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Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)

Page 4

by Cameo Renae

  “I’m fine. Let’s go,” I said, stepping forward. He wanted me to go in with him for a reason, and I wasn’t going to be the downer.

  Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he led us through the entrance – in the opposite direction Courtney had taken me the first time.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the center.”

  “What’s at the center?” Intrigue began to outweigh my anxiety.

  “You’ll see. It’s the only place we can be alone, without any eyes.” His eyes beamed, which made me smile.

  We quickly made our way through the maze of foliage, weaving every-which-way, until we came to an area which had a canopy of foliage above us.

  Kade led me through to the middle of the space, and I realized we had made it to the center. There were four walls of hedges surrounding us, but the edges were left open. He reached his hand inside one of them, pulling out a medium sized box, and then handed it to me.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “Open it and see,” he grinned.

  I slowly peeled the lid back and gasped. Emotions overwhelmed me once again. The box contained hundreds of pictures of me and my parents. It was filled with the wonderful memories of my childhood.

  “Kade, how did you—”

  “As soon as I was well enough, I flew to LA and retrieved these before the movers came, and…” he held up a finger while reaching back into the hedge. “I also brought you this.”

  He handed me another box, and I immediately recognized it.

  I grasped my mother’s jewelry box. Opening it up, memories of her wearing these priceless treasures overwhelmed me. Hot tears trickled down my cheeks. Her earrings, necklaces, and rings were organized neatly in their spaces. I suddenly caught a familiar scent. Lifting the box to my nose, I breathed in deeply. Her perfume assaulted my senses. I grasped the box to my chest and hugged tightly, wishing it were my mom here instead.

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you is not enough.” I was supposed to be strong, but my heart was still broken.

  Placing a comforting hand on my back, Kade replied,“You don’t have to say anything. I just thought you’d like these, and hoped it might help you get through some tough times. I wanted to make your world a little brighter,” he said softly.

  His eyes were filled with so much love. “I cannot thank you enough,” I exhaled, and curled into his warm embrace. His rare kindness never ceased to amaze me.

  There was a sudden rush of wind around us, and as we glanced up Kade tightened his hold on me. Two large figures with black wings hovered above.

  Bane and Azzah.

  “How the hell did you get here? I thought the barrier was up?” Kade yelled up to them, using his body to shield me from them.

  “There is no barrier here,” Bane scoffed.

  “Shit,” Kade cursed. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Take your hands off of the girl. She’s Ethon’s property.”

  “That’s bullshit! She is property of no one, especially that bastard.”

  “Step away, mortal, or we’ll tear your arms off,” Bane growled.

  I hated the way they referred to him as a mortal. They knew it was degrading, and were purposely baiting him.

  “I’d like to see you try,” Kade yelled back. There wasn’t one ounce of fear in his eyes.

  “Hey!” I yelled, stepping forward. I didn’t want Kade to get hurt, and knew the goons would have no problem inflicting injury. I didn’t want to take a chance. “Why don’t you black birds just fly away? Kade is right. I’m no one’s property, and I don’t appreciate you hovering over us, interrupting our personal conversation.” I was letting my emotions get the best of me.

  A heat started to emanate on my chest, and when I glanced down, the Bloodstone amulet was glowing bright red. What the—?

  Suddenly Malachi, Dominic, and Thomas came rushing toward us with their weapons drawn.

  “What the hell is going on?” Kade asked.

  “Dude,” Thomas urged. “I hate to break up your little moment, but there are dozens of Darkling headed this way. I suggest you get her out of here.”

  “I thought Darkling don’t come out during the day?” I questioned.

  “No sun, and we’re in the boonies. They must have been close, waiting for the right time to strike,” Malachi answered.

  Loud growls filled the air; the overwhelming stench of Darkling surrounded us.

  “Shit! It’s too late,” Dominic cursed. “They’re inside the gates. Kade, keep Emma behind us. We’ll protect you.”

