Monster Girl Islands

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Monster Girl Islands Page 21

by Logan Jacobs

  “Well,” she started, “it seems as though George has been, uh, helping with making the fertilizer, and um, we think that really sped things up.”

  I looked down at the water dragon, and he did certainly look smug about something.

  “George,” I asked, “do water dragons have magical poop?”

  “That’s one way to put it,” he replied.

  “Magical poop! Ben is funny!” said a distinctly different, child-like voice inside my head.

  Now, I was hearing two voices? This couldn’t be good for my sanity.

  “Wait,” I grumbled, “there are two of you? Which one is George?

  “Me!” the child’s voice replied. “This is George!”

  “I am Ladonis, as I told you earlier,” the ancient voice added.

  “Well, okay,” I sighed as I rubbed my brow. “Nice to meet you, then, Ladonis and George.”

  This place just kept getting weirder and weirder, but I was going to get some answers very soon.

  For now, though, I decided to just let it all go and enjoy the feast in front of me. I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into the boar and potatoes. Anything but fish and coconut, really.

  The food definitely didn’t disappoint. There was a hush across the village as everyone enjoyed all the new food, and they really seemed too busy eating to chat. My plate was covered in all the meat, potatoes, greens, and bread I could hold, and the boar was tender, juicy, and smokey, just like I imagined it would be. I even threw some pineapple in there for good measure, but I knew I was going to blow up if I didn’t stop myself.

  George had gotten a whole haunch of the boar served to him, and he was totally immersed in his feeding and even hummed his approval for all to hear.

  Once I’d satiated my hunger, I started inspecting the new changes to my body while everyone else was still distracted by the feast.

  My scales were not the thin, shiny ones like the ones that decorated the women’s skin. My scales were much harder, though flexible, and seemed to change color depending on which way I looked at them, just like George’s did. They were definitely dragon scales, and they ran up the outside of my arms, across my shoulders, and down my back along my spine. They wrapped around to the front where they were sprinkled across my ribs and made a T shape along my chest and sternum. I could also feel where they covered the outside of my legs, all the way down to my feet.

  I now had natural armor in the most vital places on my body. This was definitely going to come in handy. It was weird and kind of scary, but definitely beneficial.

  I noticed George was watching me with a questioning look as I explored my new body enhancements. He almost seemed concerned that I was going to be angry or upset, and this was confirmed when he spoke.

  “I am sorry, Ben,” the ancient voice named Ladonis said, “I would have prepared you better for this if I had known how. There is so much I need to explain. I know you have figured out that you have bonded with your dragon, but for you, there is more to it than that. If you will allow it, I will explain more tomorrow when it is just us and you have rested. You are going to need it.”

  “No need to be sorry,” I assured him, “I am just trying to adjust to these changes. I am desperate to hear what exactly has happened to me, though. I’m not sure I can rest with all these questions running around in my mind, and I have not always been the most patient person, but I will do my best.”

  “That is all I can ask for,” Ladonis replied. “Thank you.”

  “I can’t help but be curious about how my face looks now, though,” I whispered to the dragon. “I seem to be getting more… uh… hungry stares from everyone. Or, more than usual, I guess.”

  “Let me show you!” George’s young voice exclaimed.

  Suddenly, there was an image of myself in my mind. It was from earlier when Nerissa made the announcement about there being two winners and the start of the feast. The scales were right where I thought they were, along with a few on my neck and across my cheeks and forehead, but they weren’t the only thing that was new. First, my shoulders, chest, and well, pretty much all of my upper body had expanded and filled out several inches, in a very good way. My arms were now even more cut and covered in strong, lean muscles, and I had a washboard stomach that was just ridiculously toned and rigid. I still had the swimmer’s build, but it was enhanced in all the right places and looked like it had been hand sculpted with time and precision.

