Monster Girl Islands

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Monster Girl Islands Page 14

by Logan Jacobs

  Though, apparently we had to be on the lookout for more haeye and other strange beasts.

  But that was a problem for another day, so I dug into the food laid out before me with relish. I was still sick of fish and coconuts, but the prospect of what the future had in store ramped up my appetite.

  “I must say,” Mira said, “this bread made with coconut flour is so light and soft. They used the coconut oil they harvested to fry it in, and it’s delightful.”

  I watched as she wrapped a piece of fish in the bread and brought it to her mouth. The moan she let escape when the delicacy hit her tongue made me wish I was what she was putting in her mouth instead of the bread. I watched as she finished the last bite and licked her fingers when she was done. She made eye contact with me as she slowly pulled her finger out of her mouth, and I totally forgot who I was and what I was supposed to be doing for a solid minute.

  My salacious daydream was interrupted by pitchers of Olofi’s Nectar arriving at the table. I shot Sela a glance and saw she’d been looking at me and waiting for my reaction to seeing the nectar. She laughed her sexy laugh and signaled that she hadn’t added anything to it by accepting a glass of her own.

  I followed suit, but there was no way I was drinking more than one glass.

  Just then, Nerissa pushed her chair out and stood to make her announcements. The palace courtyard quieted quickly when they saw their queen standing, and it looked like everyone was eager to hear what she had to say.

  “My dear sisters,” the queen declared as her voice rang out over the crowd, “I hope you have eaten your fill! We will continue the night with music, nectar, and dancing, but first I have a few things to tell you.”

  A big round of applause came from all around us, but it died down quickly in anticipation of what the queen had to say.

  “We have much to celebrate, much indeed!” Nerissa continued. “We succeeded in fighting and winning over the savage beasts that have plagued us for many cycles. Though I have no doubt they will return, I also have no doubt we will be ready for them!”

  This brought up a huge roar of applause from everyone, including myself, and a huge smile was plastered to my face. These women had desperately needed a victory.

  “You have also gotten to sample the new way we are harvesting and using coconuts to make flour, oil, and milk,” the queen went on. “The bread you ate tonight used all three of them, and it was most delicious. We owe our victory against the raiders and the new knowledge that helped us secure our vitality to Ben!”

  More deafening cheers and laughter went up at this announcement. Many women held up their glasses in a toast to me and possibly the bread before taking hearty drinks of the nectar.

  Talise reached under the table and gave my hand a good squeeze while we waited for the raucous cheering to die down.

  “I am most pleased to announce I offered Ben a place in our village and as one of us,” Nerissa continued with a bright smile, “and he has accepted and wishes to stay here with us until the end of his days!”

  I was moved by the sudden cries of celebration that broke out all around me. The women were all jumping up and down, hugging, even crying tears of joy at hearing I was going to stay.

  My heart was pounding in my chest. I was home. Really home. How strange it had taken me getting lost at sea and somehow washing up on a mysterious, magical island to find it.

  I finished off my glass of nectar and poured another one and half drained it. The nectar hit me fast, and I was already light headed, but this was definitely a night to celebrate.

  “Now, if you will allow me one more announcement, we can get back to our celebrations, since there is still honey cake to be eaten and nectar to drink!” the queen laughed before she went on. “As tradition dictates, we will have an arena battle for mating rights two sunrises from today. I will take my rights tonight, and our healer Talise will take hers tomorrow. The winner of the battle will take the third night. Then our saviour will be allowed to rest and do as he pleases.”

  All I caught was something about a winner of the battle and our savior doing as he pleases. My head had gotten fuzzy from slamming back the nectar, and I was off in my own world because of it. I realized she was saying something about me, but I’d missed it. I needed to stop celebrating and start paying attention.

  “My sisters, I have faith the relocation of our water supply will prove to have cured what infected our wombs,” Nerissa intoned loudly. “Talise agrees with me, and I believe we have been blessed by Oshun. She has gifted us with Ben, and now we can not only save our tribe, but begin to grow once more!”

  Amid loud cheers and cries, it suddenly dawned on me. Mating rights. Champion. Wombs.

  These women … all of these women… wanted to have my babies.

  Right fucking now.

  And they were going to have some contest to see who got me first.

  Holy fucking shit.

  Chapter Nine

  I forced a smile to my face as I realized what the queen had just announced. I remembered I promised not to freak out and that an explanation awaited me later, but if I’d caught Nerissa’s speech correctly, tonight I would be doing my best to impregnate her. Tomorrow, it was Talise’s turn, and the next day, these women were going to fight to see who else got to have my baby. This was total insanity, just plain nuts, but there was a small part of me that was excited about it, and that freaked me out.

  Things had gotten so damn weird, but I wasn’t going to let myself worry about it, not now. There was a good chance I couldn’t even get these women pregnant. Would our DNA even mix and match and all that? And if it did, I had nine months to prepare for it all. I was lucky enough to have had a great dad, and I learned a lot from him. I could totally do this.


