AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)

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AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) Page 136

by Carmella Jones

  With that, Rasenth took Syrenth back into their room so that they could be alone, and there would be no more bickering on the issue with his clan. “I’m sorry for their behavior--they’re idiots. The lot of them.”

  Syrenth didn’t know what to say. He wanted to stop Rasenth there before he made a huge mistake. Choosing a new mate over his whole tribe just seemed like Rasenth was risking too much here, so Syrenth was incredibly worried. He didn’t hesitate to follow the elder dragon into the chambers, though he was incredible on edge after all that.

  “Am I really worth all this trouble? Your tribe… The hate me. Surely this can’t be good for you?” Syrenth asked, a worried tone penetrating his voice as he just sat down on the bed. He couldn’t believe this. So much for keeping it all a secret. They hadn’t done well with that at all.

  “Don’t ask such a stupid question. If you weren’t worth the trouble, I wouldn’t go out of my way to defend you,” Rasenth replied, but he realized that was being a little harsh, so he just gave Syrenth a kiss. “Besides, that was a bluff. No one in the tribe would risk losing me for protection. They’re all rather weak, you see, so if anyone tried to start a fight with them, if would be hard for them to defend themselves,” Rasenth explained. As of right now, everyone would be talking amongst each other about what just happened, and if they were wise, they would all be agreeing to take in Syrenth without complaint, or they’d lose their clan’s alpha. If that should happen, the whole clan would be completely defenseless, and so it was pretty clear to Rasenth that everyone would decide unequivocally that they needed to be a bit kinder and more accepting towards Syrenth.

  Syrenth wasn’t convinced by this, but he did appreciate the kiss and the softer tone in his lover’s voice. He didn’t believe he was worth all this trouble. This was suppose to be a wonderful new thing, but all Syrenth could think about was his father finding out, and trying to kill Rasenth for it. At this moment in time, he wasn’t sure if he could go through with it.

  “No. I can’t let you do this,” Syrenth replied, and stepped away from his lover. He felt awful. It was as though his stomach was ripping itself apart with guilt. There was no way the tribe would look to Rasent the same way they used to after this. He would be looked down upon and talked about behind his back. The elder would become an outsider, and that wasn’t right.

  “This is going to ruin you. You can’t go through with this. I’m not worth it. Call it off,” Syrenth demanded, though it was clear this wasn’t an easy decision to make. This whole thing was making him a little teary eyed as he didn’t want to lose Rasenth. He wanted to stay with him here in these caves, but it wasn’t worth the trouble. Tazour would go insane if he found out, and Rasenth would become hated. It just wasn’t worth it.

  Rasenth felt all the warmth of the previous night disappear in an instant, and he just frowned. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure how to react to Syrenth telling him that he wanted to get out of this whole affair. It felt like a stab to his heart, and just made him a mix between terribly and soul crushingly disappointed that he’d lost Syrenth already, and angry that Syrenth wasn’t going to stay with him any longer.

  “If that’s how you feel about everything, then I can’t very well force you to stay,” Rasenth said, a low growl in the back of his throat following that statement to show how upset he was by this.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just not worth it,” Syrenth replied softly, a few tears trickling down his cheek. It was as though he had woken up from a heavenly dream into a horrifying nightmare. He didn’t think he’d lose Rasenth so quickly, but they couldn’t keep this up. If it had stayed secret, then it would have went on for a bit longer, but they would have been found out eventually. Their relationship just wasn’t worth the chaos it would bring.

  “I’m so sorry,” Syrenth said again, then went to the door to leave. At least now Rasenth could just say that he had kicked him out for the good of the tribe, and keep his name and his honour. It was for the best as far as Syrenth was concerned.

  Rasenth took Syrenth’s comment that this just “wasn’t worth it” in the worst possible way, and assumed that Syrenth just didn’t think that keeping contact with Rasenth would be worth the trouble it would cause. If that was how it was going to be, then Rasenth wouldn’t go to any great lengths to chase Syrenth down--it was his own choice.

