‘I thought I’d killed you!’ she shouted, her hand remaining on his chest as she paused in awe, taking in the magnificence of his wings. She realised at that point, she’d not seen them before, it had always been dark. They were almost completely transparent with flickers of green travelling through the veins, as they shimmered brilliantly in the sunlight. He flicked his shoulders slightly and they delicately rolled up and disappeared behind him. They stood for a moment as if frozen in time, her hand still sitting on his chest, just above the faint scar she’d healed. She took a deep breath, ‘I think we’d better get moving’ She said, almost in a whisper. He placed his hand over hers, pressed it to his chest then took hold of it in his own,
‘Come on, I’ve found something behind the waterfall I think you’d better see’. He lifted her hand, kissed it gently, then swiftly lead her to the edge, where the steps began. Her head swooned with the fact he’d just kissed her, all be it only on the hand, it’s still a kiss! She told herself.
He helped lower her down onto the first step, which was more of a platform, then leapt down onto one a little further down. He took her hand and guided her down the steps towards the waterfall. As they grew closer, the steps became more slick and slippery. Lexi slipped more than once, but Rowan caught her each time and helped her regain her footing. Eventually they came level with the waterfall itself, the sheer force of the water causing the air to push them in towards the wall, the spray soaking them as they made their way along the path. All of a sudden, the steps ended, and the ground opened out. Darkness surrounded them, but Lexi could sense they’d entered a large room hidden behind the waterfall. She could see over at the far edge of the waterfall, what appeared to be the steps continuing downwards on the other side of the cavernous void. Rowan bent down into the dark and lifted what appeared to be a large stick wrapped with some sort of fabric at the top. He let go of Lexi’s hand and clicked his fingers close to the end, it burst into flames, illuminating part of the chamber they found themselves stood in. Lexi stepped away from Rowan towards the nearest lit wall. She could make out carvings on the smooth surface, some sort of wall mural. Reaching out, running her hand over it, she flinched a little as a glimmer of light ran through the stone beneath her palm. She turned to Rowan,
‘These carvings are beautiful, what is this place?’, He shrugged his shoulders,
‘I don’t know, but it seems to be showing some of the history of our people, or more to the point the Royal line within our people. Some of it seems to be clearly related to you’. Lexi frowned a little as he moved down the room, pointing to several carvings as he went. There were carvings of three brothers, One with a small ring around his head. As they grew from boys to men through the murals, the one with the ring gained a crown. Lexi looked to Rowan questioningly, he nodded,
‘your Father’ he stated, then pointed toward one a few further down. The crowned figure cradled a child with a small ring circling its head, in his arms. Placed within the carving of the child was, what looked to be a crystal. That’s me! Lexi thought, shaking her head in disbelief. She nervously reached out and touched the crystal with the tip of her index finger. The ground suddenly began to shake, a deafening rumble enveloped them. Both Lexi and Rowan froze, terrified it was an earthquake, but before they had time to react, it stopped as quickly as it started, the room suddenly bursting to life with a brilliant white light. Lexi gasped; she could now see that the room was full on each side with carvings. It seemed each one she appeared in was set with a crystal, all of which now shone brightly. At the back of the chamber there looked to be a recess with a plinth in the centre. On the wall behind it was an intricate carving of what looked to be her, wearing a crown, a large crystal glowing in her chest. Lexi looked to Rowan, her eyes wide,
‘What the hell?!’ she exclaimed. Rowan stared around the room in disbelief,
‘The Elders told me you were important Lexi, but I had no idea you were prophecy important!’ He looked as anxious as she felt. She took a deep breath and reached her hand out to him,
‘We do this together? whatever this is?’ he took her hand, bowing his head in agreement.
They stood for what seemed an eternity, neither wanting to venture further into the cavern. Finally, Lexi stepped forward and they slowly, cautiously moved towards the large carving at the back of the room. As they edged closer it was clear something was placed on top of the plinth, but the light emanating from the large crystal behind, made it difficult to figure out what it was. Suddenly Rowan’s grip tightened around Lexi’s hand.
