Charger (The Protectors Series) Book #16

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Charger (The Protectors Series) Book #16 Page 8

by Teresa Gabelman

  “Raven, you should know me better than that. I would never think of you as a traitor. I shouldn’t have said that,” Wyatt answered, looking sincere, and she knew he was.

  “No sweat.” Raven shrugged, then gave him a narrowed, teasing glare. “Don’t let it happen again. Seriously, I thought everyone knew. How is it you’re just finding out?”

  “A unit in New York was having issues, and a friend of mine called me up there to help out,” Wyatt replied with a frown. “Looks like you aren’t the only one going with the Warriors. The New York unit is in talks of combining their team with the VC chapter up there.”

  “I’ve heard about other units doing the same thing,” Raven added with a sigh.

  “Makes sense. Probably should have done it a long time ago. Sloan Murphy and his Warriors are straight-up badasses. Never met him, but I’ve heard he’s fair, but a hard-ass.”

  Raven laughed. “Yeah, you could definitely say that.”

  “So, how did Charger take you leaving?” Wyatt cocked an eyebrow, glancing at something behind her before looking back at her.

  Raven looked over her shoulder to see Charger talking to a few guys, but his eyes were on her and Wyatt. Their gazes met and she was the first to look away. “Fine.”

  “Bullshit.” Wyatt chuckled. “I know Charger, and whether he said it or not, he did not want to lose one of his best Guardians to the Warriors. You think he will combine with them?”

  “I seriously doubt that,” Raven answered with a shake of her head. “Too much testosterone between him and Sloan. Charger doesn’t take orders, and Sloan sure as hell gives them. Not a good fit. What about you? You think you’ll join forces with the VC?”

  “Been thinking about it.” Wyatt smirked, but his eyes weren’t on her. Finally, his gaze came back into focus on Raven. “I think it’s a benefit for both, but there are also downfalls. We’ve been a separate entity for so long, it will take a lot of compromising to make it work.”

  “I think both the VC and Guardians would benefit from a merge.” Raven nodded in agreement. “I’ll be doing my initiation into the VC as soon as I get the green light. I’m hoping to be ready for the one coming up soon.”

  “They started that again?” Wyatt looked surprised. “I didn’t think they would after what happened from the last one. A lot of Warriors died that day.”

  Raven, unfortunately, remembered that all too well. An enemy had hired men to stake out the area surrounding the field where the trainee Warriors came in after completing the initiation. Using silver bullets, Warriors were picked off before the bastards were taken out. Raven, as well as a lot of the Guardians mourned along with the Warriors. Even though they fought different evils, they did it for the same reasons. To keep the innocents safe. “Yeah, I was a little surprised myself, but this one will be the first since that day.”

  The deejay announced that it was time for the bride-and-groom dance. He said something else, but Raven didn’t pay attention.

  “Yeah, well, just watch your ass. I’ve heard it’s intense and potentially deadly for trainees,” Wyatt said in concern. “They don’t play.”

  “Yeah, well, neither do I,” she replied, then tilted her head. “Are you worried about little old me?”

  “What was I thinking, right?” Wyatt laughed, shaking his head. “I think you’re needed at the dance floor.”

  Raven frowned, looking over her shoulder. “I really don’t want to put those shoes back on.”

  “Then don’t.” Wyatt looked down at her feet. “No one will ever know. They’ll be too busy looking at how beautiful you are in that dress.”

  “You need to save those pretty words for someone who believes them.” Raven rolled her eyes, then gasped when the disc jockey called the bridal party out onto the dance floor. “What did he just say?”

  “You’re to join the bride and groom on the dance floor.” Wyatt repeated what the disc jockey just announced. “Have you never been to a wedding?”

  “I mean, yeah, once. A long time ago. Very long time ago.” Raven felt panicked. “Who am I dancing with? Please don’t say the best man.”

  “The best man,” Wyatt said, then sighed. “Damn, so it is true. You and Charger.”

