Monster Girl Islands

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Monster Girl Islands Page 3

by Logan Jacobs

  “Buzz off, Swamp Thing,” I mumbled as sleep pulled me under once again.

  The next morning, I woke to something poking me in my side, over and over again.

  “Tully, stop with the claws, I will feed you in a minute,” I grumbled at my overly insistent cat.

  The poking just picked up the pace and wouldn’t quit. The damn cat was just determined to get me out of my cozy bed and to do his bidding. I wasn’t going to win this battle.

  “Fine, ya bastard cat!” I yelled as I sat up in my bed.

  Then I looked around to find I most certainly was not in my bed. I was on the pallet of banana leaves I’d gathered the day before to use as an impromptu bed.

  It was also not Tully poking me with his claws.

  I looked up to see four of the most beautiful, yet strange women I’d ever laid eyes on. The one closest to me, who happened to be poking me with the end of a rudimentary spear, had hair the exact gray-blue shade of the storm churned water I fell into. It fell far past her waist, and intricate seashells were braided into the ends. She looked at me intensely with big green eyes that closely resembled a cat’s eyes, including enlarged pupils that told me she was definitely on alert.

  Come to think of it, her eyes reminded me of the eyes of Draco the dragon from Dragonheart.

  Her skin was a very pale blue, with patches of moss green scales running along her arms and legs, and even a patch that formed a widow’s peak on her forehead. More scales scattered across her cheekbones and drew attention to her leathery wing shaped ears which were poking out from her hair. Her full breasts were hidden behind a halter top made of creamy material, but I could tell more of the intriguing scales ran from her breasts, down her sides, and dipped below the matching pants that accented everything between her hips and thighs.

  I blatantly stared at her and let my eyes run the length of her stunning body. She was muscular along her arms and abdomen, but full in her breasts and hips. Her legs were so long and smooth, and I started imagining what they would feel like wrapped around me. I was so lost in this day dream, I barely noticed the webbed feet at the end of those luscious legs.

  This woman had apparently had enough of my ogling, though, and she poked me again, this time piercing my skin.

  I jumped in response and found myself staring at three more spears for my effort. I half wondered if I was still dreaming, but the poke was all too real. I could see the blood as it seeped through my shirt. Maybe I’d hit my head harder than I thought. Maybe I was hallucinating.

  Hallucinating hot, blue dragon-serpentine women with webbed feet.

  I was going to need serious therapy once I finally got home.

  For now, though, I decided the best thing I could do was to try to express my situation to these women and communicate my needs.

  Just call me The Mystical Dragon Whisperer.

  “I … mean … you … no … harm,” I said slowly, and I held my hands up placatingly.

  The woman cocked her head at me, and her eyes narrowed.

  Great. It looked like she couldn’t understand me.

  “I … am … lost … and … need … help” I pleaded as I tried to use hand signals to get my point across. “Can you--”

  “Are you addled in the head?” the woman cut me off, and her voice was as smooth as melted chocolate.

  “Oh, hell freaking yes!” I exclaimed with a grin. “You speak English.”

  “We speak the language native to our people and to this world, among thousands of other languages,” she replied stoically.

  I blinked in shock.

  “Thousands? How did you--” I shook my head, “Nevermind. My name is Ben Whitfield. Can you tell me how to get off this island? Do you have a phone? Is there a resort? A gas station? Hotel? Bait shop? Anything?”

  My barrages of questions trailed off as the four women stared at me incredulously. Then the women shared a glance and spoke to each other in a strange, clicking language before the one who had first spoken turned back to me.

  “Stand up!” she ordered. “We are taking you to our queen. She will know what to do with you.”

  “Wait, what do you mean by ‘know what to do with me?’” I questioned with a frown. “Who is this queen? I am not so sure I want to go anywhere with you.”

  “For the last time, stand up!” the woman yelled at me, accompanied with another poke of her spear.

