AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) Page 59

by Carmella Jones

  “What do you mean by deed?” she asked him.

  “I killed Artemisia. Obviously not without a couple of wounds to my body, but I was able to finally put him to bed. He was planning on killing you tonight, and he was headed to the diner to get rid of you. I stopped him before any of that could happen. He bit me in the stomach, which is why I have this wound. It was pretty nasty to take care of, but I’m happy that I finally did what I needed to do,” he explained.

  “I can imagine. That’s absolutely crazy,” Kassie said.

  “Yeah, it was hard but it had to be done. I did the deed, and now I’m free. I’m happy to have finally told you this. It’s been eating away at me for a while, but I was scared to let you know. But I do care about you a lot Kassie, and to be honest you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he admitted.

  “I feel the same way. It’s weird, but I feel okay with anything as long as it’s with you. I was scared to take a chance at first, but then I realized it was my own personal fear that was holding me back. But I'm not fearful anymore. I know you would never do anything to hurt me” she said.

  There was a pause, and after a moment, Brandon nodded.

  “So you’re not scared?” he asked.

  “Nope. In fact, I think I’m falling for you. I’m ready for whatever it is that you throw at me. I’m not afraid anymore, and I’m willing to accept this whole shifting thing, even if I don't quite understand it yet. For you, and for me,” she replied.

  For a brief moment Brandon took all of this in, and Kassie smiled. In a way, it wasn’t so hard to accept the fact that he was a lion shifter. Compared to the other redneck dudes in this town, it was a breath of fresh air.

  “Well then, I guess it’s time that I give you this,” he said.

  There was a moment of silence between them, and Kassie wondered what the hell he was going to give her. Then, he pressed his lips to hers, and soon the two of them let their lips push against one another, both of them not caring about anything else but the feel of their plush lips against the other person’s. At the moment, time had stopped, and the only thing that they could feel was the emotion of love, the emotion of desire, and the emotion of acceptance.


  For a moment, there was nothing else going on, and Kassie blushed as she felt Brandon take control of her lips. He moved away, and then he kissed her again, and after a second or two, she moaned in wanton pleasure and need. It felt so good, so amazing, and the two of them knew that this was it, that this was exactly what they wanted. They continued to kiss for a little bit, both of them letting their lips touch and experiment against one another. Brandon lightly bit on her bottom lip, pulling her into his lap. His muscular arms wrapped around her and Kassie moaned, feeling her body start to grow warm with pleasure. She could feel her own resolve starting to crumble, replaced by sheer desire and lust.

  Soon, he moved his tongue to the edge of her lips, begging for her to let him enter. Kassie blushed, but then she complied, opening her mouth to let him in. The two of them paused for a moment as Brandon started to explore her mouth with his wet tongue. Kassie moaned, bucking her hips in agreement as he continued to do this. He then started to let his tongue mingle with hers, and soon Kassie got the courage to do the same to his own, earning a moan of excitement from his mouth as he did this.

  Soon, he pulled away, looking at her with a smile.

  “Well, do you want to head over to my room?” he asked.

  Kassie blushed, immediately knowing where this was going. Despite her curvaceous and attractive features, this would be the first man that Kassie had ever slept with. She was more excited about it being with someone that she truly cared about than doing the deed itself.

  When they got to the bedroom, Brandon laid down on his back, with Kassie on top of him. He was able to hold her up, and soon his lips were against her neck.

  “I’m sorry I can’t really be on top. You know, the wound and all,” he said.

  “It’s fine. Trust me babe, I’m totally fine with it,” Kassie responded. He was still the one in control, with his lips ghosting over the edge of her neck, peppering kisses downward making Kassie shudder and moan in pleasure.

  He then lightly bit down on her neck and soon Kassie felt like she was about to lose it. She moaned, bucking her wide hips in agreement and pleasure as he continued to nibble on her neck. He did this for a bit, loving the reactions that he got out of her before pulling away and letting his hands travel downward towards her shirt.

  Kassie braced herself, biting on her lips nervously as he pulled it off her body. She was soon clad in her black bra, her heaving breasts right in front of his face. Her breasts were thick, round, and perked – making the perfect handful for Brandon. His lips started to dot downward, getting towards the edge of the garment before he let his hands ride up, cupping her large breasts and squeezing them. Kassie moaned and her panties soon became soaked with desire. He traced his fingers in circles against the edge of her nipple, causing the bud to harden through her bra. It took but one moment for his hands to move from the front of her bra to the back of it, undoing the clasp with a bit of effort as the garment fell off her body.

  Kassie blushed, feeling slightly exposed, but confident. She had never gone this far before, but she was ready to dazzle this man with her supple curves. Brandon lightly cupped her breasts, his thumbs twirling against the edge of her areolas causing Kassie to moan out. He then replaced one of his hands with his lips, letting it circle around the edge of the nipple before he took it into his mouth. His tongue slithered up to the edge of the nipple, teasing the tip of it before poking against it. Kassie gasped, feeling her body tense up in pleasure as he did that. It felt so good, the pleasure so intense and soon his other hand started to rub her other nipple. As he did that, she knew that she was gone. She was simply lost in pleasure.