  “I’ll make sure she’s safe. Just do what you gotta do,” Kade answered.

  “Bane! Azzah! What the hell are you waiting for? Go and kill some freaking Darkling!” Ethon scolded. He’d suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and was standing right behind us.

  Bane and Azzah, still in flight, growled, and then drew their swords and flew off toward the gates. Loud screams of pain ensued.

  More Darkling came bursting though the labyrinth. This was becoming a place I would never enter again. It was a never-ending nightmare.

  Thomas yelled and charged forward with his sword overhead. A Darkling charged him, and he pushed his sword straight through its heart. “That’s one!” he cheered.

  “Who the hell’s counting?” Malachi scolded. “Just kill the damn stinkers.”

  “I’m counting…starting now,” Dominic said, unsheathing his two short-swords. He ran forward, flipped in the air, and pushed his first blade into the head of a Darkling just breaking through the brush. Without an interruption in movement, he spun around and took the head off a second one. Black blood, thick like tar, began spewing all over.

  Another one charged him, but he spun like a whirlwind, sinking his blade straight in the Darkling’s eye. Its anguished scream pierced our ears as it dropped to its knees. Dominic placed his foot to its skull, yanked his blade free, sliced off its head, and kicked it over.

  “And that makes three,” he said, aiming his words at Thomas.

  “Whatever, Dude. There are lots more coming this way. And this time, you’re scrubbing my sword. I even bought you a new set of gloves. Purple…with daisies.”

  Dominic rolled with laughter. “Oh, I think daisies suit you best. And the purple would complement your delicate complexion. Plus, you seem to have perfected the art of cleaning bloody blades, I think you should stick with it.”

  “Screw you, dude,” Thomas huffed. “I’ll be making mine extra crappy, just for you.”

  Ethon stepped closer to us and extended his hand out to me.

  “Stay the hell away from her,” Kade said, shielding me again.

  “Emma, come with me. I can get you out of here, and take you to safety.”

  I paused, totally bewildered, feeling pulled in both directions

  “I said, step away from her,” Kade warned, grasping his sword.

  “Kade, don’t let him take her,” Malachi roared.

  “Are you a freaking idiot? I can outfly those bastards and take her to safety,” Ethon rebuked.

  Kade hesitated. His eyes swirled with uncertainty, warring within himself.

  “Kade!” Malachi growled, but his eyes were still focused on the oncoming terror.

  “Are you seriously thinking of risking her life, keeping her in the middle of danger?” Ethon’s crimson eyes burned like fire. His face was hard-set and serious.

  “I swear, if you lay one hand on her, I will find you…and I will kill you,” Kade threatened.

  Kade suddenly loosened his grip on me. At the same time Ethon stepped forward and wrapped his arm around my waist, tugging me against him, locking our bodies firmly together. I gasped as the power of the bond shot an electrical current through my body. I weakened and almost buckled, but Ethon tightened his grip. He glanced down at me with a crooked grin, and then shot a quick glare at Kade.

  “Smart move, lover boy. I won’t lay a hand on her, but I’m not making any promises to keep the other hand to myself.
” As soon as he finished speaking, we shot into the air.

  “Kade,” I screamed, terrified. The sound of the whipping wind muffled my cry.

  “What the hell did you do?” Malachi rebuked.

  Against my better judgment, I glanced down at the mass of Darkling bodies climbing over the gates, surrounding the labyrinth. We were outnumbered and had a full on battle on our hands. But I had faith in the Guardians. I knew they could kick ass, especially Darkling.

  Chapter 5

  We were flying so fast, I was having a hard time catching my breath. Once we were high in the sky, I started to feel lightheaded.

  A chilling shrill pierced the dark sky. It was Ash, circling above, alerting us of danger. In the distance, two Fallen angels were flying fast in our direction.

  “Oh my God,” I screamed.

  “Your God can’t help you now, but I can. And I suggest you hold on tight,” Ethon ordered.

