Monster Girl Islands

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Monster Girl Islands Page 5

by Logan Jacobs

  “Tell me how I can help,” I said as I looked up and met Mira’s gaze.

  “I don’t see how you can help us.” The warrior shrugged. “You are but one man, and we still don’t know if we can trust you.”

  “I want to help,” I insisted, “and I can help. I swear, you can trust me. I’m not a great warrior, but I know how to sail, and I--”

  “You must earn our trust first,” Mira explained with a shake of her head. “Even then, as I said, you are but one man, and you mentioned to my sister you wished to return home, so--”

  “Tell me about your training and fortifications,” I interrupted. “I served in a branch of the military back where I am from. Like I said, I’m not a great warrior, but I know a thing or two about building a strong defense and progressive offense.”

  “You were in the military, but not a great warrior?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

  I didn’t quite know how to explain the differences between the Coast Guard, Navy, and Marines to a woman who didn’t know anything about my world, so I took a few seconds to choose my words.

  “The part of the military I was in served on boats that patrolled the oceans on the borders of my country. Sometimes we would fight, but most of the time we saved people whose ships were sinking or who had gotten stranded.”

  “Yes, that doesn’t surprise me about you.” Mira grinned. “You keep saying you want to help us.”

  “It’s the truth.” I shrugged. “In the Coast Guard, we often try to combat people sailing their boats into our territory, which sounds like the problem you are dealing with. This is why I’m offering to help. I really do want to prove I’m a good, trustworthy man.”

  “Hmmm,” Mira hummed as she studied me. “I might be interested in your help and input, but not tonight. Tonight, let’s just enjoy the peace on the island, with fine drink in our hand and … adequate companionship.”

  “Hey!” I protested with a frown, but Mira just chuckled, and the sound was as melodic as the waves on the shore were, so I couldn’t be angry.

  So I let the thoughts of improving the island’s defenses and kicking pirate ass go for the moment. I knew I’d need to prove myself, and I understood their reasoning. It seemed like most men they came across were raping pirates, so they had a good reason to be suspicious of me.

  We spent the next few hours swapping stories of fights we’d been in and the mischief we got into as children. I didn’t press too much for details, though. The subject of Mira’s parents, especially her father, seemed to be a touchy subject, and I didn’t want to ruin the surprisingly good time we were having. We’d begun an unspoken drinking contest, and that led to me teaching her to arm wrestle, where she beat me a solid two out of five times.

  Mira also taught me a game of balance and strength where you had to try and stand for the longest time on a small elevated platform about the size of a cantaloupe. She showed off by standing perfectly still on one foot for five minutes while I could barely last two minutes, not that being completely drunk helped at all. We were in the midst of a one armed pushup contest when there was a slight knock followed by a giggle at the door.

  I looked up to see Talise, the healer, standing there with a basket across her arm and a cloak pulled over her head. It did little to hide the look of amusement on her face at seeing two drunks making total fools of themselves. She sashayed in as both Mira and I quickly, though a bit unsteadily, got to our feet. Mira did a much better job than I did, considering it took me two or three tries to stand up.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” Talise said as she set her basket of goodies down on the table. Then she peered into the almost empty jug of ale and shook her head with a smile.

  “Olofi’s Nectar? And not just a tasting, by the looks of it,” she admonished. “The two of you are going to have an interesting morning, to say the least.”

  “Ben is the chakillya tamer of his world!” Mira slurred with pride. “That’s an ale made from spooky plants called chactuses!”

  “Spokey, I mean pokey plants, not spooky!” I corrected and noticed my tongue was very heavy in my mouth.

  “Still, I doubt it has the effect of a goddess made nectar, dear Mira,” Talise chuckled as she shook her head at us again.

  “Don’t be such a nag, Talise,” Mira teased with a toothy grin. “We aren’t fledglings anymore.”

  Talise walked over to Mira, kissed her on the top of the head, and gave her a one-armed hug.

  “I don’t mean to be a nag, Mira,” Talise said with a smile. “I just know what a night of drinking with you can lead to.”

  “Hey now, I can’t take the entire blame for that night,” Mira laughed. “Especially the part with the peacock feathers and my brother.”

  Both women laughed heartily, and it sounded like wind chimes.

  Talise placed one soft hand on the side of Mira’s face and patted her cheek fondly. “I am glad you have possibly found a new carousing partner. I know you have missed it since Arrick was lost.”

  I wanted to ask about Arrick, but something told me now was not the time. If I was patient, I hoped all would be revealed to me. These women were secretive, but they had every right to be. They wouldn’t have lasted as long as they had without keeping steadfast to their ways.

  I just wanted to help them survive, though. I was becoming strangely fond of them, even Sela and her insistence on poking me with her spear. Maybe I’d hit my head harder than I thought, or maybe it was the absolute craziness of this situation … but I never wanted to be the cause of these women’s pain, only a reason to celebrate. Maybe over time I could help them build their defenses, teach them what I knew, and together we could live in peace on this island of paradise.

  Wait … was I seriously considering staying here?

  I pursed my lips and thought about it. Yes. Yes I was, but maybe these were decisions I should make when I was sober.