  The next thing I noticed was my hair had grown several inches and looked like I’d paid to have professional highlights put in it. On top of that, it was just plain stupid how perfect the curls were. Then I saw my eyes. While they used to be an attractive shade of amber alone, they were now a swirl of copper, amber, hunter green, and gold that seemed to have an otherworldly glow to them. I’d never been ugly, by no means whatsoever, but now I was more attractive than I or anyone had any right to be.

  No wonder all the women wanted to stare at me. I was fucking hot and looked like an exotic superhero Fabio-dragon-man.

  “Thanks, buddy.” I gave George an affectionate pat on his head to thank him for showing my image to me. “It’s weird not having any mirrors around, at least none I’ve seen, but that worked just fine.”

  George opened his maw slightly and gave me a fanged grin, and I thought I could feel a thrum of pleasure course through him. I guessed this was the bond Nerissa had spoken about.

  This world never ceased to surprise and amaze me.

  Suddenly, my jaw cracked with a huge yawn. I’d gotten very tired in the last few minutes, and my energy was waning fast. I was ready for the night to end, but I still wanted to check on Talise before I crawled into bed and let sleep claim me.

  I walked over to the queen to say goodnight. She was sitting with Mira and Isla, and she had that pregnancy glow I’d heard so much about. I swore her body had filled out more in the afternoon, and even her baby bump was more pronounced. This both made me happy and exhausted me at the same time. I had so much work to do, so much to prepare for before my children came into this world.

  “I come to bid you goodnight,” I said as I approached the table with George at my side.

  “Are you retiring so soon?” Nerissa asked with a concerned look.

  “No need to be worried,” I assured her, “I am just tired from today’s events, and I want to check in on Talise before I turn in.”

  “I understand that,” she smiled, “you have had quite a lot to come to terms with today. We will miss your company, but it is probably best that you get some sleep.”

  “Thank you, my queen,” I said as I pulled her into a hug. I kissed her gently before I got on my knees to say goodnight to my unborn child. Then I stood and turned to the queen’s sister.

  Mira gave me a small smile, and a slight blush came to her cheeks as I pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I wanted you to win,” I whispered in her ear, “I look forward to you being all healed.”

  “Better get your rest, you scoundrel,” she said with a grin and blushed even more.

  “Ditto,” I simply replied as I kissed her on the head and hugged her again. Then I said goodnight to Isla and headed to Talise’s hut with George by my side.

  We walked in a comfortable silence, even though my head was overflowing with questions for the water dragon. I wanted to know about everything, from the weird dream, to my change in appearance, and what it all meant.

  “Be calm, Ben,” Ladonis told me in his ancient voice. “We will discuss all of this after you have rested. Your body has gone through a great change. You have taken dragon essence into you and, in a sense, have become part dragon. It is a blessing, but it will be trying these first few days until you adjust to the demands on you body.”

  “I am part dragon now?” I asked. “I mean, I guess I could have figured that out on my own, but hearing you say it, well, I don’t know if I am going to throw up, pass out, freak out, or jump for joy. Especially because I don’t even know what the hell that means.”

>   “I ask you to trust me, dear one. I know that is not easy, but you are in no condition to take this all in tonight. Most beings sleep for hours after bonding. You passed out for a very brief time, but that can hardly be considered sleep. I worry about fatiguing you too much.”

  “Fine,” I relented with a yawn. “It’s probably best. I’m not sure how much I will retain tonight, anyway.”

  We grew quiet again as we approached Talise’s hut, and I knocked gently as I opened the door. Talise was sleeping peacefully, while Careen sat near the bed and worked on some sewing.

  The pixie healer smiled and looked up as George and I walked in the door, but her smile was immediately replaced by a look of shock when she took in my appearance. She jumped to her feet and rushed to my side. Then she reached out a shaky hand to touch me but quickly yanked it back.

  “What happened to you?” she whispered with wide eyes, “Are--are you well?”

  “I’m okay,” I promised her, “I’ve just gone through some big changes today that George promises to explain to me tomorrow, but apparently I am part dragon now.”