  I didn’t hesitate. Wrapping my legs around his waist, and tightening my arms around his neck, I locked them in. At the same time, his arms tightened around me, pulling me even closer against him. In a flash we took off, and everything around us became in a blur. Ethon was flying so fast, I swear we broke the sound barrier. I became dizzy so I had to close my eyes.

  I felt his face press against mine. Tingles pricked my cheek as he spoke in my ear. “You okay?”

  I nodded.

  “I’ll slow down in a minute. Those Fallen are probably wondering where the hell we went, but I don’t want to take any chances. Not with you. I’m taking you to a secret place where you will be safe for the time being.”

  I nodded again. Not only was it difficult to talk with the wind whipping all around me – but even more distracting – Ethon’s soft lips moving against my ear as he spoke. How was a girl supposed to form sentences under these circumstances?

  “I thought you liked to fly?”

  “I do, but not at deadly, supersonic speeds,” I breathed.

  Ethon laughed. “Don’t worry. I can see fine. It’s part of my gift. Perfect vision no matter what speed. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to open your eyes.”

  “Thanks,” I said. His warm cheek was still pressed tightly against mine. His scent had a calming effect. It was so intoxicating, I found myself burrowing my face into the crook of his neck and breathing deeply. It was sweet and spicy, with a hit of smokiness. Supposedly, it was part of the Fallen’s curse; black wings and a smoky smell which distinguished them from the regular Angels.

  Soon, Ethon whispered gently into my ear, “It’s okay to come out from there.” He gently nudged my cheek with his nose. “Let me see those beautiful eyes.”

  I slowly moved my head back, tracing his strong jawline with my lips – What was I doing? - until met his handsome face, inches from mine. His eyes sparkled in different hues of garnet. They were a very dark red, with specks of bright ruby. The colors almost seemed to be swirling together. I blinked, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, but when I opened them again, it was the same. The color in his eyes was definitely swirling.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Your eyes are very…different.”

  “Different, as in creepy?”

  “No. Not creepy. They’re actually very beautiful.”

  He chuckled. “Well that’s the first time they’ve ever been called beautiful. They’re part of the curse.”

  “Well, they’re original, I’ll give you that. Did you know the colors in your eyes swirl together?”

  He grinned. “Yes, but that’s nothing. Wait until you see what happens when I get pissed off.”

  “Flames?” I asked, jokingly.

  “You’ve seen them?” His brow furrowed.

  “Are you serious? I was just kidding,” I exhaled.

  He shrugged. “You know that red is a power color? It’s also the color of lust,” he noted.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “So I’ve heard. But don’t think you can seduce me with your wit and charms, devil boy.”

  Ethon looked like he took my words as a personal challenge. “Don’t underestimate me, Nephilim. You have no idea what I’m capable of. My wit and charm are only a small fragment of the powers I’ve been bestowed. Plus, I have the bond in my favor.” His eyes suddenly turned a totally different red. An almost fiery red, swirling with orange and yellow hues.

  “What?” I gasped.

  His grin grew into a huge smile. “Hang on. Here we go,” he warned, taking a nose dive into a forest of tall spruce trees.

  I screamed as we rolled a few times, and then evened out. He zoomed in and around of the forest like nothing. With a flip, he instantly turned on his back, and I was now laying on top of him, watching everything zoom past us in a blur.

  “Ethon!” I shrieked.

  He was too amused for my liking.

  Turning back over, I heard, “We’re almost there.”


  “My place.”

  “Your place?”

  “Yes. Do you see that huge birch tree ahead?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Well, we need to go through it.”

  “What do you mean ‘go through it’?” My heart started to race. We were heading straight for the huge trunk, and weren’t slowing down.

  “Holy crap!” I shouted.

  What if he was a total kamikaze kind of Fallen Angel?