  I glanced up at Mira and Talise, and they were both staring at me with softened looks.

  “Sorry,” I hiccuped, “did I say something? I didn’t m-mean to. I was curious about who this Aaro--Arrick person is, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I decided not to ask.” I frowned. “Wait, did I say all that out loud, too?”

  The healer glanced back at Mira as if to ask permission for something and was answered with a firm nod.

  “Arrick was my mate, my betrothed,” Talise explained in a melancholy voice. “He was also the brother of Mira and Queen Nerissa. He was born after Nerissa, so he didn’t have the royal responsibilities and was free to do as he wished. Mira was a year younger than him and followed him everywhere. They were more than just siblings, they were the closest of friends.”

  “He sounds like a good guy,” I said politely as I narrowed my eyes and tried to sober up. They were talking about this Arrick in the past tense, so I could tell where this was going.

  “He taught her to fight and to survive as best he could,” Talise went on. “He could be diplomatic when he needed to be, and he tried to teach Mira that, but not much of that lesson stuck.”

  “Watch it, woman!” Mira growled with a mock scowl. “I can be diplomatic if I wish, I just rarely wish to be.”

  Talise’s delightful laughter spread out across the room in answer to Mira.

  “I have only seen it happen one time, but that, too, is a story for another night,” she said as she giggled some more. Then she sighed as she glanced back at me. “After Arrick was lost, Mira took it upon herself to look after me. I am much better at saving lives than I am at taking them. I was ever grateful considering all the men in my life had been lost. Arrick was the last.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Give my sympathy? Would it seem sincere?

  “Talise, I am so sorry for your many losses--” I started to say, but she cut me off.

  “Ben, you have no reason to be, but I appreciate your graciousness,” she said as she reached out to touch my hand. “Mira and I started taking care of one another. Eventually, we developed a strong kin
dredship and share a home. Many of us women do. It is much easier to take on the trials of life when you have someone to help. I am just lucky enough to have found such a stalwart friend in Mira. Together, we have helped ease one another’s pain, though I think she has done more for me. I could never replace the brotherly bond she had with Arrick.”

  I looked up to see Mira wipe a single tear away that ran down her beautiful face. The gold of her scales made the tear shine in the firelight, and I felt a huge burst of admiration for this stoic woman. She’d lost so much, yet she still persevered and kept looking for ways to improve.

  “Now, Mira has met you, and you can almost match her drink for drink!” Talise giggled and suddenly brought joy and light back into the room.

  “Hah!” Mira snorted. “He wishes he had my forthistudes, forjistuth, uhh…”

  “Fortitude?” offered the only sober one in the room.

  “That’s what I said!” Mira shouted and took another drink of the ale.

  I grinned and felt this huge swell of happiness, something I’d never experienced before, and something I never wanted to lose.

  Fuck. I was never drinking this nectar again. It turned me into a mushy chick.

  I needed to call it quits. I’d always been a happy, lovey-dovey drunk, and being around two sexy serpent-fish-monster-alien girls who needed my help was affecting my disposition.

  “Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this story,” I said as I struggled to keep the slur from my words. “I hope I can prove myself worthy.”

  “Mira might not be convinced,” Talise say with a soft smile, “but I could tell you were worthy the moment I saw you. I have an extra sense about these things. But, for now, it is time for you to get your rest. You will be moving to much better accommodations tomorrow, and the queen wants to give you a tour of the island.”

  “I am still not so sure I can sleep--” I started to say, but once again I was cut off.

  “I will stay with you,” Talise offered with a smile. “So will Mira, if she wishes.”

  Mira simply nodded her head and began to remove her boots. Then Talise climbed onto my bed and motioned me over.

  “Uhh, okay,” I said, and then I almost cursed myself for opening my mouth. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was game and didn’t want to talk myself out of it.

  After I finally worked up the nerve to climb in after the healer, she laid down on her side and snuggled close to me. She placed her head on my chest, started softly singing, and ran her fingers lightly along my stomach. Then I felt Mira climb in behind me, and she also laid her head on my chest, draped one leg over mine, and wrapped one arm around my waist tight. The warrior was asleep in a matter of seconds, and I pulled both women closer and drifted off right with a smile plastered on my face.

  “Ben … Ben … you must wake up!” said the voice of an angel.

  I cracked my heavy eyelids open to see the gorgeous face of Talise before me. She was a beautiful sight in her soft pink wrap, and her hair was braided into a bun at the nape of her neck. She smelled sweet like honeysuckle, and her smile made me swoon, even though I was hungover.

  “Ughhhh, who hit me with a tank?” I grumbled in pure agony. “The room is spinning too fast to get off the ride.”

  “Welcome to Olofi’s Revenge,” she said with a giggle. “I was afraid this was going to happen to you.”

  “Where’s Mira?” I groaned. “I need to know she is miserable, too…”

  “Mira wasn’t much better off than you before she took my advice,” Talise chuckled, “which is just what you are going to do right now. Here now, sit up, Ben.”

  I sat up with her help and did okay until some devious being suddenly flipped my world upside down and my stomach with it.

  “Oh gods…” I gagged before I started to heave.

