A Winning Hand

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A Winning Hand Page 10

by Maria Lake

  “How loving?” she asked breathlessly, her body aware that she was so close to knowing the secret.

  Sam smiled at her. “Reckon you'll find out once we're done with the Preacher.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  “You wouldn’t really have me give up cards?”

  “Ladies don't gamble.”

  “It isn't gambling if you are good at it.”

  “That so? Seems to me you were about to lose your home.”

  “Well, as long as all the players are honest--”

  “Then maybe we can allow you some games at home. Just the two of us.”

  “Just us? Husband and wife? But what kind of stakes would we play for?”

  “The very best kind,” he said, hugging her close, “the very best kind.”

  “I don't understand,” she said petulantly, breaking free of his arms. “There could be no advantage gained, we--”

  “We wouldn't be playing for money, Josie.”

  “Well, then what would be the fun in that,” she demanded.

  Sam traced his thumb over her mouth, lingering over her jutting lower lip. “Plenty of fun in it.”

  “And you would know?”

  “And you will too... after we are married.”

  “But that's silly, what does one thing have to do with another?”

  “More than you know, and I'm more than eager to show you. Now git,” he said giving her a slight push, “can't have you sitting on my lap much more than this or else you're in danger of learning some things before we're married.”

  Chapter 30

  It was a rough night as Josie learned what it was like to try to sleep on a freshly disciplined bottom. She tossed and turned in her bed, waking up every time she landed on her tender seat. At first she blamed her restlessness on her sore rump, which was still throbbing, and then she blamed it on wedding nerves. But when she got up and padded over to the window, she realized it was more than just that.

  There was enough moonlight to see the outline of Sam's cabin, and something deep inside of her ached bad when she realized he was so close to her, but still so far.

  Her heart beating fast, she took the steps two at a time, and ran out the door just as quick.

  “Sam,” she whispered, pushing open his unlocked door.

  She'd never been inside his cabin at night before, but she knew its furnishings well enough to keep from bumping into things.

  Carefully, she made her way to his bedside. She stopped for a moment to watch the rise and fall of his chest. He had the blanket tucked under his chin, but his shoulders were bare.

  Josie trembled. Would Sam sleep like this when they were husband and wife? She could just imagine the feel of his warm chest pressed against her own.

  Lost in her romantic curiosity, she lifted the free end of the blanket, and proceeded to climb into bed with him.

  She didn’t know what had come over her, only that she couldn’t wait another minute to be with the man she loved.

  The bed was warm from the heat of his body, and had a manly scent to it. In just a few hours they would be wed, and then they would always share a bed.

  What would it feel like when they became one? Nellie had described it in glowing words, but Nellie wouldn't have known how large a bulge Sam had. Would things still feel right if his thing was so big compared to her own narrow place? Mrs. Appleton had told Annie that it hurt, that wives only lay with their husbands out of duty- maybe Mrs. Appleton's husband really was the wrong size for her? That would be awful.

  But then she remembered something Nellie had said, something about men and how their members came in all different shapes and sizes. They even had different scents. And she'd said something about how a woman's body knows how to meet her man's. So maybe, her body would know how to open for Sam. And maybe Sam would know what to do to get her to open for him.

  It wouldn't really be awful then, to have him take control of her body, would it? In a way, maybe she had already experienced some of that-- Sam had certainly taken control when he had spanked her, and even though there'd been pain, it hadn't been as miserable an experience as she had feared. Much of her discomfort had been countered by the strange excitement of being held down against his lap. From the strength of the arm holding her in place, to the feel of his body beneath her... His strong grip had kept her from rubbing up against him much, but she had left his lap with the strong and confusing desire to keep pressing up against him, to slide her front along his lap as much as possible until...

  Until what? There were feelings there, strange mysterious feelings that she could not quite understand. She felt like she was on the edge of a cliff, and could not figure out where she was to go next. And yet Sam would know. Sam would be able to guide her, taking her to wherever it was that she was supposed to go.