  I decided that if I wanted to keep all of my body parts intact, now was a good time to listen to these beautiful women and stand up. When I did, the woman pulled off a length of rope that had been wrapped around the staff of her spear and proceeded to bind my hands in front of me tightly.

  Before I could even protest, she slipped a tightly woven sack over my head so my vision was completely obscured. I could hear the sounds of shuffling and gathered they poured my hard-earned coconut water over the fire to put it out and were rummaging through the few possessions I had. If I’d been in a better predicament, I would have protested their intrusion, but it was pointless while I stood there with my hands tied and a bag over my head.

  “Walk!” came a new voice from behind me, and having no choice, I did.

  I walked to what would certainly be my doom.

  Chapter Three

  “If you would take this bag off my head, I could see where I was going and maybe not fall for the twentieth time!” I sighed as I pulled myself up off the ground. We’d walked for close to an hour, mostly due to me falling and not wearing shoes. My feet were cut where I’d stepped on all kinds of sharp things, and my arms and legs were skinned all over.

  “Also, if you could give me my boots, this would go a lot faster,” I added.

  Instead of giving into my requests, I was rewarded with a thump on my already lumpy head and then shoved to get me moving again.

  I sighed and did as I was commanded. I seriously didn’t want to get a spear to the back.

  Wait … if these hot dragon-like women killed me … would they eat me, too?

  Fucking shit. How was this happening? A few days ago, I was on my boat, and everything was fine. Now, I was on some insane island with non-human inhabitants? Was I still even on Earth? I couldn’t be, right? I felt like I would have heard about an island with sexy monster dragon women.

  I kept wanting to believe I was dreaming, but the pain in my sore and bleeding feet, plus the dozen other aches and bruises across my body, convinced me otherwise.

  I was definitely awake and definitely alive. So, that left only one option …

  I was on another world, and if I wanted to continue on staying alive, I needed to start acclimating fast.

  Acclimating to hot, dragon-serpentine-mystical women.

  Because that wasn’t a crazy sentence.

  A few minutes later, I noticed the terrain under my feet began to change. The rocky sand gave way to a softer grass, and I almost cried in relief. I could feel where the grass was trampled down into a well-traveled pathway and knew we had to be getting close to our destination. A few minutes later, I was pulled to a halt.

  “Greetings, Isla,” the warrior behind me said. “We have returned with the male prisoner, as promised.”

  “Excellent job, Sela. We have set up his holding cell at the southern barracks. Zarya and Darya are ready to stand guard. You are to turn him over and report to the queen at once.”

  “Yes, Isla. May Olokun make your currents swift.”

  “And may Oshun bless the tides that be. Now, off with you.”

  Once again, I was prodded between the shoulder blades with a spear and forced to walk while blinded. At least whatever these people had in store for me would be revealed soon. I was tired and ready to get off my sore and bleeding feet, regardless of the circumstances.

  We soon reached my holding cell, and I was ushered in with another shove. The bag was removed from my head, and my hands were untied by the same gorgeous woman who had tied me up.

  “Your name is Sela, right?” I asked quickly. “I swear to you, I mean no harm. I j
ust got knocked off my boat and ended up on your island. All I want to do is get home. If you could just give me some idea of where I am or how to get out of here, I won’t bother you anymore. In fact--”

  “Quiet!” Sela boomed with a scowl. “Your future is now in the hands of our queen. You are to stay here until you are directed otherwise.”

  Her tone left no room for argument, so I gave up trying. Then she walked away from me but stopped to speak to the guards in their strange clicking language. All three sets of eyes turned and looked at me, and I guessed they had just been ordered to kill me if I tried to escape.

  “I don’t plan on leaving this room,” I promised. “I don’t have a death wish.”

  Sela threw me one more glare over her shoulder and disappeared from the hut.

  I sighed and looked around to take in my surroundings. It was a very primitive building they had me in, and I wondered if the whole village was as rustic.

