Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)

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Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series) Page 10

by Cameo Renae

  I didn’t realize I’d frozen, running every horrible scenario imaginable through my mind.

  “No, it’s not that. I mean, it sounds great. Let me talk to Alaine and see if she can get us a ride.”

  “Hey Emma. Do you think that same guy who drove us in, can drive us again?” Lia asked.

  “Dominic?” I asked.

  “Yes!” She squealed.

  “I’m sure he’d love to come,” I answered. “You two go get ready, and I’ll go see if I can make the transportation arrangements. I’ll meet you in the dining room for breakfast.” I started heading out the door.

  “Wait, where’s the dining room?” Lia asked, just as Courtney walked by.

  I grabbed Courtney. “She’ll show you. Right, Court?”

  “Of course. Just yell when you’re ready. I’ll leave my door open,” she said.

  “See you soon,” I said.

  “See ya.” They both headed out toward their rooms, while I rushed down the stairs. Dominic and Malachi had just walked in from the kitchen.

  “Hey, Emma,” Dominic yelled.

  “Hey, Dom. I was just going to come and look for you,” I smiled widely.

  “You were?” he asked.

  “Yes. I need your Guardian services today. Caleb made the suggestion to go to some lake a mile away, and my friends really want to go.”

  “Dumb ass,” Malachi huffed. “I was going to take a nap today.”

  “Sorry,” I apologized.

  “A nap? Well, I guess you would need one. You are getting old,” Dominic snickered, slapping Malachi on the shoulder. He then gave me a secret wink.

  “Screw you,” Malachi retorted.

  “Hell, I’m in. I’ve gotta school everyone on how to properly quadruple flip off the rope.”

  “Quadruple flip?” I gasped, throwing my hand on my chest, over exaggerating.

  “Hell yeah. And you better make sure Kade’s not watching when it happens. He gets a little jealous.”

  “Of you?” Malachi laughed.

  “Dude, when these mortal chicks see what’s under these garments...it will be a swoon fest,” he bragged.

  “Don’t you mean swine fest?” Malachi glared at him.

  “Come on, Mal. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Not everyone was blessed with a complete package. At least you were given some cool fighting skills.”

  “Keep talking, Dom, or the only thing the girls will notice is your swollen jaw.”

  “He’s attempting to be scary, Em. Don’t laugh. It’ll only make him angrier,” Dom whispered.

  Malachi suddenly swung his fist, but Dom ducked just in time.

  “Dude, you need to work on your temper. Maybe you should go take a nap,” Dominic badgered. I shook my head as he sprinted up the stairs.

  “Dom. Will you drive us?” I yelled up after him.

  “Anything for you,” he answered. “I’ll let Kade know.”

  “Thank you, I owe you one.”

  “Emma, you realize that everyone will need to coordinate this. It’s not just a simple trip to the lake. We will all have to be on full guard,” Malachi said.

  “I do. I was originally hoping we could all just stay in and watch movies, but Caleb opened his big mouth. I’m going to talk to Alaine right now. Do you think Thomas and Alexander would go too?”

  “I think they’ll be more than happy to get out of the cabin. I’ll have them show up a little later, so it doesn’t look like we’re together. They can do their own thing on the other side of the lake.”

  “Sounds great. Thanks, Malachi.”

  “Yeah,” he said in a nice voice, and then walked away.

  I walked down the hall toward Alaine’s study and knocked.

  “Come in.”

  I stepped inside. She was sitting at her desk, reading a medical book.

  “Good morning. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  “No, of course not,” she said, placing the book face down. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did everyone sleep well?”

  “Yes, but we have a bit of a problem.” I scrunched my face.

  She exhaled. “Does this involve leaving the barrier?”

  “It does. Caleb suggested they go to some lake a mile from here. He mentioned a rope swing and boats, and they got excited. They really want to go.”

  Rolling her eyes, she said, “I’ll need to talk to, Caleb. I know of the lake. It’s part of my property, and it is a mile away. Have you talked to the guys?”