‘Wow!’ he whispered, ‘Do you know what that is?!’. She tried to focus on the object but still couldn’t make it out.
‘I can’t see it properly’, she whispered back, shaking her head. Rowan let go of her hand and began to move at a faster pace towards the plinth, but before he could reach out and touch the object, a ball of light burst from the large crystal and knocked him off his feet. He flew through the air and landed on the ground a fair distance away. He sat, completely stunned. Lexi ran to him,
‘Rowan, are you okay?!’ He slowly nodded and tried to stand, but was clearly winded by the experience, and dropped back to the ground.
‘Yes, I’m fine, I just didn’t expect that to happen!’, he gestured towards the plinth.
‘What is it?’ she questioned, helping him from the ground. His eyes lingered a moment on the object and then turned to face her,
‘It’s a sword. But it’s no ordinary sword. I can’t believe…’ he paused for a moment and took a deep breath, ‘I think it’s the lost sword of the Great Kings. It’s said that it holds immense power. Legend says that the last King to hold it, build this kingdom, our sanctuary from the outside world, using the power of that sword. It then disappeared, no one ever knew what happened to it’.
Lexi took his hand, seeming a little rattled, and began to lead him hurriedly back towards the entrance of the Cavern.
‘Maybe we should just leave it where it is, and forget we ever saw it!’, a tone of panic evident in her voice. He managed to pull her to a stop,
‘Lexi, we can’t just walk away, I think you’re meant to take the sword’. He raised his hands to cup her face and looked directly into her eyes, ‘Lexi, it’s sat in front of a carved depiction of you, with a crown on your head. I’d say that’s a pretty obvious indication it’s meant for you.’ He pointed back towards the plinth; the sword set within it. ‘You can’t walk away from fate Lexi; you have to take the sword’. Lexi bowed her head,
‘But what if I don’t want to’, a tear rolling down her face as she looked up into Rowans eyes, ‘I’m scared. I don’t want that kind of power’ she whispered. He leant forward and ever so delicately kissed her forehead.
‘Lexi, that’s precisely why you’re meant to have it. I’m with you, we do this together’. With that, he leant in again, but this time he wrapped his hand gently behind her neck and kissed her tenderly on the lips. ‘I’ll Always be with you’ he whispered into her ear then took her hand and lead her back towards her destiny.
Into the Shadows
Lexi sat on one of the steps just outside the entrance to the cavern, a little dazed and confused. The lost sword of the Great Kings laid across her knees, sat upon its bejewelled leather scabbard, attached to a beautifully crafted leather belt. It was a relatively short sword with a gold hilt, intricately engraved with images and writing in a language she didn’t recognise. The blade itself, was no less magnificent. It began the same width as the handle, then gently curved inwards on each side to about a third of the way down, it then curved outwards, before curving back in again, more sharply toward the tip, a little like a gladiator’s sword. It was also decorated with breathtaking imagery and text. As with the wall murals in the cavern, when Lexi gently ran her finger over the blade, it almost seemed to glow to her touch. So many thoughts were swimming in her head, I have a destiny!? And a sword?! I don’t even know how to… that kiss, he kissed me! At the thought of Rowan’s kiss, her heart seemed to ski
p a beat. She stared out over the ravine through the spray of the waterfall, the last of the daylight forming a rainbow in the fine mist..
