AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) Page 22

by Carmella Jones

  Chapter Twenty-One: Peach

  After spending the weekend in San Jose with Trevor, my guilt was overflowing. Regardless of how much I tried to push it down or ignore them, I simply could not hold back the growing feelings that I had for him. Even worse, I had started something that was rushing out of control and I had no way of stopping it. That something could get Trevor killed or, worse yet, if he ever discovered that I was a part of it… I pushed those possibilities out of my mind. It would do no good for me to waste my energies worrying about what could happen. I had to figure out a way to fix things.

  “You don’t look so good, Peach,” Dish said as she came into the den. It was one of the rare nights that both of us were free, and she’d come over to see how I was doing. We’d talked little about our plan or about how things had gone in our particular roles.

  For the most part, I had only used Dish to help push the boulder off of the hill. I had known that Dish had gotten under Bulldog’s skin, mostly by his reaction more than by what Dish told me. I’d intentionally worked things that way so that Dish would not be in too deep and could maintain plausible deniability. “Gee thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Having second thoughts?” she asked.

  Dish had always been good at reading me, but she’d taken a pretty good leap to reach that conclusion, unless I was suddenly wearing my emotions on my sleeve. If that was the case, then maybe I wasn’t playing my role well for anybody. “Is it that obvious?”

  “It is to me,” she replied.

  “Great, everybody probably has it figured out.”

  “Chill, Peach,” she said, sitting on the opposite end of the sofa. “I have a lot of practice reading you.”

  “I hope it’s just you, because if either of the other two have figured it out, then I’m a dead woman walking.”

  “I’ve never seen you lose your nerve like this before,” she commented. “Unless I miss my guess, you’re having some second thoughts because a certain someone turned out to be more than you expected him to be. Am I right?”

  She was right on target. “How did you figure that out?”

  “Well, I’m not a mind reader, but I’ve watched how you’ve acted when you’re on the phone with Trevor, how you’ve acted whenever you come back from Reno and how, after spending a fabulous weekend in San Jose, you have done nothing but mope. Unless all of my past knowledge and experience are useless, I’d guess that someone has fallen for her mark.”

  That particular observation opened up the flood gates for me. I told her everything. I told her about all of the other aspects of the plan that she wasn’t in on. I told her about how I had actually been successful at getting between the two of them and that they were ripe for setting up the final confrontation that would lead to me being able to take over.

  “But you can’t see it all to the end,” she interrupted before I had completed my story.

  “But I can’t stop it either,” I admitted. “It’s gone beyond my control. The two of them will face off and one of them will get killed—”

  “And you are worried that one in particular will be killed,” she jumped in again. “It could go the other way. What you’ve told me about Trevor, he could beat Bulldog.”

  “But that’s the problem. I don’t want him to beat Bulldog. I don’t want this anymore.”

  “What happened to not having anything to show for yourself?”

  “It isn’t what I thought it was,” I admitted. I didn’t bother to tell her that those feelings that I’d had about my life being meaningless had been connected to those instincts about Trevor and wanting to move into a new phase in my life that included a husband and a home. Even when I thought about it, it sounded far-fetched and hokey, at least for me. Maybe that sort of thing worked for other women, but…

  “So, what are you going to do?” She rescued me from having to continue my thought.

  “I have to figure out a way to undo all of this,” I replied.

  “I doubt you can undo it and walk away unscathed.”

  It was the truth and there was no way that I could deny it. But could I push it in a direction that was more favorable to me? I remembered one of the Tomb Raider movies when Laura Croft was riding the large stone battering ram and the monster was trying to kill her. Could I figure out a way to push things off course and destroy the monster that I faced? It worked for her, but then, that was a movie. It was in the script to work out that way. Nobody in my drama was working from a script.

  The worst part of the entire set of circumstances was that I knew that, at some point, I was going to have to tell Trevor what I had done. I could no longer be duplicitous with him. My heart, my very soul, would not allow it. But I also knew that, in the process, I would probably lose him. How was I going to save him from harm, stop the runaway boulder, keep from being killed and hold onto Trevor too? I couldn’t bring Dish into it any further, but I needed to open up about what I was feeling before I fell completely apart.

  “I can’t lose Trevor,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know if that’s possible at this point,” she replied. “When I said that I doubt that you can walk away unscathed, that’s what I was talking about.”

  “I really don’t know what to do.”

  “Seems like you have to make it so that you and Trevor definitely win. You probably have to bring him in on the plan.”

  I liked the first part of the response, but not the second. The two of us winning was a good option, but letting him in on my plan would mean that I’d have to admit that I had set him up along with Bulldog. There wasn’t anything savory in that part of it. There had to be another way.

  “I can’t tell him. Not yet. I just can’t.”

  Dish shrugged. “That’s the only way I see you getting out of this.”

  “There has to be another way.”

  She shrugged again and looked at her watch. “I’m here if you need me to help, but, well, you know how I see it and I’ve got somewhere that I need to be.” She stood up and started toward the door, putting her coffee cup on the bar as she passed by the kitchen.

  There wasn’t any point in her rehashing her arguments and I appreciated that she didn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to draw her in deeper and risk harm to her because of my stupidity. If I figured a way out of the mess that I was in, it would have to be something that I did alone.

