself with personal calls.

  “Hello,” the sweet voice of Ellie came out.

  “Hey, peaches, how you doing?”

  “Oh, well as good as can be expected. The electrician came in and said we had some fried wires, so we needed to take down some sheetrock on a wall. Other than that just fine. Why, what’s up?”

  “Oh nothing, just had some down time and just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “Aww, Brett, that’s so sweet. Well I’m glad you called. I needed to know what time you want me to meet you tonight for dinner and what should I wear.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I called huh. I was thinking about picking you up about six thirty. Dress comfortable and bring an overnight bag.”

  “Oh, I have the roof guy coming tomorrow, I have to be here early.” He could hear her excuses as she floundered to try to figure out how to avoid his house.

  “Trust me, peaches, you will get there in time.”

  “I don’t know, Brett.”

  “Trust me, please, I promise things will be fine.”

  “Fine, I trust you.”

  “Good, see you later.”

  “Okay, have a good day, Brett.”

  “You too, peaches.” He hung up the phone and couldn’t keep the ridiculous grin off his face. But that was the effect she had on him. Turning back to his computer he worked quickly to finish what he needed for her shop, and another project he was selected to help design. He couldn’t wait until her shop was open. He could use her eye for special pieces for his clients. It would be a great partnership for everyone.

  Once he was done with work, he made quick work of driving home to shower and run over the game plan with Adam before heading to Ellie’s house. Adam seemed more nervous than he was. But he knew his brother and he knew Ellie. They both were strong minded and stubborn, but once they actually have to sit down and talk he was sure things would work out just fine.

  Grabbing the small bunch of flowers Adam picked out for him, he headed out the door. When he slowed in front of her trailer, he frowned when he saw her dad’s truck. He needed to see what he and Adam could do to get him a new one.


  Ellie waited for Brett to drive up. She still couldn’t believe he didn’t have a problem with where she lived, or grew up. In fact, he promised to help fix a few things for her dad. She smoothed down her skirt, but it didn’t seem to help her nerves any. She had no problems with going to dinner with Brett, or even seeing him. The problem lay with Adam. He didn’t want anything to do with her, or someone like her. He was raised by money, or special schools. She was raised with hard work and love, something she thought would be acceptable. What would she do if she ran into Adam while out with Brett? She already told him she didn’t want to come between the two. There was no way to deny she had strong feelings for both men, but it seemed only one of them cared enough to stay with her.

  A knock at the door made her aware Brett was there. Walking out of her room, she saw her dad already engaged in a conversation with Brett about some fishing trip he wanted to take when his arm got better.

  Smiling, she walked over to Brett and her dad.

  “Wow, peaches, you look great.” Looking down she thought she looked okay. A simple green gypsy skirt and a black tank top once again along with her sandals. It was comfortable for her at least.

  “Thanks, you don’t look so bad yourself.” But he looked more than not bad, he looked yummy. Clean jeans and a simple blue shirt that seemed to hug him just right making his muscles look larger.

  “Ready to go, peaches?” She nodded before kissing her dad on the cheek.

  “See you later, pumpkin. Love you.” Brett took her small bag of spare clothes and bathroom stuff before taking her hand into his, leading her to his truck. He once again he lifted her up into the truck before leaning in and stealing a kiss. She blushed at his sweet act before she turned and waited for him to head to their location.

  However, before she realized it, they were heading to his house.

  “Um, Brett, what’s going on?”

  “Trust me, baby. Nothing’s going to happen. I just need to pick something up okay?” Ellie looked around and didn’t see Adam’s truck so maybe he wasn’t home. Maybe he worked late, he said he did that when he had larger cases. She didn’t know if she was happy about this or sad. She missed Adam, even though it was only a day or two since she saw him, but still. He used to text her or call to see how she was doing, but nothing. She didn’t have the heart to actually delete his number from her phone. As they pulled in Brett told her to come inside and wait so she wouldn’t get hot. Seemed perfectly normal, and she could use a drink of water. As they entered the house soft music was playing and candlelight was everywhere. Several wild flowers scattered around the place as they headed furthe
r into the house. As she walked and followed, she saw Adam standing at the front of the kitchen next to the table.

  “Adam,” she said his name in almost a whisper.

  “Ellie, I’m so sorry. I know Brett tricked you, but please, can we talk?”