  “Very well. That’s your decision, after all. Well, gather up whatever you like, and I’ll take you down to the base of the mountain, and see you off,” Rasenth said, his voice as cold as ice as he spoke. He didn’t like being shunned by a man he thought would be his lover. It came off as a terrible insult to him, and if he could he would have lashed out in anger. However, he was still somewhat infatuated with Syrenth from last night, so he didn’t let himself get too worked up.

  “No, i’ll fly myself. I don’t want to cause you anymore trouble,” Syrenth replied, his voice barely even a whisper. This was heartbreaking for him, especially having Rasenth being so cold towards him. Rasenth had never spoken to him that way before, but maybe it was for the best so this didn’t continue.

  Syrenth gathered his things then went out of the chamber, turning into his dragon form and leaving as fast as he could. He really wished he could wake up from this terrible nightmare, but that didn’t seem to be happening any time soon.

  Once Syrenth was gone, Rasenth spent the rest of his day in his room moping. At one point Lyshara came in, just to see what Rasenth was doing. After all, he usually was out and about a bit more. She soon regretted entering, however, as he lashed out at her, and told her to get out of his sight, and make sure that the others did the same. He was in no mood to play games with anyone, or to tolerate the people who ruined his new relationship with their damned ignorance.

  Rasenth stayed in his room, moping and keeping to himself for an entire week, not eating at all, and sleeping far too much. Once he finally broke out of the funk he was in, his clansmen were all suffering without having been able to eat much while he was refusing to hunt. However, now he was ready to be a proper leader again, and so he took out Lyshara and they went a day’s journey to the south, going to a great gulf and fishing for everyone with nets made of ice. This pattern continued for some time, and Rasenth continued getting creative to feed everyone. He had to be, after all. Sure, it wasn’t easy, but he was doing his best to provide, and to distract himself from the thoughts and memories of Syrenth.

  Chapter 7

  Three months had passed since Rasenth and Syrenth’s night of passion, but it had certainly not been forgotten. Syrenth wasn’t the same when he got home. He wasn’t the happy go lucky youth he once was. No one could go near him without being snapped at or threatened. Even when Tazour returned he couldn’t make his son see sense. Syrenth was miserable, and things were only getting worse.

  Over the last week, the young dragon had felt ill. He had stayed in his dragon form, unable to turn human, but he didn’t care, and he didn’t seek the attention of the elders to see what was wrong with him. Tazour believed he was just sulking, though he didn’t know what it was over. There had been endless arguments between them, only stopping when Syrenth got upset and Tazour would try and comfort him. Then they would get along for a little while, but the vicious cycle would normally resume soon after.

  This was Syrenth’s seventh day of being unwell, and today he just couldn’t sit still. He paced around his room, feeling pains in his stomach and strange feelings all over his body. The whole ordeal was really beginning to frighten him, but he didn’t know what to do. Tazour was out for the day, doing his rounds in the town, and so he was all alone. No one was here to help him or comfort him. Syrenth would have given anything to have Rasenth here with him, especially as things continued to grow stranger.

  Syrenth let out an ear piercing scream as he felt something coming out of him. He didn’t know what it was, or what was happening. All he could feel was something needing to get out, so he pushed it and pushed it. Within minutes, something fell to the floor. The youn
g dragon looked down, only to see a large purple egg sitting there, and that wasn’t the only one to come.

  After fifteen minutes of excruciating pain, lying on the floor were three purple eggs, and Syrenth couldn’t believe it. He was exhausted from the process, and he was terrified that he had even laid eggs in the first place. It could only mean that these were Rasenth’s, and his night of passion had come back to haunt him. He couldn’t hide hatchlings from his father. Everyone would find out that he had mated with an ice dragon, as at least one of these eggs would be an ice dragon.

  Panic was starting to fill Syrenth’s mind, but his body began to feel more normal. He was able to change into his human form now, and he grabbed the eggs and hid them in his bed, covering them with a soft, warm blanket to keep them hidden and warm, then fled the house. Rasenth had to know about this. Syrenth just didn’t know what to do or how to proceed. So, once he was out of the house he shifted into his dragon form and flew to the ice mountains.

