AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) Page 52

by Carmella Jones

  Jocasta heard the glass door at the front of the palace shatter as she hid underneath her marriage bed. She knew that the invaders had broken through their front lines of defense if they had made it this far. She closed her eyes and thought about Vangorg. He couldn't have failed her. He was her champion and her hero. Surely he was still alive. She would feel their bond break in her bones if he had been killed in combat. She would feel his spirit entering her veins as he would be absorbed into her as part of the ether world.

  “Hello? Anyone home?”

  The chilling alien voice echoed throughout the rooms, and Jocasta could hear their movements thundering and plodding throughout, breaking glasses and artifacts, destroying ancient works of art, and taking whatever they chose. As the sounds approached the doorway the only thing Jocasta knew to do was lie completely still in hopes they would not be able to sense her humanity and simply think the palace had been abandoned. She closed her eyes and focused all of her thoughts on Vangorg commanding her body to be motionless. She tried to slow her breathing so it didn't come out in fearful, ragged gasps. As soon as she had that thought, she heard a crunching sound to her right. There was someone in the room with her. Biting her lip, she made an effort to control any emotion as an otherworldly voice boomed, “I know you're here. I smell you. I favor it. Come out now and your punishment will be less severe.”

  Swallowing, she still kept silent, even as the creature easily picked up their bed and flung it against the wall. “Haha. Some of you creatures never cease to amuse me. Hiding under the bed like an infant. Do I frighten you? I should.”

  Jocasta attempted to get up and run out of the room before the alien beast, whose eyes glowed like the fires of hatred, could reach her. It was to no avail, however. He was much stronger and faster than she was. He easily caught her in his arms and with one swift motion knocked her unconscious. As her vision faded the only thought in her mind was that of Vangorg. As she mentally attempted to force life into his body, she looked out the window at the orange hue of the fading sun in the distance.


  Awakening, Jocasta felt nothing but a throbbing in her head. She shut her eyes tightly, attempting to control it and get her bearings. She was vaguely aware of a presence in the room with her. Suddenly she felt coldness along her body, and even though she could only see the room in front of her, she was aware of her nakedness. Shaking her head gingerly from left to right she surveyed her surroundings and realized she was still in the palace in their bedchamber, but it was altered. There was no warmth in the room, and their ancestral shrine had been removed from the wall, the crest and the shield no longer visible as a source of strength. She breathed in deeply to discover her mouth had been sealed closed with some type of a ball gag. Her hands were bound above her head, she was assuming with either chains or shackles based on the sensation of cold metal against her skin. As she stirred she saw a shadow loom in the distance, turning the corner. Instinctively she scooted closer to the wall as she heard it approaching her. Seeing the glowing red eyes approaching her she shuddered again as he loomed over her, looking down and smiling at her helpless state. “Good. You are up. I was hoping to get started immediately. You need proper training.”

  “Fuck you!” She spat out inaudibly under the gag while attempting to pull her chains loose. She was going to fight with everything she had left against this force. Kneeling beside her, Hertzog merely chuckled and took his hand and placed it on her chin, forcing her face up to him. “Now. Play nice. You will be happier in the end. They always are.”

  Taking a long nail he caressed her cheek with it, examining the marks it left on her skin, and then took his fingers and felt her hair. He had never encountered a creature with such a soft mane without any apparent purpose. It was merely decoration, like the multicolored feathers of a bird, used to gain a male's attention. He was enamored with its softness against his rough, leathery skin. He would gain great pleasure out of wrapping his hands within it during their time together. “What do you call yourself?”

  Reaching down he removed the gag from her mouth. As soon as he did so she began breathing, deeply grateful for the additional oxygen it provided. “Well?”

  “Jocasta. It is what I call myself.”

  “Not anymore. You are mine now. I will call you Zara. In my language it means ‘dirt.’”

  Seeing his eyes glow in pleasure with this insult she only nodded and once more thought of her Vangorg. Being held as a hostage was not entirely new to her, since her life with Vangorg had begun with her abduction, but she remembered how kind he was. He was nothing like this creature that lingered over her, studying her, attempting to figure out how to break her. She felt an odd stirring in her abdomen again and knew that her champion was alive. He had to be, after all. They were not one in spirit yet.


  Seeing nothing but red, Vangorg awoke against the rough sand. He wiped the blood from his forehead and it smeared against his palm. He stood shakily and breathed in deeply. Channeling his sixth sense, he caught a glimpse of the beings that had invaded his planet holding his people in chains and making them toil in their mines and shops under forced slavery. Gathering his strength, he knew he could not allow this to happen. He focused all of his energy and thoughts on his wife. She was still alive. He could feel it. He said a silent, focused prayer for strength in this impossible battle. He could feel her heartbeat once more. He could feel her fear as well, and knew that if he did not act soon, she would be killed. Jocasta was a fiery human and one not easily broken. The creature that was keeping her would not put up with what he deemed to be her insolence. Picking up his sword and shield from the dust, Vangorg ran toward the palace.