  An idea was beginning to play out in the back of my mind. It would take a little bit more uncomfortable work—very uncomfortable work—but it could be a way of turning things in my favor and minimizing the damage. It might even help me avoid having to tell Trevor what I had done.

  “I know you’re always here, Dish. Thanks for that, but I have to figure this one out on my own.” I followed her toward the door. It was good that she couldn’t stay longer. I needed the space to try to figure out my next move.

  “You be careful,” she said, giving me a hug before opening the door to leave. “It’s better to stay alive with a broken heart.”

  “I know, I will,” I replied.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Peach:

  My mouth bobbing up and down on Sal O’Neal’s erection in a cheap motel room wasn’t exactly a thrill for me, but I could tell by the way he was moaning that it was for him. It had been my intention, when I paid him off, to allow the hint of “us doing something that his wife didn’t need to know about,” linger. I wasn’t particularly attracted to Sal and had only been using my special talents to motivate him to help carry out my plan. When I realized that I was going to need him to help me undo things, I knew that it was going to take a lot more than a little teasing.

  “Damn, Peach,” he groaned. “I think you could suck the chrome off of a bumper hitch.”

  “You like that, do you?” I purred. The thought had occurred to me to take him all the way and get him to blow his load from a blow job, but I knew that he wanted inside my pants and might not be nearly as motivated if he didn’t get that chance.

  He reached up and cupped my breasts in his
hands. I could tell by the look on his face that he was wanting to do a little sucking of his own, so I pulled my mouth off of his shaft, slipped my jacket all the way off and let the girls go free. His eyes widened at the sight of them right out there in the open like that. They got even wider as I pushed a nipple toward his mouth.

  He was certainly hungry, judging by the way that he went after my nipple. In fact, he went after them so hard that it even started to excite me a little bit. There was something about savagery and pain that had always turned me on. I don’t know if he had read that in me or not, but when he bit down on my nipple, he started something that neither one of us expected.

  There’s no doubt that some of my aggression had to do with all of the tension that I had been carrying on my shoulders. With that shot of pain rushing through me and my excitement beginning to rage out of control, I tilted my head back and groaned.

  “Oh, god, Sal, just like that.”

  That little bit of encouragement drove him to the next level as well. He started slapping my tits and my face. He’d bite down and pull until I was screaming and then he’d back off and smack me. “You horny little slut. You like it fuckin’ rough, don’t you?” he hissed through gritted teeth.

  “Yes I do, asshole,” I responded, slapping his face. “Let’s see if you’re man enough.”

  He took me by the throat and pushed me away from him. I could barely breathe, and I was beginning to feel myself pass out as he turned me and pushed me onto the bed. He reached for the buttons on my jeans and started working on them and I returned the choking favor, stopping just in time to keep him from blacking out. He jerked my jeans off of me and my thong went with them.

  I’d expected him to dive into my pussy with his mouth, maybe pulling on my pussy lips with his teeth or biting my clit, but he was eager to sink his cock inside of me. He grabbed my legs above the knees, jerked me toward him and then plunged his dick inside of me.

  I gasped at the feel of him ramming his way through my opening and all of the way to my back wall. I reached up and slapped him, just to keep the game going in that direction. In response, he slapped my tits and continued to bang me as hard as he could.

  I’ll have to hand it to Sal, he had a nice sized dick and he could damned sure use that thing. It didn’t hurt that I had probably been a fantasy fuck of his for several years and with the opportunity in front of him, he was probably putting on his best show.

  It had been an uncomfortable plan, in the beginning, but after things got started and I was enjoying one hell of a good fuck, I wasn’t feeling quite as uncomfortable anymore. I wrapped my legs around him, squeezed him tight and rolled him onto his back, barely missing taking him all of the way off of the bed.

  “You wanna fuck,” I growled. “Then let’s fuck.”

  I was hammering my pussy up and down on his cock while I alternately slapped his face and choked him. I climaxed at least twice while I was riding him and I was pretty sure that I’d brought him close to the edge, right before he flipped me off of him onto the floor.

  He was after me in a split second, grabbing my hair and bending me over the dresser. He kept hold of my hair as he stabbed his cock inside of me from behind and started hammering me like there was no tomorrow. He jerked on my hair with one hand and slapped my ass with the other while he took me hard, fast and deep. I had two more orgasms and had probably awakened everyone in the motel before he finally moaned loudly, pulled out and turned me toward him while he stroked himself.

  On my knees in front of him I licked my lips and moaned at him. “Cum in my mouth.”

  Some of the hot, white liquid that spilled out of his dick actually went into my mouth, but the most of it was all over my face. When he had finished, he used the head of his dick to smear it around and then dabbed it on my nipples. I sucked his shaft clean and then used his dick to pull him toward the shower.

  Believe it or not, it didn’t take long for Sal to recuperate. Before we were finished getting clean in the shower, he had me pressed against the wall and was taking me hard and deep again. Although I hadn’t intended to give him a second go at me, once his cock got started, there was no way that I could stop him. I didn’t even want to. We carried things back to the bed and kept humping like savages until he blew his load a second time, all over my ass.