  This was it, either talk and work things through, whether they moved forward with the relationship, or they split up. But either way she wasn’t one to run the other way anymore.

  “Okay, we can talk.” She walked in as Adam exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he said, “Thank God.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Adam held his breath as he waited to see what Ellie would do. Brett had said she talked about him in her sleep. Even though she was mad at him, which she had every right to be, she still cared. Making sure the house was set up with wild flowers he knew she loved made her smile.

  “Should we sit down?” She seemed hesitant, but also determined to see this through. He just hoped all his years at law school could help with finding the right words. He could be a smooth talker with the ladies when he needed to be, but with Ellie, he seemed to be tongue-tied.

  “Yes, oh please, yes sit down. Do you want something to drink? I have water, soda, sweet tea, wine, beer, and if you want some things that are stronger.” Brett walked up next to her before leading her to a seat.

  “I’ll take a beer,” Brett stated before he sat down next to Ellie who was nibbling on her lower lip trying to think.

  “Umm, maybe a glass of wine, if that’s okay?” Adam quickly went to the fridge and pulled out everything he needed. He and Brett made sure to get a few bottles of the wine she did like and kept them in the house. Pouring her a glass of the white wine, and his and Brett’s beer he sat down at the table. Dinner could stay warm in the oven for a little bit longer. It was baked zucchini, he wasn’t sure what to make, but something that could sit in the oven worked best for him tonight.

  Handing her the glass, he then sat down. How to start was going to be the big issue, but it seemed Ellie had other plans.

  “Why? Why is class so important to you, Adam?” Okay, that one struck him off balanced. He wasn’t sure what to say. Why did it bug him? Well it didn’t, not anymore.

  “I don’t know why I said it, Ellie. I was an idiot. I opened my damn mouth and stuck my damn foot in it.”

  “You say that now, but it came from somewhere, Adam. It just doesn’t pop out of nowhere.”

  “God, I don’t know. I was mad that you didn’t tell us who you really were, and then my damn parent’s voice snuck in, then Amanda. Shit, I’m an idiot, angel. I get all tongue-tied around you.” He watched as she took a small drink of her wine while watching everything he did.

  “Look, I told Brett I can’t change my past or where I come from. It is what it is. But I’m not going to lie and say it didn’t hurt. You threw that back at my face. Yes, I admit that I didn’t tell you that I was someone else in high school, but look at it from my point of view, would you? Shit, Adam I live with my dad right now in a small trailer. Its old and it smells like blue cheese on hot days and the air goes out all the time. My dad mowed, or did mow lawns for your family. The only reason I left is because my dad made me. I was working at Dave’s Tire and Lube to help with bills. Do you know how much cancer costs with no insurance? I had to grow up without her. But I did, and I was proud of what I have done with my life, well until you spat at me the way you did.” Adam felt like such an ass right now as he listened to her talking and her voice wavered some. She had been through so much and life was handed to him on a silver platter, and he was the one making her feel bad. He really was an ass.

  Leaving his beer, he dropped to his knees in front of her grasping her hands in his.

  “God, angel, I never. I don’t know what to say. You are so strong, and amazing. I don’t deserve someone as amazing as you. But I can’t stop thinking about you.” It was time for truth. “I ran into Amanda today.” He watched as he looked at him with uncertainly in her eyes. “My mother called her. She had been bugging me to go out to dinner with her. But when I actually saw her, well I was disgusted. I imagined what my life would be like with her. I would be the workaholic husband while my trophy wife went and spent money on God knows what, our children would be raised in private schools and with nannies.” He cringed at the memory. “But then I thought of you. The sweet softness of your smile as you kissed Brett and me while he went to work. You were here at home, but you had a sweet baby on your hip, and another two laughing and playing at the table. A table you made breakfast at. All before we put them on the bus and you went to work at the shop. We were a family, and then my heart started to hurt. It made me long for that.”


  Ellie didn’t know what to think as Adam confessed his thoughts and visions with her. She had decided she would hear him out, but never in her wildest dreams did she think he would say what he was saying. But he was still down on his knees, begging for forgiveness.

  “Oh, Adam,” she could feel a single tear roll down her face. He had told her something so amazing, she too wanted that. But he put a finger to her lips silencing her.