  “I talked to Dominic and Malachi. They both said they’ll be coming. Malachi is going to ask Thomas and Alexander to meet us there, so it doesn’t look like we’re together. I know Kade will come.”

  “Alright, I’ll talk to Samuel and get cooperation from Ethon and his company. We’ll need their help. Did you happen to see James out there?” she asked.

  “No, sorry. I haven’t seen James in a few days.”

  “He’s been pretty elusive. He thinks he should be undercover as well,” she laughed. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it. What time were you thinking of going?”

  “After breakfast?” I was unsure if that was enough time.

  “I’ll gather the guys. Go ahead and take your friends to eat, and we’ll all meet downstairs in let’s say, two hours?”

  “That sounds good to me, and I’m so sorry.” I said.

  “Don’t be sorry. I had a feeling we wouldn’t be able to keep them cooped up all four days. We have the best Guardians out there, and along with Samuel and the other Fallen, I think we’ll be okay. If anything does happen, we have enough wings to get you and your friends to safety.”

  “Thank you.” I turned to walk out.

  “Emma,” Alaine called.


  “Relax and have fun. There won’t be many times like these, so make it count.”

  “I will,” I smiled, and left.

  Relax. I stopped in the hall, closed my eyes, took in a deep breath and exhaled, letting the stress melt away. I let my shoulders drop. I took in another deep breath and…

  “There you are,” Jeremy yelled, making me jump.

  “Jeremy!” I scolded.

  “What were you doing?” he asked, his face all scrunched up.

  “I was trying to relax, until I was rudely interrupted.”

  “Well, just for future information, a hallway is not the best place to relax. People walk through hallways. You could be bumped, or someone might accidentally say ‘hi’ to you. The horror.”

  “Thanks, Jeremy. I’ll be sure to remember that.”

  “Good. Now which way is the kitchen?”

  “I thought Courtney was going to take you? And, where’s Lia?”

  “They left me. I guess I took too long, and Lia said she was starving. She obviously hasn’t been to a third-world country,” he stated, pushing his bright-orange glasses back on his pointed nose.

  “Obviously not,” I echoed. “Follow me, Einstein.”

  I led him down the hallway. “Your aunt must be super rich. This place is amazing. Is she a millionaire?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered. “I think her late husband left her with a pretty big inheritance.”

  “Lucky. Maybe this will be yours one day,” he said.

  “Maybe,” I answered. I’d never really given any thought to it, but then again, Alaine was immortal. This house would age long before she would.

  The wonderful aromas of breakfast hit our noses as we turned and entered the hall to the kitchen.

  “No way. Do I smell bacon?” Jeremy’s face lit up.

  “It smells like it. Looks like you’ve hit the jackpot, huh, Jeremy?”

  “Hell yeah. You know me and bacon.”

  “I do,” I smiled.

  Bacon was his weakness. He could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My mom would make him bacon every time he and Lia slept over. She made his extra crispy, just how he liked it.

  A smile formed on my lips at the memory.

  “Good morning!” we heard as
we walked into the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Miss Lily,” I answered.

  “And who is this handsome gentleman with you?” she asked.

  I watched Jeremy blush. “This is Jeremy. He’s one of my best friends from Los Angeles.”

  “Well, it’s great to meet you, Jeremy. I just met Lia a bit ago. She and Courtney are in the dining room.”

  “So what do we have for breakfast?” I asked.

  “Oh honey, we have bacon, eggs, breakfast potatoes, and chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “My favorite,” I said.

  “Well, grab a plate. I set up buffet style today,” she said pointing to the counter.

  “Wow,” Jeremy breathed.

  All the food was kept warm in chaffing dishes. When Jeremy lifted the first lid, it was filled with extra crispy bacon.

  “Praise the Lord! I can hear the Angels singing,” he exhaled.

  Miss Lilly and I laughed at his inadvertently witty remark.

  “He’s in heaven right now,” I giggled.

  “Well that’s good. At least one of us is,” she winked. “Take as much as you can eat.”

  Jeremy didn’t hold back. He put about ten pieces of bacon on his plate, plus eggs, and two pancakes.