  Recalling all of their shared moments, he knew that it would be worth it. No matter what the stakes he vowed when she became his wife that he would always protect her and keep her, even after the cold grave had taken them both. He knew if he only had one heartbeat left remaining within his chest he would choose to spend it with her. He would die happily if it meant he would get one last kiss from her, one last look into those kind green orbs she called eyes. Running to the palace, he stood before the doors and stealthily made his way to the back bedroom the pair had shared.

  Peeking around the corner he saw the creature standing over his naked and helpless wife. Seeing her in such a state, he couldn't help the anger that bubbled up in his soul. Every hair on his body stood up. He took a deep breath, attempting to steady his emotions and logically come up with a plan to defeat the alien being, but rage boiled within him. She was his and he was hers. No one would ever take that from him. Picking up his sword, his own eyes glowed with adrenaline. Running toward the being, he could find no words. He simply channeled all of the anger and protectiveness he had for Jocasta into his actions. He didn't think this time, didn't attempt to calculate the creature's movements. He just simply reacted, becoming part of the ether around him. Now he was as flexible and as transformative as water. Hertzog turned and saw him and laughed. He couldn't believe that this man thought he could defeat him. “Fool! I will kill you now. You are annoying like a gnat.”

  “Jocasta! I love you! I promised you I would return for you.”

  Urged on by her pleading eyes and intense stare, he could feel her love and strength coursing through his veins as well. Hertzog swung wildly at Vangorg, who dodged the attack easily and brought his sword down viciously against Hertzog’s arm. Now it was Vangorg who took pleasure in watching the blood pour from the open wound as he continued his attack. Kicking swiftly, he took down the creature in one motion, sweeping its knees out from underneath it. Without remorse and before Hertzog could move or react, Vangorg screamed out in a warrior's cry as he chopped into Hertzog's neck, finishing the attack while panting and watching the blood spurt from the creature's decapitated head. Its eyes glowed a bright red one final time, then faded to black as Vangorg kicked it once more, making sure the body had no life left remaining in it.

  Letting his sword clank to the ground,
he knelt before his wife and removed the chains from her wrists. She was visibly shaken as tears ran down her cheeks. “Oh, Vangorg. I knew you were alive. I knew you wouldn't leave me.”

  Covering her naked body with his cloak, he picked her up gingerly and carried her out of the room away from her temporary prison and the corpse that was still oozing liquid. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her, and he kissed her passionately. She couldn't hold back her sobs as she felt a deep gratitude that he was still alive. He held her closely to him and made shushing sounds, soothing her and letting her know he was not going anywhere, that it was his destiny to keep her safe. “I'm here, my wife. I will never leave you.”

  “Vangorg, the city is in shambles and there's been so much suffering and slaughter. What can we do now?”

  “Our people have faced adversity before. We are a strong people with great tenacity. We will rebuild together, my love, and will be stronger than ever. When I saw that creature standing over you, I couldn't contain my rage, my dear. I swear to you I will never be that cruel again unless it is warranted.”

  She kissed him deeply, then replied, “I know, my love. It is not in your nature. It won't be in your son's nature either.”

  “What did you say?”

  “When you slept and didn't feel me stirring, I understand why now. Your life force was being placed into my womb. I'm pregnant with your son, my love. I hope this fact makes you happy.”

  Taking her hands within his own, Vangorg slumped to his knees as tears of joy streamed down his face. He couldn't have been happier to have an heir to his legacy. Most of the other women who were abducted were already with child. Vangorg was content to leave that detail up to the fates, however. Staring into her eyes, he placed his hands on her abdomen and openly wept while she held the back of his head and kissed his forehead. It was her turn now to make shushing noises. She felt his joy and relief in her body as well.

  “I swear to you, as long as there is breath in my body, that child will not want for anything, nor will he ever suffer any tragedy. It's my duty now to protect him and preserve our lineage and our heritage. It's so breathtaking when you think about it, my darling. Stars burn out and planets die, but this force that we have within us has merged to form another being. I will be a good father. I can promise you that my darling.”

  “I know you will, my husband. We are all one heartbeat now in the vastness of this universe.”


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  Chapter 1

  Giggles sounded throughout the room as Emma Neal felt soft lips press against her neck. She smiled as her lover left a small trail of kisses on her skin. Eventually, she tried to push him away but he was persistent as he continued to make his way down her delicate flesh, slowly approaching her collarbone. Suddenly, however, he stopped, looking up at her, his red eyes shining brightly. He flashed her a smile, his sharp teeth sparkling in the candle light.

  Emma looked down at him, gently brushing his silver hair out of his eyes. When Emma had first met Varius she had been afraid of him. He wasn’t like her. He was an alien from a planet far, far away from Earth; a place called Strernon. Emma had arrived on this foreign ground two years ago.