  “There it is,” Talise said calmly as she placed a basin right in front of my face.

  I threw up harder than I did after a night of Jager Bombs. I heaved until my stomach clenched and burned, and then I heaved some more. I was pretty sure I was on the brink of dying, that I was going to throw up my spleen or liver or something, when it finally stopped.

  “Never again,” I moaned as I wiped my mouth.

  “That’s what they all say,” Talise said, and I could hear a smile in her voice. “Now, you must drink this.”

  “Oh, hell no!” I argued as I pushed away the cup she offered me. There was no way I was putting anything in my stomach right then.

  “You must!” she said more firmly. “The queen will see you shortly, and you are in no condition to receive her. Trust me, Ben. This will fix what ails you. Just drink it quickly.”

  I almost started gagging again at the thought of swallowing anything, but the insistence in Talise’s voice convinced me to cooperate. If there was some chance that whatever was in the cup would help this hangover at least a little, I would be stupid not to try it.

  “Fine, give it to me,” I growled

  “Don’t think about it,” she instructed as she handed me the cup again. “Just drink it fast.”

  I downed the cup of liquid in one gulp. It was oily and slightly bitter, but really didn’t have much taste at all. I was incredibly thankful for that.

  “Now chew on these leaves,” the healer ordered.

  “Will these help, too?” I asked as I put the leaves in my mouth.

  “Yes, do you like them?”

  “Yeah, they taste pretty good.” I realized I was chewing on mint, and the flavor was actually pleasing. I also noticed the room had stopped spinning, and the marching band had moved out of my head. I chanced standing up and realized how good I felt.

  This woman was a magician.

  “What in the hell was in that cup?” I asked around a mouthful of mint.

  “It’s probably better if I don’t tell you,” Talise said ominously

  I didn’t want to think about it too hard. I was positive I didn’t want to know now.

  “Whatever it was, you could bottle it up and sell it where I came from,” I chuckled.

  “That’s all well and good, but now you need to bathe,” Talise said with a smile before she wrinkled her nose cutely. “There is a tub of warm water behind the curtain along with soap and all you need to get clean. There is a drying cloth, as well, and a small soft brush to clean your teeth along with more mint. You will find your own clothes freshly washed, along with some from our village. Dress however you wish. Be thorough but quick, please!”

  Talise gave me a bit of a push toward the curtain, and I kicked off the slippers I’d slept in and pulled off my pants. I realized Talise could still fully see me, and I blushed a bit at the thought. I glanced over my shoulder, and she abruptly turned around to give me privacy, but not before I caught a hungry grin on her face.

  My dick immediately hardened in response. This woman was giving me the worst case of blue balls just from her existence.

  I was actually surprised to find a large enough tub for me to stand in, and it was full of warm water. Next to the tub were several pitchers of clean water I assumed were for rinsing. I used an empty pitcher to soak my head and body with the water from the tub, and then I picked up the same sweet smelling soap Talise had cleaned me with the other day and began to wash myself.

  I had the habit of singing show-tunes when I was in the shower and being on a strange island wasn’t going to change that.

  “One singular sensation, every little step he takes. One thrilling combination, every move that he makes. One smile and suddenly nobody else will do. You know you’ll never be lonely with you-know-who!” I belted out and even did a little chorus line kick to bring it all home. Then I rinsed off with clean water and heard giggles on the other side of the curtain.

  Great. I had an audience.

  I finished getting dressed and opted for the new island clothes over my old worn out jeans. I wanted to be accepted and trusted by these women, and I didn’t see how sticking to my old ways would help that. On top of that
, the clothes they gave me were softer than anything I’d ever worn. The pants were made from the same soft, dark gray material as the last pair they’d given me, but these fit a little more snug than the other pair, bordering on the lines of skinny jeans. The shoes were boot shaped, but flexible and almost magically molded to my feet. They offered support and protection but were incredibly light. The shirt was a creamy color and fit snug like the pants, but it was still the most comfortable shirt I’d ever worn.

  I walked out from behind the curtain and found Talise, Mira, and the twin guards trying to hide their fits of giggles. It wasn’t going so well for them. Once they made eye contact with me, they lost any pretense and practically fell over from laughing so hard.

  “Are you not entertained?” I asked in my best Russell Crowe imitation.

  They certainly didn’t get the reference, but it was enough to start the laughter back up, and I had to join in. Finally, after several minutes, we regained our composure enough that Mira could speak.

  “I am to take you to the palace to meet with the queen,” she informed with a grin still tugging at her full lips. “You will not be returning to this hut. Instead, you will have a room in the palace until proper accommodations can be made for you.”

  “Thank you, Mira, you may have tried to kill me with nectar last night, but I am still grateful for your friendship,” I teased.

  “I did try to warn you,” she replied with a chuckle.

  We began our walk toward the palace, and the women pointed out various things along the way. Talise showed me multiple plants they used for medicine, and Mira and the twins talked about the different defense measures they had in place. It was a lot to take in, but it got my wheels turning. I could see many ways to make this island safer for the women I was strangely growing fond of. Even without all the alcohol in my system, I knew I wanted to help them defend themselves before I figured out how to get home.


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