  Sam. He was to finally be her Sam. All that time watching him, dreaming of him, wishing he would see her for the womanly creature she had finally become. And kisses- he had only given her one brief kiss on the mouth, but the brief feel of his lips upon her own made her mouth burn for more. She had tried to kiss him again, but he had rebuffed her.

  “No more of that,” he said gruffly, “not until after we've said our vows.”

  “But its only kissing,” she had said. “Don't you like it?”

  “I like it too much. And it isn’t only kissing. Its how a husband and wife say 'I love you.'”

  “Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?”

  “Its a very good thing, but we aren’t husband and wife yet, Miss Lanshaw. And I aim to keep you pure for our wedding.”

  “But surely kissing isn’t going to ruin me for--”

  He'd grinned at her. “You've no idea how hard it is keeping my hands off you. Once we start going, I won't be able to stop-- that's why we can't. Because I don't want to lose control of myself.”

  Control. She's never seen a man exercise more control over himself. But, she couldn’t wait any longer. She needed Sam's kiss. She needed his warmth. She needed to be in his arms.

  She knew it was wrong to be in Sam's room before they were wed, but she couldn’t bear going without him any longer. This night was never-ending.

  She reached her arm around his waist to be closer to him. His body was hard against her touch, his skin warm, with a trail of fur-- she was just tracing this line with her finger when she suddenly felt herself tossed backward.

  She'd no sooner uttered a cry of surprise when she found herself pinned down, Sam's body hovering above her own.

  “Josie” he said, saying her name with almost an animal-like snarl. “What are you doing in my bed? In my cabin?” His words were grunted, his voice coming in hard breaths. It was as if he was at the very limits of his endurance.

  “I couldn't sleep, I wanted to be near you, I--”

  “Oh, you were very nearly as near to me as a wife can ever be. But,” he said, practically panting, “we aren't married yet.”

  “But, I wasn't trying to do anything that--”

  “You've preserved your virtue for as long as you have, I'm not letting you throw it away just before our wedding.” He gave her a smirk, and added, “we are already off to a rosy start, but I can see that my wife will be spending quite a bit of time over my knee.”

  She chewed at her lip. “The strap or your belt?”

  He shook his head. “The next time you get spanked, it will be direct.”

  “Direct? How could it be anymore direct? My poor bottom felt every one of your--”

  “You will receive my hand. Bare flesh to bare flesh. Man to woman. Husband to wife.”

  She gulped. “Over your lap?”

  “I could make it over the bed or a chair, but I think that would defeat the purpose. Spanking is an intimate act, it ought to be done as closely as possible. And it also makes it easier to hold you and love you afterward.”

  Josie nodded, as she absorbed Sam's words, her legs clenching at the thought of any more spanks on her sore bottom. And then she realized exactly what a ba
re bottom spanking meant.

  He had seen her-- her wide round bottom. And he had watched as her bottom got redder and redder. But that wasn't all he had seen, was it? She gulped hard. Why had she tried so hard to keep from kicking? Was it because she didn't want him to know how tender he had made her flesh? Or was it because she had realized that the more she kicked, the harder it was to keep her legs together?

  What had Sam seen then? That mysterious private place between her legs? The place no one but her husband was supposed to ever touch? Those parts were damp and aching as Sam drew her out of his bed.

  “Tomorrow night, Josie, as husband and wife,” Sam said hoarsely, and not till then.”

  And then he led her back to the main house, and waited for her to return to her bedroom before leaving.

  Chapter 31

  Since they hadn't planned the wedding in advance, Josie didn't have the time for a fine white dress. Instead Mrs. Martin helped her pick from what she already owned. It was a pastel pink so light that it passed for white when inside, saving its blush for the sunlight. A basket of wildflowers was her only ornament. Still, she managed to feel like royalty as she stood up with Sam and they recited their vows.