  “What? No!” Raven shook her head, her eyes wide. Then she snorted, still shaking her head. “What?”

  Wyatt laughed at her response and pulled her into his arms. “Just my luck, I should have acted sooner. At least it’s not Kane.” He gave her a tight squeeze before looking down into her confused face. “Go do your maid of honor duties, Raven.”

  Looking into his eyes, she actually wanted to feel something for him. Why couldn’t it be Wyatt who she was in love with, dammit? She always had a feeling he was into her, but now it was a proven fact by his own words.

  “Charger,” Wyatt said as he slowly let her go.

  “Huh?” Raven frowned up at him.

  “Wyatt.” Charger’s voice made her jump. She turned so fast it made her dizzy. Charger stood directly behind her, his eyes dark as they stared… glared at Wyatt. He was so damn handsome when he was all serious, and in a tux, he sent all her womanly parts into a frenzy. Holy shit, she was going insane. And where in the fuck did womanly parts come from? She never thought or talked like that. Yep, she was going insane. No other explanation for it. He finally looked down at her, took her hand, and led her away from Wyatt without a word, leading her onto the dance floor.

  Charger took her into his arms, and she realized this was what heaven felt like. She would cut out her own tongue and cut off her lips before she ever admitted that outside of her thoughts, but hot damn, his body was hard muscle and strength that made her legs week. And he smelled so good; it was a familiar smell. His smell.

  “Where’s your shoes?” They were so close his breath moved the wisps of her hair, tickling her face. She realized she hadn’t been this close to him since that night so long ago. That thought made her stomach clench with the memory of her humiliation.

  “Hopefully in the garbage,” she whispered and knew he heard her when he chuckled.

  As they continued their dance, she had to keep her moan silent when he held her tighter. For just a moment, she shut off all thoughts, good and bad, so she could enjoy this fleeting moment of being in his arms. God, she was pathetic, but she would deal with her emotions later, once she was no longer in his arms.

  Chapter 11

  All night, Charger had been fighting a raging war within himself. For so long his mind had told his body that Raven was off-limits. He had told himself and even Kane it was because of Jared, but that was a lie. He did respect Jared, but deep down, he knew that wasn’t the real reason he kept his distance, and, in all honesty, Jared or no one else would keep him away from Raven.

  When he’d seen her walking down the aisle looking lost, alone, and so vulnerable, it had sent him into a protective mode he’d never felt before. Charger had seen Raven in seriously dangerous situations, had feared for her safety like he would any other comrade, but knew she could handle herself. She was one of the best Guardians he had ever worked with. Dependable when it mattered, she was loyal to a fault and could take care of herself. Never once had he seen her vulnerable… until today, and it totally shocked him how much that really bothered him.

  Her beauty was unmatched in his eyes, but there was so much more to Raven than her beauty. Though Charger had spent hundreds of cold showers pleasuring himself with thoughts of Raven, not once had he left that shower feeling satisfied. He knew that many thought, Raven included, he had plenty of women, but in truth, he hadn’t, at least not since Raven came into his life. Yes, he had been with some, but only to try to erase her from his mind. He would find his pleasure for a short time, make sure the woman found hers, and then he was gone, feeling even more empty. This last year that had been harder for him to do, which explained why he had been walking around all night fighting to hide the hard-on he couldn’t control.

  In fact, the reason why he left Raven half-naked in his bed
the night everything changed had nothing to do with who her father was, absolutely nothing to do with Raven, but it did have everything to do with himself. And in turn, he had all but pushed her into the arms of another man. Charger had many regrets, but the one that ate at him daily was Val. Even though he wanted to kill the bastard, Charger knew he was totally at fault for the relationship that had developed between the two. He couldn’t fault either of them for his doing, but he sure as fuck blamed Val when he shouldn’t have.

