Candy's Wild Ride (The Candy Cane Girls Book 3)

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Candy's Wild Ride (The Candy Cane Girls Book 3) Page 1

by Bonnie Engstrom

  Candy’sWILD RIDE

  The Candy Cane Girls, book 3

  By Bonnie Engstrom

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  Copyright ©2016 Bonnie Engstrom

  Forget Me Not Romances, a division of Winged Publications.

  All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of the publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission of the publisher.

  All verses from NIV version

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental, except for the instances where they were used in conjunction with a business on purpose.

  All rights reserved.


  The real Bill Lord for allowing me to use his name and appearance. He was also the motorcycle expert for this story. Although I have not seen it myself, I am told he has an entire garage full of motorcycles that he repairs and purchases, or trades parts for and with. Fascinating man and a real life hero. The Bill I know of does not have a son, so both Bill Junior and the Senior title are both fictional. May the real Bill Lord please stand up!

  To a girl named Laurie who I met in the supermarket parking lot when she steered her red Mini Harley Softail Slim into a space. I knew immediately it was the bike Candy would ride in the story. I regret I didn’t have the insight to take a photo of it, but I did find it online. Super cute and perfect for a young woman.

  To Kerrie Benvenuti who took time and special effort to take photos of Rogers Gardens so both Candy and I could visualize our bearings. It had been a long time since I was there, so her help was invaluable. That part of the story couldn’t have been written without her help.

  My preschool director daughter, Dana, who I snuck into this story, as well as my son, Brian, the surfer who lives in Costa Rica. It was a joy to include them. Miss Lorrie is again included, but sorry there is no recipe from her this time. But, Pastor Steve and his lovely wife Patti made the wedding special. Their joy for each other and for the Lord is almost legendary.

  Again, my wonderful and patient husband Dave, resident chef, who held dinner many evenings while I wrote and edited. The dogs ate before we did! Thank you, Dave. See now what you signed up for fifty-two years ago. Gosh, shrink and author, what a combo!

  My publisher, Cynthia Hickey of Forget Me Not Romances who has been extremely patient. She is the gem who made this and my other books realities.

  Nava, the Director of Marketing for Rogers Gardens who answered many questions for me and clued me in about the Farmhouse Restaurant that would be open by the time the story concludes.

  Author Darlene Franklin for getting me started on a Candy Cane story. Although we never published together as we had planned, she inspired me.

  God! Thank You for giving me the words to say. I prayed so many times for those, and You answered. Sometimes in spurts of sentences, sometimes in inspirational ideas, and many times in encouragement from others. Somehow You got me through the crazy idea of having so many Bills in this story. You truly were my savior for this book and will forever be my Savior for all time.


  “I am Cinderella, with no fairytale prince.”

  Natalie whispered to herself and tossed her ponytail over her shoulder before she started wiping down the free weights. Was this what her life had come to? Cleaning stuff? She was grateful for her small gym and the local residents who had joined it and used it almost daily. Some of them said they were uncomfortable in the huge workout areas of the chain gyms. They liked the more intimate surroundings, chatting with neighbors who they actually knew, not someone in another zip code.

  But, she didn’t have enough members to pay the bills.

  It was six o’clock and she was about to close up for the day when Bill walked in.

  “Am I too late?”

  He was a new member she’d only seen once or twice. But, he caught her attention this evening, maybe with his question. He had a full head of graying hair, a firm face with few wrinkles and a wide smile. What seemed like a genuine one, not a come on. He was very attractive for an older man, and her heart skipped a beat.

  She guessed him to be fifty plus. Maybe thirty years older than her. Did that matter? Melanie’s stepfather Bruce was in his fifties. But, Melanie hated him. Still, Bill had always been a gentleman the few times she had seen him here. Being a black belt in karate, she felt comfortable with any male coming late to her gym.

  She had been inspired to start the gym right after high school when her swim coach mentor Coach Douglas encouraged her. He had been supportive of all the Candy Cane swim team members’ dreams for the future, but because she wanted to encourage physical health, he offered to make a small investment in Natalie’s gym. He died before he could make it legal, nor support any of the other Candy Canes’ endeavors. The other girls had pursued other dreams. Noelle had married Braydon who owned Love In Joy Floral Shop in Corona del Mar, and she was teaching English at Vista del Mar High School. Melanie was working at New Hope Preschool in aftercare, but would soon be promoted to teacher. Cindy had married her dream man on the beach in Costa Rica. She and Rob were missionaries planning to plant a church there and establish groups to support Multiple Sclerosis suffers. All important stuff. Connie was a fashion designer, and Doreen was one of her models. Candy had gotten married young, divorced and never pursued a career. Of all of them she was hands down the most beautiful.

  What did Natalie have? She just ran a small gym. One that only attracted locals, mostly because they knew her. Her client base was small.

  Dialing her phone, she called Candy, the encourager. After all, what were Candy Canes for? They were such a tight knit group, and they always prayed for each other.


