Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2)

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Uncharted (Treasure Hunter Security Book 2) Page 14

by Anna Hackett

  They all spun, Cal and the others raising their weapons.

  Raven and her men had their guns aimed as well.

  Dani’s heart knocked against her ribs. Standoff.


  Cal kept his SIG pointed directly at the Silk Road woman.

  “You two just won’t die.” Raven stared at Cal and then Dani. “The cintamani is mine. I might have to use it to make a wish that meddling Treasure Hunter Security members die a painful death.”

  “You don’t really believe the stone is magical, do you?” Dani asked.

  The woman raised one shoulder. “Hell, no. But others believe…and they will pay big bucks for it. Besides, it’s an enormous pearl. Even without the ability to grant the owner’s wildest dreams, it’s worth a fortune.”

  Dani shook her head. “And you don’t care who you hurt and kill in the process. You have no soul.”

  The woman gave a thin smile. “Short answer…no. My bosses are particular and unforgiving. But they pay well.”

  As the woman talked, Cal ran through all their options. It was three against four. He knew his guys could take the Silk Road thugs…but he couldn’t risk Dani getting hurt in the chaos.

  A flash of movement in the trees caught Cal’s eyes. He heard a faint noise. Something sliding over rock.

  He eyed the trees right behind Raven. Saw a flash of black. What the hell?

  Raven stepped forward, her gun aimed at Dani’s head. “I’m going to make sure this sticks this time.”

  “Screw you,” Dani said.

  “You shoot her, I’ll shoot you.”

  “And my men will shoot you and your team.”

  Cal saw the movement in the trees again. Whatever the hell it was, he hoped he could use it to his advantage.

  Suddenly, one of the Silk Road men screamed. A huge, black body struck from out of the trees.

  With horror flooding his chest, Cal grabbed Dani and yanked her backward.

  The giant black snake slammed into Raven, knocking her off her feet.

  “What—?” Raven’s mouth formed an O.

  The snake curled its massive body around the woman, lifting her off the ground. She struggled, crying out. Her gun fell from her fingers, clattering on the stone floor.

  Frozen, Cal just stared at the snake. The damn thing was as thick around as Cal was and it had to be at least forty feet long.

  “What the fuck is that?” Logan said.

  “Naga,” Dani breathed.

  Black scales flashed, there was a crunch, and the woman’s screams were abruptly cut off.

  “Back up,” Cal said quietly. “Very slowly.”

  The four of them backed up. The Silk Road men started firing at the creature. It reared up higher than all of them, and then, faster than Cal thought possible, it struck the closest one. The man fell, and then the snake went after the last Silk Road man.

  “Keep moving,” Cal said. How could they kill this thing?

  The snake spun to face them. Cal felt Dani’s hand tighten in his.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered frantically.

  “Fuck this.” Morgan whipped her shotgun around.

  Dani pressed into Cal’s side. “If we die…well, I want you to know that I’m falling in love with you, too.”

  Heedless of the terror in front of them, he looked down at her. Funny that he suspected those words were more terrifying for her than the giant snake. “Dani—”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  Something in his chest loosened. The way she was looking at him right now—with love in her eyes—made him realize he wanted to wake up to that face every day. He wanted to see her laugh, to watch her with her camera in hand, focused on her work, to see her flushed with pleasure, angry at him, to watch as he kissed her into forgiving whatever jackass mistake he was bound to make.

  He realized that since he’d lost Marty and left the SEALs, he hadn’t really been living. He’d been running from caring about anyone.

  He yanked her closer. “I love you too, dammit.”

  “Knew you’d take the fall, Ward,” Logan said smugly.

  “Quiet,” Morgan hissed. “Giant, killer snake, remember?” She tossed Cal a look. “You guys have terrible timing.” Then she stiffened.

  Cal looked back and saw the snake sliding their way.

  “No one move,” he breathed.