  The rest of the day passed in restless anticipation of their wedding night. At last the clock chimed that fateful hour, that signaled that they would be going to bed as husband and wife.

  Sam gathered Josie up in his arms and held her close to his chest. “Have to say, I've spent many a lonely night wondering what our first night as husband and wife would be like, and never once did I dream that I'd spank you the night before we wed.”

  Josie laughed. “All of my dreams about you involved spanking.”

  Sam looked at her with a grin. “Seein' as how often we argue, maybe I should ask which one of us was giving the spanking?”

  “Oh, plenty of times I wanted to strangle you, stubborn man, but spanking-- that was all about these ridiculously strong hands of yours,” Josie said, taking his hand in her own and kissing it lightly.

  “Well, that wasn’t something I expected.”

  “Neither did I, it just happened. And then once I had the first dream, I couldn’t stop myself from having more of them.”

  “Does this mean you'll be a good little wife for me from now on?”

  Josie grinned. “I think it means I'll be the same old Josie, except--”

  “Except what?”

  “Now when your hand twitches, we'll both know what I'm in for.”

  Sam nodded.

  “So, if you didn't dream about spanking me, what did you dream about?” Josie asked, running her finger down her husband’s strong chest.

  “Oh, I dreamed about spanking you plenty, I just didn't think that would ever actually happen. And as for other dreams, I don't think you're going to want that answer on a sore bottom, but it is our wedding night.”

  “So you'll spank me extra?”

  “You've had more than enough for now. No, what you're getting now, is loving,” he said stroking her hair. “I’m going to lay you back on our bed, and I'm going to teach you about marriage.”

  “I have to lie down on the bed?” Josie's hand went to her bottom, rubbing it.

  “Should have thought about that before misbehaving.”

  “I-I didn’t know exactly what--”

  “With all your naughtiness, you didn't know what husbands and wives do together? Not even after sneaking into my bed last night?”

  “Well you didn’t let me kiss you, you didn’t even let me touch you--”

  “Did you get a look at me?”

  Josie blushed, remembering his large muscular body, accented by a musky scent, and trimmed with hair that covered his chest and legs, and got thicker in between. But thickest of all--

  “You saw that part of me, didn't you? The part that is husband to you?”

  Josie shook her head.

  “Might as well admit what you saw, I don't take with lying. Would you prefer to be spanked per offense, or all at once at the end of the week?”

  “I- I did see that part. Your male part. But I don't understand how--”

  “You'll see.”

  She shook her head. “You don't understand. Last night, after I went back to my bedroom, I felt for the place on me. After seeing what you had, I got- I got scared, so I tried to hold my fingers together to see what it would be like for you to fit inside.”

  “You stuck your own fingers inside yourself?” Sam thundered.

  Josie shook her head. “I tried to, but I couldn't. That's why I'm worried. It won't work. You're too big for me.”

  Sam shook his head. “I'll fit alright, just have to get you ready for me. And right now, as a virgin, you've got a bit of a barrier- that was why you couldn't get your own fingers inside. Not that you should have been trying on your own,” Sam said sternly.

  “But how then can you--”

  “Like this,” he said, grabbing her around her waist. “Last night wasn't the time for us to see each other in our altogether, but tonight sure is. Now, let's take care of these buttons and then I can show you what I mean to do to you.”

  Josie nodded. There were an awful lot of buttons going down the back of her dress. The longer it took Sam to undo them, the longer she could put off her wifely duty.

  She hadn't told Sam, but Mrs. Martin had given her some words about what to expect. Mrs. Martin's advice had scared her more than her own unsuccessful attempt with her own fingers.

  “Find something to bite down on if you can,” Mrs. Martin said, “it'll help with the pain.”

  “My bottom isn't doing that poorly,” she'd said, rubbing herself, “sore but not so much worse than if I'd spent the day riding over rough country.”