  This was not a flight Syrenth wanted to take, not after laying three eggs. However, it was his only choice. He ignored the sentries and flew back to where he remembered the cave was, flying with all his might to get there as quickly as he could.

  By the time he reached the cave entrance he could barely move. He collapsed on the floor, gasping for breath as he called for Rasenth, unsure if he was even here, or if he’d even come to him.

  “RASENTH!” Syrenth shouted as loud as he could, then rested his head on the floor to see if anyone would come to him. He prayed they would be kind.

  Rasenth, though he hadn’t seen Syrenth in months, recognized his voice immediately and rushed to the entrance of the cave, wondering what had brought his little fire dragon back to him? Then again, it didn’t sound as if Syrenth was in a particularly good mood. Maybe he’d gotten himself in trouble and needed a big strong elder dragon to help him? Or maybe he just missed his fly by night lover and wanted more? It was hard to say.

  “Syrenth, what’s wrong?” Rasenth asked, kneeling down beside Syrenth, as he was rather concerned with how the young dragon just flopped down on the ground when he entered the caves. Maybe he was just winded from the flight, but it was hard to say with any degree of certainty.

  “We need to talk,” Syrenth replied, turning into his human form and honestly wishing he could just hug Rasenth. He had missed him so much, but now they had reason to speak again. Syrenth wasn’t too sure what would come of this conversation. Maybe they could run away together or something? Raise the hatchlings somewhere safe. But, he could think about that later, right now he had to tell his old lover the news.

  Following Syrenth’s lead, Rasenth also turned into his human form, and he took Syrenth into his arms and began carrying him to his chambers, so it would at least be a bit warmer for the fire dragon.

  Once they were there, Rasenth laid Syrenth down on the bed and covered him up with blankets. Though they had parted on bad terms, Rasenth still often thought of Syrenth, and he was hoping that this homecoming signified Syrenth changing his mind about leaving him, and maybe they could be together.

  “Yes, Sy? What do you wish to discuss?” Rasenth asked.

  Syrenth almost couldn’t believe Rasenth was being so caring. He was actually picking him up and being so gentle with him. It was wonderful. Though, he couldn’t savour the loving moment. He just took Rasenth’s hand as he gazed up to his gorgeous eyes and finally gave his old lover the news.

  “I’ve… There is… back home. I’ve just laid eggs, Rasenth. Three eggs,” Syrenth informed Rasenth, rather panicked. He squeezed the elder’s hand tightly, trying to get a hold of himself as he waited for the older dragon’s reaction.

  Rasenth hardly knew what to say. He had babies with Syrenth? That wasn’t exactly the most uplifting news in the world given the circumstances. In fact, depending on Tazour’s reaction to this, it might be the preface to a battle between the two of them.

  “I see,” Rasenth said softly. “And what do you wish to do?” he asked, wondering what Syrenth wanted. As things were, Rasenth didn’t see how he could go back home with Syrenth, or Syrenth come here. So, it would be a very difficult thing to work out.

  “I don’t know,” Syrenth replied, visibly upset but he was trying to hold back the tears. He wanted to hold Rasenth, to have him close to him again and feel his comforting warmth engluf him. Just one last time at least.

  “I hide them in my room. I came straight here. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared,” Syrenth spoke, squeezing Rasenth’s hand and refusing to let go. If he could, he would have just run away with Rasenth, apologising for leaving him the way he did and maybe try and be happy somewhere far away. However, that was probably never going to happen. Rasenth had a whole clan to think of. He had chosen Syrenth over them before, however, the young dragon doubted it would happen again.

  “Where is your father right now?” Rasenth asked, pulling Syrenth towards him, just holding him closely. He was glad to leave everything behind for Syrenth, as long as he was sure that Syrenth really did want to stay with him. He wouldn’t let Syrenth leave him this time, though. As long as his lover wanted to stay with him, then he would stay by his side no matter what came.

  Syrenth felt a small wave of relief washing over him as Rasenth held him. The young dragon nuzzled into the elder, resting his head against the male’s shoulder and just enjoyed the moment of being in his arms.