  Soon, he started to suck on it a bit harder, pinching on the nipples and causing Kassie to let out a low moan of pleasure. He continued to do this for a bit, until he moved away, his hands trailing to her backside and squeezing her voluptuous ass. He then lightly slapped it, loving the way it felt beneath his hands. Kassie let out a small squeak, but then his hands traveled to the front of her pants, moving his hands to the edge of her jeans and undoing them.

  Kassie pulled away, blushing as she slid her pants and panties off. She looked at Brandon's rock solid body in just a pair of jeans, which she proceeded to help him remove. Soon they were both naked, and Kassie felt a wave of nervousness and excitement. She had never been this exposed before, but she felt incredibly sexy.

  His hands slipped to her front, lightly caressing against the edge of her clit, making her moan out. She felt her hips buck against his own, and soon his hands twisted and lightly pinched her clitoral hood. She squeaked, feeling her body tense up as Brandon continued his actions. He did this for a while, loving the sounds that she made. After a moment, however, he pulled away, smiling at her as he moved his fingers towards her entrance. He then started to push his finger into her and it slipped inside with ease. Kassie moaned, moving her hips into the edge of his finger as it easily glided in and out. She then felt him pump within her and continued to let him explore. He grazed his finger against the top of her pussy, and soon she moaned out loudly, loving the way that it felt. Soon, he slid another finger into her, pushing it in spreading his two fingers apart. Kassie held onto him as he did it. She felt flush, her pussy soaked with need, and after a moment or so, he pulled away, licking his fingers to taste her.

  “You taste great,” he told her in a husky voice. Kassie simply blushed, feeling a bit awkward about how she should respond to that. Before she could respond he fumbled for his pants, pulling his wallet out to grab a condom. He sheathed his cock, which was hard and throbbing and pulled her on top of him again. Kassie braced herself as she slid down against him, feeling his cock push deep within her.

  For a moment, she felt as if time had stopped. It felt so good and soon she felt herself gaspi
ng in pleasure as he pushed through her hymen, breaking it and filling her up. He then stopped for a moment, allowing Kassie to get used to it. It hurt for a second, but then the pain went away, replaced by pleasure as he started to move into her. She blushed, but then moved her hips up and down against him, feeling him fill her up as she continued to move. She started out with slow thrusts, a bit relaxed to help dull away the pain, but then she started to move faster, feeling him go deeper and deeper. Brandon started to move his hips in tune with hers, and soon his cock was penetrating her deeper and deeper than ever before. It was amazing, and as he continued it, she felt like she was about to go completely insane with pleasure.

  He continued this for a little while until she felt him hit that right spot, and when he did that, her pussy tightened up, her body starting to go crazy as she spasmed against him. Soon, she felt release come out of her body, her pussy dripping as she felt her body relax. At that moment, he tensed up, and when that happened, they both knew it was the end.

  He came, his cock spilling out its release. Kassie could feel it warming up against her, his cum shielded by the condom. She then moved off of him, and after he hobbled over to the trash can to throw away the condom, they both sat in bed together, looking at one another and smiling.

  “That was amazing,” he said.

  “Sure was. I’m glad I came over here,” she replied.

  “You and me both. I was so scared to tell you anything. When you saw me that night I was flipping out inside. I thought you wouldn't want to see me again. I'm glad you're OK with it and understand why I did what I did tonight,” he said.

  “Not at all, babe. I know how it is. You had to do what you needed to do. I’ll be there for you and whatever comes our way,” Kassie replied.

  He smiled, moving closer to Kassie and grasping her hand, looking at her in the eyes.

  “Then will you stay with me?” he asked.

  “Of course. No matter what, I’m here for you,” she replied.

  “Good. Because I know that you want to leave eventually, and I want that as well. I think we’ll be able to in the future, but for now, let’s save up some money and cultivate our love,” he replied.

  Kassie agreed to that, nodding in excitement. “Thank you. Let’s do that,” she replied.

  The two of them kissed, and for the first time in forever, Kassie felt happy and ready to live her life. For a long time, she felt like she was just going through the motions, and that she was working hard simply in order to please others. But now she had a goal, a reason to live, and knew everything would be fine.

  The two of them were together after that, and soon Kassie went back to school. She got her accounting degree in a couple of years, and soon the two of them had the money to get out of there, as even Brandon was beginning to feel like he had overstayed his welcome in the small town. They moved to the city and eventually got married. Kassie was happy she accepted him for who he was, and every single day looked at the man who was now her husband with happiness.


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  Scarlet’s Alien: Chapter One

  1 a.m. was not an unfamiliar time for Scarlet, as much as she wished that it were. Working at a law firm was supposed to be a job people killed for, but all the glamour surrounding the profession usually comes from the six digit paycheck, without much thought going towards how many late nights are spent getting reports in to an asshole boss. Scarlet could just throw her computer across the room and go to sleep, but that wouldn't help her when tomorrow came. Especially considering that the report was already late.

