Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)

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Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) Page 8

by Cameo Renae

  “I don’t want to fight with you brothers,” he pleaded.

  But the goons were ruthless and offered no mercy. Bane grabbed his head, Azzah grabbed his legs, and they pulled, ripping him apart. His headless body fell from the sky. In minutes, the beheaded bodies caught fire, and burned to ash.

  Samuel and Ethon flew higher and searched the skies for any signs of additional Fallen.

  “I don’t think it will be safe to drive,” Samuel said. “They know where we are. Malachi, you and Dominic will drive the vehicles back. Azzah, you and Kade will accompany them. The rest of us will fly back. We need to get them back to the house as quickly as we can.”

  I knew Kade felt helpless. I took hold of his hand. “I’ll see you at home,” I assured him.

  His eyes remained distressed, but he forced a sad grin and nodded once.

  Extracting Jeremy and Lia from the vehicles, Malachi placed Lia in Ethon’s arms, while Dominic laid Jeremy in Bane’s.

  “Come, Emma,” Samuel said.

  Ethon stepped forward. “Samuel if we get attacked, you know I can outfly any of the Fallen. I can guarantee Emma’s safety.”

  Samuel paused, weighing his words. “Alright, but you will stay with us, unless anything happens.”

  “Yes, sir,” Ethon responded, gently handing Lia over to Samuel. As soon as Samuel turned around, Ethon took a quick glance in my direction and winked. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. He’d gotten what he wanted.

  Striding toward me, he held out his hand. “You’ll be flying the not-so-friendly-skies with me once again.”

  I hesitated, knowing what happened when I touched him.

  “I promise I won’t bite, unless you’re into that kind of thing.” His eyes flickered with a devilish grin.

  “Just no fancy spins. The last time I flew with you, I had vertigo for hours,” I warned.

  “Deal. No spins, unless I have to,” he agreed, drawing a cross over his heart.

  I took a step closer, and cautiously placed my hand in his. Nearly dropping at the instant current coursing through my body, Ethon wrapped his arm around me, steadying my body against his.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered. His breath sent a shiver down my spine.

  “Thanks,” I breathed, still trying to fight the magnetic pull of the bond. I glanced over to where the Hummers were parked, but they were no longer there.

  “Ready?” Samuel asked.

  Ethon and Bane gave a nod, and with one single flap, Samuel was airborne. Bane followed.

  “Are you ready?” Ethon asked, his fiery eyes steeled on mine.

  I nodded.

  Before I could take another breath, we shot into the sky.

  “It’s completely gratifying to have you back in my arms,” he admitted.

  I didn’t respond. I couldn’t.

  “You don’t have to answer. I know what you felt when you touched me. The bond allows us to share emotions.”

  It did feel good to have him close again, but I also knew the majority of those emotions were from the bond.

  “I hope I get to meet your friends soon.”

  “Maybe,” I said, glancing ahead, at the limp limbs of my sleeping friends. They would never forgive me if they found out. “But you’re supposed to remain anonymous.”

  “True, but I think your Guardian is getting the preferential treatment. I know your friends would love me once they met me, and then they would join me in my campaign to win your heart.”

  “So you want to use them as pawns?” I questioned.

  “No. Not pawns. They’d want to do it of their own free will,” he admitted with a smile.

  “Well, I’m sure they’d love to meet you, but I just wouldn’t know how to introduce you. They’ve already met Kade, and my girlfriend is completely infatuated with him. In fact, she asked if he had a twin brother.”

  He huffed. “That’s because she hasn’t met me yet.”

  “Maybe. But you also have to remember they’re human, and your red eyes might be a bit much. My girlfriend might have nightmares.”

  “Or, miraculous dreams,” he whispered. For a moment I was captured by the swirling glow of his eyes. “Plus,” he said, snapping me back to reality, “I’ve acquired those disposable plastics which alter eye color. They help me blend in the midst of mortals.”

  “You mean contacts?” I giggled.

  “Yes. Contacts,” he acknowledged.