  “Me, too,” Candy said when Natalie told her she was down in the dumps. “Do you think it’s our age?”

  Natalie laughed at that. “Maybe. But, hey, we ain’t that old, girl.”

  “How about single?” Candy retorted.

  “Candy,” Natalie almost yelled. “We are only twenty-six. Not over the hill yet. In our prime. Still able to reproduce.” Why had she said that? Was she desperate to have children, a family?


  Bill came in the following morning. Early this time, real early. She said a simple “Hi” and went back to stacking free weights in their proper places. So frustrating that people used them and left them near machines or on the floor. Why hadn’t she noticed them last night when she was wiping down? Maybe Bill coming in late distracted her.

  This morning he waved and jumped on the treadmill, amping it up to high intensity. She could tell by the loud whirring sound. Last night he wore workout shorts and a short-sleeved tee. Today he wore long workout pants with a stripe down the legs and a tee shirt that hugged his biceps. Not bad ones for an older guy.

  What was she thinking? Was she so desperate she was drawn to a man more than twice her age? He seemed a very nice man, a man who was almost handsome and was pleasant and courteous. But, what did she know about him? Maybe he was married, although no ring. But, many men of his era didn’t wear rings. Wearing wedding bands was more of a millennial thing. Forget it, Natalie. Find another dream.

  Several more clients came in. Kerstin Day, Noelle’s mother, with a neighbor of
hers. Natalie really should make more of an effort to memorize each client’s name. When the gym started to fill up, she went to her office to do paper work. Bryce, her one personal trainer, clocked in and started to work with Kerstin. He was a blessing. All the clients loved him. If more clients wanted personal training at the same time, she would jump in. Unless she was giving a class.

  She was paying her rent bill online and wondering how she would get through the next month. She looked at the sparse stack of checks on her desk. Some clients were late again. She felt uncomfortable reminding them, but business was business. She couldn’t survive without their monthly payments. When she mentioned it the women would reach into their purses and pull out a check book. But, men almost always had to go to their cars and usually came back with cash. Then she had to write receipts. What was it with men and cash?

  She flipped the lid closed on her laptop just as she heard a tapping. Bill was smiling at her through the speckled glass insert of the door. He was so tall the top of his head was cut off from view. What could he want? He had already paid his bill as he did punctually on the first of every month. Maybe he wanted to report a damaged machine. She opened the door and smiled.

  “May I come in? Want to chat with you about something, an idea.”

  She gestured to the straight back wood chair and returned to her own chair behind the desk. He perched on the edge of his mopping his forehead with a small white towel.

  “What’s up, Bill?” She hoped she didn’t sound too confrontational, but she was due to start a Zumba class in ten minutes.

  “Bad time? Sorry. I know you have a schedule to keep.” he said. “This won’t take long, but if it’s something you are interested in discussing more, we could do so over coffee later.”

  Natalie nodded and squeezed her hands together on her desk.

  “I’ve been thinking.” He flung the towel around his neck.

  She started to fidget. Would he ever get to the point? Then his face broke into that warm smile she liked so much, and the words from his mouth stunned her. Was he serious?


  He was offering her money!

  At first she misunderstood, mainly because he had bungled the words. Nerves? Embarrassment? She felt sweat break out on her forehead, for him, not her. Poor man.

  “I guess I messed that up.” He wiped his face again with the towel and leaned forward placing his folded hands on the edge of the desk. This time he squinted. “I want to invest. In your gym.”

  He went on to say he knew how costly it was to rent space in Newport Beach, how he believed in young entrepreneurs and how he had a desire to support them. He also had a background in marketing, something Natalie knew little about and did very little of. She mumbled something like “Thank you. I will think it over. So nice of you.”

  Excusing herself, she shook his hand and practically pushed him out the door. Locking it behind her, she rushed to her class. One of the ladies, Claire, the take-over type, had already put the music on. For once, Natalie was glad for Claire’s help. Sometimes the woman could be annoying, rushing to dim the lights and close the door before everyone was in the room. But, today she was grateful and thanked Claire who beamed at the compliment. She wished she could have Claire take over the class today. So much was spinning around in her head, so many scenarios. And questions. What were the real motives behind Bill’s offer? If she accepted it, they would be working together closely, at least in the beginning. A contract would have to be signed; lawyers might have to be involved, and a lot of kinks would have to be worked out. Probably over a lot of coffee. Could she handle that emotionally?


  “He what?” Candy shouted. Natalie pulled the phone away from her ear. My word that girl has a strong voice. Of course she knew that from Candy screaming encouragement when Nat was in the lane doing butterfly. But she figured she was yelling loud to be heard over the rush of water in Nat’s ears. She reminded herself, that was over ten years ago.

  “Yep. He really did offer to invest,” Natalie said. “Did I tell you he’s a looker?” She cleared her throat. “Bu … but, he’s old.”

  “Like ancient old? Like eighty? An old codger?”

  “More like fifty plus.”

  “Aw, oh. You sure this is the right thing to do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m confused, but I do need the money.”