  It came closer and Dani’s fingers clenched on his hard enough to hurt. It slithered right past Cal, sliding against his leg. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. It was so fucking creepy.

  The snake swept around again and rose up, making him think of a cobra, even though it didn’t have a hood.

  Its eerie green eyes seemed to look right through them. He swore it was like it was…assessing them.

  Cal tensed, ready to toss Dani behind him.


  Dani clutched Cal’s hand and in her other, she gripped her camera tight.

  Watching the giant snake right in front of them woke some primitive terror deep in her head. She was barely staying still, wanting to give into the primal urge to run.

  She didn’t want to die here. She wanted to live. Really live.

  Cal loved her. No one had ever truly loved her before.

  Suddenly, a gunshot broke the tense silence. One of the Silk Road men had sat up and shot at the snake.

  The creature hissed and reared back. When it shot toward the man, Dani looked away. The screams echoed off the walls and a second later, stopped.

  Then again, the sound of scales sliding on stone. She lifted her head and saw the snake was back, staring at them once more.

  “Should I shoot it?” Morgan asked.

  “No,” Cal bit out.

  Dani had to admit that, when she looked past her terror, the creature was elegant and near-beautiful. Inky-black scales, a powerful sinuous body, those stunning, jewel-like eyes.

  “You are striking,” she said.

  The creature’s gaze shifted to her.

  Without thinking, she lifted her camera and pressed the button.

  The flash seemed to startle the snake. It pulled back, and when she took another shot, it gave them one last look before slithering back into the trees.

  Cal released a long breath and then pulled her in for a quick hug. “Nice work, Navarro.”

  “I just wanted a photo of it.”

  He gave a strangled laugh. “Of course you did.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and held on. “Can we just get the cintamani stone and get the hell out of here?”

  “I second Dani’s idea,” Morgan said.

  “I hate snakes,” Logan growled.

  Dani saw Cal roll his eyes. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get the stone.”

  Still holding hands, they walked up the steps to the platform. Morgan and Logan stayed at the bottom, guns up, watching for any more visitors of the two—or no-legged—variety.

  Dani and Cal paused in front of the pedestal. The mystical cintamani stone, sacred linga that had founded the Khmer Empire, was indeed a huge, oval-shaped black pearl. The light reflected flawlessly off its glossy surface. It was stunning.

  They stood there for a second looking at it. “Go on,” she said. “You do the honors.”

  Cal lifted the large pearl into his hands. She took a shot of the moment, loving the look on his face.

  “So, does it work?” she asked.

  He frowned at her. “What do you mean?”

  She smiled. “Is it magic? Did it make your dreams come true?”

  He reached out, and with that large, scarred hand, stroked her cheek. “I have no idea. My dreams came true a couple of minutes ago when you said you loved me.”

  God, apparently her man had a buried romantic streak. “I said I was falling in love.”

  He touched his mouth to hers. “You’ll fall the rest of the way. Guaranteed.”



  There was a loud sigh from below. “
If you two can tear yourselves away from each other…” Morgan’s amused voice. “I’ll remind you again about the giant. Killer. Snake.”

  “How about we get out of here?” he said. “Go find ourselves a big bed. We’ll order room service and not come out for a few days.” He leaned in close and lowered his voice. “Bet I can make your dreams come true without you needing this stone.”

  “You’re on, Ward. I do have this dream of photographing you nude.”

  He shook his head. “Not that dream.”

  “We’ll see.”

  They descended the stairs and joined the others.

  “We going now?” Morgan asked.

  “Yep,” Cal answered.

  Logan slapped at his neck and cursed. “Good. I hate the jungle.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Logan hacked through the jungle with his machete. Their trek away from the temple had proven uneventful so far.

  An underwater temple protected by a big-ass snake. That had been a new one for him. He sliced some vines away. That was one thing about working for Treasure Hunter Security. You never knew what you were going to discover on a job.

  He looked over at where Cal had a very secure arm around Dani Navarro. The two of them looked like they’d been through hell. But they were smiling at each other.