  “It looks like you’ve covered your bases. I’ll figure out a way for you to meet them.”

  “Just tell them I’m the son of an old family friend. You wouldn’t even be lying.”

  “That might work,” I admitted. He was trying to fit in, and I guess I appreciated that, even if he had ulterior motives. He was ultimately trying to win my heart.

  He smiled. “Of course it will work. And I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “Why do I find that hard to believe?”

  “Have I given you any reason to doubt me?”

  I thought about it. “No.”

  “Then, why start now?” I looked into his eyes, trying to find anything which would contradict his words.

  Kade warned me not to trust him but so far Ethon hadn’t given me any reason not to. Deep inside though, I knew there was something. A very mysterious something about Ethon I couldn’t put my finger on. He was the ultimate bad boy. The son of Lucifer. He had to have a flaw.

  But outwardly, he was a far cry from the depictions given by mortal beings. I’d always assumed them to be horrifying, monstrous creatures - beasts with horns and pitchforks. Much to my surprise, it was to the contrary.

  The Fallen were beautiful.

  Even Bane and Azzah, behind their permanent scowls, outgrown beards, and hardened hearts, weren’t unattractive. Cleaned up and clean-cut, I could see how they would be attractive.

  “You don’t ever have to be afraid of me. I may come from a dark and evil place, but that’s not who I am. I’m not my father, and I have no intention of following in his footsteps.”

  I made the mistake of looking into his eyes a little too long, and was instantly bewitched, like a moth to flame.

  “Shouldn’t you be watching what’s ahead of you?” I said, breathless.

  “I have total peripheral vision, and sight comparable to a hawk. Besides, how could I look away from the perfection in my arms,” he whispered.

  “Ethon,” I exhaled. My body was becoming weak, melting into his. Electricity buzzed around us.

  “You do something to me, Emma. Everything aches when you’re distant. I crave you… and right now, I’m going to kiss you.”

  “My father is right in front of us.”

  “I can lose them in seconds if I wanted to,” he said.

  “Don’t give him a reason to hate you,” I said.

  His eyes narrowed and a grin formed on his porcelain face. “So, you do like me?”

  “I-I never said I didn’t,” I stuttered. I felt vulnerable under the weight of his gaze.

  His fingers gently caressed my back, and then he slowed our flight. Glancing up quickly, he checked his positioning between Samuel and Bane.

  Slowly and carefully, his hand traveled up my spine and rested on the back of my neck. His eyes fixed back on mine and started to burn a bright reddish-orange. The alluring power of the bond was growing, becoming overwhelmingly intense. It was seductive, and inevitable…we were going to kiss.

  The wind whipped around us, but all I felt was the warmth generated from our mutual passion. I was trapped by his magnetism.

  I closed my eyes, but my body was fully aware of what was happening. Heart racing, my breath was quick and ragged. A pulse of energy surged through my body as his lips softly pressed against mine, his fingers threading through my hair. A moan escaped my lips as his velvety tongue found entrance.

  A sudden euphoria blanketed us. Flying made it even more exhilarating.

  The bond was magical, and at this moment, I could feel his emotions - how much he wanted to l
ove and protect me.

  The bond with Ethon was so raw and intense.


  We were suddenly struck from the side and our lips unlocked. I screamed as I almost fell from his grip, feeling the weightless drop in my stomach. Ethon captured me, pulling me closer and tried to regain his balance.

  His eyes snapped up and burned with a dark, fiery flame. Rage.

  Bane had hit us. His face was hard and his eyes had gone completely black. I knew he was disapproving. He snarled, making a head gesture to let us know he had seen, and if we kept it up, Samuel would too.

  “Emma, are you alright?” Samuel asked, quickly glancing back.

  “Yes,” I answered. “We almost hit a bird.” I had to think of something quick, and that was the most logical thing I could think of.

  “Be careful with my daughter, Ethon,” he said.