  “Nat, I think this is something to share with the Candy Canes. Really.”

  Natalie knew Candy was right. She also knew Candy could keep a secret. She had certainly kept the one about Dev her ex-husband being an alcoholic for a long time. It wasn’t until Cindy’s wedding that she shared it; mainly because Rob shared his own struggle with alcoholism. But, that was a very different situation. If she did go ahead and accept Bill’s offer, it wouldn’t be secret for long. Even though she was sole owner of Nat’s Gym, she wasn’t LLC. She didn’t know much, if anything, about forming a partnership. She needed advice.

  “Before we spill the beans to others, I have an idea.” She explained she would like advice from people who had been involved in the corporate world. She would ask Noelle’s parents the Days and the Lovejoys, Rob and Braydon’s parents. She guessed Nat’s Gym wasn’t too different from Love In Bloom Floral. Oh, why hadn’t she become a teacher like Noelle?


  “It sounds exciting, Natalie, but I would want to learn more. For instance, what is his background? Where is the investment money coming from? Lots of questions - need answers.”

  Natalie hung up the phone and agreed to a meeting with Logan Lovejoy and Darrell Day. The three would meet for coffee the following evening, but first she had an assignment.

  She nabbed Bill the next morning just before he stepped on the treadmill. He was way ahead of her and pulled an envelope out of the machine’s drink pocket. He suggested she take it to her office and read it. “Carefully,” he said.

  “I don’t have any family here in California, and being the youngest of six girls, my dad is pretty old and retired. He’s good at giving advice, but he never worked in the business world, just taught school.” She waved the envelope like a fan, said “Thanks,” and hoped Bill wouldn’t be offended by her next statement. “I know two very savvy business people who can help me figure this out and make a decision. That okay with you?”

  “Of course,” he said. “I have nothing to hide. In fact, I’d love to meet them.”

  “Maybe. Soon.”

  She retreated to her office and slid a hefty wad of papers out of the envelope. One was a curriculum vitae several pages long; one was a legal document and, finally, several stapled together showed a business plan. Wow. Feeling overwhelmed, she shoved the papers back in the envelope. She would have Mr. Day and Mr. Lovejoy look them over this evening.


  She spotted the two men at a corner table. Of course they were friends since their children had married each other; then Rob married a Candy Cane. Cindy was almost like a daughter to both families. All the Candy Canes were.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Candy. I’ve always believed in another set of ears and eyes.” The men smiled, nodded and stood up while the two women slid into the booth. Such gentlemen. So few nowadays. But, these men were from an era in which gentlemanliness was the expected norm. Actually, Bill was from the same era. The same one as her friends’ fathers. Suddenly, he seemed old.


  “So?” He tilted his head to look at her. He had knocked on her door the next morning right after the gym opened at six a.m. and settled himself in the wooden chair. “What did your mentors think?”

  Natalie grinned. “They were actually quite impressed. You do your homework well, Mr. Lord. In fact both of them know you.”

  “Really? Who are they?”

  “Logan Lovejoy and Darrell Day.” She watched his face for a reaction and got it.

  “Logie and Dar?” He slapped his knee and laughed. “How do you know them? Big time Mr. Investment Broker and Mr. Big Time Realtor
.” He laughed again. “I am anxious to hear the story.”

  Natalie explained a bit about the Candy Canes and how two of them had married a Lovejoy. How all the girls were like sisters and close to both families. What she still didn’t understand was the connection between Bill and her friends’ fathers. So, she asked.

  At first his answer was evasive. Was he trying to protect someone’s privacy? That made her uncomfortable. But, both Mr. Lovejoy and Mr. Day had said they were fine with her, and Bill, sharing the connection the three men had. She felt out of her league. She wished her own dad had been a big business man. But, until he retired, he had been first a social studies teacher for thirty years, then a school principal for almost ten. He was obviously smart, but not business savvy. Still, she was proud of him, loved him dearly and always sought his advice about personal things. Well, this was personal, wasn’t it? She would call him tonight, maybe fax all the paperwork Bill had provided.

  Finally, Bill spoke. “We did a massive real estate deal about ten years ago. Gave us all an edge financially. Well, more than an edge. Made us moderately rich.”

  Natalie tried to process that information. It was so foreign to her, but she had heard about deals like that. They were often in the paper, even on TV. All she could think about was how both the Days and the Lovejoys lived in big houses. But, neither of them were mansions by any stretch. Lots of people in Newport Beach lived in big houses. Probably burdened with enormous mortgages. She felt blessed to own a small one bedroom condo on the border of Newport and Costa Mesa, so her zip code was a Newport one. Not that it mattered. It was close to her gym, her favorite supermarket and not too far from church. Those were what mattered.

  It was seven o’clock. She finished wiping down the equipment, picked up her laptop, turned off the overhead lights, closed the door and locked it. Stepping outside, she was looking forward to, actually craving, a bubble bath when a strong arm wrapped itself around her. She jumped.


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