  Just then, Nerissa sat back down and turned to smile at me. I didn’t know for sure what my face read, but it made the beautiful queen laugh out loud.

  “Don’t worry, Ben,” she whispered, “I have no doubts you can handle this. If I had any, I never would have proposed any of this.”

  “I am glad one of us is confident,” I mumbled.

  Nerissa laughed again and filled up my glass with the goddess nectar.

  “Drink and be merry, Ben,” she urged, “this is the start of something amazing.”

  I drank down the nectar quickly in an attempt to keep my mind from wandering. It wouldn’t do any good to harp on the situation. I knew I wouldn’t defy the queen, regardless of how awkward I felt about all this.

  “You are taking this all well,” Talise whispered close to my ear, “I am sure it seems like a lot.”

  “It is a lot,” I answered, “but I see it as part of my duty since I agreed to be part of the tribe.”

  “I know I am looking forward to it.”

  I laughed at the beautiful woman’s flirty words. I had no doubt it would be fun, but it also made me think of some potential issues that might come about.

  “Talise,” I said, “where I come from, we don’t exactly share partners, at least not as a standard. Will that cause problems?”

  “You mean like jealousy issues?” she asked, and I nodded. “Not at all. The women have always outnumbered the men here. We had our bonded pairs, our mates, but it was the duty of the men to help procreate to keep our numbers strong. It is just the way of our people, everything from the competition to the ceremonial first mating.”

  I let these words sink in a good bit. It was so different from the monogamous relationships I’d grown up around and been a part of, but it was just best to let that all go now.

  I was in a new world, and I’d pledged myself to it. So, I would do what I had to do to help my people flourish.

  I smiled at Talise and wordlessly thanked her for helping me make sense of all of this. She really knew how to make me feel better about everything.

  “You must try this,” Talise said as she held a piece of cake to my mouth. “It was also made with all the new coconut harvests.”

bsp; I let her put the cake in my mouth and was totally surprised at how it just kind of melted on my tongue. It was slightly sweet from the honey, somehow had a buttery taste, and was light and filling all at the same time. It was quite possibly the best thing I’d ever eaten.

  Talise and Mira both laughed at the groan of pleasure the cake brought out of me. I was stuffed to the point of almost being miserable, but somehow the cake didn’t make it any worse. I took one more bite, but then I cut myself off. I was pretty sure the queen would be highly upset if I passed out into a food coma later on rather than fulfill my duties.

  After another hour or so of merriment, Talise stood and clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention.

  “It is now time to send our queen and hero off to her chambers for the First Mating Rights!” she exclaimed. “Let us shower them with Oshun’s blessing in hopes for a fertile pairing so our people may once again flourish!”

  There was a huge uproar of cheering, and the queen took my hand and gave me a huge smile as she stood up from the table. I took my place beside her and followed her lead. Then we exited through the same curtained doorway we had entered and began our walk to the back of the palace where I assumed the queen’s room was.

  There were several women in front of us, and they danced as they dropped flowers on the floor for us to walk on, sprinkled us with sea water, and chanted in their native language that sounded mostly like a bunch of clicks to my ears.

  I realized Careen was there and seemed to be the leader of the chants and blessings. She gave me a bright smile and then continued her dance down the corridor.

  Once we reached the door to Nerissa’s room, most of the women gave us one last blessing and left to return to the party in the courtyard. Talise, Mira, and Careen were the only ones to stay. I started to wonder if we were going to have spectators, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Part of me was terrified, and the other part was obviously excited if the ever growing hard on in my pants was any indication.

  We stepped into the room, and I was greeted with a space slightly bigger than the one given to me, but it definitely had a feminine, homey touch to it. There were several lit beeswax candles that bounced light off vases of flowers, soft linens, and shiny things spread across the room. White petals also adorned the floor and bedspread and gave the room a serene and magical feel.

  Then Mira came over, took me by the hands, and ushered me to the bedside.

  “Stand here for now, while we prepare the queen,” she said softly. She was all smiles and mirth. Talise wasn’t kidding when she said there was no jealousy among them. They truly were sisters and very much supportive of one another.

  I stood back and watched as the women laughed and flurried about the queen. The crown jewels and braids were removed from her hair, and it was left to all fall down and frame her face. Then a crown of the same white flowers that surrounded us was placed on her head. Next, her gown was untied at her shoulder and allowed to drop to the ground, and my eyes damn near popped out of my head.

  This queen was shaped like a goddess. Her breasts were heavy and full, and they were cupped by the iridescent scales that ran down her hourglass figure and disappeared between her long legs. Her hips were wide and curved into a firm, round, and perfect ass. I also noticed there wasn’t a speck of hair anywhere on her body outside of what was on her head.

  I really was looking that close. I couldn’t help it, though, since perfection was standing right in front of me.

  As I continued to ogle Nerissa, Talise stood in front of her and said a blessing in their native language as she drew symbols on the queen’s abdomen and breasts with oil from a small pot Careen was holding. The healer then sprinkled the queen with the sea water that came from another pot Mira was holding. After all of this was complete, Talise kissed the queen on each cheek and turned to me.