  “If anything tries to harm her, I will kill it,” Ethon answered flatly, his eyes still locked onto Bane. His breath and heartbeat had increased. I also heard and felt a deep growl rumbling from within. It scared me. He looked like he would rip Bane apart.

  I gently placed my hand on the side of his face, and as I did, his focus turned back to me. As soon as his eyes fixed on mine, they slowly returned to their normal, more subdued color.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered.

  “If I dropped you, I would have killed him.” His face became hard again, and the edges of his eyes flickered with the dark red flame.

  “Ethon, he’s just looking out for you, per his orders. If my father saw us, believe me, it could have been much worse than just a bump.”

  His brow furrowed. Taking in a deep breath, he exhaled. The flames in his eyes slowly diminished. “I thought you didn’t care for my goons,” he finally said.

  I gasped. “What? How did you?” I didn’t remember mentioning, to anyone, that I referred to his companions as goons. I swear I only used that term in my mind.

  Ethon looked amused. “You didn’t think I’d give away all my secrets, did you?”

  “Secrets? What secrets?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Every secret embedded in me will be unlocked and revealed only if you choose me.”

  “Oh. So you’re using bribery now?” I challenged.

  “If it helps…then yes,” he said flatly.

  “You may have tricks up your sleeve, but I still hold the key.”

  “Oh, Emma,” Ethon breathed. “You have no idea of the trickery I possess.” His eyes smile widened.

  I’d like to find out.

  Ethon suddenly laughed, he leaned in, tickling my ear as he whispered, “Are you sure? Because I’d be more willing to you.”

  I covered my mouth with my hand, looking into his mischievous eyes.

  Was he reading my mind? Was that even possible? If he could, that would be rude. Reading minds was a total invasion of privacy. I treasured my private thoughts, and random conversations with myself. Having someone else swimming around in my mind…well, that was totally not cool.

  “You can read my mind, can’t you?” I questioned. I figured I’d come straight out and ask, instead of wondering.

  His eyes showed no emotion, and gave me nothing. He grinned at me and shrugged.

  “You’re evil,” I huffed.


  Dammit. Now I’d have to keep my mind blank around him. However…if he could read minds, he would already know what I was planning.

  Good Lord. This completely sucked.

  Blank. White. Nothingness. I needed to clear my mind.

  How do monks do this? Okay, come on Emma. We’ve got this.

  I closed my eyes, and thought of white clouds floating in the sky.

  “What are you doing?” Ethon laughed.

  “Focusing,” I answered.

  “On what?”

  “Keeping you out of my mind.” I opened one eye to peek at him, and saw him shaking his head. A smile was plastered on his face. “What?”

  “In time you’ll see,” he said.

  “See what?”

  “That you’ll choose me.”

  “You don’t know that, and besides, my time is very fragile these days. I may not even make it to my transformation.”

  “Like I said before, you don’t have to worry about Lucian while I’m around. He will die by my hand if he tries to hurt you. That is a promise.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “For what?”

  “For wanting to protect me.”

  “It’s an unwilled impulse,” he answered.

  I hugged him. “Well, thank you anyway.”

  He pressed his lips to my cheek, and then focused forward. “Let’s get you home safely.”

  Chapter 12

  We encountered no additional problems the rest of the flight home. It was serene. The darkening sky was the most beautiful blue, and the puffs of cirrocumulus clouds were painted in a sorbet of pink, orange, and lavender.

  Ethon never loosened his grip around me, and I felt comfortable in his arms, gliding just above the tree lines.

  When I glanced down, everything was a blur and I became dizzy, so I kept most of my focus on either the sky above, or Ethon. A few times during flight, he’d leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead.

  For a devil boy, he seemed to be quite the gentleman, and I wondered where he’d picked up those traits. On the other hand, I’d caught a glimpse of fire in his eyes, and had seen the potential for what he could do. There weren’t many who could match him.

  He was very complicated, and yet, intriguing. When I directed my gaze to his face, I’d hoped to read his expressions - see what he was thinking. But he was like a closed book, only offering a pretty cover.

