Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3) Page 43

by Ahren Sanders

  “That was all you.”

  “Let’s hope it works and we’ll be old news in a few days. Boring old dancer and her financial husband. Who wants to keep digging into us?”

  “If you wanted to portray the image of a boring old dancer, you shouldn’t have gone on camera looking like a living wet dream.”

  “Evin!” She glances to each side, her cheeks turning pink.

  “Dead serious. All day, I’ve been thinking about peeling you out of these clothes. Threading my hands through your hair while deep inside you.”

  Her eyes heat with undeniable hunger. “You like the hair.”

  “Always, baby.” My dick goes hard, thinking about the last time she did a makeover.

  She giggles, grinding her hips and whispering against my lips. “I love the shed, honey, but can we go home tonight? We have a tree to decorate, and I’m feeling exceptionally bossy.”

  “We’re leaving now.”

  “Incoming!” is shouted right before Dev’s little body slams back into my leg, his arms circling my calf.

  She throws her head back laughing and something deep inside me stirs. Even after the events of the day where she relived all that happened years ago, Poppy is completely unshaken.

  Flawless Flower Child.

  Chapter 40


  My insides quake as we pass through the employee entrance. The closer we get to the stage, the slower I move.

  “Baby, tell me what to do.” Evin squeezes my hand.

  “It’s an eerie déjà vu. I sometimes spent seven days a week within these walls. Now, I feel like a stranger.”

  He stops, stepping in front of me, and tips my chin upwards. “If you’re not ready, we’ll reschedule.”

  “Sweetie, it’s been four and a half months. It’s time.”

  “Want me to carry you?”

  I give him a small smile. “Last time I was carried off and then wheeled out. Today, it’s important for me to walk.”

  His eyes glow with understanding and support as he bends to kiss me. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  “Thanks,” I whisper. We stay this way, him giving me the time to gather myself. “I’m ready.”

  Together, we walk toward the offices, my stomach coiling for a different reason. It’s too quiet. The training room is usually bustling this time of day. We haven’t seen one soul or heard a peep. The side of the stage comes into view, sending my heart racing, and then a loud whistle zings through the air.

  I freeze, my eyes bulging out of the sockets, and a low squeak escapes. A crowd is gathered around the pool, and when I’m in full view, cheers erupt.

  Dancers, performers, staff, trainers, choreographers—everyone associated with the show is waiting. My hands fly to my mouth as my Cirque family swarms around, engulfing me. I hug, kiss, and shout my excitement until my voice is gravelly and throat is raw. There are a handful of dancers I’ve kept in touch with some, mostly through text, but I haven’t seen anyone since my hospital stay.

  All my nerves and jitters fade away. When I’ve greeted everyone and have room to breathe, I find Evin and Dante off to the side. Their stances are the same—arms crossed, legs planted, bodies solid, and eyes on me.

  I fly across the short distance, throwing myself at Dante.

  Because of circumstances out of his control and staff illnesses, he canceled his travel plans for New Year’s. It’s been five weeks since he left Charleston at the beginning of the Tasha debacle.

  “Good to see you, Pips.” He jiggles me.

  “You, too.”

  “Hey! Are you crushing my talent before I can assess her?” Cal’s voice booms from behind us, and Dante sets me on my feet.

  “He’d have to do a lot more than that,” I assure him, leaning in for a quick hug.

  “Good to see you, Poppy. You ready for this?”

  “More than ready.”

  “The preppy doctor gave me the latest report. Don’t expect kid gloves.”

  “Wrong thing to say, man,” Evin grumbles.

  Cal and Evin formally met in the hospital and then again when we were here in November for my appointment with Dr. Rexwell. Both times were tense, but today, Evin is relaxed and grinning lightheartedly.

  “I’m eager to get it underway. Have you seen the videos I sent?”

  “I’ve seen you walking on your hands like a zoo animal. Let’s see what you can do on your feet.”