  The healer had a flushed merriment about her I couldn’t deny. She was well and truly joyful about these proceedings, and all at once, I knew everything was going to be wonderful. This woman’s face held all the answers, I just had to listen and trust her.

  “Benjamin Ross Whitfield,” she said as she walked toward me, “we bring you the blessings of Oshun and Olokun, for they are overflowing with joy because of this pairing.”

  At these words, she reached out and placed a crown of some kind of ivy or greenery on my head. I didn’t get a good look at it and thought it would be bad taste if I took it off my head to examine it.

  Next, she stripped off my vest and my breeches and left me naked once again. I was kind of getting used to being naked around these beautiful women, so I just went with it.

  “With this bountiful oil,” Talise continued, “we deliver Oshun’s hope that you are fertile and produce many heirs.”

  With those words, I didn’t just get a few symbols drawn on me, but instead, I got the pot of oil poured across my shoulders and collarbone, so it ran down my chest and abdomen and onto my junk.

  That would make things interesting.

  “With the might of the sea,” the healer went on, “we deliver Olokun’s wish that your children are strong and resilient.”

  She proceeded to pour the salt water over my head, and it ran down my back and sent chills all over my body.

  Then Nerissa stepped forward and reached for me, and I took the cue to take her hands in mine as I stood naked before these majestic women. The queen radiated joy and lust, and my body responded with the same.

  Talise, Mira, and Careen placed their hands on ours and chanted something in their language I didn’t understand, but I knew it was another blessing to go forth and multiply. Once they were done, each of them kissed both me and the queen intimately on the lips and left one at a time. Soon, it was just the two of us standing there, with her hands still in mine.

  “Nerissa…” I whispered.

  Before I could get anything else out, the woman’s mouth was on mine. The kiss started gently and sweetly, but soon grew into a passionate fire. I buried my right hand in her hair and put my left hand on the small of her back as I pulled her as close to me as I could. I let my tongue dance with hers before I moved to kiss her jawline and neck, and I loved the way she moaned whenever I lightly used my teeth to bite.

  Suddenly, she pulled away and pushed me back toward the bed. I used my good arm to scoot into the bed, and she positioned herself between my legs.

  “Let me take care of you,” she breathed. “Just lay back, Ben.”

  I did as she requested and settled into the bed on my back. She ran her hands down my chest and abdomen and caused my dick to pulsate with need. Then she leaned in and kissed me before she let her mouth follow the path of her hands. She kissed, licked, sucked, and even nibbled as she worked her way down. Then she sucked on both of my nipples and caused shockwaves of pleasure to scream through my body.

  It took every ounce of control I had not to flip her over and pound myself into her, and the only thing that really stopped me was the injury on my left arm.

  Nerissa’s mouth teased my stomach, and she proceeded to bite and suck down one leg and the inside of both of my thighs, but she blatantly avoided my cock begging for her attention. Once she had my hips thrusting beyond my control and begging for more, she sat back, gathered up her hair, and tied it into a knot on top of her head. Then she gave me a sexy as fuck grin, and with her eyes locked on mine, she wrapped her hands around my hardness and gave a light squeeze.

  “Fuck!” My hips bucked in response, and another spasm of pleasure rocketed through me.

  The queen caressed and stroked me for a while before she slid down so she could take me in her mouth. She flicked the head of my dick with her tongue and got the reaction she was after. After repeating that move a few times, she looked me in the eyes, took my length as far as she could in her mouth, and gagged slightly at the end. She moved her delicious lips up and down on my dick over and over and soon started massaging my balls with one hand and stroking with the other, all while she kept sucking.

/>   It took everything I had not to cum right then, but then she added a twist to her stroking, and I was sure I was going over the edge.

  “Nerissa,” I begged, “I need to be inside you. Right fucking now.”

  She continued her sucking for a few more seconds before she pulled back and smiled at me. I watched her crawl toward me on her hands and knees, and that alone almost put me over. She made sure to run her nipples and large breasts over my dick as she made her way up to me. Then she leaned in to kiss me as she straddled me and got ready to slide onto my hardness.

  I could feel her wetness as it dripped on me, and I was so ready to be inside this woman.

  Slower than I thought possible, Nerissa moved to impale herself on my cock with a tightness that was un-fucking-believable. A bit of a whimper escaped from her when I was about halfway inside her, and I realized part of her slowness was giving herself time to adjust to my length and girth. This stopped me from thrusting my hips up, and I just let her take her time, even if it was fucking killing me. She was unbelievably tight, and I didn’t want to hurt her, so I let her stay in control.

  It had to be one of the hardest things I’d ever done.

  After what seemed like a few agonizing hours, but was really only a few minutes, I was fully inside this beautiful woman, and her velvety tunnel just held me there for a bit. She was smiling, but had broken out into a light bit of sweat, and I could even see she was flushed across her mahogany skin. I reached out to hold on to her hips to let her know we would go at her pace. She braced her hands against my chest and slowly started to move her hips up and down. Then she almost slid me completely out of her before she went all the way back down.


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