Rowan slowly followed the edges of the cavern, exploring the murals carved within its walls. After Lexi had drawn the sword, he’d walked her out to the steps and sat her down, leaving her to absorb some of what had happened, while he went back inside to study the rest of the murals. As he walked his way along, he came across a mural of a figure with a black stone set within it. Further along the figure appeared again, this time it had wings, in its arms it held Lexi, lit with one of the luminous crystals. He stared at the carving, realising the murals were depicting him. His heart sank as he imagined that the dark stone in the centre must be symbolising a darkness within him. He hurried on, worried what the images may show him next. The last carving seemed to show an event that hadn’t happened yet, portraying Lexi, her crystal ablaze, with smaller crystals radiating from the centre, almost as if in an eruption of light. Hovering above her with wings spread wide and curled in, as if in a protective stance, was his figure. The stone, however, was no longer entirely black, but swirled with a clear seam of crystal that shone brightly, echoing the glow within Lexi’s crystal. He stood and stared at the figures carved in the rock. His hands shaking, he reached out and touched the swirled stone within the centre with his palm, he cleared his throat and spoke quietly, but with certainty in his voice,
‘I vow, I will protect her with my life’. The crystal within the black stone pulsed a few times, then gradually a seam appeared across the centre of the carving, revealing a hidden compartment as it swung open before him. Within the compartment sat a shimmering silver quiver, twelve black arrows resting within it. He reached in and drew one of the arrows. He’d never seen craftsmanship like it. It was a piece of art, not to mention a very deadly weapon. He placed it back within its casing, lifted it and swung it into place around his chest and up onto his back. He unclipped his old quiver and placed it within the compartment. Placing his hand on the shimmering leather strap, where it sat over his heart, he whispered, ‘Thank you, I won’t let you down’ and bowed his head. All the crystals within the room began to pulse, as if in reply, then the room plunged itself once more into darkness.
He stepped out into the last of the sunlight, a newfound sense of responsibility and pride within him. He hadn’t just been given a job by the elders, as if he were their errand boy. He was meant to be her protector, her guardian. There were so many images that had depicted them together, he was part of her destiny. More so, it was his destiny, that was now clear. He sat himself down beside her on the steps. She inched a little closer and he wrapped his arm around her. His heart felt as if it were about to burst, he’d never felt this way before. He finally felt he knew where he belonged, and it was with her.
The last of the sun burned ruby red in the sky, The feathery clouds ablaze with a beautiful array of oranges, pinks and purples. Lexi and Rowan worked their way down the stone staircase, leading steeply downward, towards the bottom of the ravine and the shadows that crept eerily below them. They had decided down was probably easier than up, not wanting to head back into the overgrown, boggy woodland. They were beginning to regret that decision as the night drew in.
They reached the bottom of the steps just as the last of the sun dipped behind the horizon. The roar of the waterfall was deafening as it echoed around the ravine walls, making navigating the small path around the base of the waterfall even more challenging. The light was now almost completely gone, the dark shadows creeping ever larger. They inched their way along the track, their backs against the wall, feeling cautiously with their feet with every step, Rowan leading the way. They were about halfway around the circular plunge pool, when Rowan placed his left foot forward, feeling for the next section of path, but there was nothing there. He instantly felt the ground begin to crumble beneath his feet, and before he had time to react, the two of them were sliding down a muddy slope, suddenly consumed by the water below. Thrown around under the thrashing water, they had no way of keeping a hold of each other. There was no sense of which way was up, just a barrage of raging water, pounding them both further down into the depths of the plunge pool. Time seemed to slow down, both believing that this may be the end, there seemed to be no way out.
An arm suddenly scooped Lexi around the waist. She was barely aware, as something pulled her close and hurtled through the water with her. She felt herself being carefully lifted out of the water and onto what felt like a bed of pebbles, as she drew in a desperate lung full of air. She lay shivering on the riverbank, unable to move. ‘Rowan?’ she muttered. She heard a splash, then nothing.
What felt like an eternity later, there was a sound of splashing as someone emerged from the water again. Lexi managed to push herself up into a sitting position and watched as she could just about make out in the dim light, someone being pulled from the water, their body limp. ‘Rowan!’ she rasped, as she began pulling herself along the pebbled ground towards him. The stranger that had pulled them from the water, came to her aid, helping her to her feet and over to his lifeless body. She collapsed on the ground beside him. Stroking her hand down his cheek, she called his name, but there was no response. Getting up onto her knees, she began trying to revive him. She pounded at his chest then bent over and tried to breathe life into him. To her surprise, after what felt like the longest ever moment in time, his lungs, filled with her breath, proceeded to take a gasp for air. It was at that point she noticed a swirl of white light glowing on his chest. He took another desperate breath, turned to his side, and coughed up the water that had filled his lungs. He lay gasping for breath for a moment, unsure of how he’d managed to get out of the water, as Lexi watched the swirling light fade away.