  While still on Earth, Emma enrolled in a space travel program. Her mission was to find life in another galaxy. It was a solo operation. Emma had been eager to take the trip, picturing herself famous when she came back with the proof that there was indeed life in other parts of the universe. As she boarded her ship, she wondered what these other lifeforms were like.

  With this motivation, she was soon traveling through the Milky Way Galaxy making her way to the unchartered corners of space. Everything had gone smoothly until she reached the outer recesses of the galaxy. Her spaceship started to malfunction and she found herself plummeting through the darkness of outer space. At one point she fell unconscious as she plunged into the unknown, into a sure fire death.

  Somehow, however, she woke up. When she looked around everything was different. She was still in her spaceship but when she looked out of the window, she found herself on a foreign planet. All the wildlife was green and exotic, like something out of a sci-fi movie. She had tried to pry herself out of the pilot seat, but she was trapped. Her legs were broken.

  She groaned as pain throbbed throughout her entire body. She felt weak and light headed as she looked around. Her throat was parched as she tried to call out for help. “S…Someone… Please!” Her screams were feeble and it seemed like no one would ever come for her. Emma feared death. Why did it have to end like this?

  Emma spent two days passing in and out of the hands of mortality. By the third day she was stranded on the foreign planet she was sure her time was up. She closed her eyes and accepted her fate. However, just before death could take her, someone wrapped their arms around her and pulled her out of the wreckage. Before falling into the pits of unconsciousness, she looked up to see an almost human face looking at her: a Strenkon. The last thing she remembered was looking at his beautiful silvery hair.

  Emma took a deep breath and pulled herself out of her daydream as she ran her fingers through Varius’ soft gray hair.

  “Thinking about the crash again, aren’t you?” He asked in a husky voice as he leaned forward and kissed her cheek. She looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

  “How did you know that?” She asked as she rolled over and laid on top of him, playfully pinning him to the bed, before kissing his neck. Varius bit his lip as he felt her legs squeeze his waist. He loved when she straddled him. It made him feel helpless but yet really excited at the same time.

  “You had that look on your face again…” He explained before pulling her toward him and kissing her lips passionately.

  “What look?”

  “That look you get… like you are thinking really hard… you get it whenever you think about the crash.” Varius gently caressed the side of her face before kissing her forehead.

  “Well, I think about it a lot… if it wasn’t for you… I wouldn’t be alive right now. I had dreamed of being a famous astronaut… of furthering the human race… but I failed on my first mission.” Emma’s voice was soft as she thought about her disappointment.

  “Hey… it’s okay… you did your best… plus… don’t you like living and being with me?” Varius offered her a puppy dog face. She chuckled before smiling.

  “Of course, I do. I love you, silly. You know that.” Emma leaned down and kissed him again before laying by his side, cuddling close to him. “I just wonder what my life would have been like if I had succeeded…” She said as she looked at the ceiling of their cottage.

  Varius and Emma lived in the Wooded Area, a part of the planet that was barely populated by the Strenkon. Most of the aliens lived in their main city: Miuvis. But Varius had never been there as he had lived his entire life in the Wooded Area.

  Varius was about to roll over and get on top of Emma when there was suddenly a knock on the door. The two of them blushed, knowing they both had the same thing on their minds, but that it would have to wait. Varius got up and walked over to the door before opening it.

  Suddenly, a small green skinned alien female hugged him. “Good morning!” A peppy voice rang out as Varius chuckled.

  “Good morning Antica,” he said affectionately before running his fingers through her leafy hair. She smiled before unlatching herself from her brother’s legs. She squealed as she spotted Emma on the bed. In an instant, she jumped into the bed and hugged her tightly.

  Emma smiled as they hugged each other. Antica wa
s now like a sister to her. She loved the little tree-like alien almost as much as she loved Varius. The three of them had lived together in their cottage for two, almost three, years now, and even though Emma’s life wasn’t what she expected it to be when she had set out on her mission, she was still happy.

  Chapter 2

  A few days later Emma and Varius were in the kitchen waiting for Antica to come back home. She had gone out to gather some food for their dinner. While the couple waited, Emma walked over to Varius and smiled at him.

  “You know, I am happy I married you.” She looked up at him lovingly and he chuckled.

  “At first, I thought it was silly since it is not customary to “marry” in our culture.” Varius looked at his wife with kind eyes. Emma gave him a quizzical look.

  “So if you guys don’t get married… what do you do?” She asked. Varius looked at her, about to answer, when Antica walked into the kitchen. There was a sad look on her face as she held the basket in her hand. Varius frowned.

  “Antica… what happened? Why are you upset? Did something happen?” Varius asked concern in his voice as he looked at his baby sister. He brushed her hair out of her eyes. She looked up at him with watery eyes. She had been crying. He kneeled down, getting to her eye level before gently placing his hands on her shoulders. “Antica… please… tell me.” His voice sounded desperate as he pleaded with her.


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