  “That isn't precisely the area in question,” Mrs. Martin said. “He'll want to open your legs and bury his seed in you. All husbands want that, 'specially on their wedding night.”

  “It'll hurt?”

  “It'll always hurt when a husband claims his rights, but it hurts the most when it's the first time.”

  “Worse than being spanked?”

  “Much worse, but its over and done faster. He'll make a bunch of grunts while he's jabbing at you, but when the grunts give way to a groan, that's when he sprays inside of you. That's how you know he's done and then you can both roll over and go to sleep.”

  “And he's going to want this how often?”

  Mrs. Martin shrugged. “Some men want it all the time.”

  “Every night?”

  “In the beginning he'll probably want it a few times per night.”

  “But, I-I couldn’t- I--”

  “Now, now, every virgin thinks that and every wife does her duty. Sure enough I remember my own Ma having this talk with me. But, I did my job as a wife and mother- gave my late Mr. Martin five sons and three daughters, and every one of them grew up and had a family of their own.”

  Jabbing. Poking. Ramming. Those were the words that Mrs. Martin had used to describe the marital act. Josie's thoughts ran to the giant piece of manhood between her husband's legs. Sam was down to her last button, and even though he was still dressed, she could feel his thick rod pressing up against his trousers as he held her close.

  The last button undone, Sam reached his hands inside her dress, and pushed it down.

  She was in corset, chemise, and only a thin petticoat covered her drawers. Standing before her husband, Josie blushed as he turned her around and got a good look at her.

  “I'm an awfully lucky man,” Sam said huskily, leaning in close.

  Knowing what was to come, she should have recoiled from his touch, but she felt something very powerful fluttering inside her as he kissed his way over her face and neck.

  His rough hands stroked over the swell of her breasts, stoking a fierce heat between her legs. When he reached into her corset to reveal the rest of them, she lifted her arms around his neck, pulling his face down for another kiss.

  Feverishly they kissed each other, mouths practi
cally biting each other in their eagerness to be closer to each other. More. Mouths parted, breath coming faster, warm tongues exploring, loving. By the time they broke apart for air, Josie realized her husband had succeeded in unlacing her corset.

  Sam tugged down her chemise. She didn't know where her petticoat had gone, but somehow she was now completely bare except for her drawers. Josie closed her eyes tight, expecting Sam to tug them down too, but instead he had reached for her breast, and was kissing her there.

  Her skin tingling, Sam licked her bare flesh, and then slid his tongue over her pebbled end. Her body jumped as he tasted her, and in her confusion she didn’t know whether to push him away or pull him closer. She wound her fingers through his thick hair and held her husband close as he firmly sucked against her, creating such a deep tremor inside herself that she thought she might die from the pleasure of it.

  “If you liked that,” Sam said, straightening himself back up as Josie continued to sigh uncontrollably, “you're going to really like what comes next.” He pulled at the ribbons that held up her drawers, and within seconds, her last defense was gone.

  How had she ever thought Sam wasn't interested in her? He looked her over now like a wolf contemplating its dinner.

  Suddenly feeling modest, she clapped her hands over herself, only to have Sam push them away.

  “Not with your husband, you don't,” he said gruffly. “What you have is mine, and what I have is yours.”

  Josie gulped as Sam took her hands in his and ran them up and down his large muscular chest. Under his guidance, she unbuttoned his clothing, gulping loudly when they reached the flap of his trousers.

  “Yes, there too,” Sam said, both of them aware of his prominent bulge.

  “I don’t think we're friends,” she said, as his member twitched as her fingers worked over his last buttons.

  “Ah, but you're about to be. And you're going to learn to like each other very much. It won't be long before you like him so much that you'll find yourself just as eager to kiss me there as you are for my mouth.”

  “Kiss you there?” Josie asked, wondering why on earth she would ever bestow such tenderness on such a beast. “On the enormous thing that means to hurt me?”


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