  “I realized that I love you, Ellie. Whether you are Evan, Ellie, or Evangeline, you will always be my angel. But I’m serious, I love you.” She suddenly couldn’t breathe. Brett moved next to him as well.

  “And I love you as well, peaches. Please say you’ll be our girl. I know it’s too soon for marriage, but we will be married. But say you’ll be ours.” A small sob escaped her this time.

  “Oh God, Angel, please don’t cry. I’m sorry, please, baby, don’t cry.” Adam wiped a tear from her face.

  “You both are idiots, you know that right? But I love you too, both of you. I tried to avoid you and this whole thing because I know what I am, but you made me so happy.”

  Adam took her mouth in a kiss that seemed to steal her breath away. A small moan escaped her. No sooner that she was lost in the kiss did Adam sit her on the table making his way between her legs. Her body responded instantly to his and her sex screamed with need. Releasing her mouth, he made his way to her neck, then up to her ear.

  “Let us make love to you, both together. Please, baby, we both need you.” She knew what this would entail. She had read several books about ménage relationships, and normally she would shun away from them. But with Brett and Adam, she wanted it. She wanted to feel the connection between them both.

  “Yes, oh God yes, but please go slowly.” She didn’t need to explain further. She had never had anal sex before, and though she was worried about the pain, she knew both men wouldn’t hurt her. Should she even do this? She wanted them, no her body craved them. The desire for her to be with them, both of them, was overwhelming all her senses to the point of pain.

  “Come on, angel, I got you.” Adam took her in his arms, walking to the master bedroom. It was his, but it seemed slightly different now. He had added pictures to the wall, but they were of both him and Brett. She only had a moment to think before Adam threw her on the bed making her yelp.

  “Strip.” Brett’s voice developed the deep graveled tone she loved so much, making her pussy sing with excitement. Stunned as she never did a show for anyone, she scooted off the bed until her feet hit the floor allowing her to stand. Looking at them both, she bit her lip. She knew her weird little habit excited them. Taking a deep breath, she mustered all the courage she could.

  “If I strip, you both have to sit,” looking at Brett who raised an eyebrow, while Adam did a crooked grin.

  “As you wish, peaches.” Taking a step forward she watched as both men boxed her in, making her feel even smaller, before they both kissed her softly then sitting on the bed chuckling. Keeping her back to them, she slowly moved her hands to her tank top lifting it just so, to show off her lower back before turning to watch the men watching her. Feeling a little braver, she lifted it up before throwing it back at them both. Turning her head once again, she watched as both men kept their eyes plastered on her body. She neve
r thought of her body to be womanly, or very feminine, but the way they looked at her, she sure felt it.

  Grasping the hem of her skirt, she started to shimmy out of it, but realized she has a thong on and stopped. It matched the bra she wore. A simple black lace was the sexiest thing she owned and bought it on an impulse.

  Not wanting them to see her just yet, she turned forward to face them. Trying to look sexy, she lowered the skirt letting it fall to the floor at her feet. Now standing there I just her panties and bra she felt like a siren to these men. The heavy lidded eyes both men had made her nipples pucker in anticipation. Keeping her eyes on both men, she unclasped the bra, but held it in place with her hand before once again turning to reveal her ass to them.

  “Fuck me, angel that is a hot ass.”

  “It’s one that I will be fuckin later tonight. Now drop the bra and turn for us,” Brett commanded.

  “But what if I don’t want to, what if I get cold.” Feeling brazen, she looked at them both expectantly.

  “We will keep you warm, now drop it or your hot little ass will be nice and red with my hand print on it,” Brett growled.


  Brett’s cock seemed to have swelled considerably since they walked into the room. He couldn’t believe the luck both he and Adam have had with her. She was amazing and forgave Adam—even though he would have made him stew more. Now she was playing with them. Well she will learn, if she pushes him, he had no problem in either tying her up, or spanking her.

  A small glint of a challenge sparkled in her eyes, but she eventually dropped it and turned facing them both. He could hear Adam moan in anticipation, while he shifted in his seat. His girl was something out of a wet dream every man dreamed about. Her tits were perky, yet full, toned lean legs from all her running, and a flat stomach. But with such a smoking body, she had the most angelic face. She didn’t do heavy make-up, if she did it at all. Her hair was always simply done, even when dressed in professional wear. She was everything he had every wanted and more in a woman.


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