  The real reason Charger never killed Val was that he knew for a fact he himself was no good for her. He was tainted. The things he had done in his past made him unsuitable for someone as pure as Raven. She was an innocent in so many ways that Charger wasn’t. He always felt she deserved better. Hell, she did deserve better. Maybe it was because of the time he had devoted to God that made him feel this way, but in truth, his sins were many, and he cared enough about her that he couldn’t bear for her to see the real him. There were times it was hard for him to see his real self when looking into a mirror.

  There, he admitted it. Maybe not out loud or to anyone, but at least he admitted it to himself. He didn’t deserve her. Didn’t then and didn’t now. And yet, today changed everything. No man alive could protect her from that vulnerability that he saw from her but him. No one. How fucked up was that? He wondered if that was his excuse to give himself the go-ahead and have her. Fuck, he was a son of a bitch.

  Charger stood with other Guardians who were talking, but his own thoughts were keeping him silent. He grabbed a shot Kane handed him from the open bar and downed it, then waved the bartender over for another. His eyes found Raven sitting with Tracy; her animated gestures made him smile. Raven could always do that, make him smile. Even when she was pissed off, her wit and ability to go toe to toe with anyone amused him. His gaze drifted down to her breasts that pushed against the material of the lavender gown as if wanting to burst free. He shifted himself as his cock pulsed, averting his gaze.

  Putting the shot glass down, he started to head Raven’s way but stopped when Wyatt sat down in the chair Tracy had just vacated. Anger filled him quickly as he turned away to get another shot. Fucking Wyatt Parker was a good guy, dammit. Charger actually liked him a lot and called him a close friend. He knew Wyatt had a thing for Raven, but not because he actually said it. No, Wyatt didn’t have to. He always asked about Raven whenever she wasn’t around. So many times, Charger wanted to tell Wyatt that Raven was off-limits, but he never did.

  Grabbing the shot, he watched the two talk with a seriousness that made him very curious, then they laughed as they stood up. The deejay called for the bride and groom to hit the dance floor, and Charger knew what was coming. He would be dancing with Raven very soon, something he had been looking forward to all night, and he’d be damned if Wyatt ruined that for him. As soon as the deejay called for the bridal party, he made his move.

  “Charger,” Wyatt said with a smirk.

  “Huh?” Charger heard Raven say but continued to stare at Wyatt.

  “Wyatt,” Charger replied, hoping that the man read the meaning behind his tone and glare.

  Charger didn’t wait for Wyatt to say anything else; instead, he gripped her hand and led her onto the dance floor. Turning, he pulled her to him, noticing she didn’t have her shoes on. “Where’s your shoes?”

  “Hopefully in the garbage,” she whispered, but he heard her and chuckled.

  Even though he chuckled, he hoped that wasn’t true, because one day in the near future, he had plans for her and those high heels. Having her in his arms felt right, and if he was honest, there had been other times being with Raven under different circumstances felt right, and yet he’d ignored every single moment.

  He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, cursed to himself, and ignored it. He held Raven close, feeling the softness of her body and curves he wanted to memorize with his hands, mouth, and body. She was perfect in his eyes, always had been and always would be. He just needed to adjust his mindset and realize that maybe there was some part of her life where he could belong without bringing her down.

  She said something, but he was so lost in the feeling of her that he missed what she said. “What?” He leaned closer.

  “You going to answer that?” She pulled away slightly to look up at him.

  “Fuck no,” he answered without hesitation before pulling her closer. She shivered in his arms, and he frowned. “Are you cold?”

  “No,” she answered after a few seconds.

  Charger couldn’t help the large smile that spread slowly across his face. Her answer told him that she was affected by him also. The knowledge sent a thrill through his body. Doubt had filled him that maybe he was too late where Raven was concerned, but her reaction to him eased that doubt somewhat. He knew he had caused some damage with his actions toward her, but he planned on fixing that anyway he could.

  The song ended, but Charger didn’t let her go and she didn’t try to pull away. Instead, they continued to move as if the music still played. He glanced at the deejay who stared at them, then gave Charger a knowing grin as well as a thumbs-up. Another slow song began to play, and Charger made a note to tip that fucker real good. More couples made their way to the floor, but Charger and Raven were oblivious to them, actually to everything around them.