  Damn. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see Callum Ward had taken the dive off the very high cliff called love. Logan shook his head. Before the mission, he’d ribbed Cal about finding a woman. Logan hadn’t actually believed he would.

  Well, it looked like Cal had finally found that someone who’d make him slow down. The Ward Clan would be thrilled.

  Logan frowned. Except with Dec and Cal both paired off, the others might feel the need to turn their attention on him. Hmm, he might need to throw Hale under the bus and have Darcy and the others worry about finding Hale his perfect woman.

  Logan was damn sure the perfect woman for him didn’t exist. He’d thought he’d found her once and he couldn’t have been more wrong.

  He’d ended up with a woman more like that Raven bitch back at the temple. Now, he was more interested in his work and his friends. The occasional hookup was fine, but beyond that, he was steering well clear of women.

  On his back, he felt the weight of the cintamani stone nestled in his backpack.

  All this drama for a giant pearl. Fucking Silk Road was turning into a dangerous pain in the ass. Logan scowled at the trees. God only knew what they had planned next, but he needed to talk to Dec. They needed to discuss what they could do to help Agent Burke bring the fuckers down.

  He reached up and checked the backpack, feeling the outline of the stone through the canvas.

  Damn stone was supposed to make your wishes come true.

  If that were true, maybe he would wish for his perfect woman… Logan snorted. Yeah, right.

  From his left, Morgan called out. “Come on, O’Connor, you’re slacking. If you swing like that, we won’t make it back to civilization before I’m fifty.”

  “Quit your bitching, Kincaid.”

  Sweat dripped down his face. For now, maybe he’d just wish that his next job was not in the damn jungle.


  Dani stood back and watched Cal hand the cintamani stone to Dr. Oakley.

  They were in the private room off the restaurant back at the Heritage Hotel in Siem Reap, where she’d photographed Cal planning their expedition.

  God, it was only days ago, but it felt like months. Back then, she’d taken an instant dislike to Cal, pigeon-holing him to protect herself.

  Well, it had only taken a wild, dangerous jungle treasure hunt to break down her walls and have her fall in love with him.

  She lifted her camera and took the shot. Cal’s grin. Dr. Oakley’s amazement and awe. The rest of the team—minus Jean-Luc—stood nearby. They still looked a little battered around the edges but they were smiling.

  The others had made it back to the bikes, and their local guides had gotten them back to Siem Reap and rushed Jean-Luc to the hospital.

  Cal and Dani had made it out of the jungle with Logan and Morgan. Cal had gone to deal with Oakley and the others and check in with the Treasure Hunter Security office. Dani had managed a shower and to find some food before she’d collapsed in her bed. Cal had crawled in sometime during the night and held her as they’d slept. They hadn’t had much of a chance to talk this morning, since they had to meet Dr. Oakley and the others.

  “Jean-Luc will love it,” Dr. Oakley said, worry etched on his face.

  The French archeologist’s gunshot wound had gotten infected. He was fighting for his life in the hospital.

  She watched Cal’s face change, harden. She took a step closer and pressed a hand to his shoulder.

  Cal cleared his throat. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him from getting hurt—”

  Dr. Oakley shook his head. “You did more than any man can be expected to do. I’m so grateful you were with us, Cal. I suspect more of us would be hurt or dead if you hadn’t been. No one is to blame for Jean-Luc’s injuries but the Silk Road.”

  “He’s tough,” Gemma added. “Maybe we should threaten not to let him see the cintamani until he gets better.”

  The others laughed.

  Cal gave a short nod. “You’ll see the stone gets put somewhere safe? Where it can be appreciated and safeguarded?”

  Dani knew exactly who it needed to be safeguarded from.

  “I’ve already been making plans with the Cambodian government.” A wide smile crossed Dr. Oakley’s face. “They’re organizing a special exhibit and extra security.”