  I’d heard about crazy people going off the deep end from jealousy. This bond was nothing to mess with. I just hoped Ethon wasn’t the type who thought ‘if you aren’t mine, you will be no one else’s.’ That would totally suck.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I gasped.

  “Don’t you trust me?” He laughed.

  “Maybe,” I said desperately, hoping not to anger him. In response, he flew faster.

  We were going to hit the damn tree. I closed my eyes and braced for impact.


  “Emma. We’re here,” Ethon said softly.

  “What?” I peeled my face from his shoulder and opened my eyes. We were in a completely different place. It was bright and sunny. Almost like a painting.

  It was a large area filled with the greenest grass. In the center of this oasis, a solitary willow stood on the edge of a large pond. Its long branches hung low, dipping into the water’s edge.

  Behind the tree, in the distance, was a grassy hill. Ethon flew us to the highest point and set us down carefully. He paused and I suddenly realized I hadn’t released my talon-like grip. I quickly let go and stepped back, watching his beautiful black wings fold behind his back and disappear. I shook my head, still amazed by the hidden wings. That would still take some getting used to.

  “What is this place?” I asked.

  “It’s a place my father gifted to me after my transformation - a portal to my own little world. No one knows about it, except me and father. It was something special he created just for me. A place I could go to if I ever felt in danger, or just needed to get away from the bullshit of the Underworld. Sometimes I wish I could stay here forever.”

  “Why don’t you?” I asked.

  “Because, believe it or not, my father needs me.”

  I smiled. “That’s really awesome, but also hard to comprehend, him being the all-powerful Ruler of the Underworld and all.”

  Ethon nodded. “He does have a mean streak, but also another side, which no one sees but me. He’d never dare show that side to any of his Fallen. It’s part of the job. He has to be a hard ass with them to maintain order. It’s challenging to rule a bunch of lazy, drunken immortals.”

  “But growing up, when it was just me and him in his chambers alone, it was a whole different story. I was the recipient to the one, small part of his heart that could love.”

  “I could tell. The way he looked at you,” I said, remembering the way he interacted with Ethon. But none of that changed how I felt about Lucifer. I didn’t trust him. The only reason he agree
d to help us was for his own selfish reasons. He wanted to get back at Lucian for coming against him. It was payback, and we were the vehicle. Plus, his involvement came with a high price - a soul. There was no good in that. Just pure evil.

  “You alright?” Ethon said, snapping me from my ill thoughts.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You’re the first person I’ve brought here,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

  “Really? That’s sort of hard to believe.”

  “What’s so hard to believe?”

  “Weren’t you Hell’s most eligible bachelor?”

  Ethon laughed out loud. “I wish. There aren’t too many available Fallen women, and you don’t want to be around the ones who are. Trust me,” he shivered.

  “Not your type?”

  “Let’s just say that they could all be paired with Bane or Azzah.”

  “Oh,” I giggled.

  “So, it’s no surprise that when I saw your beautiful face, I was instantly enchanted,” he said.

  I felt a heat rush through my cheeks.

  “Before I laid eyes on you, I could feel something. It was the strangest feeling, like an electrical current humming in the air around me. I started to feel lightheaded, and my heart began to race. Then, when I stepped into the room, I was slammed with reality. You were standing there. The most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening until we touched, and I was instantly bewitched.”


  “You must have felt the same thing, right?” he asked.

  I paused, and then nodded.

  “Why don’t we take a walk down to the pond? We can talk on the way,” he suggested.

  I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. “You’re not going to fly us?”

  “No. We have a lot of time to kill, and walking would be good. Plus, I need to cool down from having you so close.”

  My face flushed with heat again. “So, is the time in this place like time in the Underworld? Is a day in here, a week or two out there?”

  “No, but I wish it was. That would totally piss some people off,” he laughed.

  “Yes, and that would be a very bad thing,” I said.

  “So, walk with me?” he held out his hand and I took it. We were instantly jolted again with that familiar electrical buzz and magnetism. Slowly we made our way down the hill.


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