  The walls of the hut appeared to be made out of mud and seashells, but not haphazardly. They were sturdy and smooth to the touch. The roof was thatched from seaweed, with absolutely no light peeking through. The floor was carpeted with a mix of seaweed, grass, and sand, and it was surprisingly soft underneath my abused feet. There was also a cot made from bamboo and banana leaves under a window barred with more bamboo. I would have to stand up on the cot to see out of the window, but the thought didn’t exactly appeal to me at the moment. A nap sounded like a much better idea.

  So, I laid down on the cot, closed my eyes, and prayed one last time to wake back up on my boat. Crazier things had happened, right?

  “Ben … wake up, Ben,” said the sweetest voice I’d ever heard.

  “Huh? Who--?” I started to ask, still groggy from sleep.

  “My name is Talise. I am here to take care of your many wounds.”

  I opened my eyes to see an incredibly beautiful bizarre dragon-serpent woman smiling at me. She had hair as black as night, and it was braided over one shoulder and adorned with dozens of seashells. Her skin was an alabaster white, and her eyes were the perfect shade of aqua that just matched the scattering of scales across her forehead and cheeks. Her bottom lip was so full it looked like she was forever pouting, and I couldn’t help imagining what sucking and nibbling that lip would be like. My eyes wandered down to her shoulders, where I saw more scales, and they disappeared beneath a silvery colored wrap that fell just above her knees. The dress did little to hide her plump breasts and hips, and my pants grew tighter in response to her body. She didn’t have the build of the warrior women, though. She was much more petite, plus her body was soft and thick, and I guessed she would feel amazing pressed against me.

  “May I address your injuries, Ben?” She smiled at my obvious ogling.

  “U-Um … y-yeah,” I stuttered like an idiot. “I mean yes. Yes, please. T-Talise, right?”

  “Yes, now please remove your clothing and lie on your back,” Talise instructed. “I will hold this blanket up to preserve your modesty, but there are wounds on your chest and upper legs I must get a good look at. I will send your clothing over to be cleaned and dried.”

  I was still just wearing my long-sleeved shirt and boxer briefs. They were caked with dirt and blood and desperately needed to be washed, so I removed them as she held the blanket up and turned her head to give me a modicum of privacy. When I was finished, she laid the impossibly soft blanket across my pelvic area, tucked it in so everything except my junk was exposed, and got to work.

  “This is quite the injury you have on your head. I am going to wash all the sand and dirt away so I can get a better look. Forgive me, but this might sting.”

  Her voice had a slight accent that somehow reminded me of bubbles the way each syllable popped in my ears. She could get me to do whatever she wanted with that voice.

  “You do what you need to do,” I said as stoically as I could. “I am tougher than I look.”

  “You look fairly tough,” she said with a flirty smile. “Now scoot down so most of your head hangs off the end of the bed, but your neck is still supported.”

  I did just as she asked, since I was transfixed by her voice and beauty. She had a nurturing quality that made her gentle and strong at the same time. This was a woman I would make love to for hours, never fuck. She was too precious.

  But she obviously wasn’t human, and I’d one again decided I wasn’t dreaming. So, where was I? And how in the hell was I ever going to get home?

  Talise pulled a basin out from beneath the bed and placed it below us on the floor. Then she picked up a pitcher of warm water and slowly poured it over my head. Next came a bar of soap that smelled like honey, jasmine, and the sea, and Talise used it to wash not just the cut on my head but all of my hair, too. It did sting like a bitch at first, but the feel of her smooth hands and gentle touch relaxed me, and soon the pain went away.

  The healer then moved from my head to my shoulders and continued to wash all the dirt and blood off my exposed body. The touch of her hands was comforting and arousing all at the same time.

  My dick hardened the lower she moved, and I knew the blanket Talise had draped across my groin was popped up like a teepee.

  She didn’t seem phased by it, or was at least too polite to acknowledge my raging hard on. She just hummed to herself and continued to wash me with care and precision. Before long, the humming turned into singing.