  “He’s working around town. He’s probably doing his inspection of the elk herd,” Syrenth replied, happy to give Rasenth whatever information or help he needed. He didn’t want to leave this time. If he could, he would have just stayed here, but they couldn’t leave the eggs down there, alone and defenceless.

  “Is there going to be another time where Tazour will leave the tribe for a few days, like he did in the winter?” Rasenth asked. He wanted to find the best time for Syrenth to sneak out with the eggs. Rasenth could scout out a suitable nest, and then he could take Syrenth there and they could raise the little hatchlings.

  “I think so. Yeah. In a few weeks,” Syrenth replied, looking up at Rasenth to see what his plan was. He would just do whatever the elder dragon said. Rasenth clearly knew what he was doing here and it seemed he was already beginning to formulate a plan. If it meant they could be somewhere safe with the little ones then Syrenth was willing to do whatever it took to make that happen.

  “Well, it typically takes a little over a month for dragon eggs to hatch. So, we will have to just be careful and wait for your father to leave, and you will have to make sure that he doesn’t find out about the eggs. While we’re waiting, I’ll find a suitable nest for us, and we can move the eggs there once your father has left,” Rasenth said, gently running his fingers through Syrenth’s hair. He was a bit overwhelmed that he was a father for the first time, and over 1000 years old. He wanted to do a good job and raise the little wyrms, though, and keep them safe.

  “Can we not leave sooner?” Syrenth asked, as he was scared of keeping this a secret. It would only be a matter of time before Tazour found the eggs. There weren’t many places Syrenth could hide them, and he had to keep them warm so they wouldn’t die. It wasn’t going to be an easy task, that was for sure.

  “Do you think you could leave your father’s home with the eggs without getting caught?” Rasenth asked, not to argue with Syrenth, but if that was too risky, it was better that he try and dig a hole in the backyard while Tazour slept and hide them there. As long as the hole was about ten feet down, the ground would be around seventy degrees, which would be warm enough for the eggs to be safe. Rasenth just thought that moving them at the risk of being caught might spook Syrenth should someone see him, and maybe one of the eggs would drop. That was just a scenario that Rasenth didn’t want to see realized.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. I just don’t feel safe there now. If my father found out… I don’t know what he would do,” Syrenth replied, burying his head into Rasenth chest as he tried not to think of being caught with the eggs. Tazour wo
uld lose the plot. He’d go mental and probably kill Rasenth for this. Not that Syrenth would tell Tazour who fathered the eggs, but they certainly weren’t the same colour or texture as normal inferno eggs, so he would probably figure it out sooner or later.

  “I leave it up to your discretion. If you think that you could leave without being followed, then I encourage you to try. If not, then the only thing that we can do is wait. Just realize that if you get caught leaving and whomever catches you sees the eggs, they will definitely have some questions, and you may not be allowed to leave after that point,” Rasenth said. He wanted this done in the safest and most cautious manner possible.

  “I don’t know if I can do it on my own. I want to get them out, but i don’t think I’ll be able to without someone seeing me,” Syrenth replied, after hearing the risks of leaving so suddenly it made the young dragon hesitate. It was possible for him to be caught and questioned about this, and once Tazour found out he’d probably never be allowed to leave the house again. His father would probably have the eggs squished, left to die and be forgotten so the family name wasn’t ruined by this act. It was terrible, but Syrenth felt like he had to do something. He wanted to guarantee the hatchlings safety whatever way he could.

  “Listen, you just have to hurry back home, before your father returned, and dig a hole that’s fairly deep. About ten feet or so. Hide the eggs there and camouflage the hole so that it’s not noticeable. I will go and look for a nice place to nest, and you just keep appearances up until it’s time to go. I wish I could keep you here in my arms, but right now, it’s just not safe to linger. Okay?” Rasenth said, giving Syrenth a kiss on the forehead to comfort him a little.

  A kiss on the forehead wasn’t enough for Syrenth. He sat up and locked his lips with Rasenth’s, holding him close as he tried to make the kiss as passionate as he could. He wanted to make sure that Rasenth was going to stay true to his word that he would come back for him and find a nest for them to live. Syrenth just needed to know that everything would work out and that everything would be okay.


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