  After the new year, I began strict personal training, going back to basics and incorporating the years of routines that focused on strength. For the last two weeks, Jesse’s been sending videos of my routines to show Cal and the other trainers my progress. I’m still an employee of the company and have an obligation to report progress.

  Throughout the scandal with Tasha, one thing we could keep under wraps was the plans for the dance studio. Dante and I need to appear one-hundred percent dedicated to Cirque and my return. Regardless of my plans, Dante needs anonymity for his career.

  I scoff, feigning offense. “Please, that was perfect form.”

  “For a gymnast,” he jokes.

  My eyes narrow, shooting him a daring glare.

  “See you in the training center. You’re mine for two weeks.” He smiles sadistically, tipping his chin to Evin and heading backstage.

  Dante follows, leaving Evin and me to the solitude of the stage.

  “It was weird at first, but now it feels like home.”

  His arms circle my waist and he bends to kiss me softly. “I’ll be around. Remember, we’re here for two weeks. No need to prove your excellence on day one.”

  “I promise to ease into things.”

  I take his hand and go to the training area. He squeezes me encouragingly before urging me through the door with a gentle shove.

  Cal’s waiting near a set of mats and grinning smugly. He’s waited patiently for his turn to work with me. This will be brutal, and I can’t wait. Although we all know the chances of me returning to my role are slim, he’s not ready to give up. Neither am I.

  “Let’s do this.” I kick off my shoes and crack my neck.

  “You know the drill. Tell me if anything gets to be too much.” He lays out his plan for the day, and at first, it sounds too basic.

  It doesn’t take long for me to realize I misjudged. He works me hard, pushing me to the limits and critiquing my movements. After two hours, he ends our session, and I collapse on the mat, heaving. My clothes and hair are soaked, my muscles are protesting, and my lungs are screaming for relief.

  “Thought you said you were in shape.” He smirks.

  “Day one is a killer. Wait until tomorrow,” I pant.

  “Abundance of fluids, proteins, and carbs, no alcohol tonight.”

  I nod.

  “How’s everything feel?”

  “My legs and arms are jelly, my muscles are on fire, and my heart is trying to recuperate. But no pops, rips, or crunches, so I’d say we’re good to go. The heel and knee are okay.”


  “Could you call my husband to get me? Otherwise, I may spend the night on this floor mat.”

  He snickers, shaking his head and motioning behind me. On a hunch, I call out, “Are you back there?”

  “I’m here.”

  Evin appears, standing over me a few seconds later, dressed in his own athletic gear and sweating.

  “You worked out?”

  “Not as hard as you,” he teases.

  “I kicked ass, didn’t I, Cal?”

  “You did well, Poppy. I’m glad to have you back. I’d suggest some Epsom Salt.”

  “Already done,” Evin tells him, squatting beside me.

  “Did I pass the first-day-back test?”

  “That wasn’t a test. That was training. Get used to it.” Cal’s voice lacks any sympathy.

  Despite the exhaustion seeping into my bones, I find the energy to pump my fist in the air in victory.

  “He’s beautiful.”

  “He’s th
e spitting image of Miller. I’ve given birth to a clone of my husband.”

  Ashlyn is right. The newborn shots of Baby Tyler side-by-side of Miller’s are practically identical. “Well, you can’t be surprised.”

  “No, I knew to expect it. The Kendrick genes are strong. Look at Cole and Pierce.”

  “And Devin.”

  “Yes, but Devin has a lot of Darby and Evin. That—”

  “… smile,” I finish for her, picturing it. “If we have a son, I pray he looks like Evin.”

  “Yeah.” She sighs happily. “It’s pretty awesome.”

  Even through the phone screen, it’s easy to see her eyes sparkling. Her whole appearance is radiant. “It’s not fair. Women all over the world would kill to know the secret of how you and Darby look like supermodels days after giving birth. I thought new parents were supposed to be overwhelmed and exhausted?”