  “Looks like you were pretty hungry too,” I grinned.

  “I guess,” he said, crunching on a strip of bacon.

  When we entered the room, Caleb, Courtney, and Lia were already seated and eating. Caleb looked up and I glared at him. He shrugged and lowered his head.

  Jerkface. Today had better be safe, or he’d be in for it.

  We took our seats opposite them. None of the guys were here so I assumed Alaine was briefing them.

  “Hey guys,” Lia waved. “This food is to die for. Jeremy, looks like you found the bacon.”

  “Oink, oink,” he snorted.

  Courtney burst out into laughter. We all looked at her.

  “What? It was funny,” she giggled.

  “Girl, we need to get you out more often,” Lia said. “Believe me, there are tons of funny people out there. Jeremy isn’t one of them.”

  Courtney broke into laughter again.

  “Is there something in that juice? If there is, hand it over,” I said. “So, Caleb, I heard it was your big, bright idea to go to the lake.” I steeled my eyes on him.

  “Yes, the lake is awesome. I know your friends will love it.” He kept his head down.

  “Well, I hope everyone stays safe,” I said.

  “I’m sure they will.”

  “Hey Emma, is that cute guy gonna drive us?” Lia whispered across the table.

  “He is,” I winked at her.

  “O-M-G!” she clapped.

  “Who is she talking about?” Courtney asked.

  “Probably Dominic. I doubt she’d be clapping for Malachi,” Caleb huffed.

  “Yes, that’s his name. Dominic. He’s so hot. Emma, you can have Kade, as long as I get Dominic.”

  “Lia, are you listening to yourself? The dude could probably get any chick he wanted, why would he want you?” Jeremy questioned.

  “Hello, Jeremy. Because I’m the shizznit,” she stood up and flicked her hair.

  We all laughed. Lia was little, but she had a big personality and was actually really hilarious. Especially when she was comfortable with the people she was around.

  “What nationality are you, Lia?” Caleb asked.

  Lia glanced at him. Her eyes flirted, “Chinese.”

  “That’s awesome. Have you ever been to China?”

  “I have. Once. I even walked the Great Wall.”

  “You did?” Courtney blurted. “Isn’t that the huge wall in Mulan?”

  “Courtney,” Caleb scolded. “Mulan is a cartoon.”

  “I know, but it still showed the Great Wall.”

  “Yes, it was the same wall in Mulan,” Lia answered. “I like that movie.”

  “So do I,” Courtney answered, giving Caleb the stink-eye.

  After a lot of playful banter, laughing, and stuffing ourselves, we headed back upstairs.

  “Okay, grab your things and we’ll all meet in my room in a half-hour.”

  The four of them bounded up the stairs ahead of me. They looked like they were all getting along just fine, and that made me happy.

  As they separated at the top of the stairs and went to their rooms, I noticed Kade’s door open. My heart started to pitter-patter as I made my way up…then I missed a step and fell down.

  “Dang it,” I yelled, as I came down hard on my knee. It split open and there was blood seeping from a gash.

  Before I could pull myself up, Kade was standing next to me.

  I gasped. “How did you get here so fast?”

  “I may be mortal, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have immortal qualities.”

  “I know. I’ve seen you in action.”

  “And?” He came so close, I could feel his warmth. Pulling off his shirt, he tore a piece off and gently wrapped it around my knee.

  “You never fail to take my breath away,” I sighed.

  “That’s good to know.”

  “You know, you didn’t have to rip your shirt. There are bandages in the bathroom.”

  “I thought you’d appreciate the gesture.”

  “Oh, believe me. The gesture is greatly appreciated,” Grinning, I appraised his perfectly sculpted six-pack.

  We both laughed.

  “What are you two lovebirds doing on the stairs? And Kade, why the hell do you keep losing your shirt around, Emma?” Dominic teased.

  “I fell and he rescued me,” I said. “His shirt is wrapped around my knee.”

  “Ahhhh….chivalry. It’s not dead then,” Dom said.

  “No, it’s not,” I grinned.

  “You better get your swimsuit on. We’re leaving soon,” Dominic said.