  Snap out of it, Emma.

  There were more important things to worry about right now. I had to come up with some kind of story to tell Jeremy and Lia. When they woke up, they would have so many questions.

  I knew Lia would be pissed. I glanced at their limp bodies being carried by Samuel and Bane. At least they were peaceful at the moment.

  When we arrived at the house, Alaine panicked at first, but then focused on getting them settled on beds in their own rooms. Lia was in the room next to me, and Jeremy was a floor down, on the opposite side, in a room next to Kade. I left a note on their nightstands to come to my room when they woke up. It would be the one with a pink ribbon tied to the doorknob.

  I knew it would be a few more hours before they woke, so I took a shower and readied myself for the onslaught of questions. I was a little apprehensive about trying to explain things to Jeremy. I didn’t know if he’d believe anything.

  I needed help. Maybe I could bring Courtney and Caleb into the mix. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like a great plan. They were normal humans like Jeremy and Lia, and I had a feeling they would get along really well.

  I exited my room and knocked on Courtney’s door. In a few seconds, it swung open.

  “Emma!” she smiled, sticking her head out looking down the hall. “I thought your friends were here?”

  “They are,” I dragged, “but we ran into some Fallen on our way here.”

  “Oh my God. Are they alright?” She gasped, throwing her hand over her mouth.

  “Yes, they’re fine. They’re actually sleeping.”

  “Both of them? Sleeping? After being attacked?” He eyes widened even more.

  “Yes, they were freaking out, so we had to use the sleeper on them.” I explained.

  “Oh my goodness. Caleb told me about the sleeper,” her eyes furrowed. “Okay, so what do you want me to do?”

  “I just need you and Caleb to hang out with us tonight. The thing is…my friends can’t find out about the Angels or Fallen. They can’t know about any of it. As far as they are concerned, we’re all normal humans. So, I need your help to keep them busy, and to hopefully divert their attention when they begin asking too many questions.”

  “I can definitely do that. Do you want me to get Caleb?”
She questioned.

  “Yes, please. Just meet me in my room, and bring your board games.”

  “You got it.” Giving a thumbs-up, she then bounded down the hall toward Caleb’s room.

  I wondered when Kade and the others would return. Probably soon.

  Ethon and Bane were already in the tower, and Samuel had returned to the cottage after talking to Alaine.

  I went back into my room and waited. About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. When I opened it, Caleb and Courtney were standing with their arms filled with board games and snacks.

  I gave Caleb a quick rundown of the situation, and he was completely onboard. They were thrilled to be a part of a secret mission, and were also excited to meet my best friends from LA. To pass the time, the three of us ended up sitting on the floor, playing cards. We were right in the middle of our fifth game when we heard a soft knock at the door.


  “Come in,” I yelled.

  The knob twisted, and Lia peeked inside. Her eyes were swollen with sleep and she looked completely confused.

  “Come in, Lia!”

  She opened the door and walked in. Her normally stick-straight, black hair was sticking up on one side, and her glasses were a bit crooked.

  “How did we get here? What happened?” she asked, her almond shaped eyes were barely slits as she squinted behind her glasses.

  “In the Hummer. You and Jeremy knocked out. You must have been exhausted from flying.”

  “I guess,” she said. I knew she was completely boggled. She looked over to Courtney and Caleb and didn’t say anything else.

  I jumped up and ran to her, and threw my arms around her. “Lia, I want you to meet my sort-of-siblings, Courtney and Caleb. They were adopted by Alaine when they were younger.” I led her toward them.

  “Hi,” she said, pushing a polite smile.

  “Hi,” they echoed.

  “Emma, seriously, what the hell happened? All I remember was being surrounded by hot guys, well…mostly hot guys. No offense to Jeremy. Then, I remembered these huge black birds outside the car window…before everything went blank. The next thing I know, I’m waking up in an unfamiliar room, on an unfamiliar bed. I thought I was in some kind of crazy nightmare, until I saw your note.”


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