  “You’re what?” she asked dumbfounded.

  “I guess dragon-kin is the better description,” I offered, “like the rest of you.”

  “The rest of us don’t glow like you do,” she stated.

  “The glow will fade with rest,” Ladonis said before I could even wonder what the woman was talking about.

  “Apparently, the shiny stuff will go away after I get some solid rest,” I told the pixie healer with a sigh.

  “Alright…” Careen said, but her frown still showed some concern. “Are you in any pain or anything?”

  “Just a headache and some muscle pain,” I said gently, “but it isn’t unbearable.”

  “Would you like something to help with that?” she asked, but I could see the worry in her eyes was quickly being replaced by raw hunger as she continued to stare at my new body. “I can also give you something to help you sleep, if you’d like.”

  At least this adorable healer asked permission to drug me.

  I glanced at the water dragon to see if he had any thoughts about it.

  “Take the medicine and rest soundly,” Ladonis encouraged. “It won’t be as potent to you now, but it will still ease the headache and the transition to sleep.”

  I nodded to both the dragon and Careen. I was ready to sleep.

  Soon, Careen brought me a cup of herbal tea that smelled of honey, mint, and chamomile, but I knew there was more to it than just that. I smiled at her and accepted the cup gladly. She proceeded to remove my soft boots and vest while I sipped on the tea, and I just went with it. I’d learned not to argue with these stubborn healer women. She then walked to the fireplace and grabbed a clay jar that had been sitting on the wooden mantle. Inside it was warm oil that smelled like lavender, and Careen used it to rub all the tension and knots out of my neck and shoulders, all the way up to my temples and forehead.

  She’d known exactly what I needed.

  “How is she?” I managed to mumble as I finished my tea. My eyes drifted toward the sleeping figure of Talise on the bed, and I furrowed my brow in concern.

  “She is much better,” Careen replied, “no more nausea or vomiting, and she is resting soundly. Your child in her womb also sounds good, so all is well.”

  I nodded my head to let her know I’d heard and then swallowed the last bit of tea in my cup. I must have dozed off there for a second, because the next thing I knew, Careen was taking the cup from my hand and was there to help me stand up.

  “Come Ben, I have pulled back the blankets for you.”

  I followed her over to the bed and saw George had curled up on his nest by the fire, but he watched me out of one slightly opened eye as if to make sure I wasn’t going to get too far away from him. He stretched and yawned when I sat down on the bed and then curled up into a dragon ball now that he was confident I wasn’t going to leave his sight.

  I laid back in the bed and let Careen pull the covers over me. I was in a delightfully sleepy fog and was most agreeable to the attention.

  “Sleep well, Ben,” Careen whispered. Then she extinguished all the candles before she walked out of the hut.

  I sure owed that woman for all she’d done. I was going to have to work doing something special for her into my crazy ass schedule.

  I reached over and pulled Talise tight to me as I spooned her from behind. I nuzzled her neck just to get a hint of that sweet, comforting smell that was all her own and started to drift off. Then I felt her reach up and touch my face, so I opened my eyes to see a big smile on her face.

  “Draco Rex,” she whispered and fell right back to sleep.

  I blinked in shock as her soft snores started to fill the hut.

  Draco Rex? My Latin might be rusty, but I was pretty sure she’d just called me Dragon King.

  Holy fuck.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I woke up to a snuffling sound right by my ear, and I opened my eyes to see George staring intently at me and practically doing the pee-pee dance. I guessed the little guy couldn’t hold it anymore.

  “Alright, hold on, hold on,” I chuckled quietly as I pulled on the soft shoes and one of the shirts Talise kept in her hut for me. Once dressed, I stumbled sleepily out of the hut with George hot on my heels.

  But then I slammed to a stop barely two feet out the door.

  The sun was just peeking out over the horizon, and for a moment, I was taken aback by the brilliance of it.

  Then I looked down and saw the scales on my forearms, and memories of last night hit me like a goddamn freight train.