  “There’s no way I’m going swimming in the lake now. Not with a bloody knee. There are fish in it.”

  “Emma. They’re fish, not sharks. We eat them. Besides, you’ll probably be healed by the time we get there.”

  “Well they could be flesh-eating fish, like piranha or barracuda. You never know,” I said.

  “It’s landlocked,” Kade said softly. “It was dredged, but continually fed from an underground spring. There are some trout, but no barracuda or piranha.”

  “I think I’ll stick to dry land. If you’re real lucky, I may even get adventurous and go out in one of the boats.”

  “Suit yourself,” Dom said. “I’ll definitely be losing my shirt at the lake.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait,” I teased.

  “Oh, Emma. You know you want me. Just admit it, and let’s end this charade,” he said, as he flexed his arms and popped his pecs.

  “I want you, Dom,” Kade muttered, “to get the hell out of here.”

  “Whatever. I’m going to get the Hummer. You both love me, and you know it.”

  Dominic bounced down the stairs and out the door. Kade helped me up, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  “You don’t have to help me. I can walk the rest of the way just fine.”

  “I know, but I’m milking the chivalry card,” he grinned. Out of nowhere, I was swooped off my feet. Wrapping my arms around Kade’s neck, I rested my head on his chest.

  “I have no problem with that,” I whispered.

  He chuckled and carried me into my room and gently set me on the bed.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome. You sure you don’t need help?”

  “I’m sure. I’ve got this.”

  “Good. I’ll see you soon,” he chimed.

  “See you soon,” I whispered, as he walked out the door.

  I jumped off the bed and limped to the bathroom. Dang it. My knee was bruised and it was throbbing. I removed Kade’s make-shift tourniquet and replaced it with anti-bacterial ointment and a bandage. After, I went to the dresser and realized I didn’t have a bathing suit. Lia packed my bags with warm winter thi
ngs, not summer things.

  “Knock-knock,” Lia said, stepping into the room. She looked at me and shook her head. “What happened to you?”

  “I fell coming up the stairs,” I groaned.

  “Are you serious? Well, I brought you something. I figured you’d need this.” Lia held up a bright-pink, two-piece bikini.

  “Are you serious?” I gasped.

  “It was either pink, or black with pink polka-dots. I know you don’t do polka-dots,” she said.

  “Nope. But if this is your suit, it’s not going to fit me,” I stated.

  “It’ll fit, you’ll see. Now march into that bathroom and change,” she demanded, pointing at the door. I begrudgingly obliged.

  I had worn bathing suits to the beach in L.A. all the time, but there were always tons of other scantily clad beach-goers, which made me feel more comfortable. Here, it was just a few of us, and even fewer women in bikinis.

  In the bathroom, I slid the bathing suit on, and damn…Lia was right. It fit perfectly. I turned to the mirror and glanced at myself. Not too bad.

  I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and let a few strands fall to the sides. Lia knocked and as soon as I unlocked the door, she opened it.

  Her jaw dropped. “I told you it would fit. Oh my god, Emma. You look freaking hot. Like bathing suit model hot.”

  “Whatever!” I said, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. I didn’t like drawing attention to myself, and this bathing suit was a definite attention-getter. I quickly threw on some jeans shorts and a t-shirt.

  “Girl, if you got it, you should definitely flaunt it. If I had legs like you, I’d constantly be doing the catwalk walk, like all the time. Work it,” she said. She began to walk the length of my room like a supermodel.

  “What the heck are you doing?” Jeremy said, opening the door and popping in.

  “Pretending like I’m Emma,” Lia said, with a hand on her hip, popping her hips side to side with each step. “I’m sexy and I know it,” she began to sing.

  “What?” Jeremy squeaked.

  “Relax. Don’t hurt yourself, hun. You had to be here,” she said, flicking her hair behind her.

  Jeremy scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Well everyone is at the bottom of the stairs. You guys better hurry up.”

  I grabbed my towel, sunscreen, and sunglasses, and threw them into a backpack.

  “Ready?” I said, holding my arm out to Lia.


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