The stranger approached cautiously. It was a young girl, maybe a few years older than Lexi, but smaller in stature. Certainly not someone you would expect to pull two people, larger than herself, from the water the way that she had. She wore a thin, pale blue tunic over her slender body, which was practically see through. She had a poise and elegance about her. Her skin was milky white, and she had the most beautiful, silky, long dark hair, tied back with water lilies.
‘You’re a Naiad?’ Lexi questioned, remembering some of the Greek mythology her Father had taught her as a child.
‘Yes’, the Naiad replied, bowing gracefully. ‘my name is Althaea, your Majesty’. Lexi looked at her curiously,
‘How do you know who I am?’ she questioned. The Naiad approached elegantly, perching herself delicately on a rock close to Lexi.
‘We have been entrusted to watch over you, and make sure you and your guardian are aided when necessary during your journey’. Rowan sat himself up and looked at the young girl,
‘Entrusted by who?’ he croaked, his throat raw from all the water. She smiled down at him,
‘The Old Ones’ she replied, ‘they have faith in you both, that you will ignite a way back to balance within our Realm’. All of a sudden, there was a loud crack of a branch snapping somewhere in the trees close by, they all jumped. Althaea suddenly seemed very scared,
‘Come’ She beckoned, as she elegantly leapt back into the water, ‘these banks aren’t safe at night, the darkest of creatures come out to hunt here. Follow me, I have somewhere you can hide’.
‘Do we have to get back in the water?’ Lexi questioned, shuddering at the thought. Althaea simply nodded and began to slowly move downstream. Lexi helped Rowan to his feet, and they stood at the water’s edge, hesitant.
‘They do say it’s warmer when you get back in!’ Lexi shrugged, trying to put on a brave face as she dipped a foot back into the water, ‘but I think they lied!’, the water felt absolutely freezing. There was a sudden crashing sound, emanating from the nearby trees, accompanied by an almighty roar. Swift decision made, they took each other’s hand and plunged back into the river.
As they silently drifted down river,
Lexi and Rowan finally caught up to Althaea. The water was beginning to feel warmer, although Lexi wasn’t entirely sure if that meant hypothermia was setting in or not. Shadows loomed along the riverbanks as they floated by, some seeming to prowl the water’s edge. The occasional howl, shriek or growl could be heard breaking the silence of the eery atmosphere, echoing off the ravine walls.
After some time, the flow of the water began to slow, and the riverbanks seemed to move further away. Althaea’s voice whispered through the darkness,
‘We’re nearly there’, as a dark silhouette, sitting above the waterline grew closer. They soon reached what appeared to be a large island with very steep banks, sitting within the centre of the widened river. Althaea popped her head above the water beside them,
‘This is my home. You are welcome to stay here until day breaks. It is completely safe and secure’ she declared with a smile. ‘There is only one way in from here, however. I need you both to take a deep breath, then dive straight down. I will guide you through the entrance’ she instructed, as she placed a hand on each of their shoulders. Lexi looked to Rowan, feeling a little apprehensive. He squeezed her hand beneath the water, and began to count down, three, two, one. They both drew in a large breath and dove down into the inky black water. As they sunk deeper, towards the riverbed, they felt Althaea suddenly push them both forward into a hole in the bank. Swimming through the hole, they surfaced on the other side into an unexpected, modestly sized room. It was a large dome shaped space, with areas carved into the walls for seating and sleeping, a large metal fire pit sat in the centre. All three of them pulled themselves out of the water onto a ledge with a long seat carved into the wall. Rowan suddenly flushed, lowering his gaze to the floor, as he realised Althaea was practically nude. Lexi picked up on the reaction, grinning, he’s so polite, she thought to herself. Althaea Passed them both robes to dry themselves, not bothering for herself, much to the further embarrassment of Rowan.
Ignite: The Awakening Page 4