  “Holy shit,” I gasped as my heart pounded in my ears. “That really fucking happened.

  George whined impatiently behind me, and then he shoved my legs to the side before he darted off into some nearby scrub brush to relieve himself.

  I shook my head numbly at him before I turned back to take in this new world.

  It was a sight to see with this new enhanced vision I now had. I could pick out the different shades of orange and yellow that composed the sun, and all the shades of pink, purple, and blue that the light made when it broke the atmosphere. I could see seagulls and other birds soaring miles out to sea, and the ocean was made of a thousand different shades of blue. It was breathtaking, and I didn’t know if I was ever going to get used to it.

  “Well, Ben,” I muttered to myself, “there’s no going back now.”

  And I was more than okay with that.

  I was a fucking kick ass dragon-warrior now, after all.

  George rustled out of the bushes where he had relieved himself, and the small dragon shuffled up to me with a pleased hum.

  “Hey, buddy,” I smiled and crouched down so I was at eye level with him, “feel better?”

  “Yes, much!” he exclaimed as his tongue lolled out of his maw.

  I was distracted for a moment when the sunlight glinted off his scales and cast a million rainbows in my eyes, and the brilliancy reminded me of something.

  Well, lots of somethings.

  “Great,” I told the dragon. “Now that we are both more awake and alert, how about we get to those questions I had last night. Is Ladonis around?”

  It felt like a ridiculous question to ask, but I wasn’t sure if or when or how the ancient telepathic dragon came and went. I was sort of new to this magic shit.

  George flashed his fangs in the draconic equivalent of a smile.

  “Nope!” he replied happily.

  I blinked in shock. “No… he’s not around?”

  “No, Ben,” the young dragon snickered, “no, it’s not time for questions.”

  “Oh, I think it is,” I argued. “I have a million and one questions, and Ladonis said he would answer them after I got some rest. Well, I’m rested, so it’s answer time.”

  “Nope,” the dragon repeated in his childish voice, “not yet. Not here.”

  “Not here?” I echoed with a frown. “Then where--”
br />   Before I could finish my question, the dragon let out a snort, turned tail, and took off into the village.

  “George!” I called out after him. “Where the--ah hell.”

  I grumbled under my breath and sprinted after my wayward dragon.

  As I chased George through the village and darted past huts and waking women alike, I realized I was running much faster than I should have been. My feet were a blur across the ground, and my long legs ate up the distance like nothing. More than that, I wasn’t even breathing hard. It was like I was taking a leisurely stroll instead of running balls to the wall after a mischievous dragonling.

  “So fucking cool.” I grinned and poured on more speed.

  I chased George out of the village and toward the jungle. I felt a moment of hesitation going into the trees without a weapon, but with as fast as I was running, I could easily outpace a boar two times over. So, I charged headlong into the treeline after him.

  I was going to like being part dragon.

  I eventually followed George to a lagoon nestled deep in the interior of the island. I’d seen it in passing while I’d been out hunting, but had never taken the time to stop and check it out. It was surrounded by all kinds of plants, some I recognized from seeing them hanging in Talise’s hut, but I didn’t know the names of them. The water was so clear, I could see over what looked like ten feet down into the depths of the pool, and the beautiful scene was completed by a waterfall at the opposite end from where we’d approached the lagoon. It only stood about fifteen feet high, and the water seemed lazy as it slowly poured over the edge and into the surrounding pool.

  “Beat you,” George said smugly as he waited along the edge of the lagoon. His copper eyes glinted happily, and his tail wagged behind him in the sand like a dog’s.

  “Yeah, well you had an illegal false start,” I laughed, “plus two extra legs! But I almost had you. Which was incredible. I’m so fucking fast now!”

  I laughed and jogged in place, and my heart was basically at a resting pulse.

  I came to a stop after a moment, and then I pointed my finger at the dragon.

  “Alright, you’ve had your fun,” I admonished gently. “Now, I need to speak to Ladonis.”


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