  Sakada stirred. “And we have new funding. We’re going to head back to Phnom Kulen to study the Cintamani Temple where you found the stone.”

  “Ah…you remember the snake, right?” Cal said.

  “The really big snake,” Dani added. “We weren’t exaggerating.”

  “Yes,” Dr. Oakley said. “I’ve always suspected legends and myths had a seed of truth. I guess we know that’s definitely true of the naga legends.” The older man’s gaze moved to Cal. “We want Treasure Hunter Security to come with us. I want to ensure everyone on this team stays safe.”

  “That can be arranged,” Cal answered.

  Dr. Oakley’s attention moved to Dani. “Dani, we’d love to have you, too.”


  Cal stood and tugged her closer. “Not for a while, doc. We have a trip planned.”

  She looked up at him. “We do?”

  “Yes. And it doesn’t involve any jungles.”

  There were chuckles from the others.

  “Were you planning to ask me?”


  She pulled back, her hands on her hips. “I might be in love with you, Cal Ward, but that doesn’t mean you get to pull your alpha male, I’m-in-charge stupidity—”

  He grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder.


  She heard the others laughing now, and for a moment, it stemmed her anger. It was a good sound.

  But Cal didn’t need the encouragement.

  She wriggled against him, and hammered her hands on his back. He strode down the hall, and seconds later, they were in her room.

  He set her down and the next thing she knew he was cupping her face. The serious look on his face made her swallow her teasing comments.

  “Since I lost my friend Marty—” emotion clogged Cal’s voice “—I vowed to live for him. Climbing, parasailing, surfing, skydiving…you name it, I did it. The faster and more dangerous, the better.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “And women.”

  Pithy words came to her, but she stayed quiet.

  He stroked her cheeks. “But what I feel for you made me realize that I wasn’t living. I was using my promise as an excuse to keep moving, keep leaping, keep running and not let anyone too close.”

  She understood. God, she understood better than anyone. “I’ve done the same, Cal. Let my work and trav
el stop me from connecting. From risking my heart.”

  Cal nodded. “In that underwater temple…I realized that apart from my family, everything else in my life was gloss, no substance.”

  Her breath hitched. “And now?”

  His lips moved just a whisper from hers. “I want to live, beautiful. Want to make a life with me?”

  Joy flooded her. “I’m game.”

  With a laugh, he scooped her into his arms and then dumped her on the bed. His hands went to his shirt, opening the buttons.

  “Now…I seem to recall promising you naughty, dirty things.”


  Cal woke up slowly, stretching in his bed. His empty bed. He reached over and patted the sheets beside him. They were cool but there was a faint impression left in the pillow.

  With a lazy smile, he pulled on his jeans and headed for the kitchen of his mountain cabin. As he made himself a coffee, he stared out the window. The sun was rising, casting a golden glow over the mountains. He heard his cell phone beep, and absently snatched it off the bench. When he read the text, he rolled his eyes. He was surprised he’d held them off this long.

  Coffee in hand, he headed out onto the deck. The morning air was cool on his bare chest. Cal leaned against the railing and sipped his coffee. He didn’t think anywhere was quite as beautiful as the Rocky Mountains.

  Before, when he’d come up here, he was usually too busy planning a climb or a bike ride to sit here and soak in the view.

  But now…he took a deep breath and watched the golden light deepen and the day begin. “To you, buddy.” Cal lifted his coffee mug, and hoped that wherever Marty was now that he was happy.

  The brighter light let him spot the slim figure moving down the hill. She was crouched, her camera in hand, capturing the view.

  He descended the steps and made his way down to her. They’d been back from Cambodia a few weeks, and they’d spent the time alone, just the two of them, indulging in whatever the hell they wanted. Heaven.

  She sensed him coming and turned, her wide smile warming something deep inside him. When he reached her, he pulled her close, kissing the side of her neck, before moving on to her delicious lips. “Morning. Beautiful out here today.” He watched as the sun gilded her skin, turning it golden.


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