  She smiles and kisses the top of Tyler’s head. “I’m hardly a supermodel. Yesterday, I shaved my legs for the first time since he was born six days ago. Comparing me to Darby is a stretch. Seriously, that woman is a force of nature.”

  “So are you. I wish we were there.”

  “Poppy, you have a life and obligations. We understand that.”

  “It sucks we missed the birth and aren’t around to help.”

  “You want to know my secret? Everyone does everything for me. My only job is to rest and take care of Tyler, which at this point is basically feeding him. Miller even helps with that, getting up with every nightly feeding. Someone is always there to swoop in when he needs changing, bathing, or anything else a newborn could need. Since I went into labor, I haven’t lifted a finger. At first, I felt guilty, but I learned to let it go. My parents, my brothers, Jill, Warren—absolutely everyone is pitching in. Maybe a little too much. When my parents return to Atlanta, it’ll be hard. That’s when the crazy Ashlyn will appear.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Until then, we’ll send you daily pictures so you don’t feel left out.”

  “You better.”

  There’s a rustle in the background, and she flashes her smile to whoever is approaching. She sits up and Miller’s face comes into view as he straddles in behind her in their bed.

  “Hey, Pips, how is it being back in the bright lights of the big city?”

  “Ugh, I don’t see many bright lights. When the city comes alive is my bedtime. I lost my groove. The training is killer, and today, Dante forced me to help lead a workshop that kicked my ass. It was mortifying. I was a hot mess on steroids.”

  Ashlyn looks at him and back to me, her gaze moving rapidly as if we are face-to-face. I squirm in my seat, knowing that look.

  “We all saw the video and you were incredible.”

  “Dante sent the video?” I screech.

  There’s a pregnant pause before Miller clears his throat and buries his head in Ashlyn’s neck. My skin prickles and my eyes swing to the breakfast bar where Evin is gloating with a sly smile.

  “Every bit of my strength is going to strangle my husband.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him. He sent it to Ryanne and we bullied her to share it.”

  “She’s on my shit list, too.”

  Tyler stirs with a little noise and both their eyes drop to him. It’s impossible to miss the way Miller looks at his son.

  “Give him kisses.”

  “We will,” Ashlyn whispers, ending our call.

  “Is it safe to approach?” Evin jokes.

  “Only if you wipe that smile off your face.”

  He smiles wider, turning to the kitchen and coming back with a bottle of wine. Gently, he eases me to a half-sitting position to lean on him and pours two glasses.

  “You were wonderful.”

  “I was sloppy, uncoordinated, and off-count.”

  “In my eyes, you were sharp, lithe, and completely in rhythm.”

  I sip the wine, trying to hide my grin at his word lithe. It’s been a long time since someone has said that.

  “Not to mention sexy as hell.”

  “For that, you’re forgiven for sending another video of me that went viral through the family.”

  “Blame Ryanne. I sent to her, and she’s the one who can’t withstand the pressure.”

  My smile fades and I aimlessly run my fingertip around the rim of my glass. His hand goes to my head, gently massaging the base of my neck. After a few seconds, I admit in a whisper, “I’m a horrible person.”

  “Highly doubtful.”

  “It’s true. I’m jealous Ryanne met Tyler tonight.”

  “I know.”

  “It’s weird that Ryanne flew to Charleston and is with our family while we’re here. Thinking this way makes me feel like a territorial bitch.”

  “Not at all, it makes you—who you are. Darby, Ashlyn, and you have grown close. You’re sad to miss this. It’s understandable.”

  “I guess.”

  He studies me for a minute, his eyes a glittery bronze.

  “Is something amusing?”

  “You’re cute when you pout.”

  “I’m not pouting.”

  His eyebrows shoot up.

  “I’m sulking, there’s a difference.”

  “You have no idea why Andrew pushed so hard for Ryanne to get to Charleston, do you?”

  “He’s pushing to get her there full-time.”

  “Yes, and the fact that Tyler is his nephew. He wants there here for a reason. If things play out, Tyler will be Ryanne’s nephew, too.”