  “I’ll go with you to places we’d never known, time to say goodbye,” she sang in a melodic voice. “I’ll go with you on ships across seas, which I know, exist no longer, it’s time to say goodbye.”

  Her sweet, melancholy voice lulled me into a trance. Before I knew it, she’d finished, and all my wounds were cleaned and dressed. I smelled and felt better than I thought possible under the circumstances.

  “I must leave you now, Ben,” she said gently. “I have some clean breeches and slippers for you. You must put them on and make yourself presentable for the queen’s arrival.”

  “She is coming here?” I asked as I picked up the clothes the healer indicated. “Your queen?”

  “Yes, and you must present yourself for inspection,” Talise said as she walked toward the door. “Stand tall, be respectful, and show your intelligence. Our queen is just and magnanimous, but slow to trust strangers.”

  “How do I gain her trust?” I asked.

  “Prove your worth, Ben,” she said and smiled one more time before walking out the door.

  Prove my worth? How the fucking hell was I going to do that?

  I stood, pulled the pants she’d given me up, and tied them at my waist. They were made from the same soft material as the blanket, but were a dark gray color. The slippers were an exact match and felt like heaven when I slid them on my feet. I hadn’t been given a shirt, so I guessed part of my inspection was standing there half naked.

  I’d worked diligently to keep my muscles toned and to stay in shape, and I was proud of that, but my body had never been under the scrutiny of beautiful-alien-serpent-woman royalty before.

  I walked over to get a drink of the freshwater Talise must have brought in, but then there was a brief knock on my door, and I turned around to find I had visitors.

  A very formidable set of beautiful twin serpent women walked into my hut. They shared mocha colored skin with golden scales and hair the color of summer hay. They both stood nearly six feet tall, had lean muscles, and an identical look on their faces told me they would take zero shit from anyone. They wore the creamy colored bandeau top and skirt I’d begun to associate with the warriors of this tribe, and each carried a spear adorned with various seashells and points that looked to be made of some kind of glass.

  “Stand and prepare yourself for the arrival of Queen Nerissa!” they both exclaimed in harmony.

  I was already standing, so I did the next best thing I could think of and drew myself into the attention stance I’d learned in my military days. My feet snapped together, my arms went straight at my side, and I lifted my head so my c
hin angled slightly up.

  I was as ready for this inspection as I would ever be.

  First through the door was Sela, my guard from earlier, and her face was stern as she looked me up and down. Once she was satisfied I wasn’t about to make an assassination attempt on her leader, she moved away from the door frame to allow the queen to enter.

  It took every single ounce of discipline I had not to let my mouth drop open when she entered. Every strange alien woman I’d met so far was breathtakingly beautiful, but before me was a woman of divine perfection. She had to be a goddess, there was no other explanation.

  She stood about five-foot-nine in her bare feet. Her long hair was silver, not gray, not white, but actual silver hair, and it was pulled back into intricate braids in the front while the back fell to her hips. On top of her head, nestled into the silver braids, was a crown of tiny seashells and some kind of glass or crystal. Her skin was a deep mahogany, and her eyes were huge and a mesmerizing shade of aquamarine. Her scales appeared to be made of mother-of-pearl and had that iridescent shine like on the inside of an oyster. She wore an icy blue wrap that fell to the floor and left her shoulders bare, and it still clung to every curve of her and showed off her overly plump breasts and perfectly wide hips. She walked like she was floating on air and began to circle me, and she took in every single bit of my appearance.

  I caught a heady scent of something floral and musky all wrapped together, and it made my head swim and my dick stiffen. This woman was intoxicating.

  “You are Benjamin Ross Whitfield?” she asked in a voice that melted over me like butter.

  “Yes, yes I am, Your Majesty,” I answered and wondered how she knew my whole name. My mind went back to the pep talk I’d given myself in the middle of the night, and I realized I wasn’t imagining things. I really hadn’t been alone on the beach.

  Well, it didn’t matter much now.


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