  “I think I better take this shower alone,” I smiled as I left him panting on the bed and went into the bathroom.

  When I came out, several minutes later, with a towel wrapped around me, he was lying back on the bed without a stitch of clothes on. He had his erection in his hand and was watching television. Believe it or not, it was porn.

  “You didn’t get enough?” I laughed. “Or did you take a Viagra?”

  “Not hardly,” he replied. “You’re better than the little blue pill.”

  “Well, there is a purpose behind all of this, you know.” I took over stroking him while I spoke. “This is all a little motivation to get you to do me an enormous favor.”

  “Jesus, there’s always a catch, isn’t there?”

  “I can stop,” I said, taking my hand away from his dick.

  “No, that’s okay. Keep going. And keep talking.”

  I took hold of him again and laid out the next phase of my plan. I wanted all suspicion pushed towards Bulldog. I needed him to help push Bulldog over the edge and take him down.

  “Jesus, Peach,” he said. “That’s huge. I don’t know if I can do that. Bulldog isn’t somebody that you fuck with like that.”

  I stopped stroking him, let my towel drop and straddled him. I rode him slow, rolling my hips and reaching behind me to play with his balls. “You might not like fucking with Bulldog, but you definitely like fucking with me, don’t you?”

  “Well, yeah, but…”

  I turned around so that he could have a nice view of my perfectly formed ass with his cock sliding in and out of my pussy. Needless to say, by the time he shot his load that third time, he was ready to do anything I asked him to do. What he essentially understood, though I didn’t actually make the promise, was that if he helped me take Bulldog down, he could have plenty of what I had just given him.

  Chapter Twenty-Three: TNT:

  There was no way around it. All evidence pointed to Leila being wrapped up in whatever it was that Bulldog was doing to me. I had tried to reason it out and separate her from it all, but I simply couldn’t. What I saw was glaring at me with the brightness of a pair of headlights on high beam. She was in it deep. I didn’t know if she was in it willingly or not, but I knew that I couldn’t continue to deny it. My biggest problem was how to approach her about it.

  I’d fought it off as long as I could, denied it often and finally surrendered to the fact that I was in love with her. As someone who had lusted after, conquered, ravished and grown tired of many a beautiful woman, I knew that what I had with Leila was different. She’d turned me completely inside out. So, approaching her with the accusation that I was about to make was not easy. I’d decided that I needed to do it when we both had our clothes on and when either of us would have the option of turning and walking away if things got too hot.

  We’d met in a park, ostensibly in order to have a picnic. Having defused bombs, remaining cool had been something that came easily and naturally to me, but I was shaking and my nerves were at their rawest edges when I saw Leila strolling toward me sporting that incredible smile of hers.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” she said as we met and she stood on her tiptoes to give me a long, wet, passionate kiss. When she broke away from me, her eyes were twinkling with devilish delight. “You know, I don’t have any problem taking you, right here in the park where everybody can see.”

  “That’s why I wore my chastity belt,” I responded. It was a stupid response, but I’d gotten used to saying stupid things around her without even the slightest amount of regret.

  “No basket or blanket?” She wrinkled her brow as she looked around us. “What kind of a picnic is this?”

  “We’ll get to that,” I replied. I took a deep breath and then forced it out. “We need to talk first.”

  “Wow,” she murmured. “That didn’t sound good at all.”

  “I have to approach a subject that is extremely uncomfortable. It might piss you off and I will understand if it does. However, I have to know some things.”

  “Spit it out already. How bad can it be?”

  “Could be pretty bad,” I replied. In one case, if she was innocently being used, things could go okay, but if she wasn’t, then it might get really ugly.

  “The suspense is killing me.”

  Again, I took a deep breath, blew it out and tried to start speaking. My heart was thundering in my chest, my mouth was dry and I was on the verge of passing out before I uttered those first words. “I have reason to believe that you are willingly or unwillingly being used by Bulldog or someone else to take me down.” Once I’d gotten started, I plunged ahead. “I paid someone to start looking into what you had told me about me being implicated in Salt Lake and that Bulldog had someone watching me. All of that turned out to be false, so obviously that led me to the only conclusion that I could reach. You’re either lying to me or being lied to.”

  “I don’t understand,” she responded. Her face had turned ashen, and I was afraid that she was either going to shoot me or puke; I wasn’t sure which. “You had me checked out?”

  “Yes, I hired a guy to act like he was a detective from Salt Lake. He went with a local officer to interview Bulldog, did some digging around there and in Salt Lake, and then reported back to me. He hadn’t heard a whisper implicating me, nor had he seen anyone keeping an eye on me. I’m sorry that I had to do that, but I had to figure things out. I had to know. Please don’t be angry with me.”

  There was a very long pause as she allowed what I told her to sink in. Her expression and the tone of her skin hadn’t changed. I wasn’t sure of what to think. My heart had gone out of control by that point, breathing was something that I had to concentrate on and I couldn’t have worked up enough saliva to spit if I’d had to. That long, lingering moment was worse than anything I’d ever experienced in my life, including some close calls with blowing myself to pieces from an IED.


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