  I gasp, jerking up as his words hit me. “Oh my God!”

  “It can’t be that big of a surprise.”

  “They’re crazy about each other, but that’s huge.”

  “Not really.”

  “Did he say something to you?”

  Evin sips his wine, his eyes studying me, and he stalls in a way that tells me he’s holding back.

  “Evin, this is my best friend! Tell me!”

  “He called me yesterday and wanted to discuss how we can help sell this house. He’s done with the cross-country travel.”

  “That’s not a secret.”

  Andrew’s consulting business allows him the flexibility to mostly work anywhere. Similar to Evin, it’s easier for him to travel here with Ryanne’s job obligations. He’s spent almost the last five weeks in Vegas.

  “He plans to talk to Ryanne this weekend and tell her that. It doesn’t matter if she has a job or sells this house. He’s prepared to do anything to get her moved.”

  “She wants the security of a job.”

  “We’ll see. He’s determined.”

  I read into his statement loud and clear. “Oh boy. Maybe it’s a good thing we’re here. Charleston may blow up this weekend.”

  “People are usually subdued when there’s a baby involved.”

  “Sneaky! He’s using his newborn nephew as bait.”

  He shrugs. “Whatever it takes. It’s a good plan.”

  “You’re such a guy! That’s an ambush! I should warn her. Janie, Dozer, Ashlyn, Miller, they’re all accomplices.”

  “You’re not calling her. She knew what she was getting into with Andrew, so let them work it out.”

  I huff and dissolve back into his side. “Now I’m jealous she gets Tyler as a nephew.”

  “Getting greedy?”

  “Maybe, I want all the kids to call me Aunt Poppy.”

  “That will happen anyway, regardless of bloodlines.”

  I lay my head on his shoulder, sipping the wine.

  “I’m taking over the mortgage on this house.”

  “What?” I cough-choke.

  “When Ryanne moves, I’m taking over the mortgage until it sells. Your job is here, and we need a place to live. It makes sense.”

  “What?” I repeat, my brain not following.

  “Cal and the trainers want you back full-time, right?”

  “How’d you know?”

  “It was a given before we arrived. The two-week trial was an experiment
in your agility. It’s no surprise you’re killing their expectations.”

  “I wish I shared your confidence.”

  “The best way to get you there is to train with your team.”

  “I didn’t like the idea in November and I don’t like it now.”

  “In November, it was about your rehab. This is about your training. Talk to Cal and work out a schedule.”

  “He’ll want me here often.”

  “I figured, that’s why we’ll need a place to live.”

  “You’re okay with traipsing back and forth across the country again? My formal evaluation is in eight weeks.”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “What about the construction on the building?”

  “We’ll manage it. Pierce and Miller will keep up the progress.”

  “What about your job?”

  He sets his glass down and lifts me fully into his lap, framing my face gently. “Put aside the family, the studio, my job, and answer this question. Do you want back on stage, baby?”

  I stare at the wall behind him, trying to make sense of the emotions mingling in my brain. It’s difficult to separate those factors from the equation. I peer back to him, reading the acceptance in his eyes. “This week gave me back something that was lost.”

  “I know. It’s something only the idea of performing can give you.”

  “At the same time, my life has changed in a way that I’m not ready to miss a thing.”

  “We don’t have to be physically present to be included.”

  “Regardless if my progress passes the final evaluations, it’s important to give it my all. I need to close this chapter before I can take the next steps,” I admit before losing the courage.

  “Then give it your all.”

  “What about—”

  His lips cover mine, skimming back and forth. “Focus on you, the stage, and the rest is my job.”

  My heart flutters and splinters apart into a thousand pieces overfilled with love and devotion. “I love you so much and promise to make you proud.”

  “Impossible not...”

  His voice drowns out when my tongue slips through his lips. I vow silently to do whatever it takes these next few months to not only get back on that stage but to make his dreams come true.


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