  “You’re a good dancer,” she mumbled against his shoulder.

  “I’ve danced a few dances in my life.” Charger couldn’t get over how good she smelled. The scent of fresh flowers from her hair reached his senses. It was odd he even noticed the smell of her hair, but he did. “You aren’t too bad yourself.”

  “Unlike you, this is the first time,” Raven replied, still not moving her head from his shoulder. “And you are such a liar because I’ve stepped on your foot more than once.”

  “Raven, you could stand on my feet for all I care.” Charger grinned. This time she looked up to stare into his eyes. He saw the confusion reflected in hers.

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” She frowned, then bit her lips, tugging both between her teeth as if regretting asking that question.

  Charger felt like he’d been hit in the gut with a two by four. Had he really been that terrible to her that she needed to ask him why he was being nice? Fuck, he really did a good job of keeping her at bay if just a comment of her standing on his feet caused any kind of paranoia inside her mind.

  His phone buzzed again in his pocket before he could answer her question. She tried to push away from him, but he held her tight. He didn’t really know how to answer her question except to say, “I’m sorry.”

  Her brow creased in confusion. “For what?”

  “For being such a bastard that you had to ask me that question,” Charger replied, then cursed when his phone buzzed again.

  “You really should answer that.” Raven, again, tried to push away, but Charger stopped her.

  “It can wait.” He held her close as they continued to dance. “There aren’t many times that we get to enjoy ourselves, and I’m really enjoying myself.”

  Raven gave him a small smile. “So am I.” She laughed. “Go figure, huh?”

  Enjoying the small talk, he continued. “For never dancing before, you really are a good dancer.”

  “Oh, I’ve danced before, but never slow danced with a man,” she admitted, then gave him a teasing grin. “But give me a fast song and I can tear it up on the dance floor.”

  “Yeah, that’s not my strong suit, so I’ll leave the tearing up the dance floor to you, and I’ll just stand back and observe,” he teased, but in truth, he really wanted a fast song to play next, so from a short distance, he could watch her move her body.

  “Charger McNeil admitting he isn’t good at something.” Raven rolled her eyes, being the smartass he appreciated so much. “The world must be ending.”

  “You best watch yourself. If challenged, I won’t be able to stop myself from becoming better than you, even if it means taking professional lessons.” Charger cocked his
eyebrow at her. “Careful on the gauntlets you throw in front of me.”

  Charger knew the song was ending and took these last seconds to hold her against him, memorizing the feel of her body. Sure enough, the song ended way too soon. This time he let her push away from him.

  She tiptoed to whisper in his ear, “You’re not a bastard.” Before he could reply, his phone rang once again. They stood staring at each other for a short second before she nodded toward his pocket. “You really need to answer that.”

  She walked away back toward her table, but before she left, she turned and smiled at him just as he dug for his phone to answer. “What?”

  “Get out!” Daniel’s voice shouted from the other end.

  “Daniel?” Charger was still watching Raven walk away just as Tracy took her by the arm to dance to a fast song.

  “Get the hell out of there now!” Daniel screamed the order, his voice panicked.

  Charger’s body tensed hearing the warning in Daniel’s voice as he looked around in confusion. Suddenly, Daniel’s words from earlier came back to him.

  “Fuck!” His gaze went straight toward Raven, who was laughing as she danced with the crowd. As soon as their eyes met, a loud boom split the air, just as he heard Raven scream his name.

  Charger was blown off his feet. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Debris flew with him, hitting every part of his body. Even as his body took a beating, his eyes searched for Raven, but all he saw was destruction as screams filled the air. Charger didn’t fear death; however, Raven’s death terrified him. Something hard hit him from the side just as his body slammed to the ground. An eerie silence followed the pain clawing at his body just as darkness overwhelmed his sight.


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