  Another hour and a half of excruciating writing went by before Scarlet could send the email off, then she got up, went over to the empty bed and flopped down. "Fuck this job," she muttered. Sure, it had gotten her a nice house on San Clemente beach in California, and she had enough smart investments to retire around fifty thanks to her connections, but nights like these made her wonder if the money was really worth it.

  She tried to just relax, take a deep breath, and close her eyes. If she was ticked off before she laid down, she was livid now. Her body was so tired that it couldn't even get off to sleep.

  "I can't believe it," Scarlet muttered to herself, then got out of bed, sluggishly shuffled down to the kitchen, made herself some tea, and groaned. Nights like these were the worst. All she could do was try to relax and get her mind off of things, or she would never be able to find the sweet land of sleep. So, she took her chamomile tea outside to her beach chair and just lounged, looking up at the night's sky.

  It was a beautiful night. If she had a fancy camera, it would be one of those nights that a stunning photo of the sky could be caught. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the city was enacting new energy conservation measures, so light pollution was at a minimum. It was just beautiful.

  Though Scarlet was never too interested in astronomy, it wasn't hard to appreciate a night like this. There was even a comet with a faint greenish glow streaking along the clear night sky at a steady clip.

  Funny, she mused to herself. Usually if comets were going to come by, then they would be all over the news. Yet, nothing of the sort had been on the local station she listened to in the morning. Yet that thing in the sky, that little greenish ball with the brilliant tail -- that had to be a comet, didn't it? Scarlet never really cared for astronomy, so she didn't know a comet from a meteor from any other extraterrestrial body that might come zipping along, but she was fairly sure that was what a comet looked like.

  The beautiful and faint glow as the rock whizzed by in the sky soothed Scarlet, and she just sipped her tea as her eyes followed the comet. She started to feel at ease, until it became apparent to her that the comet's direction had changed, or at the very least it seemed for a moment to stop moving. The tail disappeared. Then the comet started getting larger.

  The serenity that Scarlet felt not too long ago went up in smoke. Was what she was seeing even possible? The comet--if that's what she saw-- didn't stop moving. It was coming towards the Earth? Scarlet didn't even realize that comets could suddenly, and so clearly change directions like that, but she wasn't going to question it either. She dropped her cup into the sand and started running. She couldn't tell where the comet was going to land just yet, so she could be running right into the eventual impact zone. Regardless of that, her instincts just kicked in and told her to run.

  She didn't get far. Maybe twenty feet, which barely got her to the fence around her estate, when the comet landed in the ocean, and the shock waves completely knocked her off her feet and made her legs feel like jelly.

  Unable to do much else, Scarlet turned back towards the site of the comet, and she saw a huge wave forming from the impact. She tried to get back to her feet to run, but her legs wouldn't move, so she just held on tightly to her fence. Maybe it was sturdy enough to survive the torrent heading towards her?

  Chapter Two

  Scarlet's eyes fluttered open to an entirely new, vibrant scene. Immediately above her, she could see a pink canopy draped around the bed she was lying on, and pulled over her a soft and warm purple blanket of sorts. She shot upright in her seat, and in front of her saw nothing but a cold, blue, metallic floor leading up to a wall of the same material. There was something analogous to veins, glowing with a faint blue glow, running through the metal.

  Immediately, Scarlet felt her heart beat quicken, and she tried to rub her temples to jog her memory of what had caused her to wake up to this place. She remembered back to being on the beach. A big wave came. It pulled the pickets right from the ground as she was clinging on to them.
Then she was washed away. Before she got far, though, something cold and hard, like metal, seemed to wrap around her like a tentacle and pull her out towards the sea, against the current of the wave which were still going inland. After that, she couldn't remember anything. She probably had passed out from lack of air.

  Scarlet, though she felt a pain in her chest from taking in too much water, jumped to her feet from the bed, only to realize she wasn't wearing anything at all. Her little red silk nightie that she'd been wearing when she went outside to sit, which wasn't much to begin with, and her slippers, had completely disappeared.

  It was hard to decide whether the embarrassment or the fact that she was freezing without these garments on was worse. She felt goosebumps on every single square centimeter of her body when her feet touched the cold metal floor, and she instinctively jumped back onto the bed she'd been on and pulled the warm and inviting blankets around her.

  "I see that you're finally up," a low but powerful voice said. Scarlet looked around frantically for the originator of the voice. The canopy around the bed was made of a very thin muslin, or at least something like it, so she could see a silhouette of a figure off to the right side of the bed.

  "Who the hell are you?" Scarlet demanded, trying to sound tough. She was scared beyond belief, of course, but she wouldn't let him know that.

  "I am called Nerol," the low voice answered. She could trace the shadow beyond the canopy as he began to walk around to its opening at the front of the bed. Then he just stood there.

  Though the silence seemed to want Scarlet to contribute something, her jaw just dropped, and she was dumbfounded for a moment as she saw Nerol. His body was definitely humanoid. There was no questioning the fact that he was a bipedal creature with a rather human face. However, these similarities to humans were equally outweighed with the differences. Insofar as his face went, the only difference between his and a normal human would be the eyes. They were large and dark, with no white to speak of. From what she could see of his ears, they seemed to be long and pointed, though she could only see the tips of them through his longish purple hair.


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